Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
Grab your bible this morning turn to Colossians chapter for Colossians chapter 4. We end up the book of Colossians today.
Talking, about some things, I was very important to all of us.
Paul is writing these letters.
Glaciers Visions, Philippians Colossians.
He's writing from prison, he's sharing with those outside of the Prison Walls.
How good God is to him.
If God has placed you in a spot like that, if God had put you inside Prison Walls, if you have been beaten for his name for his namesake in because you're sharing the gospel, a message, message to others, would you say that your God is good?
Would you be thankful for all that?
He has allowed you to go through?
Would you be upset with him?
Because he's things are happening.
Or would we have the attitude that Paul has?
You know what, I may be inside a Prison Walls, but that doesn't stop me from ministering to those around me. God wants us to minister, no matter where we are, no matter what's going on, he wants us to minister to those around us.
Even if we are on our deathbeds.
Think about that for a second.
What do you mean you want me to share the gospel with those?
I mean if your can breathe and you can talk and we had to be sharing the word of God.
We allow trials and tribulations are hardships that keep us from sharing these things.
Prayer involves a persevering will.
Prayer involves an alert.
Mine will that leaves a lot of us out, right?
Involves a grateful heart.
and I request should be made specific and be made related to Battle of the ministry.
God help me so I can help others God take care of my knees so I can help others in their needs and however God sees fit to do that.
I guess there was a big lottery drawing last night, I don't buy a ticket so I don't know who Juan enable interview in and 800 million dollars or something like that.
That's up to a billion.
Now, why better play now, huh?
How many people play?
Well, if I just win all that Lottery, make my problems would be over.
Now your problem probably just starting, right?
You'll have more family members and you knew you had, you'll end up with more friends than you ever thought.
And your kids and your grandkids get kidnapped.
That's the world we live in, sadly, isn't it?
So we need to have our prayers made for a specific purpose of specific reason related to the ministry that God has before us.
That doesn't mean I'm not saying that there's nothing wrong with having money, there's nothing wrong with having money.
As long as the money doesn't have you.
Paul was asking not for open prison doors.
But it was asking for an Open Door of ministry inside the prison.
God gave him that look at verses 2 through verse for Colossians chapter 4 will begin them will assume start with verse 1 says Master give you a bondservant, what is just and fair.
Knowing you also have a master in heaven.
A good lesson there for us to know how we treat.
Others is how we're going to be treated how we judge.
Others is saying, this is how we want to be judged as usually not true in our lives.
We don't want to be judged by the way, we judge others.
But that's what God says.
You will judge be judged with the same measure as you judge others.
Look at verse to continue earnestly in prayer.
Being vigilant in it with Thanksgiving.
It's not just a a prayer and we're done with it.
I prayed and God, you've heard it in a few.
Don't forget.
So, you know, knossos continue earnestly in prayer.
Don't give up.
Be vigilant, pay attention, looking looking at what's going on around.
You be vigilant in your prayers with Thanksgiving.
See, God does not always answer our prayers.
The way we want, isn't that true?
And for that we should be thankful.
Well know, if I'd be on a beach somewhere, Another you can't worship God on a beach somewhere.
God wants you to gather together with Believers were not so much for yourself before yourself but gather together as Believers for those around you to encourage them to build them up.
I share this in the early service, so I got to be equal and share this this morning with you.
We have a an election coming up in a couple of weeks, right?
What is God's will?
What if I think one person ought to be governor in New York?
And Chris thinks somebody else should be governor in New York.
Who's right?
And we're both larger will be done.
More complicated than that because I guarantee you, whoever you vote for, you think that's the person that it ought to be.
Are you going to be voting for him?
Who's right?
Does God split.
His will one way then the other four individuals or is there one way that God wants things to be done one way that it ought to take place?
9 Mi, no way saying that.
Any person that we vote for is perfect in God's eyes.
Neither, are you?
And I right?
David wasn't perfect.
But he was a man.
After God's Own Heart, even though there were several times in his life.
We see the difference between David and between saw David was always seeking God's will to be done.
Lord, how would you have me do this song was seeking?
His will to be done in the video?
This is why I am the king, do what I say.
And David was Lord.
I'm just a poor Shepherd boy.
What do you want me to do? Go kill Goliath.
I'll do that.
I'll do that.
How do you want me to do it this time because every time that David went in the battle, he sought God's guidance and Direction.
Lord, how would you have me going to battle this time?
What do you want me to do, babe.
It's all just did his own thing.
Saul just did it the way he wanted it to be done.
You forgot about God.
He wasn't being.
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