Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
We serve
Here we are, at the end of the month.
We have covered some ground this month about Who we are as Christians, as believers, disciples of Christ, haven’t we?
Today we come to the place to see ourselves as servants.
Ones who serve.
When we look in scripture to see what this looks like, we find some very interesting verses.
IF we want to be the greatest in the Kingdom?
We serve all.
IF we think serving is all about serving Christ, well, it is and it isn’t.
what do I mean.
this verse is at the end of a discussion about when the Son of Man comes in His glory, there will be a separation, the sheep and the goats, and the sheep are found serving people that were downcast,
hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, or in prison.
Then Jesus says these words.
This is implying that when we serve others, especially when we serve the needy, we are serving Christ.
What is the message here?
Is it that we can go serve the less fortunate to earn our way to heaven?
Or, is the real message that when we as believers, we are going to look to share the Kingdoms currency with whoever needs it?
the beattitudes describes a person well that needs to be served from God.
A person who sees themselves not as rich in spirit, but as poor in spirit, (which we all truly are, since we are not perfect) They know they need from the Lord, so they look to the Lord and He provides for them....
He provides them the Kingdom of Heaven.
So service, or serving God.... can it only be done in the church building?
It can be done here, but it can be done out there as well.
If we only served in this building, we would be missing out on so much ministry!
yet, inside the building, there are places to serve, needed places.
One is the Pastor.
He is a servant of God.
Who is he serving?
Us? right?
What is his main role?
the 5 fold ministry
Pastors are a part of a ministry team that is here to equip the saints for ministry..... to help the saints, to guide the saints...for the saints living their calling and doing the work of the ministry where God has called them, in the church and outside the church building!
Who are the saints?
We are.
and what are you called to do?
ministry, serve.
you are ministers!
you are here to serve the Lord!
Do you know your part?
do you know what you are meant to do?
What you are called to do?
Jesus gives gifts to each of us to do ministry work.
What are your giftings?
lets get personal here.
Remember the Johari window?
we are going to be blessed to get to know each other better right this very moment.
Lets get the microphone and pass the mic....
Does each and every one of us know our gifting?
So, its great if you know your gifting, yet if you don’t know, its OK, we can try to help you find it over the next weeks and months.
What an honor for each and every one of us to get to know each other deeper in the service?
you agree?
(go around the room)
Facebook world, do you know your gifts?
if so, drop them in the chat.
now, for those that didn’t know their gifts, yet.... the ones in here gifted to teach, you see a service you can provide!
those who know their gifts in here, where does it fit into the big picture of the ministry?
Pastor helps to guide that along.
Admin giftings helps to guide that as well.
what are the gifts?
Corinthians tells us some.
I hope we caught why these gifts are given.
Verse 7 tells us they are not for us to use for ourselves, but for the common good.... in other words, they are for others.
to bless others, to help others, to strengthen others.
the teaching gift that Colette has, it is blessing every person in the Sunday school class!
There are lots of gifts, all to grow the Kingdom of God.
All for Gods glory!
Listen to this list.
the utterance of Wisdom.
utterance of Knowledge.
Faith ( this is different than saving faith)
Working of Miracles
ability to distinguish between spirits
various kinds of tongues
interpretation of tongues
God gives these gifts, we don’t conjure them up, and God gives for His reasons and His timing.
this right here is 3 months worth of sermons and teaching!
Paul goes on to say this....
And right after this focus on gifts, Paul takes them to the “still more excellent way” when he opens up the love chapter..... laying the foundation for us to know that gifts are good, but it all must be done in Love!
It must all be done in Love
We serve, because we love God.
And we know we love God because He first loved us.
this is the motivation and drive behind why we do it.
no other motive.
Peter separates the gifts into two categories, speaking and physically serving one another.
but verse 8 brings us back to the “HOW”
how do we serve?
with love.
And this is how we continue to serve, even in the midst of others sinning against us.....
we cover the sin, the multitudes of sin, with Love.
Church, I know this is hard.
this is actually impossible unless we know the depth of the Love of God.
how wide, how deep, how far does the love of God reach???
The gifts given to us by God for His glory, lets know each others gifts.
part of the Johari window expanding with each other, seeing each other, encouraging each other, fanning the flame, or the hot coals within each other, to press on, to seek the gifts for the building up of the body, until we all obtain the unity of faith! this is our path, our vision as a entire church on earth.
And this we can do because God has said so.
So, Lets go! Let’s do it Church.
Unashamed, walking in the power of the Spirit, changing the world with the Love of God!
With His Kingdom currency, lets be good disciples, completely surrendered to Him who loves us.
Lets be wise, prepared for the attacks and temptations, lets win the battle!
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9