James 3 -- False Teachers

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Summary and Background of James, moving into James 3:, Doctrine of False Teacher

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Opening prayer. I'd really father. We thank you for this season, as we have quickly towards winter than days are getting shorter. The nights are getting longer, seems like we're on a downhill Sprint. Everything seems to be moving quicker and yet you have provided for us, the means and the opportunity to gather together. We might be able to study your word, find ourselves turning and focusing upon you upon your thinking about your light and your life that you provided for us. We thank you for all of this. And we all see my guide is today, as we study your word, Lord, that you might Quicken are thinking that you might enable our souls are Hearts. The core of thinking to understand what it is. We're reviewing and going through today. And that your word would be teaching us. We asked that we might be transferred. For Your Glory, that you would be proclaimed and exalted through all eternity because of the Magnificent work that you do in our midst, in our hearts and all the things we bring to you and we pray in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Right at the last second. Everything. Ostensibly started working.

Peers, like it is. So

two weeks ago, we return to the text of James chapter 3. And we begin looking at the context. Rather than jump straight in and begin to ice sujeet, the text. Whoops. Did anyone else catch that? I hear D chuckling back there. As it turns out.

Notice I didn't say exegete the text which is to take out from, what is there. But I said I suggest

And I suggest she is to be is to read into the text. What isn't there? Put into at what we want to see expect to see or are misinformed of that. We will see Rugs exegete. Name the, we pull from the text. That which is there. So exegesis. I have up on the screen is the interpretation of a word or passage particularly scripture by forming ideas based on what is in the text. And only what is in the text. So we want to find what is there and draw it out? I sujeet for eisegesis is the interpretation of a word or passage by reading into. It one's own idea to place or Force an idea on to the text.

now, if we are not aware of the contact, For the presuppositions that we bring to the text. That is exactly what we will do. Read into it. We will ice Ajit less. Biblically aware. You are the more unfamiliar you are with the Bible with scripture. The greater the presuppositions are that you bring to your reading or your study that aren't valid. The more you will ice, Angie For example. There are those who believe they think in their soul that there is no God. And so when they come to the bible to read through it, that is their perspective. What are these then? What what are these words? One of these books, what is it? They see in the text. They see the Museum of Man, pretending to be something. He is not talking about a guy that does not exist, pretty enough for creating a reason to be able to drive and Marshall people to move in the direction. They want them to move. They come up with all kinds of interesting Back stories, they decide that there was not one person who wrote Isaiah, three people who wrote that the books of Matthew and Luke and John we're not the original text Mark may have been closer to it, but they say there was a another writing out there somewhere that when everything else was copied from and based upon They come up with these ideas because they do not believe in God and they come up with these ideas because they do not believe in the Supernatural. It is not possible for there to be a supernatural. They say they're for the Miracles are not really Miracles. They are just illustrations, they are teachings throughout scripture.

Well, we come with the free supposition. That God is real that God is above all creation, he created it. Therefore there is a supernatural that which is above and beyond all of creation. And the spiritual life is a supernatural life because it comes from God exists. In God, was made available by God and cannot exist without God, that makes it Supernatural. The spiritual life, though. It be by Grace. Let's not fool ourselves. It is a supernatural event going on in our lives and our souls. So what we bring as a priest opposition will determine what we see in the text.

The best way to quickly. I Sergey to text and it's to the context neglect, the context of who wrote it, why it was written. What? The internal messages in Maddie pistol or book or gospel. Half the same eclectus, things just start reading it, right? And make it mean something, without first respecting The contacts. I want to mention that word respect for a moment, that is what our goal is. That is my goal as the pastor teacher, is to respect the Ducks. It doesn't matter what my opinion is. What matters is what the opinion of the text is, doesn't care. It doesn't matter what I think. On the matter, all you should care about is why God's word thinks about the matter. There's a conflict between me and my thoughts and my way of thinking and God's word. Then obviously there is only one true Way, only one, right thing? You should pay attention to.

So we don't ever want to I sajitha text. We always want to exegete and that is why we review what came before, what follows study Concepts in the passage examine language and grammar, make sure we are aware of culture or geography so that our ideas don't end up seeing what we see because our goal is to us, is to accurately, understand only, what is there in the text and the teach that

so, in terms of Jane, Chapter one.

Refugee James chapter 3. I skipped over it.

No, I won't play that cuz I will be confusing.

My flight says, John 3. My computer here says James 3, I'm not sure how the one isn't talking to the other. But okay, so we're going to go over a summary of what we have learned so far in the book of James. So two weeks ago, we read through chapter 3, to expose ourselves in general, to what the following context is from verse one, all the way through the end of the chapter, which is in general, the role of the word or words that come from our mouths. What we say matters, we reviewed the thesis statement of the book that James wrote to the very young Church to teach what to do as Believers were tested and tested in their Doctrine. So we came up with a theme Is divine, Viewpoint is tested Your Divine Viewpoint or your functioning in Bible. Doctrine is going to be tested James wrote to the very

Sorry, just won't leave my slides here.

Who James wrote the first book of the New Testament to be written. She looks very young Church to teach it what to do to deal with the test of Doctrine, and when Divine, Viewpoint is challenge. What then? And this game is set up for us, in verse verses 22, for the first chapter of James. So, we went through that Brethren count, it all joy. When you fall into various trials, knowing that the tasty, the testing of your faith which is I put in bracketeer, Bible Doctrine functioning in your soul, that is Faith produces patient, which is our Greek word, Hoople Monet. First four, but let patience have its perfect work, but you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. So that's the introduction. That's the theme that set up before us, we're going to have difficulties. We have trials, our divine Viewpoint perspective is going to be challenged and what do we do when it's Challenge? And that's what chapter one begins to set forth for us. Now, in terms of the organization of the Book of James, we were an organization

Is based on three ways of responding to the testing of divine Viewpoint. So the theme is what you do when Divine Viewpoint is tested in the organization. Is a response to that. So James is instructing the believer and how to respond to test in life. And there are three basic points of testing that are covered by James, the Apostle, and he will establish this for us or I should say, he does establish for this and verse 19. So here we are burst 19 of chapter one sold my beloved Brethren. Let every man be swift to hear slow to speak, slow to wrath. This is the organization, the book, three sections, the Swift to hear section the slow to speak section for the rest of it. We down here for you. This is our three-point outline for James, which he provided to us for the epistle. Be swift to hear.

Be slow to speak. I'm being slow to Wrath.

Switch to hear my pipe needed it together. Swift to hear what are the Swift to hear results. So the first thing we're to do in response to the challenge of Doctrine is be swift to hear. Interesting me. God created two ears and one mouth that lets us know immediately by the by the Let's call it the geometry of biology. You should listen twice as much as you talk. Now, I know many for whom that is not even close to the case, you would think they have 35 miles and half of an ear.

It happens. So in the context of being Swift to hear, we see the foaling who Swift to hear man or the one who is properly enduring Temptation. That is what the Swift to hear man is that's what we covered in the first two chapters. Here is some things about that. Swift to hear man, the person who is applying Doctor, Who one, who is listening to God, and let him a listening to God Drive, what he does in his in his life. First, the man who endures Temptation will be blessed happy Blessed. Happy. It's the same term that we see used in Psalm 1 blessed. Happy is the man who

So the man who is following the man who's walking in Divine Viewpoint, will be less than happy when we saw that. The man who endures temptation. Same spot. Same idea will receive the crown of life so Play listening, and applying Divine, and view point, you will be blessed happy. You will receive the crown of life that is when we get to Heaven, There is a special crown made available to those who listen to those who are Swift to hear the Swift to hear, Bunch or gang or crowd. Whatever you want to call, it will receive the Crown of Life. And then we see that the man who and doors which is the same as overcoming is a do word of the word and not a hero me that is when the word of God is. Heard they don't just hear it but they listen to it. We don't just listen to it but they do it. So, Swift to hear then means to be a doer of the word. Now, there's some theologians we need to go back over some of which we've learned via our Baraka relationship that we need to go and update along the way. One of those points that we need to update is the idea that the role of the Christian is to sit in the church church pew. And listen and be positive and volition. Yeah, I believe that. I believe that. Yeah, I believe that, you know, I'm not going to go with that but I believe that

I'm part of the idea, I actually gets linked into this concept of a right pasture teacher, which I'll tell you upfront, scripture doesn't teach that Concept in that way, anywhere. It's kind of a

extra bounce off of the

Bouncy toy of Life, I'll put it that way to get a little air. So it's actually created as fabricated completely out of the air. But is not something that is taught in scripture. This concept of a right pasture, the concept of foster is taught throughout scripture, the idea of a right pasture. That is you only have one Pastor or you know who your pastor is. And it's Are we feeding at Baraka? Which is what many people were taught. And many people believe that I talked recently to some people online who are in that very, same camp, I was chatting with them. What do you do in this day and age? With the issue of the right, Pastor? Oh, we absolutely defend it and believe it. And then this person told me, who the right Pastor was some person who lives way out in the Midwest and they live somewhere around here. I'm thinking well how does that fit in with the doctrine of queasy ology which means that you are involved with a church and the pastor that church is your pastor

To see people have been slicing and dicing scripture using it incorrectly for a while. And so we need to be careful when we need to go back and I don't want to assault your thinking and say you've been believing something that's wrong and let me kick the stool out from under yet. Let's just say I have questions about it and I'm I'm stating that publicly and then we're going to come back and we're going to study it. So you two can look at scripture with me and see if we're on the same page. That's fine. But my goal here is to teach what scripture says, not what someone says scripture says. Get the difference. Yeah, I'm supposed to teach what scripture says, there's a lot of people out there who have ideas about what's good for me is what it says. But I don't want to teach what other people say. It means it says, I want to teach what it actually does say. That is what is important? So the man who endures overcomes is a doer of the word, not here or only, that is a person who has functioning Bible Doctrine in their soul. What they have heard is Manifest in their life and their relationships and how they live their life. It is an out working, which is what worked hard and Romans chapter 12, verses 1 and 2 do not be conformed. Outwardly change by this world but instead be transformed. In your inner man. In that word, transform means to be changed in the very center core in such a way that it leaks out. You are to be leaky citizens of God's righteousness, of God's you pointed God's thinking and it should be leaking into every area and aspect of your life. You should be leaking everywhere.

What verse is, what?

Oh wow. Romans chapter 12. Verses 1 and 2.

so, the Overcomer or next point is the man who or the man who enjoyed yours is a person with functioning Bible Doctrine in their soul, Not just, they have agreed that the doctrine is true, but the Bible Doctrine is functioning in their life because the difference is the difference between a hearer as someone who hears, the word only versus a door. So we are employed by the Book of James do not be heroes, but to be doers Okay. So next

We're going to review are slow to speak. Reasons, getting back to chapter 3. Now, I'm James 3, we moved to this idea of the slow to speak section. So first, we had the Swift to hear and now we have the slow to speak. This is the second section of James in the, prior section of James, which is in chapters, 1 & 2. We concentrate on listening and learning and following the vine Viewpoint, the slow to speak section is based on the vine Viewpoint as well. Do you keep up with me as I'm saying Swift to hear?

I'm slow to speak. Make sure you're getting the right one. So the slow to speak selection which is the second section is based on Divine Viewpoint as well. The first section the Swift to hear section is all Divine Viewpoint, which we are to implement. The second section has Divine Viewpoint. We are to implement, but the in phosphorus does change. Go by way of contrast in the Swift to hear section of James. The emphasis is on listening and learning and showing the truth listening and learning results in doing. So if you're actually listening and learning, you will be doing Right. Listening and learning results in doing according to James. So, I'm not saying this James said this, I'm just summarizing what he has said. Now, there is no biblical admonition. Anywhere in scripture to listen and learn but do not do that doesn't exist. Nowhere in scripture, does it say, listen and learn but don't do. It says listen and learn for the purpose of doing always throughout scripture. It's always that way listen for the purpose of doing. So our second section by contrast, the first section of James Is.

You must slow to speak section. It is given to us.

In the same way as it was in the listen and learn section that is here is truth. Here is divine Viewpoint. Yes, hear this and learning, but the in phosphorus is on the doing the first section, the in Fosters was on listening and learning for the purpose of doing. Now, we're in a section where it's all about doing but there is listening and learning this happy in as well. We're told what to do, what to think, how things are what this is like. So we're told we were given truth. with the emphasis here is on what to do, how to do or emphasis has changed between Section 1 and section due to No, no.

The Dynamics of the spiritual life are no difference between Section 1 and section 2. They're not changing with the change of them forces from quick to hear to slow to speak spiritual Dynamics are still the same. The need for the filling by means of the spirit is the same. The filling with the word of God is the same, the living of the spiritual life, by Grace is the same. The subject matter has switched from functioning Bible Doctrine in the school. To Bible Doctrine live functions in the soul.

It's only a change in emphasis not a meeting. Let me read that to you again. I'm not trying to run something quickly by you that you're not going to grass. It's just a slight change in the wording. So the subject matter has switched from functioning Bible Doctrine in the soul. In chapters 1 & 2 to Bible Doctrine, the functions in the soul. In Chapter 3, The emphasis is change. Really is only thing that has changed is still about Bible. Doctrine is still about functioning, but in the first two chapters, the emphasis was on Bible Doctrine. MB third chapter, the emphasis is on the functioning of that Bible Doctrine, the viability of the spiritual life and James was going to, he's going to instruct us, there is no better way to see how viable your spiritual life is than to examine the fruit of your tongue. There's no better way. North, you don't talk much. Well.

Probably when your tongue is singing in your head would be what are you saying to yourself? So no, let's look at the history.

History of James. And the epistle. Cuz we returned to the text of John three, because we've been in Hebrews 11 for quite a while. Last week, it seemed helpful to go through the New Testament, history surrounding James himself and the timing of the writing of the Book of James. So, we did that last week in an immersive sense, reading through the actual history of James, ask them throughout the New Testament straight out of the Bible. And we looked in the gospels. We looked in the Acts of the Apostles and we looked at multiple Pauline Epistles, for history and references. There's quite a bit there. If you didn't know off the top of your head, you think so, too bad? We'll never know anything about James will wrong. We know quite a bit.

we also looked at the Contextual New Testament?

Examples that were given to us showing the presence of improperly motivated and Ungifted teaching that exist in the church for James chapter 3 verse 1 starts with an admonition in the reason for the admonition is it is given to us by James starting. Now in 3:1 my brethren, let not many of you become teachers.

But we shall receive a stricter judgement. Please give me a motivation for those people who are teaching, who shouldn't be teaching and how do you convince someone who's teaching? Who doesn't know enough to know that they shouldn't be teaching that they shouldn't be teaching? You let him know that there's a big judgment on teachers when they teach wrong.

That makes you want to step back from the both of the little bit that makes you want to throw a hand over your mouth rather than let the word slip out does that mean that words have judgments? Absolutely. And James is going to drive this point home. Now, from our historic studies in the Bible, last week, we saw that the gifting of teachers to the church was a high calling. There was equated to the apostles, the prophets, and the Evangelist, it's in the same wrist. Well the other guests moved around geographically, the pastor teacher was a permanent gift given to a congregation to grow them into all truth. So where there is an established congregation Our Lord would establish a pastor, a teacher. To grow those people in the congregation.

Teachings were wrong. We noticed and Acts chapter 15. That's Paul was called to invoke the Jerusalem Council among the apostles, the leaders of the Christian church in Jerusalem to see, people didn't know much about Paul. They knew he was out there though. There's some guy named Paul out in the wilderness, ministering to the disciples, I mean, ministering to the Gentiles and Paul had come here and then he had met with Peter Here, I Am. Lord. And the 12 disciple, the Lord taught me personally face-to-face in the wilderness and taught me these things. And Peter being the one to whom the Lord had revealed, but the Gentiles to were included in the blessings and provision of the church. And the church age was the one Apostle who would be most receptive and he received him he gave The right arm of Fellowship. That means he fully received him. He was extended the greatest brace in the acceptance of his position and is in his mission. But as Paul was out, again, teaching certain individuals from out, and about decided to come down and inject their thinking into his ministry, where he had been teaching they came in and says, oh, Paul got it wrong.

What are we having an ax 15:1 certain man came down from Judea and taught the Brethren unless you are circumcised. According to the custom of Moses, you cannot be safe. You guys are a bunch of running around here. You have been brought in to Judaism, you have to come to Judaism first and They were saying.

We also see down and first five of Acts chapter 15, but some of the sect of the Pharisees who believe rose up saying is necessary to circumcise, their command them to keep the law of Moses. So, Paul the end of these first group that we're coming in and trying to change his teachings, trying to assert a wrong teaching, over his correctly laid out, gospel message and

You see, the New Testament thing is this, you have to become a Jew for she have to proselytise and then you can be safe. So he goes up to Jerusalem on the way to Jerusalem. This was why we run into you. Some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up as he was moving up going from town to town stopping along the way, fellowshipping with Christians and some of those Christians are you guys are in the wrong. Necessary to circumcise and you don't know what you're talkin about Paul and the command them to keep the law of Moses.

Will you see as we made our way all the way through Acts chapter 15 last week we saw. But when I got to Jerusalem and they have the great Jerusalem Council, we're all the apostles and all the leaders came together. He gave his teaching and he worked it through and explain to everyone what it was that he was teaching

and everyone was silent and James, the leader of the assembly, the leader of the church in Jerusalem spoke up and he said, This is right? This is true. Go back and continue your ministry. Don't let anyone stop you. Just go ahead and do these things. Any listed for things so that they would not alienate the Jews along the way. So that they would be able to evangelize to Jews and evangelize with integrity and Paul was fine with that. He was a Jew after all he went to the Jew. First everywhere he went, he did not have a problem with the admonition in the, in the four commands. So we're going to see that the Paul calls out a similar scenario to Timothy and he charges him to handle the situation. Paul, lays out for us. Proper teaching versus wrong teaching Dimensions, right doctrine. That is Faith or the body of teaching, which becomes Bible Doctrine in the soul.

He mentioned that there are those who have strayed who have turned aside to idle talk and he says this and excruciatingly slow as if Paul is referencing the teaching of James which by this time, in the book, in the book of Acts in the history of the early church, James has sent out his epistle. In fact, you sent out as a pistol as we learned, right? Before the Jerusalem Council, because there's no mention of Jen in there at all. Gentiles are not accepted and included in the church mission until the Jerusalem Council. But at that point, from then, on throughout the Book of Acts, the Gentiles are included. So we see here that it seems anyways, Paul is either teaching that which was taught by the very same leader of the Lord, Jesus Christ, or you read some of the writings of James or probably both.

So the Strait of turned aside to idle talk and Paul references, the teaching of James in 1st, Timothy. And those desirous of being teachers, who have no understanding of the gifting of teaching We don't have understanding and they don't have gifting. So we see this in 1st Timothy, Chapter 1, Verse 232, so then we looked at vs57 last week so we'll dip into verse 3 this week.

The contacts in the details are relevant to what we are reviewing today, so, sorry, didn't burst three of 1st, Timothy Chapter 1. You when I went in to Macedonia remarrying, in Ephesus that you made charge some that they teach no other Doctrine.

So you noticed here that I have this outline, what's important here is that no other Doctrine in Timothy has been left behind for this purpose but he made sure she is to have an exercise authority to those people who would say that they are teachers are not teachers.

And you're trying to teach other Doctrine, which is why Paul had him stay behind because there were people teaching that which is wrong numbers for continues. On Nord fables and endless genealogies, which caused So the Greek sub all their fables and many of those, and some of the Jewish word with all kinds of endless genealogies and tracing back to who, and such and so, and trying to turn it into a mystical reality for your life, let's just call it the astrology of your ancestors. Okay. That's kind of what we're talkin about here. So and he says they're doing that rather than Godly edification. Which is in play. I want you to notice that in faith here. That's important because again, this is the same in faith that we have throughout. James chapter 2 and Hebrews chapter 11. Faith can be one of several things, the meetings to believe. And when something is in faith and you're doing it in accordance with the beliefs or you're doing it accordance with that, which is believed Which is the teachings. So you see, we don't just have faith in nothing. We have faith in the teachings, we have faith in Bible Doctrine, we have faith in the revealed word of God. We Trust in what God says, that is what faith is about. So, in this context, then he's talking about edification, which is in the thing doctrines, the teachings that he has left behind, which these people have departed from. You see, they've departed and gone after fables and endless genealogies. First Love from a pure heart, from a good conscience. And from again, that same phrase here, Sincere. Say that mean you have a sincere belief?

Words that mean you are sincere in believing the doctrine.

32 letter, b letter. Yes, we're believing something that is good but you have to know in this day and age. It's not about belief thought about faith. That's what you see on TV. That's what you see in the movies, it is, the great Trojan, Horse of our era in terms of Christianity, being kicked off the cliff and anything you want to Pagan or other cultural on anything from a different religion can be substituted because they told us over and over again. Even in the conservative news channels, they talk about their but they don't tell you, it's their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I saw the lighting of the Christmas tree on Fox news last week and they let it and they asked if people would have meant and several individual step forward and they say this to is speaking of that, which Christmas is all about my faith in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and coming to Die, For All Mankind and provide for their sins. And they said it. And it was wonderful because they actually said The Gospel Four than everyone else. A o and it is, it's a lost relative of our faith, like my faith as a Muslim, my faith, as a Christian Scientist. My faith has a Mormon or as a J Wall jdubs aren't going to be there around the Christmas tree bit. Fill in the blank. Play. It's not the issue. It's what you believe in that the issue. So whenever you're looking at faith in the New Testament, don't get stuck in the Trap of thinking. It's about believing. And having enough belief, I've got more belief in and he does, or she does lepers. It sure doesn't show very much for that person really believes what they say. It's not the issue, the issue is. What do you believe in? Cuz if you believe in the right thing, if you believe in the gospel, Jesus himself told us how much Faith does it take to be saved? Just a little bit more than nothing stays the size of a mustard seed, the smallest grain who is stored in the Jewish household me. When harvest, the grain they have, the mustard seeds were to the little teeny tiny, and you want to keep them away because they keep they have oils. And they have aromatic. They have certain benefits, which are there as long as you keep it in brain form. And then you pull out as much as you need, and when you squish it, And when you squish it, when you grind it, and all that oil gets ground together, with all the coloring that's there and you have those turmeric like qualities for anti-inflammatory, you do activity in your body and stuff like that, not to speak of the flavor of mustard. You get that all all but you got to store it as a see you today. Everyone have this in their household and he says, how much Faith does it? Take just a little bit more than the things. I M near me.

To Faith isn't about how much. What about the fervency of your face? It's about what your faith is in. What are you trusting in? In this case, the faith is in Bible Doctrine. Faith is in the teacher to the word for 6, from which some have strayed having turned aside idle talk. So they turned away from the Bible Doctrine. Turn to the idle talk, 47 Desiring to be teachers of the law.

We just saw it as a, of those people who desire to be, teachers of the law who were teaching that which is apostasy That which has nothing to do with God's word. He says these understand neither what they say, nor the things which they affirmed, they don't understand how were they qualified to be teachers when they don't even understand what they're saying. That is wrong.

So we have learned.

We should know the teachers were necessary and needed and more than we're gifted in teaching. Word. Gravitating to the office taken upon themselves, a burden of Destruction. Just tell Aaron to any who listened? To those who are without the gifting, or who were uneducated. Before the writing of the New Testament and while there were many who were saved, but we're not disappointed, we're not disciples. Sorry. There were reasons that men may have stepped up to teach. So we have evangelist traveling around, we have the apostles traveling around, we have prophets or travel around or a glorified teachers. When we have those who God plans to teach him to the assembly and there were a whole bunch of people who are many, it seems from what James tells us, you were wanting to be aspiring to be in an acting as if they were teachers. Why would people want to be teachers? Let me give you a few reasons, soft. Top of my head. Nothing scientific here. I didn't draw it all from scripture. I gave you a couple suggestions here. They

Besides idle talk, we learn that from 1st Timothy, these people turned aside to idle talk. What is Idle talk teaching? But is not relevant to scripture ideas and Concepts their Idol because they're empty. It's the same concept that we have in Ecclesiastes these soap, bubble moments ever had those conversations. Were you sitting to chat with someone for a while and you walked away and you think I got absolutely nothing cuz of that. Would like the Superbowl.

How's the Versailles used?

For soap, bubbles, Riedel, Taco. That's our that's her text and 1st Timothy 1:3.


So secondly, I noticed that it's a ego hates a vacuum. It can so easily insert itself. That's what ego wants to do. If there's a vacuum, it will fill it, it will gravitate to it. It doesn't matter how big the vacuum is, every Eagle is willing to take a, try to give a shot at it. So where there are teachers, there are plenty of individuals with a pride orientation in their sinful Soul willing to jump in the mix, jump into the teaching vacuum that they saw. Another interesting point is that courage and leading is based on knowledge of God and knowledge of God's word. Teaching is either based on Courage. That is setting for God's word or it is based on foolishness.

One, or the other. Either got something behind it or you don't. In which case you're engaged and foolishness in the vacuum, it seems many will listen. Some people don't really need. They don't have that much to say they just want a lot of people to hear it.

And we see that the spiritually need a newborn. And the immature Believers need milk like a baby. They are hungry. Talk about a vacuum, those little kids, they latch on and they create a force to be reckoned with. They want milk and milk cuz all they want, and there's nothing else they want the milk. And until you give it to him, the world is not right for them or for you. And when finally they get their milk, then everyone can rest. So there is a great need for those who are brand new Christians are on for those who haven't had a chance to be taught but they're hungry. And so there is a built-in listening audience. Those people need to be taught they want milk. Another idea here are not all who teach or who have listeners or followers or gifted to teach. You see that's part of the issue that we're having is it. There are many who were stepping up but not all of them had that gift in his we read last week. The gifting of the teacher is to the body of Christ by God. The father he has chosen out individuals with the gift of teaching that they might teach that they might equip the Saints for Ministry. Yes.

these are the common viewpoints that I hear from those who are in leadership about the majority of those who are rising up is

Yeah, it's really it's there's a dearth of preparation there. Many many individuals who think that they are called, but they have not prepared. We have an entire movement. I mentioned last week of 3500, + churches out there who their number one thing they say. In fact, almost all the mega churches in there spin-offs that you see within our culture. Number one thing they want. It's for none of their people to go to Seminary. None of their people to be trained. They have their own. They call them schools of ministry in which they, teach their own ideas of how to interpret scripture, but none of them learned, Greek. None of them learn Hebrew. None of them learn grammar. None of them have been taught. Systematic theology. And in most cases, they have not even been taught free Grace or dispensationalism.

So we have a dearth of teaching, we have many thousands of people that pulled his right now and I would say in some ways it's no different than the modernist Movement we had before they came through and raised up the Methodist. We have all these thousands of pastors out there who are congregation is insanely not teaching salvation, their teaching, a social gospel and what happens? When the Social Gospel is taught a great example, for us, is to look at China, which was under the English Empire. Or sometime to the 1800's up through the 1920s into the 1940s. And then they had the great revolt.

The great Revolt in many of those pastors from that era, including Donald grey, barnhouse one of my favorites to read from that era and they say this that the English system came in and they taught Christianity to all these Chinese individuals across the entire nation. They were taught the precepts of Christianity but they were not taught the gospel or thought to be saved. So you're trying to Kim Cole, Kate Christian thinking and all these people's minds and the result is an uprising Because they aren't born again. The yard save, these are not true. Things. They're trying to be put into a mold of Christianity, which Christianity is not a mold. Well, they can be kind of moldy people need to be saved and then they learn to study and then they are filled with Bible Doctrine with the Holy Spirit and they learn than to appreciate the teachings and then they have a reason to live in that way.

My bad.

Yeah, yeah. The same is true then of Our Generation. We have many people who are being taught to conform and so that's a lot of what this liberal wokeism is Racine. It's a response to this. Why should I conform to that? And there is no reason for them to conform to this thinking because they have not been born again. They don't understand it from the inside there. Also rejecting Divine institution Authority for the nation. So in that they will be judged and they are apostate as an unbeliever from the Divine institution, teaching the should be there, but that's a, that's another story. So then we we see the rabbis were engendered enormous respect in the Jewish Community, still are today. And these rabbis,

Corresponds in the New Testament Church to teachers teachers were the Christian version of rabbis to the Jewish Christian to a teacher or someone with enormous respect us, what Rabbi means, it means great one. Who's the greatest person in their society, know, for a society that wants to have a high level of Education? That is a great thing, as a great aspiration rightly done. But as we know, they weren't doing it rightly. So now your admonition and James 3:1 my brother and let not many of you become teachers know and that we shall receive a stricter judgment for the better translation that I showed you from James chapter 3, verse 1 in the net translation, not many of you should become teachers my brothers and sisters. Okay, strike the ancestors portion of it. There a little bit too excited here to get that in because, you know, so that we will be judged more strictly. Who's not talking about brothers and sisters because sisters did not teach and couldn't I teach. So that's a little bit Erin to put it in here in general. We know, the one is calling out or talking about a man when the man does this for, for every man, that is talking about all believers men and women. We generally know that. So this is unnecessary here but without that it's one of the best translation out there. So let me read it this way. Not many of you should become teachers my brothers because you know, that we will be judged more strictly.

it simply makes sense but because the misuse of the tongue by teachers, Can leave many others astray, they will be judged, more strictly, there is a close relationship in Jewish thought between the heart or mind in the tongue. We see that in Psalm 15 and Matthew 12. I'm barely even in the Apocrypha. Let me show you these places. So Psalm 15 verses 2 through 3.

He Who Walks uprightly? Groundworks righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart.

verse 3, he who does not

Backbite with his tongue nor does evil to his neighbor. Nor does he take up a reproach against his friend?

Now that everyone's warm, I'm going to keep it from sucking the oxygen out of the air so y'all feel like you have to pass out. So

So here in Psalm 15, we have that connection between the upright individual who works righteousness and the speaking of Truth. So in Jewish thinking this idea of speaking truth has to do with being right with God, and having a right view of things, we would call it Divine Viewpoint, the Old Testament, Divine Viewpoint will be reflected in the time and then he who does not back by the time nor does evil to his neighbor. Nor does he take up a reproach against his friend? Is the same. So the person who's not engaging in all of these sins of the tongue. We're being pulled is thinking rightly is processing Devine View. Matthew chapter 12. Verse 34 we have Christ speaking Bruno vipers. How can you be evil speak, good things for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks The Lord himself makes this connection and it starts to us this very fact, the whatever is in the core of your being. That is the central place of thinking of processing. It's going to come out of the mouth. so Jesus asserts that as fact, we can take it as such, I found interesting Lee in Ciroc, which is one of the Jewish books written Before the New Testament after the Old Testament before the New Testament, but it is not scripture. Just listen to what the Jews. Think in general, this is their cultural perspective when the refuse appears So a sieve is used to yeah basically to sift out everything, if your grind, your weeds are going to have fuss. So you won't, you don't want someone to get us through the back of the throat. So you still get out your poor, it through your work, it all out. So you have to find a material and you take and you dunk what's left over. That's this is talking about the refuse. What's rejected appears? So do a person's fault when he speaks So we see what is to be rejected. When you dump the Sith. Look for a person that happens when they speak verse five. The kilm test The Potter's vessels where you go to bake your clay and turn it into a ceramic stove. A test of a person is in his conversation.

Verse Exodus fruits discloses, the cultivation of a tree. You can tell how well a tree has been cultivated and cared for. So, a person's speech discloses, the cultivation of his mind. Oh my, how that is true.

We're Southern do not praise anyone before he speaks for, this is the way people are tested. Don't look over someone's resume, you're such a great person and I love everything, what you saw. This is so great. And then you talk to the person and you find out will the resume. They may have been a bit of a sham didn't really reflect what was really going on. I've interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people to fill jobs in my various positions, including my own business and it's in previewing what people will say and you'll ask them questions and they'll respond, but it's not until you have a conversation but, you know, the resumes a good way to filter out people so you can bring it down to a smaller Bunch. But then sometimes that resume brings in people that you really didn't want to have come in, because they are different than they appear to be.

So you can see that the cultivation of the mind of the teacher is Paramount, the teacher teaches others and so must be able to teach truth and not teach the error that is so common. The New Testament teacher is a faster and as such is to teach that which edifies or builds up nurturers, The congregation. So we saw this in 1st Timothy, 15 will read it, and then we'll come back to study when we come back. After the break, first Timothy repeating, what we saw before the purpose of The Commandments, his love, for my Pure Heart, from a good conscience and from sincere Fay and what is a commandment referred to in verse 5.

Which commandment is to teach. No other Doctrine.

Nor give heed to fables and endless genealogy, which caused the dispute, rather than Godly edification, which is in faith, or which is in the doctrine. so, the Commandment Tomorrow from a pure heart is a response to the teaching. It's a response to write teaching and we have wrong teaching that we don't get love from a pure heart or from a good conscious. So, we'll come back and pick it up from their review that and then Continue on in our second hour. What's the closing prayer? Totally father, we just thank you for this time of study. We thank you for the ability given to us to concentrate to take notes to think these things through not that we might just learn details and points, but that we might be changed that you might change us in your word has that Amelia amazing. Amazing capacity of being able to change us and conformist. The very person and nature of our Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ you make us like him. We pray you continue in that. We thank you for this break and we might rest in the Revitalize and prepare and bring it back, ready to study your word. Can you play the song Christ in me?

345 now I belong to Jesus.

Hey Jesus, my Lord was from him. He gave his life. Now I belonged

Not for the years of time. Once I was Jesus came down to bring me some know, I be long to hear. Now, I be long.

Joy floods. My soul for Jesus has saved me. Read me from seeing that long hair.

Is precious. Love.

no, I be long to hear now I belonged

but for eternity,

Thank You choir.

149 Blessed. Redeemer 149.

What caliber is facing Forest on Calvary Street?

Lime and honey.

Father, forgive them even while he is like a flood praying for see why the insides want. No one. But I'm so blessed, Redeemer.

104 centers, please.

Blind and I'm here trying for me if you don't know I just make it up when I'm doing oh how I love to have you around 4 and I'll turn my Praises ever find in through years on numbered on Heaven. Show my time show up for seems.


Line, and I'm here.

And dearly father, please forgive us for the sin of that him.

Lord, we thank you for this time and this opportunity to reflect and Worship the Lord in the free-will gift. Offering Lord, we understand that our purpose is to respond to your perfect Grace, recognize our effort, our means, but it's by your grace. So we need to reflect like, for like you have gifted us freely there for a week return and gifting to your purposes freely as well. We're not constrained by anything other than the desire to respond to your faithfulness to us. You've been faithful and providing Our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. You've been faithful in providing him as a perfect example of how to move from riches to poverty and yet end up in riches. Indeed. And so, we to Go from riches to property other than we've been born again and we fall in sin, but we can confess our sin and be restored to the Blessed Riches of Fellowship. We fix our eyes firmly on the Lord Jesus Christ. And I am response. We give these gifts and worship to him. Price, let me friend.

Kim 160 160.

Low in the grave, he lay.

A great healer from the Crave.


Jesus, my Lord. Wealth from the grave. He arose.

It is forever with it.

Is not eat is free.

Or the bars.

Pizza Hut smile.

I'm Delirious forever with you.

Amen, and amen.

Let's come to the father in prayer against early father. We just thank you for the time and opportunity. Lord to have a little bit of a defocusing and sugaring up in caffeinating. And now we move forward and study of your word, we asked for your presence, your guidance in each of our hearts mine. So old, we recognize that we need to confess to any known sin, but also all unknown sins to us might be cleansed and forgiven that we might be prepared for the ministry in the movie, work of your spirit amongst us. So we are praying for that activity right now that Paul talks about in a fusion5 that we might be filled by means of the spirit as your word comes to fill us in completed, we thank you and We Praise You In Christ Jesus name. Amen.

So we were looking back at 1st Timothy 15 where he tells us that the purpose of the Commandment Is Love from a pure heart, from a good conscience. And from sincere faith. Then what is the commandant referred to in verse 5? The Commandment is to teach no other Doctrine than what has been thought.

Don't want you to see and understand this contextually.

The purpose of a pure heart and it's fluoride, I have imported from what is before, what is referred back to buy this commandment know, the purpose of the Commandment? Right here. That's the question. What is commandant connivance. Here in current sadical? Display. The commandant just taken it from the previous verse that, they teach no other Doctrine. So that's what Paul was telling Timothy to Acton verse 312, I put you here about the 18th, no other Doctrine nor give heed to fables and then list eulogies, which caused us rather than Godly edification, which is in, they Build this love from a pure heart, from a good conscience. And from a sincere, faith comes from, correct. Proper right teaching, which Timothy was to be protecting us for the direction of the Apostle. Paul. Do teachers are to teach no other Doctrine, then the doctrine that the apostles taught the church, we are not to be inventors of Doctrine. There is no roll out there for teachers who invented Doctrine as they go. And someone needs to send a memo to all those Faith teachers. Weird charismatic wackadoodle movement that we have. where are many are being loaded, lettuce, spray and many are gauging and teaching, which will be to their own destruction as they stand before their true and living God and accountability. So now we come to the issue of what are false teachers we need to review the doctrine of false teachers. so, There's going to be a few things, we'll have a synopsis know. I'm going to have a few points along the way. You'll know that we have a category, because it'll be a red slide and then we'll have the blue slides with the text. And so, you'll see what the text are the belong to that category. So every time you see a red text, it's a new category and we got a number to work her way through. So we're going to basically look at the categories, go through the texts of them and then we'll come back and we'll do some theological treatment afterwards, but we got a bit of work to do here. So let's begin with our synopsis.

And in so doing lead, others astray?

They are to be distinguished from false prophets who are equally condemned in scripture and we should also distinguish Shepherds with your study in Ezekiel on Wednesday. Has provided opportunity for us to understand. The shepherds are references to the Kings of Israel, who are to lead, God's people and some do and some don't swear, we see shepherds in the Old Testament. That's a reference to Keynes and leaders. The New Testament. Tell we have a different take on Shepherd's, so don't get them confused. Don't think that your Old Testament Shepherd equates to your new testament Shepherd. It doesn't always. I don't think that your new testament Shepherd equates to your Old Testament Shepherd. It rarely does.

Just something I want to mention.

Just mention it off the cuff here. I won't put any note, I don't have any notes up, but I want to mention the category of teaching called apostasy apostasy means the

defection from the Revolt away from The faithless Mercer turning back from Biblical truth and we have words for it in the Old Testament and the New Testament. I don't have slides now but I'll bring some out in a future teaching. But I want to, I hadn't planned initially on putting this here, but I'm going through it. I just want to mention this for you, so the condition. Apostasy is a condition of an individual or a group who abandons established principles, truth and faithfulness. Apostasy is also a way of thinking the rejects Divine truth and accept. Doctrine.

The reason I bring this up is because false teachers are those who are engaged in a pasta. See, they are rejecting truth. Premier teaching that which is not true. As if it is true which is replacing Divine truth with falsity but at its heart it is a condition. Rubberband Dineen defecting from proof. That's what apostasy is. And anyone who abandons their defects from truth is engaging in some degree of apostasy know the big. A word apostasy is brought out quite a bit thrown around each other over the head with it many over the years including the church has labeled people with the big a on their forehead, a take them and burn them at the stake for being. So there's a lot of emotional connection with this word this word, apostasy, but the truth of the matter is, We all have areas of apostasy in our thinking. We all have areas of doctrine that we don't recognize that our perspective on that Doctrine, is different than the biblical perspective. And whether we were taught it or we came up with it by herself, if it varies from Biblical truth and we rejected the biblical truth, we have defected to a wrong understanding. We are apostate in that. Portion of biblical truth. So when someone says, well, if you believe such and such that's a prostate, don't take it too hard so you don't have to go home and cry about it. It's not. Or is it what could be? Could be a hard thing to pending on the relationship and what was said, you know, because the tongue is evil, we're learning will be finding out about that more. We're on the subject of the time I said I just wanted to introduce the concept of apostasy and say are false. Teachers are definitely an engaging in full on. Apostasy they're rejecting the apostolic teaching and trying to replace it with something different. Okay?

So, to our first category of point, the Old Testament, prophets warned, God's people against being led astray by false teachers. So there are multiple warnings about being led astray. Let's look at a few of those Isaiah 9 verse 16 for the leader of this people, cause them to err and those who are led by them are destroyed. Do we have leaders and Isaiah 916 who are leading people aside?

No, I'm not going to get into the context of all of these because if I do, it's going to be a long long session, but I just take it for that, there are leaders in his Trail for misdirecting the people and that is a wrong teaching. Ezekiel 34 Verse 2. Send the context to what we have been studying and are zeekio study. We've been back and forth over to his equal 34 or 36 and 37. Son of man prophesy Against The Shepherd of Israel prophesy and say to them just as the Lord God to the shepherd, whoa whoa to the Shepherds of Israel who feed themselves. Should not the shepherd feed the flocks.

We have learned in Ezekiel that the reference to Shephard's here is specifically in reference to the Kings, as the leaders of Israel, who should be responsible for the flocks of the members. The people of the nation of Israel are the flocks and the keys are the Shepherds designated and called such.

That is a reference to teachers who are not leading people in the truth are coming along and leading them in lies. They're distracting them. They are taking care of themselves but not taking care of the

You have a few others in the same category is that Isaiah 3, verse 12? That's where my people children are their oppressors and women rule over them. Oh, my people, those who lead you cause you two are and destroy the way of your past. Instead of having men who are leading her taking responsibility, Igor in the right place. Doing the right thing. We have children and women who are ruling over the people of Israel and mr. Acting and leading them in wrong directions, Isaiah 3:12 Isaiah 8:20. Google all the testimony because there is no light in them. So speaking to those who are

Supposed to lead to be leaders for to be lice for the beginning for a truth, which is a light, which gives Direction which reveals benefit, they are places of Darkness, Jeremiah chapter 2, verse 8. The priests did not say, where is the Lord and those who handle the law did not know me. The ruler also transgressed against me, The Prophet prophesied by bail and walked after things that do not profit. So, here we have priests or saying, where is the Lord? There's no Lord here. So, we're going to use Bale. Instead, instead of honoring your way, instead of honoring, the god of creation, he's not responding. He's all around. I guess. He's gone. So we'll just, we'll go to bail bails the backup until we have priests here who are engaged in wrong teaching wrong. Every thing they are the enemies of God and they have brought in a satanic substitute for We're God's purposes in God's teaching which by the way is the core of what we're going to be seeing in the tribulation when we have that first three and a half years are in peace and prosperity, that is brought in by false teaching by the Antichrist himself. Who is a false presentation acting as if he is the Messiah? But then, the screen will be pull the song. I am a Wizard of Oz moment in the entire world, is going to see him offering a fall sacrifice on the

in the temple on the ulcer. So everything is going to be revealed and we'll have again, that who is it behind the curtain? And everyone will see it because they saw the Antichrist revealed. No, no. Does it happen that way? They go crazy. Jeremiah 10:21. Woe to the shepherd who destroy and Scatter. The Sheep of my pastor says the Lord, we were over on that passage as well, in our Ezekiel study guide, we are talking about the scatter, the sheep sheep.

The Lord said, those are the Sheep of my pasture. That you have scattered. Not happy about that.

Next, we have Jeremiah 23 verse one, similar 100 to the Shepherds who destroy and Scatter the Sheep of my pastor says the Lord.

Maybe I read the wrong one. First one is Jeremiah 1021 for the Shepherds who become dull hearted. I didn't read that. Did, I skipped over go hard and have not sought the Lord. Therefore, they shall not prosper. In all their flocks will be scattered. So the Shepherd to become dull. Hearted that is the Kings of Israel were not following after the Lord. They will not prosper. just like the Mosaic Covenant taught them all but if they if they did not they would not A man that Jeremiah 23 one is talking about those same Shepherd, scattering the Sheep. Then we have Ezekiel 22 verse 26. Her priests have violated my law and profaned my holy thing in the whole difference between the unclean and the clean. I may have hidden for their hidden, their eyes from my Sabbath, so that I am profaned amongst them. So again, we have Miss messing up in the priesthood. The priests are violating the law profane, the holy things, not distinguishing between the holy on the Unholy treating everything, the same. So they've tossed out the teachings of scripture and they have made known the difference between We have not made known the difference between the unclean and the clean. They're not teaching anything right lie here, so bad teaching Malachi chapter 2 verses 7 through 8. For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge. And people should seek the law from his mouth for. He is the messenger of the Lord of hosts to a priest purpose is to give them wished to speak. Rightly about Jehovah about you always explaining his teaching. He is a messenger of the Lord of hosts. We are told the Reese is the messenger of the Lord of hosts, interesting. The Lord of armies.

Teachers represents the Lord of armies. That's interesting correlation verse 8, but you have departed, from the way you have caused many to stumble at the law. You have corrupt governments of Levi, says the Lord of hosts, what you're supposed to be doing what you are doing, your despising, the Lord of hosts, instead of honoring the Lord of how foolish you might take my implication. Can that be foolish to treat recklessly in with abandon the laws and teachings of the Lord of hosts? Really think the review and they think they have their protection. They think they have a little bit of armies there to support them and evil Kings and evil armies that are willing to follow them completely expose. But little do they know next category? Jesus Christ, condemned false teachers and he opposed legalism in hypocrisy in this Jesus Christ condemned false teachers. And you posed to legalism and hypocrisy.

We're here, we'll just roll forward. Matthew 5 verse 19.

You're a Lord says whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these Commandments and teaches men. So she'll be called least in the Kingdom, whoever dies and there's that word teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of God. So teachings, here were given the accountability of the teachers, the false teachers that teach legalism and hypocrisy. Lord, Jesus Christ is supposed to or goes on and he identified through these teachers of the law and the Pharisees are as false teachers. starting in Matthew 23 River passage here that I want us to immerse in, so we're going to read through this Matthew 23 verses 1 through 33, then Jesus spoke to the multitude use and to his disciples.

Same verse to the scribes and the Pharisees, from his perspective, they have oversight using the teachings of Moses. The watch what he says here because this is interesting 1st Street there for whatever they tell you to observe that observe and do but do not do according to their work. For they say, and do not.

Interesting. So he's saying here, they are teaching rightly. They're actually teaching scripture, they're teaching the law. He says, but they are doing the law, so discern listen to what they're saying, not don't watch what they're doing because what they're doing is not an example. What is there say, they're actually teaching the scripture when going off and doing something different for for for they blind, heavy burdens hard to bear and lay them on men's shoulders. But they themselves will not move down with one.

Another words they give obligations of the law.

They themselves don't abide by the same obligations.

Show me allowed to walk on the Sabbath 20 feet outside of your front door. Do they do the same know they walk 20 feet and they drop a stick? And they say this is my home from a walk 20 feet and they drop a stick and they say, I Proclaim this is my own and then walk 20 feet and they dropped the stick. So they Proclaim, this is my, you see they have these Insidious evil ways of using as a means of constraining others, but Liberty to them because I'm there for I can know from my home, I can go another 20 ft. We're spies put all their Works. They do to be seen by men, make their full actor. He's brought and enlarge the borders of their garments. You see, we were Pardon the Mosaic Covenant to have phylacteries that is we are to have the word of God on our hands and on our foreheads in the hands of our garments that we might be constantly reminded of the word of God to Divine viewpoints. Really what the Covenant was going after? What did they do? They turned it into a legalistic system with Great, Big Sea Scrolls find infal actor? He's tied to their to their arms or my Scrolls in a big scroll on their foreheads and woven great big huge hands with writing and they have all the stenciling for embroidery of the different sayings and teachings that they must keep in the hems of their garments and all this so they can be seen in over the things. What a great man he keeps.

Aren't they impressive know they look really stupid and you're an idiot cuz you're not actually reflecting what the word says. We're supposed to do this in your heart, not on your body. That's the point is to have reminders all around. Do everything in your power to be constantly reminded with the word of God is the idea and not dress up like a clown parade around in front of others. First, six and four. If there is anyone listening to this that we don't want to listen to it. I mean, trouble.

46 Dale of the best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues, the go to the places of priority, the places where you know, you're at the head of the line.

Dorothy's. Just like we saw in the in the Last Supper. They everything would be laid out in the person who is, who is the most privileged will be at the helipad on the far left and everyone else will be reclining down around lower and lower and lower and lower. So they fought and Wrangle to get that proposition 47. Greetings in the marketplaces and to be called by men Rabbi. Oh, great one. Oh, great one. Mercedes. But you do not be called Old. Great one for one is your teacher. The Christ and you are all Brethren cuz I'm your teacher and your brothers, don't go calling yourselves, the great one. First time do not call anyone on Earth. Your father for one is your father. He who is in heaven verse 10 and do not be called teachers for one is your teacher is the Christ. Don't think that you have the teaching ability or authority. Lease not while Christ is there on Earth First 11, but he who is greatest amongst. You shall be your servant.

When do the Marions for our Lord is the servant King. He is greatest. He is the greatest servant who has ever lived. He has served more people and he exemplified it. Even when he was trying to talk to his disciples and his Apostles in the upper room about fellowship and having fellowship with him. What were they doing? They were arguing about who was great as who got to sit in the seat of priority. They were all trying to fumble and fight and say, well aware that we're the inside 3. So we get to sit up there. They were fighting. And what did he do? He wants. And he grab the towel and a girded around his waist. They begin to wash their feet while they're arguing over. Who is the greatest? That's our Lord.

Imagine if that were us.

We are Christians. Christian means little Christ.

Maybe we should put a basin water at the back door.

See if anyone actually is willing to use it but he was willing to get on their knees and watch other people's feet. I would be an interesting test we're not going to go down the charismatic Road. First 12, and whoever exalts himself will be humbled. He who humbles himself will be. Exalted is Up Is Down and Down, is up. The servant, really is the one who will be great in heaven, first 13, but woe to use scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites for you. Shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men for you. Neither go in yourself or do you allow both those who are entering to go in? So he's supposed to the scribes and Pharisees and How's them Hypocrites because they are false teachers. Who constrain everyone from going into the kingdom. Hotel Denver Sports, you all to you scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites for you to vow or widows houses in for a pretense. Make long prayers in public, where everyone can see you there for, you will receive greater condemnation. You who are supposed to be. The teachers are living off the backs of those. You teach, they call you great ones and so you pray in public in such a way as to be noticed. First 15 words, you scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, where you travel Land and Sea to win one proselyte and when he was 1 you make him twice as much as tall as your cells translate this as you business, men of God, you figure out the best way to go to a trip to Disney World, completely written, and your taxes. If you find one person there, oh, you can proselytise and therefore right off the whole trip and come back with a. Look at the work I did in my business, or look at the work I did for God, and then that one piece of fruit, you turn into something even more rotten than you yourselves are for 1600 to you blind guy. He's calling them blind guy to say, whoever swears by the temple. It is nothing. But whoever swears by the gold of the temple, he is obliged to Performance. You see, they were told not to swear, but then they found that they could swear by certain things that could swear.

So, you couldn't swear and say, you know, all my mama's. Why? This is true and I will sign this and going to contract with you. So they could say based on the temple. But then there's some people say no, you can't swear on the temple, but you can swear on the go in the temple.

Price response pools in blind for which is greater the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold. You've got it backwards. Gold is no. It's that place which has established to be the house of God the home. The dwelling place of God that's the only reason he has any value Verse 18. Whoever swears by the altar, it is nothing. But whoever swears by the gift that is on, it is obliged to perform it first 19th, which is greater the gift for the altar. That sanctifies the gift, your gift is nothing, The ability to give the gift is what matters.

420 therefore he who swears by the altar swears by it and buy all things on it. First 21. He who swears by the temple, swears by it and buy it first, 22. And he swears by The Throne of God who sits on it. First to use scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites for you. Pay the tithe of mint and anise and cumin. And have neglected, the weightier matters of the law. He says, you will talk either. You will give your 10% your cut of what's owed out of the small. I should buy some herbs, you give 10% back. He says, you get into the details, but you're missing the big picture, the weightier matters of the law, Justice and mercy. And these you ought to have done without leaving the others undone. Doesn't say you should do these, not those? So go ahead and do those but you've missed the big thing the big thing.

You missed the gist of the matter.

Sorry. Missionary, who was out in.

Show me the New Guinea Island area is there and he was in there for a while and it is a translator that they have this one word that he just couldn't get to the bottom of. It just could not fit. It out and it was wherever he went. He says so what is the day of life? What is bday? You know this over here and he found again and again and again the words they gave them was good today. So what did potato turn out to be? Here? We are in a jungle area and region invitae. Is that grow? It is the growth of Life. The comes out of the ground, you can cut a tree to the ground, they're out of it with cement and the growth will force his way through the cement. The potato is the potato.

Play. See you, when I get to the root of the matter, what are you getting to the, you want to have meaning, what is meaning? But you want to have understand, what is understanding everything in their language had to do with Bethea the heart of the matter.

First 24 blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel.

You guys are missing the whole point, you're straining. The little thing, and letting the biggest thing through you aren't seeing the potato, you're not getting the heart, not getting the root of the matter. You're missing the Battelle, you're going after these little things. But the potatoes, the most important thing is just

First 2500 to use scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites, for you cleanse, the outside of the cap and dish. But inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgent. As you're going through ceremonial clean this, you make sure that the cup you drink out of his plans so that you can take it and drink you gone through the ceremonial cleany but you haven't actually wash crawdad Junkin. Stop. Technical terms inside first 26, the Pharisees first, cleanse the inside of the cap and dish that the outside of them may be clean. Also don't get in the sink, wash the whole thing actually washer. Don't do the ceremonial stuff. First, 27, woe to use scribes in Pharisees Hypocrites, for you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear, beautiful outwardly. But inside are full of dead, men's bones and all uncleanness. I know this isn't something you'd see in Louisiana. So what he's talking about where they made all the tombs and tombstones look really nice and ornate and cleaned it all up. It was about ceremonial is them again because if you bump into a gray if you become ceremonially unclean. So they went around and they painted all of the tune not to make them pretty. It wasn't to make them beautiful, it was to make them obvious so you wouldn't bump him. Over my mom's house. So few times just had hard times, you know, identifying her steps and stepping correctly, getting up the steps. So I had these when they remodeled, I got involved when the things I did as I made sure we had shallow and wide steps were put in place shallow and why, so they can get from the driveway up front of their lives, into their back door. And when I had apparently that wasn't the time, she still can't necessarily see exactly where it is. Made of plastic that I screwed into the end of the stairs. So now she can look at them, says it looks so nice. I don't think it looks nice. I'm at the yellow, Yo, Gotti and ugly looking, but it looks nice. She can see where the end. Everything is nice and orderly, and organized. So now she knows how to get up and down without tripping which is a good thing. So are our friends here, have done the same thing that made it possible to not trip over the bones and there are uncleanness and cheese. First 28, even so you also outwardly appear. Appear righteous, the men. But inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

He saying you are the same. People should be staying away from you two. Just like, they're staying away from these tombstones because they bump into you. What are they going to get hypocrisy and lawlessness? You are actually opposed to the word in the teaching of God. You pretend like you're a teacher, you act like your teacher teaching. Phil and you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. Inside, verse 29. What was the scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites, because you built the tombs of the prophets in the door, in the monuments of the righteous verse 30 and say If we have lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. We are so much better.

Then our ancestors. We wouldn't kill the prophets. We wouldn't have Saint Isaiah into. We wouldn't have been involved in any of the homicide, your teacher's first 31. Therefore you are witnesses against yourself that you are sons of those who murdered the prophet. He's saying because what they're rejecting him. He's coming in the same nature in the same teaching is all the profits. He is the Fulfillment of what the prophets thought, and yet, and they're saying, we wouldn't reject the prophets, we wouldn't have stolen them or kill them and yet they're doing the exact thing to Jesus Christ. First 30 to fill up, then the measure of your father's guilt go for it. He says, way in Jump onboard condemn me. Send me off to death in to die. You're just proving that you are of your father that you are, the same that you are no different, that you are not actually teachers the man. His final words of a 33 Dodge Vipers, how can you escape? The condemnation of hell is all that's left for you. Is the condemnation of hell? You are no better than vipers. You are poisonous.

You are to be avoided, you only strike and poison those who come near you.

One other passage we have along the same vein, just one verse in Matthew 15:14, where Christ says, lots of them alone, speaking of the prophecy of the Pharisees and Sadducees in the scribes and he says, they are blind leaders of the Blind and if the blind lead, the blind both will fall into a ditch, don't worry about them. They are blind. They don't care to see and they're going to find their own destruction because they're going to fall in a ditch. Blindly blindly, from those who follow the blind leading will be Living living.

Apparently I was a great word. Creator is a kid. I made up all kinds of words I used to. I was the kid, you know, you know I was a precocious little kid but I would be the kids with walked in the supermarket with my mom and we were going along and there'd be a lady in an aisle and I would say for my mom and it allows child voice.

Out of the mouths of babes, you know, on my mom's like quickly.

So so she took me out. Then she said she told me yesterday that we don't call people fat because it hurts their feelings. Okay.

So then I made up of word. Can we be in? We go to Sears and I see someone I say,

That was my word for fat. I don't know where it came from the washer but apparently roster means fat in David lingo, so that's little David lingo. Next category here, we see that he warned his followers against them, warned his followers against them. We see it in Matthew chapter 16 verse 6, Jesus said to them take heed and beware the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The leaven is there teaching their legalism their lawlessness their hypocrisy. There are many aspects of That Lovin, and it's contagious of the, leaven beware of that teaching that comes from them. And then Matthew 16:12, then be understood that he did not tell them to Beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Do we have a pair of little account here?

Or we assume you have the extended accounts where they're all getting into this Levin thing. What do you mean? Stay away from the 11? And then he told them, and finally understand he's saying, watch out for their teaching their Doctrine. It's the things that they say, that's the leaven, I'm not telling you to be where they're loving, that would be dumb. Who cares about their love? It. It's the words, the things they're saying the false teaching. So we see this consistency throughout scripture that Christ is calling out that which is wrong and teaching and he's telling people to beware at to stay away from it. So we have this thread that runs all the way through the New Testament. It when James writes that first epistle, this is what he's talking about you saying, do not let me leave you become teachers because there was great judgment upon you and he gets them understands where all of this false Teaching is leading where it's going and what it's going to do for people, that's going to destroy them. It's going to infect them, it's going to demoralize them, it's going to turn them into Hypocrites. Going to turn them into Wallace individuals and is going to send them into apostasy of the Soul. They will become apostate as the teachers teach that which is contrary to God's word. So we are worn throughout scripture and so in James, we have the warning to those who are going to use the tongue, the methodology of teaching, which is, by speaking we speak. That's how people understand us. He is warning them beware because there's great judgment that's coming. Don't let many of you become teachers which is apparently what was going on when we looked at it, says may not many of you want to become teachers,

It's a setup to say, don't. Bunches of you try to become teachers. It's not a low hanging thing. There are few teachers were gifted to the body and their gifted to assemblies to utilize, to edify to build up to illuminate, to be in the New Testament pastors that feed the people might graze on the truth of God's word and find themselves changed renewed, encourage warned, protected or on some of those will get to some of those other categories will come back next week and we'll pick up in our next category. The condemnation of false teachers in the early church, it will go through some of the scripture that we have for that condemning false teachers in the early church. So let's, let's close in prayer, Julie. Father. We just thank you for the incredible provision that you have provided for us that you care for our souls. Therefore, you have given to the church. Teachers pastors, who might be engaged in the process of not making up their own things. Making up their own ideas and their own interpretations. Not coming up with the newest way to do this or say that. But literally just threw their personality that you've given them. They are to teach the word. Understand what it says. And say what it means with the Sheep might be fed but they might be protected. The Wolves might be identified as wolves. That false teaching might be identified as false teaching. And so we thank you for your provision to us for teachers. We've grown up under many Grace oriented teachers that have gifted us with wisdom when it comes to spiritual life and living. And we are so grateful, so thankful And I were thankful as well. Lord for the gifting of the local teachers Lord that we might find ourselves drawn together and knitted together as an assembly knitted together in heart and mind and thoughts in Ministry. Each with their own individual Ministry. Each being provided for that, they might be utilizing their Ministry but also that we are members one of another able to intercede for care for love. Lord, be involved in the nurturing process, be involved in the fellowship process. And so we thank you for all that this coming week. We pray for those Divine appointments that you would bring them Upon Us identify them and that you would make them. Viable Lord. We ask for the opportunity to not just show The Gospel but to be able to minister the truth of the Gospel so that someone might believe pray that we would not just be brought to people who are in pain and going through difficulties as Believers. But we might be able to speak your word Lord that they might find themselves encouraged by you that they might focus on you but they might turn to you for their sustenance for their courage, Lord, for their everything that they need. So make us those markers to point people to you. And we praise you and thank you for all that you will do and all that you have done. And and the special Grace again on this coming month, lord of the craziness as we prepare for that special celebration of our Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ, we thank you. Price news.

But we do have class tonight. We will have hot chocolate and spring cleans and candies and foam and whipped cream.

big spoons and straws and

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