It is Finished

Easter Devotional  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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I remember as Jenna and I were preparing for the birth of our daughter, Eden, there was so much nervousness, excitement, and uncertainty. As we received gifts and bought baby clothes and items for her nursery. As we went to doctor appointment after appointment. And then everything came to a culmination in the hospital, as we checked in late at night for a midnight induction and got settled into the room, I remember this rush of emotions in the quiet calm before the storm of labor and delivery. Then the moment we were all waiting for came, I was sitting in a seat, eating the last few bites of a Jimmy John’s sandwich when Jenna said, IT’S TIME! She’s coming NOW! The nurses and doctors rushed in and began the delivery process. But in that moment I remember just jumping up and running to Jenna’s side, shaking and sweating and praying! So nervous, so excited, so scared not fully understanding what was about to happen! But then, in what seemed like just a few short moments, thankfully for all of us, Eden Mae Puig was born! And it’s that moment right there that stands out the most! That moment when the doctor handed our baby into our arms and said you’re all done, your daughter is here! It’s finished! (DEEP BREATH) Oh, we laughed, we cried, we held each other, we just smiled staring at this beautiful baby who had just entered the world through a process of chaos, pain, and emotions. And it changed everything forever. But in that moment, this deep sense of relief and amazement came over us as we realized, it was finished...
As we look at the cross, the final moment before Jesus died, we see his very last words.
John tells us in John 19:30 “When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished.” Then bowing his head, he gave up his spirit.”
Then, Luke 23:46 says, “And Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.” Saying this, he breathed his last.”
We get to look back at this moment with a deep sigh of relief. Yes, this was a tragic moment, yes we had just killed the Son of God come to save us, but it was in this moment, that IT WAS FINISHED.
This statement brings to mind the religious striving necessary in Jewish history to worship God, to make all the proper sacrifices, approving the perfect lamb to be slaughtered, to follow all of the right traditions, in hopes of measuring up to the standard of Holiness set by God.
Still today, it is so tempting to think we must do something to earn our Salvation. That we need to be good enough, do good enough. If we can just go to enough Sunday Services, and if we are at the top of our Sunday School Class- well then we have made it, we are a good christian.
But this is simply a lie.
There is nothing you can do to earn salvation. There is nothing you can do to keep your salvation.
No, it has all be done for you, as Jesus declared on the cross IT IS FINISHED.
There no longer needs to be any religious striving, no struggle to figure out salvation, no doubt about if we have been good enough to be made right with God.
Now, by the blood of Jesus poured out on the cross, anyone who calls upon the name of Jesus will be saved.
So, to the Christian, following Jesus, that may be watching right now- remember these words of Jesus and release that pressure you feel to perform, to earn or keep your salvation- it is final and secure in the Cross! The work is finished. You don’t have to try to earn anything or measure up anymore. You GET to live in and enjoy the life of God that Jesus died to give you. It is finished.
To the person who isn’t Christian, who may be trying to figure out- what do I need to DO to be right with God, what must I DO to gain eternal life and satisfaction? Well, the answer is- NOTHING. It has already been done for you. On the cross, Jesus declared IT IS FINISHED. And you can turn away from your sin today and believe in Jesus, be saved and begin to walk in the life that He paid for when He said it is finished.
Let’s pray.
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