Introduction to Revelation

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Introduction to Revelation

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As we begin this study we must remember one important fact…as Disciples of Jesus, WE WIN!!!
We usually ask several questions before we start a book like;
Who wrote Revelation?
To whom was it written and from where was it written?
Why was it written?
When was it written?
Because we are going to be reading every verse in this book and it deals with these questions we will postpone these questions until we get into the text.

How do we properly understand Revelation

Revelation, AKA Apocalypse. comes from the latin and greek words for “unveiling.”


The Idealist Approach
Believe Revelation is just timeless general principles with not concern with the issues at hand to whom the book was written to.
The Historicist Approach
Believe Revelation provides a detailed map of history from its own day to the day of Jesus’ future return.
The Preterist Approach
Believe that all the events of Revelation were fulfilled in the first century.
The Futurist Approach
Believe that all the events of Revelation are for future fulfillment and mean nothing to the people to whom it was written.
The Eclectic Approach
A mixture of several approaches.
As we will see this is the Best view to take. The question is how much of it has happened and how much of it is yet to happen?
And those things that has happened, when did they happen?
Those things that are yet to happen, when will they happen?
Two rules of Interpretation we need to understand when we are studying Revelation
The Golden Rule of Interpretation

When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense


Seek the meaning in the text itself, whether in the same passage or an earlier place in scripture.

There is a great danger in trying to interpret symbols of the bible through the lens of your current day.
ie. the locust of revelation

Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth; 4 they were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green growth or any tree, but only those of mankind who have not the seal of God upon their foreheads;

How many of you have heard someone interpret these locust as helicopters? When this helicopter idea was first presented there were no drones, why are they not drones or something in the future we are bit aware if yet?

We need to interpret our lives through the lens of Scripture, not Scripture through the lens of our lives.

Interesting facts about Revelation
Seven is Prominent win the book:
1) Seven churches
2) Seven seals
3) Seven trumpets
4) Seven signs
5) Seven vials
6) Seven-fold judgment
7) Seven-fold triumph
Suggested connection between Genesis and Revelation by Scroggie
God God
First heaven and earth Last heaven and earth
First rest Final rest
Paradise lost Paradise regained
The tree and the river The tree and the river
Husband and wife The Lamb and the bride
Croft M. Pentz, Outlines on Revelation, Sermon Outline Series (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1978), 10.
There is also contrast between Genesis and Revelation
Satan victorious Satan defeated
Judgment pronounced Judgment executed
The divine face hidden We shall see His face
The curse pronounced The cursed removed
The gates are shut against us The gates are never shut
Death overtook all men There is no more death
All faces wet with tears All tears wiped away
Terror came with the night No terror because there is no night
Banished from the tree of life We have a right to the tree of life
Exiles from the earthly garden Inheritors of the heavenly city
The cherubim keeping man out The cherubim welcoming man in
Croft M. Pentz, Outlines on Revelation, Sermon Outline Series (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1978), 10.
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