Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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Have you gone to our messages?
This morning Larry has read the passage of scripture was in the closing verses of the Season.
Let me remind you of the word or two about, it's called a church member or the memory of us can being a member of this church.
Additional charge or any other loan.
The truth does not establish you as a member of God's family, only salvation by faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Make sure you remember B party, which is the truth.
So what's important in this book of Ephesians?
She died.
And remember that Having learned of what you have in the book of Ephesians.
My prayer is that you will learn.
The fact is being a church member, is being a part of God's family accepting him as personal savior.
So it's important to understand that now in summer and fall cases is extremely important, truth about relationships.
Yes, you may do that.
Like, I was supposed to announce that today and that's another thing I Beginning.
Today, is that correct?
First Sunday of October?
We're going to start the process of passing the receptacles, I'll call them again to remind you of the back.
Not that you haven't been faithful, do it.
But sometimes having the physical reminder in front of you to remind you that you have until I check her out when you get here.
So we're going to do that.
I'm sorry to forget that.
Mike was supposed to announce that today.
Obviously I forgot, you know, once in a while we will always keep you in prayer and this is one of them.
I have that I don't always remember exactly what I'm supposed to do.
I can't see my notes very often so it's important for people like Mark to remind me.
So I appreciate that, you're upset because if we do need to get back to the routine and if you have injections that will make provision for you, not touching the handle to be offering receptacle and so on and so forth.
But this will be a physical reminder that this time to give you your tribe's now.
So anyway, let me get back to the subject.
The first point for us in this passage about relationships, is the importance of communication.
The importance of communication.
And we saw last time you in the picture of the armor of the warrior that the means of communication in place of a 2-way, walkie, talkies radio radio with prayer and Paul music.
The same thing.
Again, he says a prayer for each other warns of danger prayer for you to warns of danger.
That a Christian very often may fall into sin but not intentionally or going since 6:15.
Give us the picture of being overtaken.
Is a man, is overtaken in the fall.
And who is Eartha?
See somebody sneaking up behind If the other person, otherwise they wouldn't be, you would see them, but when they come up behind you and suddenly, you are texting, you don't see that.
But another person, that's why it's important that we communicate with each other and pray for each other for warmth that attack.
That's important.
It has not only with scaring the hiccups out of the fat that you saw.
Someone is the last Wednesday.
My brother-in-law Cruz.
Did he knew we could do that.
And it didn't scare me to stop the hiccups.
That was the purpose in that report you to go cab pickups.
And he was in bed that night and my grandmother was listening to this and think you wanted me to do something, maybe you'll get up glass of water.
Well, you have to understand my Grandad English humor kind of took over that point and he got up and my grandmother heard is rooting around in the pantry a little bit and then he came back without any head shops.
And he said that she said what did you do?
He said, I took some law.
I'm sure Sam that'll ruin your troll said stop makeups.
So, sometimes we just have to do what is necessary in order to warn of danger, in the case of fellow Christians.
Sometimes we have to pray for them.
We have communicated.
We're praying for you.
Be careful about this before your older taken with a fall.
That's the principal asking for prayer for those who are in public Ministry, he says that he makes people.
I don't picture but then he have any hesitation of speaking out and telling the truth.
What up man?
Are you did cuz you said pray for me that I might have boldness to speak.
That's important for everyone.
Even though we don't see it in others, we have to pray for the propagation of the truth of God's word amongst.
That's what we have to do.
We have to be given bones this week, especially those that are involved in public Ministry that they have bulbs to speak of or Nana is important.
Also known as the reality of earthquakes occur.
And we are on the earth and circumstances it is important.
You seen that and it's not something that I wanted it have to do with the fact that I can't see.
Anaheim death, for lack of a better term.
I am.
I more hearing and Visually Impaired.
I think that's the problem for the concern.
But, anyway, I communicate that.
Do you sure you will understand that?
I am Limited in my capacity to see things.
And remember things that's important.
It's important or what the limitations are.
She didn't ask the Lord, to felt over Kongos physical things because every one of us deals with certain aspects to every one of us were human.
Every one of us has to realize that we deal with those human predators and got over rules.
So, it's important to know that and I know that God has taken care of it.
And I think it's 6:27, he speaks of that in the back of the Lorry where they won't take time to read that again today.
But it's important to know the entire passage in conclusion, so to speak.
He speaks of these things in my turn images, notice that Paul mentions.
The fact that he's been changed.
I don't know where you've ever thought about this.
You're not in the letter, and he was Did the two Roman guards, he had it went to run on Garden Reno to Seoul.
He gave his information to someone who sat there and then took dictation we call it today.
It was called an amanuensis, but in the book of Galatians somehow he wrote Death Letter by himself, because there is no one to do it.
Paul was able to write and then Roman guard had to leave his hand little bit loose or the Falken do that.
Call Heather.
Like a big enough to be able to see because it was nearly blind because of being Stone in Lisbon ND.
AP language affect by God's grace, that we have to understand God, I expect a, yes, he does.
He doesn't like his grace and his real name.
Not my arms, that's what God does.
So it's important that we realize that all was an ambassador for Christ passion.
Derrick, Rose, 18 chapter.
What is it?
Now, all things are of God who has reconciled us to self fruit.
And has given us.
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