What More Can He Dew?

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God's house this morning. Who's happy to be here today? You can be anywhere else. You could be eating Cheetos, and nachos, and hot dogs, and hamburgers. But you came to the house of God, I heard there's a football game or something going on, but you came to the house of God today. Hallelujah.

Praise the mighty name of Jesus.

Go to 6:38 going to start there.

And it says, and that is what happens. Gideon, Rose early. The next day, he squeezed the fleece and run out to do. A bowl full of water. Hallelujah. The Embarcadero, I think you for your work today. So I pray that it will go forth with power with a digger with energy. Lord God to do what you call for to do, God's will not return to you void. Lord, protects us every heart. Touch every mind, touch Every Soul, touch every Spirit, All For Your Glory, in Jesus name, I pray, amen. Hallelujah. We can see right, right? Right away. In the endless verse. Gideon seeing something experience to get knowing it in his heart. The scriptures in the scripture says, and that is what happens. Hallelujah. It wasn't that might happen. That could happen. That probably happen. If not what the Bible says. This is. And that is what happened, do you?

Getting picked up the aisle. That fleece. Any, any run that out?

And the Bible says that there was a bowl full of water. There's all kinds of do on that fleece. Amen. God is able to do greater than even you thought or imagined. You want to want to backtrack because we get excited about what God has done but I want to go back even further. To where God is first calling Gideon? Animus. And in the same way that God called Gideon. God is calling us. Amen. He's selecting us, he picked us. And Judges chapter 6, verse 11, it says the angel of the Lord came and sat down under the oak of Oprah that belong to joash. Whose son was Gideon. Who was threshing wheat in the winepress to keep it from the midianites. During this time. Israel was a press. They were depressed. They were getting Rob's amen. At every, single turn, every single season, the midianites, it would come and Rob that their crops they would come and take their cattle. Every piece of increase that they thought they were getting It was taken away by the enemy. And and Gideon are you as part of this time. He he he got caught up in it. so much so that that he started hiding to He started doing what everybody else was doing. He did, what was father was doing. He, he took the the we the produce like what we got it already provided in East de tried to hide it from the enemy. It was normal for them to do that in this time.

But praise God that he meets you right where you're at. Hallelujah. We seen in in this in the scripture, we see that the angel he sits by the oak tree and I was researching, I was like what's so important about this oak tree? This one right here, Right next to this house, right in this place because every time you hear about God being in a place or going to a certain destination, there's a reason behind it. There's a A motive behind what he's doing. And always research me. I was already looking into it. I was like, why, why is he sitting here? Why is he going to to to this location? And I was looking it over in. And then, God showed me. That he wants to meet you exactly where you're at. Hallelujah. This oak tree was a normal oak tree. It was a normal circumstance. It was a normal place. It was where people were used to going where they were used to hanging out where they were used to losing where they were used to hide. But God met getting exactly where he was at, Hallelujah. You can be in a normal Place, doing normal things. But once God gets there, now, it's special. What's God? It's their Miracle start happening. Once God gets there. He talked to call you by name. What's God despair change stuff to happen? Once God, doth bear. The enemy has to start running away. Hallelujah. It might be a normal place now. But God's here now. So it's a little different. I know you might be used to losing. You might be used to hiding but God's here now. Hallelujah.

God sent the Gideon, he called out to him Gideon. The Lord is with you. Mighty warrior And that's something that getting is not used to hearing. If you stay here and go run and go hide, he's used to hearing the midianites are coming. You can stay here in the amalekites are coming used to hearing, the Eastern peoples are coming. But God says, the Lord is with you mighty warrior. What is God called you? A mighty warrior. I'm here to tell you today that you might be hiding, it might seem like you're just normal. Like you're just run-of-the-mill but God calls. You a mighty warrior because you more than a conqueror more than capable. Hallelujah. God sees you better than you see you. Hallelujah. It was normal for getting into high. He wasn't just hiding from the midianites, but he was hiding from himself. He was scared of his potential. He was scared of failure, he was scared of losing, that's why he hid. That's why you took the wheat and he went to the wine press with it. That was a normal thing to do, but God saw Gideon. God saw a breaker, God saw a warrior, God, saw a conqueror, God saw a general.

What do you saw Gideon? When he was sitting there next to the oak tree. He saw Gideon. This is Mighty, Man, of Valor hiding from the enemy. He knew Gideon was able to fight, he was able to lead, he was able to direct, he was able to manage, he was able to allocate, he was able to maximize. He was a mighty warrior. You know, sometimes we can read over the scriptures that and we look over some words and we kind of skipped over that work. That we don't understand it. The Bible says that Gideon was thrashing the week at the winepress. What it? What does that mean? That means that he would get the Wii U Chariot. You bring it over to the winepress. And then what would he do? You start peeing. It.

Start eating it. Until the Good Start Box Tops coming out. He kept reading it. Hallelujah. It got solved Gideon, feeding the week. Next to the wine press, he saw that getting it was capable of carrying the Wii. and if you can carry wheat, and you can carry a shield, and if you can beat me, then you can beat the enemy. and if you can get the rod and beat down the week, then you can beat any kind of amalekite, any kind of in it and it kind of tight and it kind of bail, any kind of impairment any kind of hindrance, any kind of fear That's what God saw. Crushing and sword-fighting have a very similar motion, don't they? What do you see getting in just beat in the week.

Got so a warrior beating the amalekites.

Hallelujah and God sees you today. Hallelujah. It might seem like your normal like nothing special about you but God is here today and he sees you for who you truly are. Hallelujah. God called Gideon and he said that you're a mighty warrior. I'm going to use you to repeat the midianites and then getting in here, he started to try to deflect. he tried to say, okay, well, that's all well and good God, but I am not capable. I come from a small Clan. I come from the smallest tribe. Nns what happens sometimes to us, right? We hear from God and he gives us this big Grand assignment to God and into all the world to preach the gospel. And we look at ourselves and we say, I'm not capable I'm weak. I can't do it. My family is all messed up. Amen. But God says that you're capable today.

He's more than capable of bringing you higher, Hallelujah. He can take you from the wine press to a different wine, press or going to get to that. Little bit later on, he can take you from the threshing floor to the battlefield. Hallelujah. He's able to do it. He can do it. Getting was looking at me and I, and I and me. And God revealed to me that he was looking with the wrong eyes at the wrong. I Hallelujah, I'll say it again for the folks, in the back, he was looking at the wrong eyes at the wrong eye. God said, you know, that's all well and good. That was a nice little deflection.

But I am sending you who's the eye that got us talking about, he's not talking about getting and sending getting in. He's talking about God, himself sending getting The Bible says in Jeremiah 32:17, a sovereign Lord, you made the heavens and the Earth by Tyrone great power and by your outstretched arm, nothing is too difficult for you. Hallelujah. I don't care how quick you are. How Patrick feel? How long you been beat up? Nothing is too difficult for gout. Pizza right now, and it's so great. He's so mighty, he's so Majestic that it doesn't matter how dark the situation. Looks. The Bible says in the book of Psalm chapter 8, verse 9 Lord, our Lord, How Majestic is your name? And all the year Gideon had a name and it meant breaker, but Yahweh also has a name, Hallelujah. Jesus has a name and it's the name above every of her name. The amalekites were there for seven years. The midianites were there for 7 years, but you always said, I'm going to take you breaker. I'm going to take you, she or I don't want to do some work with you.

I don't care how long did it? They been doing it for Hallelujah. How long does it take to beat in your town? I'm going to use you to pick them up. Hallelujah. Praise the mighty name of Jesus. Are you called by God today? Are you about to break something today? Are you about to do something to something today? Hallelujah. God called Gideon and he said I will be with you and you will strike down all the midianites leaving none alive. And then Gideon. He got kind of big when he heard the word of God, what he heard, the word of Yahweh. He, he started to walk a little different He was like, okay, alright. Like I came out my point, but your point was a little bit greater greater than the higher than my ways are so awesome. But something real quick. I know who I'm talking to now. I'm not talking to my father joash. I'm not talking to other people who are part of my tribe. I'm talking to the King of Kings right now. They're bringing him an offering. So he brought some meat, he brought some bread and he brought some broth. And he poured it out on the rock. Hallelujah. He said, hold on a second. I got to go get prepared. So he he got all of his all of his food, ready. Hallelujah. And he put it on the rock. Hallelujah. And then after he put it on the Rock, God says something very interesting. God gets his staff and he touches the Rock and the food is consumed with fire. Hallelujah. you might think what you're giving it to God, as little That it doesn't really amount to much that is just some meat and some broth and some bread. But one God touches it with the staff is consumed with fire. Hallelujah. You think it's so tiny and little that is insignificant, but when God touches it, what the staff? It's consumed with fire. Fire. That can't be stopped by the enemy fire. That can't be contains fire. That's on a breakable. Hallelujah. God has reminded me in the book of Psalm and 23:4. That yea though, I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Why? Because your rod and your old cuz you're riding your what? They comfort me, the rotten your what? Hallelujah, Your Rod. And your staff, they comfort me. That means that I don't care how how dark the enemy is how big it is. I don't care if it's death itself. His rod and his staff, they comfort you. Now, when the fire came Gideon, had a little bit of comfort, he knew who he was talking to any Bow Down and Worship any Bill to alter. Is there any call that place? Jehovah, shalom. That means that the Lord is peace. Hallelujah. He's the piece before the struggle. Keep the peace during the struggle and there's a struggle. Can I get an amen in the house? Hallelujah. And it was just a winepress before. But then Jehovah, Tulum got there. He stepped in and he said, you're a mighty warrior. He said, I'm going to use you to beat every single midianite, every kind of it, and I don't care how big the tribe is coming. I'm going to do it all by myself. Hallelujah. God doesn't need any kind of help. He can do it all by himself but he uses you to execute the game plan. Hallelujah. Now, getting what was really feeling himself. He met your horse alone, he meant he's himself. When you meet Pete themself. I don't care how big the conflict is. I know he's himself.

You can bring the whole town if you want to. I know he's some self. Hallelujah. Praise the mighty name of Jesus. Now God called him up higher. He said he did good with the broth in the meat, like a good. I like what you're doing you taking the right kind of steps but I want you to take you to the next level. Now, the next step of confidence. I want you to go ahead and get the second Bull from your father's herd and sacrifice it. I want you to take down every Ashera pool, every kind of ultra to bail. Knock it down. Go get the second Bull and sacrifice it. Give me a proper kind of Officer. Hallelujah. God wants to use you to regulate God wants to use you to make things proper again. The boss of improper things going on. There's lots of toxic masculinity going on but he wants you to make things proper. Hallelujah.

Now, God wanted getting in to use the second Bull for a second before. A reason for multiple reasons, I didn't really put this on the screen, did I? But you know, that's that's why I got most of the speaker right now.

No. Could have chose the 1st above of the father's herd but he chose the second one for a reason. he told Gideon, go get the second Bull, the one that seven years old, that very one, not the first one, not the one who is unclean, because of the first of the last one, was younger than 7 years. So, technically, it was unclean. Because it was part of that time period in which the Captivity happen, so a proper offering couldn't happen.

But the Lord said, go get the second, pull, the one that's 7 years old. The one that predates captivity the one that predates, the struggle, because I'm the piece that for the struggle, don't you know who I am?

Of Jehovah, Shalom himself. Go get the second book. And in that we see Christ, we see the first Apple. Adam he's good. God said he's very good. But, praise God, for the second Bull, Jesus Christ. The one who protects the Captivity, the one who predates in the one, who's the most Mighty the one, who's a proper sacrifice. Hallelujah.

No. Took the second Bull, he broke down every asherah pole because he's good at that. He's good at flushing, isn't he? He want, he's good at breaking stuff. Any he got that a Seroquel.

He knocked down his notes. Hallelujah, I don't know, nothing. Don't know what Sheriff Hall. I don't eat enough to break something that's just a masculine thing. I just want to break something. Got to use to break something. That's someone a proper what they're doing. They got every kind of asherah Pole, every kind of Baal worship. They got all kinds of stuff going on, but I don't see you soon to break something. Hallelujah, and introduce Jesus. With everything going on it. Produced Jesus introduced, the second Bull introduced. The strongest people. Introduce the one who's before, that captivity during the Captivity. And after the Captivity, Hallelujah. No kitty and he was scared. He was afraid. So he did it at night time. But he came with this crew. Hallelujah. It wasn't just him but it was him and ten other men. Look how God is Building. Look how God is. Increasing it started off with one man and now it's 10 men. Going into the night and breaking stuff down destroying stuff. Reckon shot like a bull in a china shop. Hallelujah, that's what God wants to use you to do to break down some poverty. Hallelujah. Break down some anger, break down some resentment, break down some bitterness. Hallelujah, breakdown some unforgiveness.

He wants to use you to do it. No Gideon, broke down, all of these things at night. Time at 1 in the morning, came, the people came and they saw what was going on. They saw this, the sort of bull, they saw everything was broken, and that there was a proper offering, they were like who did this? We got it investigate. We got to look into it. And then they found out the Bible says that it was Joe. Ash's son. It was the scaredy cat. It was the one who was threshing wheat at the wine. Press, that's the one that's him. That's and why we got them this time? so, they went to his father's house and they said, Look at what your son, did. We know it was him. He went in, he broke up all her stuff. Even took your second Bull and he sacrificed on the altar. Let's kill him.

and the father said, Is is bow not able to fight for himself? He's a God, right? He's big and bad, right? If you're not able to fight for himself, look at how even Joe ass is starting to turn towards getting inside. Hallelujah. The father was caught up in Baal worship, but he saw the boldness of Gideon Gideon, and he said now got a fight. This one for sale. Hallelujah.

It was so much so that the people in the town be called him and Drew about They called him one who Val hassak antenna with? They called him a problem. Hallelujah. God wants to use you even today, even tonight, if such a way that you're a problem toward the enemy. God wants to make you such a problem that your solution. I want to make you such a problem to run away. Do you want to make you such a problem? Hallelujah. I'm a Bible verse in the Bible says, in the book of Ephesians and it's not on the notes, I don't like that. The holy spirit is speaking to me right now, but he said he said taking the shield of faith in which you will be able to extinguish every door of the enemy, you will be able to do it. You're more than a mighty to do it. You can extinguish every single shot of the enemy. Now that your problem that he wasn't taking shots before but you want to take shots now. But God said you'd be able to take the shield of faith and you will be able to pluck every single attack of the enemy. Hallelujah, if you can carry wheat, you can carry a shield. Hallelujah. Wow. Got to show me something.

What what? Let me think of a shield, you know, we we think of our defensive to write we think of something that's able to South block and you can stand behind it and that's all well and good. But what do you really start fighting? If you start swinging the Shields and you know Haymakers. Going and you know you get the tussling The Shield becomes an offensive weapon, doesn't it? You know you like you get the shield and you hold it up and the enemy tries to shoot you and hit you. And then he can't hit research has to get close to you and then you have the shield of faith and then you just not come over, Hallelujah. What does Shield of Faith? You will be able to extinguish the enemy but it's not just a defensive weapon it, so offensive weapon, Hallelujah. You're able to please God, because everyone who comes to God must believe that he exists, and he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Gideon diligently, seeks. The Lord, he didn't care what was happening. He didn't care that they were on a Sierra. Who's that? They never gave me. No peace. Let's get out of here. Let's break it down.

God Called It In. He kept getting in. Hallelujah. Any confirmed Gideon? Hallelujah. He called get in he can't get in any kind of firm is getting Hallelujah. Don't you know that that you have a Shore thing today it's not a gamble. It's not a Mite or a maybe but God himself is going to uphold you. His rod and his staff, they comfort you. Hallelujah. So we still getting any. He said, God, okay, right? I took down the the Ashera Poland. And in bills alter and you know, I was working with that and I know who I'm dealing with and I know who you want me to be. But if I could just have one more sign. You know, it and then that's what happens to us. Doesn't God calls us in. Sometimes we we get past that first argument of I'm not good enough, right? And then we start working and then people get mad at us and they call us all kinds of names, right? They call us stupid. They call us in a capable. They call us all kinds of names.

But God is a miracle. Working God. He's got Wonder working power. You can ask him for what you will and he will perform it. Hallelujah. Gideon asked the Lord. If you can just make this fleece wet and the rest of the ground dry, I know that you are calling me to do it. He even had an understanding of who God is a sword to have an understanding of who he is. And you want to see God work. He said. If you can just, you know, make make the fleece wet and the ground dry, then then I'll know beyond the shadow of a doubt that it's you, that's calling me.

And so get in, he put out the fleece. And if someone is sometimes when we put up the fleece, huh? We want to test God because we were not sure if we're being fleeced, if the Wolves being put over our Isle, it's a real thing. Did God really say, you know, like the devil he only has so many moves, he can he can go to and in the fight. Did God really say? Does it get you with that little Go to hook. Did God really say? I'm getting put out the fleece in. I know that that getting what I was saying to himself, God is able, you know,

the top. Definitely do it. I just want to see something real quick, you know? And so he put down the fleece in the Bible says that early in the morning, he rose up. And any saw that are the fleece was wet. And he was probably very excited. He ran over to the fleet. I could only imagine running over to the fleece. And end up getting a nice feel of it. And see that and feeling and experiencing and knowing that it was wet and ringing it out. The Bible says that he was ringing out the fleece, and it was a bowl full of water. Hallelujah. He was filled up to the Tiffany top. God is able to fill you up to the shop today and it might be a long night. You might have doubt in your mind, but God is able to select a fleece. Today, is able to get that fleece even tonight while you're sleeping, he still working while you're thinking about it, he's still working. Why you think it's dry? He's making it wet. Hallelujah. He's able to do it.

Praise the mighty name of Jesus.

He made it wet. Hallelujah, and then getting an he he he just wanted to try one more thing.

I know you made the The police were wet and the ground was dry. Now, it's not going to just do the opposite of that, right? If you can just kind of make the ground wet and the dry, then I'll know that. I know that I know. That your Jehovah's alone. Cuz now I just I just know that you're Jehovah. Shalom. I just have like the the knowledge and I have the understanding that your jehovah-shalom, right? But now I want to have the wisdom that you're Jehovah. Shalom. I want to be able to walk and something. so, the effect of the fleas again,

And in the same way we have to go out again. Sometimes we get caught up because we see something happening and it's not as Grand as as huge and as grandiose as we think it's going to be but God is working through that. God is working in there. if, if you want the fleece that he can, what the ground, the Bible says that when Gideon rose up again, Any saw the situation again? He saw the thief least was dry and the ground was wet. Hallelujah.

I said the fleece was dry and the ground was covered with do, Hallelujah. And if the title of this message, I know. It might seem dry and might seem stale. It might seem like what you're doing is worthless, but I got a question for you. What more can he do to you? What is that? Just a little sprinkle, but but the Holy Spirit wants to ask you what more can I do?

I know you're weak. I know you come from from a house of ill reputation. I know you done messed up. But what more can he do? Hallelujah. Now, get any, got really excited. He got the knowledge, he got the understanding but now he has the wisdom. It's a three-step process. He's got to know, it's so understanding and now he's got the Hallelujah. That's what wisdom is it. Taking the knowledge and the understanding and walking in it. You going to walk in it. Gideon. He walk towards it. You got to keep on going. You got to keep on pressing if it's getting and didn't get up. Hallelujah. If you want to stay in bed, if you want to watch Saturday morning cartoons, he wouldn't have thought that the fleece was wet, and the ground was dry. And in the fleet was try and the, and the ground was wet. I don't care how you look at it. Backwards forwards, sideways diagonal e. My God is the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning, and the ending is Jehovah's alone. For the struggle during the struggle. And after the struggle Hallelujah. That's the kind of power that God has.

Hallelujah. I cannot change what they say about you. Can you receive that this morning? I know. You have to be understanding and the knowledge but when he's talked to walk in the wisdom, they cannot change what they say about. You looking to have to call you by a different name. By a different Title by a different occupation. The Bible says that he was taking down and the winepress, but God said you're a warrior. I'm going to change your occupation. I'm going to change what you're used to be in a week but I'm going to change what you do. I'm going to change what they say. I'm going to change what your father says. I'm going to change what your mother says. I want to change what your community says. I'm going to change what the nation's if I'm going to change what that midianites say. I'm going to change with the amalekites overcame him. What the word of their testimony. I'm going to tell you today that you can do it. The Bible says that I can do all things through Christ. Who strengthens me by God's not, I'll pass over a guy. He's not a wimpy God's pussyfooting at North Texas Warriors today. Today is not like 10 people who go out there and break down the enemy down the enemy beat down the devil, the devil Hallelujah. Thanks, Bishop painter for that word. Back in the 90s, we can rip the devil. That's not an old thing in 2023 with the devil. Hallelujah, he's not done with her. He's not finished with us just because we messed up back in at least I'm seven years ago. He's about to take us and he was a tough break something. I know you got a messed-up 7 years ago. What? You got the second Bull. Now, Hallelujah. I know what the community said but you got the money Warrior now but you got a new title. Now what you got a new activation now you're a new person now your new creation. Now the old has passed away and the new has come. What more can you do? Hallelujah.

Thank you, Jesus. He has called you

He has confirmed you. In the Book of Romans and 8:28. It says, and we know that all things, God works for the good of those who love him and who are called according to his purpose for those God. For knew he also predestined to be conformed, to the image of his son, that he may be the first born among many brothers and sisters. Do you know that you're a Christian today? Hallelujah. That's something to be proud of. You know, lots of things that people are proud of. They have people that are so proud of being a certain this or a certain that. But are you proud of being a Christian? Are you proud of being a little Christ? Are you proud of being a little peace? Are you proud of being a mighty warrior? Hallelujah. Are you proud and walking in Jesus footsteps, Hallelujah? And thank God that he's not done with the scripture right there, but it keeps on going. And Paul says, and those he predestined, he also called those, he called he also Justified, does he justify. He also glorified What then shall we say in response to these things? When we see? The wet fleece when we see the wet ground when we see Jehovah, Shalom himself. When we see people changing what they say about us, what we say in response to these things, if God, be for us, who can be against us? Hallelujah. If God be for us, who can be against us? What's the time for the Holy Ghost? If God be for us, who can be against us? I don't care how long the meteors have been robbing from you. Stealing from you, from doing it from you? If God be for us who can be against us? What more can he do? Hallelujah. Now, we put this in the notes, but if you like 6:7 if you like what he's already done, anyway, you're going to love what he's about to do in your life. If you get before, you're going to love what he's coming to. The Bible says, in the Book of Judges and 7:13, when getting his walking in his purpose, when he's walking as a warrior. But he's walking in the way that God has called him to. He goes to the midianite camp as he stopped the clothes. And he sees a a man speaking to his buddy, speaking to his Chum, and he said, I had a dream about something. Something about the dream man.

In the man told him about the dream that he had. He said, I thought I'll round loaf of barley. Rolling towards the camp of Midian. And it hit, it was such a force, that it toppled over. Hallelujah. Can you receive it this morning? God took that same bread. That Gideon gave them back in chapter 6. It in his hand and he went

Make sure they get the whole loaf at the midianite camp, Hallelujah. I saw a party of them only toward the camp of Midian, Hallelujah and knocked over it down. It cut its damn. The song says, tell me who can speak for us when we call on Sakrete name. Hallelujah, because nothing is too difficult storm today.

The midianites had been there for 7 years, that's a long time. What does one who free takes it? Hallelujah does one. That's able to grab that same little piece of bread. I just roll it. Hallelujah. He's about to get some things in your life. I know, I might take an extra chapter for you to get the Revelation, but he's about to get in your life by God, himself making up on the screen. Hallelujah, that's what he wants to do. What can you do? Hallelujah. You seen what he's capable of, right? You heard his word, right? You seen the wet fleece? He's seen the wet ground. Now, what more can you do?

God wants you to have courage. He wants you to step into your right identity as a warrior. as one who doesn't give up as one, who keeps on fighting, As one who knocks down the enemy. The Bible says that when the time came, the enemy started fighting themselves.

The guy doesn't just want to beat the enemy as I'm starting in Paris the enemy. Hallelujah. Just want to beat the devil cuz of the devil in it would just like good luck in. I had my my cell phone over my shoulder and I had my, my, my hair of a rabbit, I'm saying, I had my my rabbit's foot and it was lucky because I want to in Paris, and he wants to use to do it and he wants to use your purse to do it. He wants to embarrass the enemy. Can you receive it this morning? What more can you do? You can have every midianite, every amalekite, every kind of Eastern person that comes up against you. Hallelujah. And if you love it, chapter 6 and chapter 7, you going to get fired up about chapter 8.

but after he was done, Embarrassing, the midianites that they weren't they were too. There was one called or than one called Z. And gotten him bringing or up towards a certain spot because God likes those tickle shots, you know. Bible says that he had Orab. Executed. But he had a cute and we're at the one in the presence of

How many deceive anyone tells Eve at the rock of XIV? Hallelujah. God wants to take you from. Just normal. Just doing your thing and he wants to do something extraordinary with you. He wants to do something great with you. So great that It embarrasses the enemy but you wonder why you have all these struggles and and all these things going on in your life and you like, where is God, how come he's not here. What? What God has put you there. He put you there as as it as a Gideon to break that thing. The beat that thing. To knock over that thing, doing Paris that thing that's why God put you there. To embarrass the enemy. What more can he do? Hallelujah.

know, if you heard these words and You know. It's something that they are not used to hearing at church so you know, fighting church, I don't know.

You know.

God wants to do something violent in their life. Want to do a violent or he already did a violent work on the cross. For you. Don't you know that when they took him and they beat him? It was a violence. When they ripped out his beard, it was violence. When they put the crown of thorns on his head, it was violent. When they put the nails in his hands and in his feet, it was a finalist.

Hallelujah. When they put the spear in his side and water and blood came out, it was violence. But praise God. On the third day. When The Rock was rolled away, that was violent. Hallelujah.

Got to do a violent thing. You want to do a quick thing. Don't know if you want got to do a quick thing in your life, are violent thing in your life and you want to see what he's capable of. We're going to have a Pastor Eddie, he's going to He's going to provide that the off the car off today. Hallelujah. This is a mighty man of God. That this is this is my my leaders are looking to hand as he comes. They met

He's a bad man in the spirit. Hallelujah.


Hallelujah. Revelation here. This Revelation here, hallelujah. Glory to God. Thank you, Lord. Bishop cleaner used to read a verse over and over about there being a famine in the land, but it wasn't a family necessarily of water and green. It was a famine of the word. Somebody said not here. Not here. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Let's just bless the Lord for brother. Jacob, let's bless the Lord. Hallelujah. Thank the Lord for what God has done in his life and you are watching on the stream. I want you to prepare your hearts because God has something great for you. I'm going to pray for him and I'm going to pray for you. Hallelujah. We're watching. Hulu need to receive a violent shake-up takeover, take down in your life, of all the things that have been beating you and against you and stealing from you today. Today is a turnaround day in Jesus name. Father, thank you for brother, Jacob. I think you for the word that he has poured out. I think you look out that he has lingered before you spent time before you to receive this world. And I thank you. Father. That Lord, the Revelation has been imparted to us that now Lord, we are your mighty warrior and we thank you. Lord for this mighty warrior, who has been used? So mightily today to break down tear down and crush the head of the enemy. We thank you. Father, that the enemy has been exposed by you and you've used Your Vessel today. To even greater, give us revelation of that exposure. We just give you praise and thank you. Feel him, anoint him. Prosper him for the next level.

Take him into his dreams. In the vision that you have for his life and that you would stay step by step before you to walk it out in Jesus name, amen. Amen. Amen. Keep standing for many of those who have not received Christ as their savior. Those were watching online. Those were here, maybe you've received price, but the heights, the things of Life the enemy has been buffering you pressuring you Worrying. You

Condemning you. Jesus came so that you can have total freedom and him not bondage, not fear and no longer. Attached to the work of the devil. God came to untie you from his works and today, if you've never received Christ as your lord and savior, you can be free today. Free to worship, free to praise God, free to lay your life before him free to be successful. Free to have a heart that is just Fearless. Fearless in Jesus name. I sent this is a call for some of you who know that God called you to do, more to do more, and you've listened today about what more can he do, but God has called you to do more. But he wants to empower you in those strips. He wants to walk with you through those steps. And I'm going to pray for you today. That God will call it will cause you to the the, for him. If that, if you're here, and you want to make this your altar, just like Gideon. Did you make this your altar in Jesus name? Hallelujah, I'm going to pray, I'm going to give this time. Hallelujah. Father, we thank you. Look out for this time. Before you, we are set up an altar to you today here and online. But we thank you for those who need to receive salvation Lord save them by your power and would let them give their lives to you say just cry out Simply and say, Jesus, Take My Life. Be my Lord and Savior do something great with me in the name of Jesus. Not only this brother but anybody who wants to make this and Alta today. Hallelujah. This is a time how that all goes well. I thank you Lord God that you have called The Gideons. You have called the men of God. You have called The Brothers, the sisters, your son's, and daughter because you want to do more and Lord. We thank you that God you have even, soak the fleece, try the ground. So many times for us. We need no other document. We need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died and that he died for me so long today. I pray for my brother that Lord Greater Works of attention, Greater Works of fellowship, and Lord, you would make it a plain path for him. That Lord, his enemies would freeze dry up and be broke down in the name. Those who are pressuring him would be pressured by the enemy. We think of that he will have feel the strength. Like you've never felt it before to go on, with God, to read to pray, but also to impart to others, the grace of God and to Lord, be more for you into what you have for him. And turn the family family. Family family blessing will got his own abundant family in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Father. He is taking the steps that were fearful before and now moving with Clarity, moving with freedom and moving with

In the name of Jesus.

Thank you Lord. Thank you, Lord, hallelujah. Hallelujah to see where you are. Lift up your hands and say I'm Yours. Lord, Holly. I know it. Look strange. I know it might feel strange but it it's a just in your heart surrender to God. I'm yours. Whatever you want to do. I'm open. I Surrender. I take it freely in Jesus name. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah, and praise giving praise what you asked for. You received bless you.

Thank you. Jesus. Hallelujah. Come on. Bless the Lord Shadow Tagalog. Shout out to God. Hallelujah, praise the Lord. I'm going to say one thing about the paper you receiving. Those were watching online. And are you going to have a seat for a minute? We will just be right out of here. In just one minute. Are you receiving the paper? They're there are more in the printer. If you haven't received my, the van she is helping us to receive those papers. What's your receiving is? Just about to prepare you for what we have announced our which is coming two weeks from now we set aside a Sunday called Vision Sunday, and I don't want people to show up and not just show up unprepared, but show up ready with not just a church Vision, but your own Vision, amen. There are many ways to create a vision in it, in the, on your paper. I believe the scripture is there from habakkuk chapter 2, with a back. It clearly says, write the vision down make it plain so that He who reads it may run. And I tell you the truth, the primary person who needs to run is you name a lot of reasons, for a lot of people but when you get tired, when you get frustrated or you just can't go on, go back and read that vision and start running. Danny Men start running for Jesus but if you what I didn't put their inverse one of that same chapter, I believe he says I will watch and see what the Lord will say. I will watch and see what the Lord will say. So this is your time. From now till the 26th and Beyond don't stop waiting and watching but listen to what the Lord would say. Amen. I know we have had some things that may be in your heart for years and you already may have your vision boards and your vision screens and you got your screen savers, you know, what's on your wall and everything. But take the next two weeks as you may have done during the fasting. I'm not telling you too fast but what will the Lord say? What will the Lord say? And then start to write, spend some time. It may take some time to have a vision meeting with the lawyer. Before. We have a vision meeting a man, get your own fishing meeting and I put down some simple things there. Look at the different areas that you can have a your spiritual are your emotional areas if you want to be elaborate on your butt. Ryder and you like to write down pros and things like that. I put the first five there if you want to write down your own book but you going to read it and you can run with it. Amen. Hallelujah. But I put down some simple things five, simple things, I believe that would help you get some tangible areas that you can see this year. And no, it's not about being materialistic, but it's about getting tangible. I declare to you, the most tangible things sometimes. You can see his things. Amen. Hallelujah to see the things we can see what God has done for a spiritually. But there's some tangible things that I believe God wants to do for you in the natural. Amen. So I wrote down, what do you want to? Give to the kingdom that could be your time. It also could be your resources finances. So each year, I try to set a goal and maybe an example of what what percentage of your income do you want to give you may be at either, but it's been on your heart to say. Lord I want to be able to give A little more than 2% more. Amen. So you write that down and let the Lord work it out. I remember, we're just starting to say, Lord, I got a vision for what do I want to give to you financially and even in my time? I what do I want to give him put it down on paper, make a qualified. This is only for you. We're going to come on Vision Sunday and nobody's going to ask you. If your paper, I'm not asking for your paper a man, but you can hold up your paper, your pad of your book of your journal. And we're going to believe God together a man. Just write down, what you, maybe you have some debts that you really want to get rid of it. The Bible says owe, no man, anything but to love. Now that doesn't mean that it's wrong, otherwise he wouldn't say. He'd make you a lender and then you'll be you being a send sister, maybe, but he doesn't want you to be changed by a man. So, right down the debt and know what? They are, principal interest. Don't just say what I got it. I got it, I got a couple things out there. You know, when somebody gives you the money, you don't even know where to put the money, but if you know where you what exactly you have, You can start to see, I need to pay this off first. You start to get some strategy, a man and I think I put, if you don't have debts, if you don't have debts, what do you want to save? Maybe you want to get some savings goals, are some best in goals. Those are some tangible things that it's okay, for a Christian to do in this life. Amen. It's okay to say because God said he bless your Storehouse. Storehouse means you stor-it storage up a man and your basket is that what you give out and given your wallet? Praise the Lord. So that's the things you do. I believe they're with for two other things. I put down there, I have to do. You get into what you've given the Lord after you get into what you owe people and all those stuff don't live there and what you owe and what you're saving. Amen. Praise the Lord, the Lord to want you to have and enjoy some things and some things is not going to come from you paying them and swiping your own car. Just as I just wanted you to have it cuz I love you. So right down lord I would love to have that. That would be awesome. Amen. And it's not for that and sometimes it's not just for you but you said that would be awesome. You know, I would love to have a Fender guitar so I can play. Well, I would like to have, you know, whatever the top-of-the-line you've always bought these kind of pots and pans, nothing wrong with him, that I'm going to get mad because you let me have that but you want the top-of-the-line, you know, a chef de cuisine. Always wanted that. I'd love to have that in my kitchen from you, but it's just something that that be nice. I like that. If Money Was No Object, amen. And then sometimes not just your money, but sometimes your own body will tell you you can't do this or your own mind. Will tell you, you can't do that right down, what you would like to do. If Health was not enough historical,

How that's not for everybody but some people you need to do you say? Yes, I'm going to write that down, I'm running that Marathon. Okay, half marathon. Okay, 5K whatever it is, I'm going to, that's my goal is help was not an obstacle. I can get there and I can get you there a man. Praise God. So take that meditate on that. And I'll be encouraged. I'm going to bite sister Robin, just to read our announcement, so briefly, and then she's going to close this out and pray. Amen. Amen. I know you've been patient. I know you've been faithful, but it's been a good day. Hallelujah. Florida guy. Thank you. Pastor Eddie. Thank you. I'm going to stay past. Jacob, can we can we just just just just caught for sure, I love for for brother. Jacob for the word that he brought today, what a blessing and I'm happy to say that. That's my nephew. So anyway, glory to God glory to God. Discipleship evangelism has restarted learn how to have a thriving relationship with God. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. life foundation's growth group continues this week Wednesday at 8 p.m. and you'll learn six. Key foundational truth that will revolutionize your relationship with God. Empower you to overcome every attack of the enemy and give you the ability to minister to anyone at anytime about anything and it is a lot of fun, right? Sister Avenel passed a d. We had a great time last week. It was it. So I encourage everyone if you can just join the life foundation's if and if you can't participate this month, you can sign up next month. Hey man. And for more information about life foundation's, you can log into the church Center app and sign up or show up on to sign up. I'll just say that and Pastor Eddie just mentioned Vision, Sunday is February 26th. So again begin to write down you're a Family Vision and prepare for this amazing Sunday of possibilities. And power and are finally, our next community meal is February 26th, so get excited about that because they're always good, right? So, I'll praise God. Glory to God.

Okay, we have one more announcement. The men's fellowship mail is Saturday. February 25th at 10 a.m. I believe that's a men's breakfast. Amen. Amen. So I will close us out Heavenly Father we just so grateful for this opportunity to come before you Lord God and receive your word. Lord, I Thank you for anointing brother. Jacob, Lord God with them with you with a message for us. Lord, God, we pray for special blessing over his life. Lord God, we pray that you bless him and a special way today, Lord God, for being your servant, Lord God for being obedient Lord God and bringing your word to your people. Thank you. Lord God, we just pray for our Pastor, Eddie go by Lord God, we pray that you continue to bless him, Lord God build him up, bless his family. And Lord God I pray for everyone here. Lord God. I pray, your hedge of protection around them. Keep us safe Lord. From every danger seen and unseen. Lord God, Let us receive the word and do something with it in Jesus name. Amen.

Praise the Lord. You'll be dismissed that as you just messed, I just want to encourage you. You know, if you've received from this word definitely not to give in to this word, a man. So I open up and we're going to receive an offering for brother Jacob. Thank God for the speakers offering online. If you're going online you can go to our same channels whether to text give where does it where the website or the app and you can just put in a cash up in the memo say speaker or if you're giving online you can just put in the category will be the speaker and you can do that anytime this week. Amen. All the givings will go to brother Jacob. Amen. Amen. God bless you. You're dismissed have a great great week.

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