Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
Book your tools for most of you.
Yes, we go way back.
It's amazing.
I've been here many times and so some of you are very old friends of mine, I guess you haven't aged, I have but it's wonderful.
The year, Sarah blessing, it's a blessing to be agent in the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament and so I don't have a problem with a Old Testament cuz old is better anyhow.
But and so honestly this it that's the people you are on earth.
The Lord says honor your your your Saucony, your agent, your elders.
And so it turns 55, so I guess now I can get the discount.
I haven't found a discount yet but I'm so we go way back, I guess here.
I'm going to take a sip and now I feel like a weight.
If I stand with a bottle in my hand I'll be like tonight.
How many years do you know, who were talking about Joy, prior, how many of you are?
Not sure if we were talking about that is great to have new.
How many people are new to this place?
Okay good.
So we have some visitors and some Prince and Prince wonderful.
How many if you listen to the Bible project?
Okay, wonderful.
Yes you can say, it's interesting to see what your background is and where you're coming from.
For some of you that don't really realize, they were talking about the Bible project has been, they've been reading through the Torah this past year.
That's a wonderful thing and we're going to attack you about the Torah.
Well, I'll guess I'll talk about a little bit later.
I want to get started on her because we have many things for spring many slides and too much to talk about but don't want to bless you with what we're going to discuss this morning.
I will start with a C. The simplest question, why the Torah?
And for most of you here you're already tuned and I come from ozren background and the lutherans Are the first ones to say hogali.
We're so glad to be done with the law and so I had serious issues with this whole thing of which require some I'm doing.
And I realized even as I'm speaking to you folks.
I'm also we're going to record this and other people be listening.
And like, why are you talking about this?
So I need to explain to people why I should say.
I am.
I am not a Messianic Jew.
I am a Christian who loves to understand the jewishness of Jesus.
I want more people to stay in their churches and be eager to learn rather than moving away into another fellowship.
Because why is the church lost its roots.
Do decades ago is like we haven't heard anything but not a lot of people have heard.
They have to keep sharing it with their friends and so I feel pretty strongly that I need to affirm being part of a traditional church so I don't want to step on toes.
I know a place where passions are high but he's a firm you in your walk and yet I want Christians to love their scriptures and know their lord much better through the scripture.
So I also give you my other caveat.
I use more standard terms like Jesus and Old Testament Hebrew Bible.
And I can say yes you are, but I'm not strong on there are certain words that are to die for and I will speak so that I can reach an audience of newcomers that one, no, understand more instead of shoot over their heads and talking Language that they don't understand.
So that's it, you're white.
Why does she do that?
She has a purpose.
She has a reason.
I really if we are calling is to be disciples, make disciples and to share the knowledge that we have been blessed with with others.
And you have to be able to speak their language and respect and not be angry with people were in a push, back on them before they even start, I'm sorry.
I'll just give you a little perspective to where I come from.
So please be patient.
If I don't use the words that you're used to it if I say Christ and Old Testament and Jesus and all of those traditional Christian words that are very, they are so precious and important, incredible words to us, even if other people have changed their vocabulary and always speak about Torah and apostles and scripture.
Okay, thanks for listening.
The Torah.
Even though.
I am a traditional Christian I and I am not tour observant and I have not gone down the path of aiming to.
We are not cold.
After X-15 the church said, Gentiles are not they're not required to observe the whole Torah and I said, okay and yet but yet we can learn Greek wisdom and the prophet Isaiah as But in the end, it shall come to pass in the latter days.
Many peoples will come.
And they will say, come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to the house of the god of Jacob that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his path.
So that's why we care.
We love to learn for out of Zion shall go forth book, turn off the light in the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
And so I am one of the many years.
Like okay, yay.
Let's hear more of the ways of the Lord.
and, I will also.
One more thing.
I was given some mints, can somebody bring my mints forever if you see mints there or you have your own mints and want to donate them, Okay.
Yeah, cough.
Drops that be good.
There we go.
There we go.
This is cough.
Drop donations.
I'm good to go now.
I'll be good.
Will edit this out.
I hope.
another basic, but important thing is that the word Pariah in Hebrew, in the Septuagint, they translated it as no most Greek law, but it is a bigger, wider word actually means instruction is, when you shoot an arrow, It means you you died and you Eames and you instruct try and it's more like teaching that it is the rules in angry sings.
The teaching of the Lord is his delight and he studies that teaching day and night that's someone Another the song is and that's the Jewish translation and that the Anar translation, it says, the law of the Lord, is his studies at law day and night.
And he knows my Lutheran background.
We're like, we want to be done with that.
No, this is why would it be your Delight?
What what about the ways of the Lord?
Don't you want to learn the ways of the Lord?
So yes, that's right.
I realize I'm speaking to the preaching to the choir here and we find in Proverbs 31.
She opens her mouth with wisdom and the turoff of kind of store is on her tongue.
So even though the noble wife, she speaks her own Toronto, she teaches for children, and and so if she's it's teaching when God teaches he wants it done and so in that sense it has the force of law.
I think I already have convinced you folks that are sitting here at least so, but I need to start with some very good news, that is going to come from a very strange Source, you think.
I'm just going straight to the Bible, I'm going to be one of this very surprising place.
From a popular book that came out.
Call Scott Dominion by Tom Holland, anybody heard of him, okay?
Yes he is a very liberal secular guy and he went to Oxford to you loves to write ancient history of the Romans and the Greeks in when he was a kid.
He grew up in the church in England, but he boy, he's like, much of the world is a, do you know, the Greeks and the Romans?
They were the ones that built Society.
They're so wonderful.
I love them so much.
And so he read all of these biographies of these Big fat books about Roman history but then he started noticing as he dug deeper and deeper into Greeks and Romans.
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