Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
Good morning.
Sunshine Village.
John his family back with us again today.
Pretty good day in House, Florida, by way of announcements at the candy.
What was the most pressing thing?
What day does the number to brother Jon's going to provide the pizza, think he's leaning on some, you ladies to help revive the pies?
Gentry down there and get it.
I'm hoping to place next to it like past when I'm a Vicodin.
yeah, and also cars Banks from scaled Weaver family to the church for the prayers and the support them up during the time of the loss of her brother.
So I will.
Just letting you know how much I appreciate.
All right, there's nothing else.
Good morning will be good to see y'all.
Let me hear whatever fishing equipment.
This morning.
Always encourage singing for the first time.
Indian people.
How do you spell?
I read the scripture today.
Call Frank, Ford.
For this reason, I have to having heard of the saying in the Lord Jesus which exists among you and your love for all of us.
Ain't getting things for you for making missions.
That is awesome, our Lord, Jesus Christ, the father of Glory to you as a spirit of wisdom and of Revelations in the mall.
If you can
And what is a surpassing phrases?
Such a power cord or cords that strength when he raised him from the dead, far above all Rule and authority, and power and dominion.
And every nine that it's nice.
Not only is disabled but also if you want to come and get him at 10 over all things to the church.
Today we are at church, Bonnie Anderson Open committee for your revelation.
We have full confidence, father that you're always working on his car, and to continue to be faithful to each other.
Get the number 508.
I don't need it that bad to go home.
Number 224.
Vape shop.
Different types of parrots.
I've got to make a comparison.
Before I fall.
You got $36 but I can't.
I b.
A b e s h o b.
B coffee sign, Brook, Commerce, big 2nd and got there.
And I said,
Maybe you can help.
I said, I'm not saying, but I like pizza, but I really like crap.
I said, what we combine?
All of those who were killed before, or after you might have to bring somebody to help me with the number of people who have a good time, the weather going to be today, probably took you way over last week, and I start.
Wake up at 7 a.m. in Little Rock chapter 32.
Most of you might notice what he's just.
He's just saying things that are so great about God, talk about the profession and the wonderful.
Wonderful things that God does in his life in the life of being a floor and inverse of 18 says this.
All of the rock that began.
See, now Art online, full and have forgotten God that form.
So you can see why he would want to put that in here.
Talking about God.
Look at the one that formed to you and I had forgot to tell you in 2023, we don't watch.
It will forget the god that forms up the God that created.
We forgive him in the hustle and bustle of what My prayer is today, will look.
Thank you for these would have made their way out to your house.
I pray that you'll just hide it behind the frost.
Give us the word that we stay.
And when it's all for the glory, for that we have anyone needs to come down and just give, whatever it is to, you of January, will be
How do you spell love my ass or whatever it is on your phone?
We're so awesome.
Those big old race Bugatti.
It was funny to hear well that I found one city and I set it down on The Breakfast Table but I have there been around 9:20 maybe 9:30.
And I said, do what?
What is this?
Email sign in.
Do we always January roll around?
Go to Walmart.
Rand McNally road.
Atlas they just like that me.
Can you get soaked and you look at them not circle thing.
By the way, my wife is not a very good person to read one of them.
She said, it looks like the green line.
Go to the Blue Line.
As a road atlas Court.
Why has those moments that we need somebody to God?
How about you live?
I sometimes forget it.
The weather for Oxford Area that I'm going through live and their screams all around me on the way.
Over here.
We talked just from the shorts from our house to do with us, and then I thought I'd lose track of so many signs on the side of the road.
And God has those for us in our spiritual life.
Large road.
Atlas, we have all these signs around us because if you're lying to me we forget What were the truck?
And I'll going to have the music.
Do certain White Sox like, you're in school off of Linda.
We program ourselves so much.
We go here and we go, here we go here.
Discount world.
What do a look at three areas today.
Three signs that are out there in front of us.
Then I want us to look at it more things important that.
The first thing is, this is us on last Road atlases.
List of directions signs of directions to do out here anywhere, and you're going to see it as you know, I'm here, whatever, you know, and you can give in your direction right there, going to be ice tonight.
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