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(especially in biblical, Judaic, and Christian use) used to express adoration, praise, or joy.
"“Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.“"
an expression of adoration, praise, or joy.
"the soundtrack evoked passionate hosannas from some critics"
(especialmente en el uso bíblico, judaico y cristiano) utilizado para expresar adoración, alabanza o alegría.
"Hosanna, bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor".
una expresión de adoración, alabanza o alegría.
"La banda sonora evocó hosannas apasionados de algunos críticos"
Hosanna - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
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What does Hosanna mean and why is it so powerful?
Hosanna was a cry of hope from an oppressed people living under Roman rule and it means 'Oh save' or 'Save us now'. They had been waiting for generations for the Messiah and he was finally here! Just a week later Jesus would save them, but not in the way they ever would have imagined.
Hosanna - Definición, significado y sinónimos - Vocabulary.com
Buscar: ¿Cuál es el verdadero significado de Hosanna?
¿Qué significa Hosanna y por qué es tan poderoso?
Hosanna fue un grito de esperanza de un pueblo oprimido que vivía bajo el dominio romano y significa "Oh, salva" o "Sálvanos ahora". ¡Habían estado esperando durante generaciones al Mesías y finalmente estaba aquí! Apenas una semana después, Jesús los salvaría, pero no de la manera que jamás hubieran imaginado.
Palm Sunday recalls an event in the Christian Scripture (The New Testament) of Jesus entering Jerusalem and being greeted by the people waving palm branches. For Christians, it is a reminder of the welcoming of Jesus into our hearts and of our willingness to follow him.
El Domingo de Ramos recuerda un evento en la Escritura cristiana (El Nuevo Testamento) de Jesús entrando en Jerusalén y siendo recibido por la gente agitando ramas de palma. Para los cristianos, es un recordatorio de la acogida de Jesús en nuestros corazones y de nuestra voluntad de seguirlo.
What is Palm Sunday?
Palm Sunday is a Christian celebration that marks the beginning of the Holy Week leading to Easter Sunday. It commemorates Jesus' triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, when people laid down palms and branches in front of him as a sign of honor. In modern times, churches hold Palm Sunday services in which worshippers are given a palm branch or cross made from palm leaves. The celebration involves singing hymns, reading Scripture, and sometimes even a procession with the palms. Palm Sunday is a reminder of the selfless love Jesus showed by laying down his life for us, and it is a time to reflect on our own lives and how we can show that same love to those around us.
• ¿Qué es el Domingo de Ramos?
El Domingo de Ramos es una celebración cristiana que marca el comienzo de la Semana Santa que conduce al Domingo de Pascua. Conmemora la entrada triunfal de Jesús en Jerusalén, cuando la gente puso palmas y ramas frente a él como signo de honor. En los tiempos modernos, las iglesias celebran servicios del Domingo de Ramos en los que los fieles reciben una rama de palma o una cruz hecha de hojas de palma. La celebración implica cantar himnos, leer las Escrituras y, a veces, incluso una procesión con las palmas. El Domingo de Ramos es un recordatorio del amor desinteresado que Jesús mostró al dar su vida por nosotros, y es un momento para reflexionar sobre nuestras propias vidas y cómo podemos mostrar ese mismo amor a quienes nos rodean.
Palm Sunday is the day we remember and celebrate the day Jesus entered Jerusalem as Savior and King. As Jesus rode a donkey into the town of Jerusalem, a large crowd gathered and laid palm branches and their cloaks across the road, giving Jesus royal treatment. The hundreds of people shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!"
El Domingo de Ramos es el día en que recordamos y celebramos el día en que Jesús entró en Jerusalén como Salvador y Rey. Mientras Jesús montaba un burro en la ciudad de Jerusalén, una gran multitud se reunió y colocó ramas de palma y sus capas al otro lado del camino, dando a Jesús un trato real. Los cientos de personas gritaron: "¡Hosanna al Hijo de David! ¡Bienaventurado el que viene en el nombre del Señor! ¡Hosanna en el cielo más alto!"
Palm Sunday is a moveable holiday that changes yearly based on Lent and the spring equinox. Many churches celebrate Palm Sunday by waving palm branches, singing traditional hymns, and making crosses out of palm fronds. But while this is a triumphal entry, it is Jesus’ first step toward His death.
El Domingo de Ramos es un día festivo móvil que cambia anualmente según la Cuaresma y el equinoccio de primavera. Muchas iglesias celebran el Domingo de Ramos agitando ramas de palma, cantando himnos tradicionales y haciendo cruces con hojas de palma. Pero aunque esta es una entrada triunfal, es el primer paso de Jesús hacia su muerte.
This year, Palm Sunday will be on Sunday, April 2nd, 2023. Find more dates of Holy Week in 2023.
Este año, el Domingo de Ramos será el domingo 2 de abril de 2023. Encuentra más fechas de Semana Santa en 2023.
Many churches celebrate Palm Sunday. Maybe your church has children waving palm branches to help them connect to the story. But while this is a triumphal entry, it is Jesus’ first step toward His death.
Muchas iglesias celebran el Domingo de Ramos. Tal vez su iglesia tiene niños agitando ramas de palma para ayudarlos a conectarse con la historia. Pero aunque esta es una entrada triunfal, es el primer paso de Jesús hacia su muerte.
Matthew 21:4 tells us: 'This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying, 'Say to the daughter of Zion, 'Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.' *The prophecy is cited from Zechariah 9:9 and Isaiah 62:11.
Isaiah 62:11 NLT
11 The Lord has sent this message to every land: “Tell the people of Israel, ‘Look, your Savior is coming. See, he brings his reward with him as he comes.’ ”
Zechariah 9:9 NLT
9 Rejoice, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey— riding on a donkey’s colt.
Matthew 21:4 NLT
4 This took place to fulfill the prophecy that said,
Mateo 21: 4 nos dice: "Esto sucedió para cumplir lo que fue dicho por el profeta, diciendo: 'Dile a la hija de Sión: He aquí, tu rey viene a ti, humilde, y montado en un, y en un pollino, el potro de una bestia de carga'. *La profecía es citada de Zacarías 9:9 e Isaías 62:11.
What is the Hosanna prayer?
Hosanna is a prayer that confesses both need and hope. It is a prayer that demands attention and pleads with urgency to a Savior in whom we are putting our trust. It is a prayer that raises the crises of our lives into the highest heaven with the expectation that God cares, that God will respond to our cry.
Palm Sunday Bible Story - Triumphal Entry
¿Qué es la oración de Hosanna?
Hosanna es una oración que confiesa tanto la necesidad como la esperanza. Es una oración que exige atención y suplica con urgencia a un Salvador en quien estamos poniendo nuestra confianza. Es una oración que eleva las crisis de nuestras vidas al cielo más alto con la expectativa de que Dios se preocupa, que Dios responderá a nuestro clamor.
Historia de la Biblia del Domingo de Ramos - Entrada Triunfal
Matthew 21:1-11 - Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King
Matthew 21:1–11 NLT
1 As Jesus and the disciples approached Jerusalem, they came to the town of Bethphage on the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two of them on ahead. 2 “Go into the village over there,” he said. “As soon as you enter it, you will see a donkey tied there, with its colt beside it. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone asks what you are doing, just say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will immediately let you take them.” 4 This took place to fulfill the prophecy that said, 5 “Tell the people of Jerusalem, ‘Look, your King is coming to you. He is humble, riding on a donkey— riding on a donkey’s colt.’ ” 6 The two disciples did as Jesus commanded. 7 They brought the donkey and the colt to him and threw their garments over the colt, and he sat on it. 8 Most of the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of him, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 9 Jesus was in the center of the procession, and the people all around him were shouting, “Praise God for the Son of David! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Praise God in highest heaven!” 10 The entire city of Jerusalem was in an uproar as he entered. “Who is this?” they asked. 11 And the crowds replied, “It’s Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.”
As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, say that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.” This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: “Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’ ” The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?” The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.”
Mateo 21:1-11 - Jesús viene a Jerusalén como rey
Cuando se acercaron a Jerusalén y llegaron a Betfagé en el Monte de los Olivos, Jesús envió a dos discípulos, diciéndoles: "Vayan a la aldea delante de ustedes, y de inmediato encontrarán un atado allí, con su pollino junto a ella. Desátalos y tráemelos. Si alguno te dice algo, di que el Señor los necesita, y él los enviará de inmediato". Esto tuvo lugar para cumplir lo que se habló a través del profeta: "Dile a la hija Sión: 'Mira, tu rey viene a ti, manso y montado en un, y en un pollino, el potro de un'. Los discípulos fueron e hicieron lo que Jesús les había instruido. Trajeron el burro y el pollino y colocaron sus capas sobre ellos para que Jesús se sentara en ellos. Una multitud muy grande extendió sus capas en el camino, mientras que otros cortaron ramas de los árboles y las extendieron en el camino. Las multitudes que iban delante de él y las que le seguían gritaban: "¡Hosanna al Hijo de David!" "¡Bienaventurado el que viene en el nombre del Señor!" "¡Hosanna en el cielo más alto!" Cuando Jesús entró en Jerusalén, toda la ciudad se conmovió y preguntó: "¿Quién es este?" La multitud respondió: "Este es Jesús, el profeta de Nazaret en Galilea".
On the heels of Palm Sunday, as we begin this Holy Week, may we constantly be reminded of its significance and value for our lives today. That very important day in history, when Jesus began His journey towards the cross.
Inmediatamente después del Domingo de Ramos, al comenzar esta Semana Santa, que se nos recuerde constantemente su significado y valor para nuestras vidas hoy. Ese día tan importante en la historia, cuando Jesús comenzó su camino hacia la cruz.
Yet maybe amid busy lives, on the heels of Spring Break, or in all of the upcoming thoughts about Easter, the real meaning of it may, even unintentionally, get missed.
Sin embargo, tal vez en medio de vidas ocupadas, inmediatamente después de las vacaciones de primavera, o en todos los próximos pensamientos sobre la Pascua, el verdadero significado de la misma puede, incluso involuntariamente, perderse.
His Word reveals such great truths in every part of this story. Truths that draw us closer to Christ, reminding us that He alone is King...
Su Palabra revela grandes verdades en cada parte de esta historia. Verdades que nos acercan más a Cristo, recordándonos que sólo Él es Rey...
Luke 19:11-44 - “Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’ ” Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, “Why are you untying the colt?” They replied, “The Lord needs it.” They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks on the colt and put Jesus on it. As he went along, people spread their cloaks on the road. When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
Luke 19:11–44 NLT
11 The crowd was listening to everything Jesus said. And because he was nearing Jerusalem, he told them a story to correct the impression that the Kingdom of God would begin right away. 12 He said, “A nobleman was called away to a distant empire to be crowned king and then return. 13 Before he left, he called together ten of his servants and divided among them ten pounds of silver, saying, ‘Invest this for me while I am gone.’ 14 But his people hated him and sent a delegation after him to say, ‘We do not want him to be our king.’ 15 “After he was crowned king, he returned and called in the servants to whom he had given the money. He wanted to find out what their profits were. 16 The first servant reported, ‘Master, I invested your money and made ten times the original amount!’ 17 “ ‘Well done!’ the king exclaimed. ‘You are a good servant. You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you, so you will be governor of ten cities as your reward.’ 18 “The next servant reported, ‘Master, I invested your money and made five times the original amount.’ 19 “ ‘Well done!’ the king said. ‘You will be governor over five cities.’ 20 “But the third servant brought back only the original amount of money and said, ‘Master, I hid your money and kept it safe. 21 I was afraid because you are a hard man to deal with, taking what isn’t yours and harvesting crops you didn’t plant.’ 22 “ ‘You wicked servant!’ the king roared. ‘Your own words condemn you. If you knew that I’m a hard man who takes what isn’t mine and harvests crops I didn’t plant, 23 why didn’t you deposit my money in the bank? At least I could have gotten some interest on it.’ 24 “Then, turning to the others standing nearby, the king ordered, ‘Take the money from this servant, and give it to the one who has ten pounds.’ 25 “ ‘But, master,’ they said, ‘he already has ten pounds!’ 26 “ ‘Yes,’ the king replied, ‘and to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. 27 And as for these enemies of mine who didn’t want me to be their king—bring them in and execute them right here in front of me.’ ” 28 After telling this story, Jesus went on toward Jerusalem, walking ahead of his disciples. 29 As he came to the towns of Bethphage and Bethany on the Mount of Olives, he sent two disciples ahead. 30 “Go into that village over there,” he told them. “As you enter it, you will see a young donkey tied there that no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. 31 If anyone asks, ‘Why are you untying that colt?’ just say, ‘The Lord needs it.’ ” 32 So they went and found the colt, just as Jesus had said. 33 And sure enough, as they were untying it, the owners asked them, “Why are you untying that colt?” 34 And the disciples simply replied, “The Lord needs it.” 35 So they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their garments over it for him to ride on. 36 As he rode along, the crowds spread out their garments on the road ahead of him. 37 When he reached the place where the road started down the Mount of Olives, all of his followers began to shout and sing as they walked along, praising God for all the wonderful miracles they had seen. 38 “Blessings on the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory in highest heaven!” 39 But some of the Pharisees among the crowd said, “Teacher, rebuke your followers for saying things like that!” 40 He replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!” 41 But as he came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, he began to weep. 42 “How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace. But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from your eyes. 43 Before long your enemies will build ramparts against your walls and encircle you and close in on you from every side. 44 They will crush you into the ground, and your children with you. Your enemies will not leave a single stone in place, because you did not recognize it when God visited you.”
Lucas 19:11-44 - "Ve a la aldea delante de ti, y al entrar en ella, encontrarás un pollino atado allí, que nadie ha montado jamás. Desátalo y tráelo aquí. Si alguien te pregunta: '¿Por qué lo desatas?', di: 'El Señor lo necesita'. "Los que fueron enviados por delante fueron y lo encontraron tal como él les había dicho. Mientras desataban el potro, sus dueños les preguntaron: "¿Por qué están desatando el potro?" Ellos respondieron: "El Señor lo necesita". Se lo llevaron a Jesús, arrojaron sus mantos sobre el pollino y pusieron a Jesús en él. A medida que avanzaba, la gente extendía sus capas en el camino. Cuando se acercó al lugar donde el camino baja por el Monte de los Olivos, toda la multitud de discípulos comenzó a alabar alegremente a Dios en voz alta por todos los milagros que habían visto: "¡Bendito el rey que viene en el nombre del Señor!" "¡Paz en el cielo y gloria en las alturas!"
5 Things about Palm Sunday that Remind Us Christ is King
5 cosas sobre el Domingo de Ramos que nos recuerdan que Cristo es Rey
1. God's Word tells us the people cut palm branches, waved them in the air, and laid them out on the ground before Jesus as He rode into the city. The palm branch represented goodness and victory and was symbolic of the final victory He would soon fulfill over death.
“O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” 1 Cor. 15:55
1. La Palabra de Dios nos dice que la gente cortó ramas de palma, las agitó en el aire y las tendió en el suelo ante Jesús mientras cabalgaba hacia la ciudad. Larama de palma representaba la bondad y la victoria y era un símbolo de la victoria final que pronto cumpliría sobre la muerte.
"Oh muerte, ¿dónde está tu victoria? Oh muerte, ¿dónde está tu aguijón?" 1 Corintios 15:55
2. Jesus chose to ride in on a donkey, which directly fulfilled the Old Testament prophecy of Zech. 9:9. In Biblical times, it was common for kings or important people to arrive by a procession riding on a donkey. The donkey symbolized peace, so those who chose to ride them showed that they came with peaceful intentions. Jesus even then reminded us that He is the Prince of Peace.
"Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." Zech. 9:9
2. Jesús eligió montar en un burro, lo que cumplió directamente la profecía del Antiguo Testamento de Zac. 9:9. En los tiempos bíblicos, era común que los reyes o personas importantes llegaran en una procesión montada en un burro. El burro simbolizaba la paz, por lo que aquellos que eligieron montarlos mostraron que venían con intenciones pacíficas. Jesús incluso entonces nos recordó que Él es el Príncipe de Paz.
"¡Alégrate mucho, hija de Sión! ¡Grita en voz alta, hija de Jerusalén! He aquí, tu rey viene a ti; justo y teniendo salvación es él, humilde y montado en un, en un pollino, el potro de un". Zac. 9:9
3. When the people shouted "Hosanna!" they were hailing Christ as King. That word actually means "save now," and though in their own minds, they waited for an earthly king, God had a different way of bringing true salvation to all who would trust in Him.
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD!" Ps. 118:26
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Rom. 10:9
3. Cuando la gente gritaba "¡Hosanna!", estaban aclamando a Cristo como Rey. Esa palabra en realidad significa "salvar ahora", y aunque en sus propias mentes, esperaban un rey terrenal, Dios tenía una manera diferente de traer la verdadera salvación a todos los que confiaran en Él.
"¡Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor!" Salmos 118:26
"Si confiesas con tu boca que Jesús es el Señor y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo levantó de entre los muertos, serás salvo". Romanos 10:9
4. The Bible says that Jesus wept for Jerusalem. Amid the praise of the moment, He knew in His heart that it wouldn't be long that these same people would turn their backs on Him, betray Him, and crucify Him. His heart broke with the reality of how much they needed a Savior.
"As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it, and said, "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace--but now it is hidden from your eyes." Luke 19:41-42
John 12:12-19 - The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! ” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”“Blessed is the king of Israel!” Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written: “Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.”
4. La Biblia dice que Jesús lloró por Jerusalén. En medio de la alabanza del momento, Él sabía en Su corazón que no pasaría mucho tiempo para que estas mismas personas le dieran la espalda, lo traicionaran y lo crucificaran. Su corazón se rompió con la realidad de cuánto necesitaban un Salvador.
"Cuando se acercó a Jerusalén y vio la ciudad, lloró sobre ella y dijo: "Si tú, incluso tú, hubieras sabido en este día lo que te traería paz, pero ahora está oculto a tus ojos". Lucas 19:41-42
Juan 12:12-19 Al día siguiente, la gran multitud que había venido para el festival oyó que Jesús se dirigía a Jerusalén. Tomaron ramas de palma y salieron a su encuentro, gritando: "¡Hosanna!" "¡Bienaventurado el que viene en el nombre del Señor!" ¡Bendito sea el rey de Israel!" Jesús encontró un burro joven y se sentó en él, como está escrito: "No temas, hija Sión; Mira, tu rey viene, sentado en el potro de un burro".
5. Palm Sunday reminds us that the reign of Christ is far greater than any man's mind could ever conceive or plan. Man looked for someone to fight their battles in the present-day world. Yet God had the ultimate plan of sending His Son to fight the final battle over death. This is the greatness of why we celebrate this week. Because of Christ's ultimate sacrifice, we can be set free of death.
"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,'" John 11:25
We have so much to be grateful for this week. The enemy knows that, and you can bet, he will do everything he can to distract us from this Holy Week's true meaning. Don't let him win.
In this Holy Week, may God direct our thoughts and attention towards what matters most, Jesus Christ our King...
Let's choose to focus on worshipping our Lord, thanking Him for the gift of His sacrifice, celebrating the power of the Resurrection, and the new life found in Him alone. Grace.
"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" 2 Cor. 9:15
5. El Domingo de Ramos nos recuerda que el reinado de Cristo es mucho más grande de lo que la mente de cualquier hombre podría concebir o planear. El hombre buscó a alguien para pelear sus batallas en el mundo actual. Sin embargo, Dios tenía el plan final de enviar a Su Hijo a pelear la batalla final sobre la muerte. Esta es la grandeza de por qué celebramos esta semana. Debido al sacrificio final de Cristo, podemos ser liberados de la muerte.
"Jesús le dijo: Yo soy la resurrección y la vida; el que cree en mí, vivirá aunque muera'", Juan 11:25.
Tenemos mucho que agradecer esta semana. El enemigo lo sabe, y puedes apostar, hará todo lo posible para distraernos del verdadero significado de esta Semana Santa. No dejes que gane.
En esta Semana Santa, que Dios dirija nuestros pensamientos y atención hacia lo que más importa, Jesucristo nuestro Rey...
Elijamos enfocarnos en adorar a nuestro Señor, agradecerle por el regalo de Su sacrificio, celebrar el poder de la Resurrección y la nueva vida que se encuentra solo en Él. Gracia.
"¡Gracias a Dios por su regalo indescriptible!" 2 Corintios 9:15
Let us rejoice!
Zechariah 9:9 - Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Zacarías 9:9 — ¡Regocíjate mucho, hija Sión! ¡Grita, hija Jerusalén! Mira, tu rey viene a ti, justo y victorioso, humilde y montado en un burro, en un potro, el potro de un burro.
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