Follow: The Resurrected Christ

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Amazing Feats of Strength
Weather phenomena aren’t the only time that unusual occurrences are mentioned in the news. In some cases, maybe because of adrenalin or the crisis of the situation, some people are able to exhibit amazing acts of strength.
While a muscular man might be able to lift a car off someone, an average mom weighing 120 pounds lifting a 2,000-pound car off her son is seemingly miraculous – but it really happened.
Moms have shown “super-strength” when their children are in danger. That is exactly the case in this incident: after an accident, Mrs. Norbert (Margaret) See lifted the family car off her 11-year-old son Mark. Mrs. See stated:
I knew my boy was under the car and I had to get him out. I didn’t notice the weight of the (Ford) Pinto.
2. The poetic return: "My parents were newlyweds in New Jersey and then moved to Illinois after I was born. They lived there my entire childhood and then divorced the year I graduated. My dad moved to Las Vegas, my mom to Texas. When I turned 30, I took a job in South Florida — the first and only member of my family to ever travel there. While at a local Goodwill in search of home furnishings, I found an old book of poetry on a kitchenwares shelf, and I liked the look of the cover, so I bought it for a quarter and took it home with the rest of my stuff. Later that night, I opened the front cover and was shocked to see an inscription in my dad’s unmistakable handwriting. It was his gift to my mom on their third wedding anniversary. My mom had sold it at a yard sale 10 or so years earlier. Both of them have since confirmed this." —Valerie Perreault, Facebook 7. The famous French fry thief:
"I was eating lunch at Wendy's when Bill Murray sat down at my table, stole a fry, dipped it into my Frosty, and ate it. He then looked at me and said, 'Nobody's gonna believe you,' and walked away."
—Wes Helgeson, Facebook

The divine intervention:

"My grandpa raised me growing up, and his favorite number was 44. Every day, he had me wait with him to watch the clock change to 4:44. His son (my uncle) had died in a car accident, and his football jersey number was 44. Then, my grandpa passed away in 2016. The next year was the worst year of my life. I wasn't religious, and I didn't usually pray, but in this instance my car had broken down, and I was registering my grandpa's truck at the DMV. In the notes app on my phone, I asked for a sign that my life would change or for a guardian angel — it was the first and only prayer I had ever written down on my phone. When the lady called me up, she asked what I wanted the license plate to say — 'State of Florida,' 'In God We Trust,' or something else — and I said 'In God We Trust.' She brought me the license plate, and the number was 4444. I immediately started crying. And my life actually did turn around in every respect."
—Catrina Crawford, Facebook
Jesus was unjustly tried and lied about.
Pilate sentenced Jesus to death.
Jesus died by crucifixion.
John 20:19–31 CSB
19 When it was evening on that first day of the week, the disciples were gathered together with the doors locked because they feared the Jews. Jesus came, stood among them, and said to them, “Peace be with you.” 20 Having said this, he showed them his hands and his side. So the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. 21 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, I also send you.” 22 After saying this, he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” 24 But Thomas (called “Twin”), one of the Twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples were telling him, “We’ve seen the Lord!” But he said to them, “If I don’t see the mark of the nails in his hands, put my finger into the mark of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will never believe.” 26 A week later his disciples were indoors again, and Thomas was with them. Even though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Don’t be faithless, but believe.” 28 Thomas responded to him, “My Lord and my God!” 29 Jesus said, “Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” 30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples that are not written in this book. 31 But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
Luke 24:11 CSB
11 But these words seemed like nonsense to them, and they did not believe the women.
Philippians 2:6–11 CSB
6 who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be exploited. 7 Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity. And when he had come as a man, 8 he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death— even to death on a cross. 9 For this reason God highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow— in heaven and on earth and under the earth— 11 and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Paul’s View of Resurrection FROM SKEPTIC BART EHRMAN

October 6, 2012
QUESTIONS: So if, as you say, Paul believed in a ‘physical resurrection of the body ( = of the corpse, right?) of Jesus’ then why did he never refer to an empty tomb or to the discovery of such an empty tomb by the apostles in his letters although that would have fitted well at occasions? Also, and I know we have discussed these matters briefly here before, why did Paul describe the ‘risen Christ’ as a light etc in his visions? And not as a humanoid? And if that ‘transformed’ body was so different from the normal, natural body humans have then why assume the corpse was actually needed in the first place to get ‘resurrected’ in this new one (and if a corpse is needed then what about corpses that have been totally decomposed?)? Why is it Paul’s aim to get away from the physical body that he himself is currently living in (as he mentions in some of his letters)? Why does Paul then contrast the ‘natural’ body to the ‘spiritual’ body? Why does he call those people FOOLS who ask: “How are the dead raised? With what KIND OF BODY will they come?” (1 Cor 15) ? Why does he claim that FLESH and BLOOD cannot inherit the kingdom? RESPONSES: These are great questions, and get to the heart of the matter. I will deal with them one at a time. (1) My guess it that Paul does not talk about any traditions that indicated that women went to the tomb and found it empty because he had not heard these tradition. Paul certainly thought, and would have said, if asked, that the tomb was empty, because he definitely thought Jesus was physically raised from the dead. That is his entire argument in 1 Corinthians 15. His Corinthian opponents maintained that the resurrection of believers was a past spiritual event, and they had already experienced it. Paul’s purpose in 1 Corinthians is NOT, decidedly not, to argue that Jesus really was raised from the dead physically. That is the view that he accepts as OBVIOUS and AGREED UPON between himself and the Corinthians. I say this because some people have claimed that 1 Corinthians 15 is the chapter where Paul tries to prove Jesus resurrection. That’s not true at all. He USES the belief in Jesus’ physical resurrection – a belief he shares with his readers – in order to argue a different point, about their OWN resurrection. His point is that since Jesus’ resurrection was a bodily resurrection (which the Corinthians agree on), then their own resurrection will as well be bodily. Which means it is not simply spiritual. Which means they have not experienced it yet, whatever they may be saying or thinking. The entire argument, in other words, is predicated on an understanding that Jesus was physically raised from the dead. So why doesn’t Paul mention the empty tomb? Probably because he doesn’t know of the stories later found in the Gospels about it. Would he have said the tomb was empty? Certainly yes. But that would have been out of logical necessity, not because he had heard stories about Mary Magdalene going there on the third day.
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was, by all accounts, a giant of history. Soldier. General. Emperor. Exile. And although no would add ‘theologian’ to this list, Napoleon faced a question common to all mankind: Who is Jesus Christ?
History has seen many different answers. Christians have claimed Him as Savior, others have considered Him just another wise teacher, and skeptics have deemed Him to be a largely mythological figure.
Near the end of his life, the exiled Emperor Napoleon came to the following conclusion about the King of Kings:
I know men, and I tell you Jesus Christ was not a man.
Superficial minds see a resemblance between Christ and the founders of empires and the gods of other religions. That resemblance does not exist.
There is between Christianity and other religions the distance of infinity.

Jesus Christ alone founded His empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men will die for Him.

Alexander, Cæsar, Charlemagne and myself founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon sheer force. Jesus Christ alone founded His empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men will die for Him. In every other existence but that of Christ how many imperfections!
From the first day to the last He is the same; majestic and simple; infinitely firm and infinitely gentle. He proposes to our faith a series of mysteries and commands with authority that we should believe them, giving no other reason than those tremendous words, ‘I am God.’
The Bible contains a complete series of acts and of historical men to explain time and eternity, such as no other religion has to offer.
If it is not the true religion, one is very excusable in being deceived; for everything in it is grand and worthy of God.
The more I consider the Gospel, the more I am assured that there is nothing there which is not beyond the march of events and above the human mind. Even the impious themselves have never dared to deny the sublimity of the Gospel, which inspires them with a sort of compulsory veneration.
What happiness that Book procures for those who believe it!
So said Napoleon Bonaparte. What about you? Who do you say that Christ is? Scripture tells us that “every knee should bow…and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Even the great Napoleon.
A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs: A Reference Guide to More than 700 Topics Discussed by the Early Church Fathers (Easter)
When the blessed Polycarp was visiting in Rome in the time of Anicetus [c. 155], … they were at once well inclined towards each other, not willing that any quarrel should arise between them upon this matter [the observance of Easter]. For Anicetus could not persuade Polycarp to forego the observance [of his Easter customs] inasmuch as these things had been always observed by John the disciple of our Lord, and by other apostles with whom he had been conversant. Irenaeus (c. 180, E/W), 1.569.
WHEREAS Background: How culture change *usually* happens.
a. Culture change follows a predictable sequence:
a rising charismatic leader,
solidification around teaching,
death of the hero,
preservation for the future.
b. Examples of other movements that changed culture.
of culture change that make sense according to this model:The story of Mohommad and the birth of Islam.The Civil Rights Movement & Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.The rise & persistence of Christianity does not match the model.The Two Problems with Jesus’ Message.Jesus never advocated any kind of liberation or revolution.He did not come to abolish Roman rule (John 18:36)He did not come to abolish the Jewish law. He elevated it. (Matt. 5:17-20)Jesus’ message was all about Jesus.He never asked His followers to trust His ideas. He instructed His followers to trust in Him. (Illustrations: Lazarus, also John 14:9)Because He was at the center of His teaching, His death killed the movement. When Jesus died, no one believed His message.
“Never once did Jesus, and never once did any of His followers indicate that Jesus came to leave us with a collection of insights, parables, and principles to pass on to the next generation… So, when Jesus died, their hopes died with Him.”
“There were no Christians at the cross.”
The resurrection is the centerpiece of our faith. A risen Savior is the thing that separates Christianity from all other religions. Abraham is founder of Judaism... He died and was buried. Buddha is the key figure of Buddhism but he is dead. Mohammed is the key figure of Islam but he is dead. Confucius is the key figure of Confucianism but he is dead. Joseph Smith is the key figure of Mormonism but he is dead. Hinduism has no single founder but each of its prominent leaders have died and every one of them stayed physically dead. Only Biblical Christianity claims to have a leader that ...
If there was ever a day that gives us hope, it is resurrection Sunday! In fact ...that's why the church gathers week by week on Sunday, the Lord's Day for worship, rather than on Saturday, the Sabbath: to celebrate and commemorate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ! In fact, every Sunday is a celebration of the empty tomb! A celebration that Jesus is alive! It's the empty tomb of Jesus that gives us HOPE! Hope in the here-in-now and hope in the here-after! And don't get the idea that the HOPE I'm talking about is a HOPE-SO kind of HOPE. No-Sir-Ree! I'm talking about a KNOW-SO kind of HOPE!
On Jan. 21, Heiser, who lived in Jacksonville, Florida, posted a message on Facebook as he neared his death.
He said his pancreatic cancer would be claiming his life within weeks.
“I know this news is depressing, but you should all know I will die happy to have served the Lord and you all in the ways I have,” he wrote. “God has been very good to us, gifting me in discernible ways and, I think just as importantly, given me heart for the lay community – all of you.
“I desired nothing more than to empower all of you to study Scripture more deeply, to unlock the Bible for you in ways inaccessible to all but scholars. This brought me a special joy.”
Heiser said although his future on Earth was limited, his future beyond it was not.
“Let’s turn to the future. As you all know, when I pass I will join the family of God and his council, to which all of us as believers presently belong but ‘not yet’ in its fullness. This is what awaits me, and I am glad. We will see each other in the future in unimaginably glorious ways,” he wrote.
“It is time for you all to think not about content you will receive from me, but what you can do to make sure other people discover the content that changed your life and outlook on Scripture,” Heiser wrote.
“I am spent in service to you, so now it is time for you to do replicate the blessing you’ve experienced in the lives of others. I die with the belief that you will, like I did, take the long look of being a blessing to others to help them rediscover their Bible for the first time and to embrace the gospel as believing loyalty,” Heiser wrote.
“Please be a part of what is now taking shape for the glory of the kingdom. I’ll be greatly blessed by you all,” he said. The HOPE of forgiveness. The HOPE of peace. The HOPE of assurance. The HOPE of Heaven. And that HOPE is centered in the person of Jesus Christ. It certainly was for King David Psalm 39.7, ''.. My hope is in You.'' Psalm 71.5, ''For You are my hope, O Lord GOD; You are my trust from my youth.'' With your HOPE in the resurrected Jesus ... you can make it! I don't know a more sad word in the English language than 'hopeless.''
3. Easter solves history’s great mystery.
Proof #1: The women discovered the empty tomb.
Men had wrapped Jesus’ body initially. Women headed there as soon as they could after the Sabbath because they knew guys wouldn’t have gotten it right.
Women were not considered reliable witnesses. The only logical conclusion to draw from their inclusion in the story is that they discovered the empty tomb.
Proof #2: No one was expecting the resurrection.
Messiah’s don’t get defeated. Sons of God don’t die.
the Crucifixion crushed the disciples.
The disciples recorded their cowardice.
Luke 24:11 NASB95
11 But these words appeared to them as nonsense, and they would not believe them.
The gospel writers portray themselves as cowards.“The people who brought us the story of the resurrection sheepishly, but honestly, admit ‘We thought that when He died, He would stay dead.’”
Proof #3: The early church preached that Jesus had risen from the dead and they had seen Him.
1 Corinthians 15:6 NASB95
6 After that He appeared to more than five hundred brethren at one time, most of whom remain until now, but some have fallen asleep;
I’ve read and listened to skeptics. In fact every Easter there comes out a “new” show on the History Channel or PBS, in search of the historical Jesus or such. I’ve listened to them. You know what even the skeptics say when they look at the history… Well, yeah, the people testified to that. the Hymn Paul quotes in Philippians 2 about Jesus being God and 1 Corinthians were written soon after the resurrection. They don’t doubt that the followers said they saw the resurrection. They just WON’T believe it.
Why? Because they didn’t see it.
but, I want you to consider the huge difference. Jesus’ followers didn’t reengage because of something Jesus taught. Jesus’ followers reengaged because of someone they saw: Jesus. They preached in the very city where He had been crucified.Call to salvation: There is no better time to accept Jesus as your Savior.Jesus’ resurrection solves history’s greatest mystery, but what does that mean?The resurrection of Jesus Christ punctuated the point of His crucifixion: the forgiveness of sin.If you’re a Christian, your hope is not in vain. There is a resurrection and there is eternal life.There is no better time to accept Jesus as your Savior.
“If a man can predict his own death and resurrection and pull it off, I just go with whatever that man says.”
John 20:19-31 OUTLINE: I. THE FIRST EASTER SERVICE IN HISTORY II. THE CASE OF THE MISSING DISCIPLE A. THE REASON 1. DISCOURAGEMENT 2. DOUBT B. THE RESULT 1. LOSS OF TESTIMONY 2. LOSS OF FAITH 3. LOSS OF JOY C. THE REMEDY 1. ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE FRIENDS 2. ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE FACTS We're going to study today THE FIRST EASTER SERVICE IN HISTORY. On that resurrection day, in the evening time, there was a service. And then we're going to talk about THE CASE OF THE MISSING DISCIPLE. John 20:19-31 ''Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. And when He had so said, He shewed unto them His hands and His side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained. But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe. And after eight days again His disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. Then saith He to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto Him, My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, ...
Faith - the conduit of God's Word through which every spiritual blessing flows. Whether we are talking about the answer to a simple prayer or the redemption of a person's eternal soul, - faith (what you deeply and truly believe) is the key to the storehouse of God's provision. Faith in the finished work of Christ is the very door to Heaven itself. Now if you think about - no aspect of the Gospel is terribly difficult to believe except the resurrection. - It's not hard to believe that Jesus was unjustly tried and convicted. - It's not hard to believe that Jesus was given the death penalty and sentenced to death by crucifixion. - It's not hard to believe that Jesus died upon that cross. But it's the rest of the story that brings out the skeptic in all of us. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the single doctrine on which Christianity rises or falls. Paul said it himself in 1 Corinthians 15:17: ''If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.'' Difficulty #1 - Distance and Time - We are 2,000 years removed from the event, we are called to believe. Do you suppose it would have been easier to believe if we were not separated from the event by two millennia? - Suppose it happened 1,500 years ago would five centuries make it more believable? - What if it happened 1,000 years ago could you believe that? - What if 234 years ago when our country was founded? - Would you find it easier to believe if it occurred last year, last week, yesterday? Well the fact is, the claims of resurrection were no easier to believe for those who walked and talked with Jesus himself that it is for you. Difficulty #2 - World View - Our entire naturalistic world view is stacked against the belief that a person three days dead can live again. Here is what I want you to understand - It wasn't any easier for the apostles to receive /believe
Today's lesson is the third and final sermon in a brief series of messages looking at the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. We have examined 3 important days that are indeed ''Three Days that Changed the World.'' We have talked about Good Friday and Silent Saturday. Today, we get to look at the greatest day in the history of the world. Commonly called, ''Easter,'' I'm calling it, ''Resurrection Sunday.'' That glorious day is described both historically and theologically here in 1 Corinthians 15:3-25. I heard about a man who accidentally ran over the Easter Bunny and killed him. A lady stopped to help. She sprayed a can all over the Easter Bunny. The rabbit got up and hopped 5 feet, turned to wave, hopped 5 more feet, turned to wave, hopped five more feet, turned to wave, and repeated this until he was out of sight. The can said, ''Restore life to dead hair. Adds permanent wave.'' For a lot of people, their understanding of Resurrection Sunday hardly goes beyond Peter Cottontail, colored eggs, and chocolate bunnies. But Paul wants us to know that the real story of the empty tomb involves a lot more than marshmallow Peeps, plastic grass, and a new outfit. The resurrection is the centerpiece of our faith. A risen Savior is the thing that separates Christianity from all other religions. Abraham is founder of Judaism... He died and was buried. Buddha is the key figure of Buddhism but he is dead. Mohammed is the key figure of Islam but he is dead. Confucius is the key figure of Confucianism but he is dead. Joseph Smith is the key figure of Mormonism but he is dead. Hinduism has no single founder but each of its prominent leaders have died and every one of them stayed physically dead. Only Biblical Christianity claims to have a leader that ...
If there was ever a day that gives us hope, it is resurrection Sunday! In fact ...that's why the church gathers week by week on Sunday, the Lord's Day for worship, rather than on Saturday, the Sabbath: to celebrate and commemorate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ! In fact, every Sunday is a celebration of the empty tomb! A celebration that Jesus is alive! It's the empty tomb of Jesus that gives us HOPE! Hope in the here-in-now and hope in the here-after! And don't get the idea that the HOPE I'm talking about is a HOPE-SO kind of HOPE. No-Sir-Ree! I'm talking about a KNOW-SO kind of HOPE! The HOPE of forgiveness. The HOPE of peace. The HOPE of assurance. The HOPE of Heaven. And that HOPE is centered in the person of Jesus Christ. It certainly was for King David Psalm 39.7, ''.. My hope is in You.'' Psalm 71.5, ''For You are my hope, O Lord GOD; You are my trust from my youth.'' With your HOPE in the resurrected Jesus ... you can make it! I don't know a more sad word in the English language than 'hopeless.'' A few weeks ago my sister and I were going through some of our Fathers belongings after he slipped into heaven after a five year battle with leukemia. . We came across his 7th grade report card.
The Four Crowds at Easter Chris Brown Mark 11-16 THERE IS A CROWD THAT SAYS: 1. What's in it for me? Mark 11:1-11, 15:6-15 ''I know enough about Jesus to want Him on my side.'' RESULT: 2. I'm smarter than God. Mark 11:31-32, 12:12, 14:1-2, 61-65 ''I know enough about God to make my own Jesus.'' RESULT: 3. Great story… see you next year. ''I know enough about Jesus to celebrate the holiday.'' RESULT: 4. I'll follow and do whatever God wants. Mark 15:40-41, 16:9-16 ''I know enough about Jesus to give Him my life.'' RESULT: TAKING IT HOME: Food for Thought (Questions and Scriptures for further study) 1. Pastor Chris explained that God will let you be a part of any ''crowd'' you want. Which of the crowds that we looked at do you tend to find yourself in today? What have been some of the rewards and/or consequences of your choices? 2. When someone decides to walk with the ''do whatever God wants'' crowd and follow Jesus, it will cost them somet ...
Jesus opened the Garden of God to us again.
Thoughts to consider
Who needs you to share the good news with them today?
Have you let the feeling of distance keep you from the Lord, His church, and His purpose for your life?
If you believe, have you rejoiced in the Resurrection hope lately?
If you are considering Christ, what good reason keeps you from believing?
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