Honoring God in our Future Plans | James 4:13-17 | Pastor Jose Brevil

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Thank you for your grace this morning. Thank you for the opportunity to be together to be with one another as we study your word. Now this morning, may your word not return void in Jesus name. We pray. Amen. Amen. Constantly in our lives. We make decisions and more and more. The decisions that we have to make become more. And more complex, it starts from little things as what are we going to eat today, but we live in a country where we have so many options in even snacks. You can have a million different snacks to choose from or even food to eat that will induce or dad or dad, or that. Well, you know, for some other people, it's much more simplistic, it's either you eat there because that's all you got, or you did nothing. But a lot of us that the complex decision for us about deciding where to eat, Kangaroo, am I going to marry? What school am I going to go to constantly? We are making decisions what job in my going to take constantly when making decisions and here as we get to a verse 13 to 17 of chapter 4, in the Book of James, as we continue our series on Jim's that it's time to grow up. And as we learning to honor God and everything that we do, because we know those will all their God, God will honor him and our lesson this morning is that honoring God in our future plans. How many of you here when you planning you keeping God in mind or do you just go with it? So here we going to learn from Jim's, what we should do as Christians. When it comes to making decisions in life. So, last week as we just read the text, we looked at last week we still talking about Godly and worldly wisdom. So a lot of us we operate based on Earthly worldly wisdom, but not godly wisdom. So Jim's want us that when we making decisions everything that we do in life, we need to operate on Godly wisdom. Britain that Earthly wisdom. You see here, last time we looked at guarding against worldliness, honoring God by guarding against worldliness on not conforming to the world. We saw that Wilderness was the sinful. Tendency to conform to the world because we are so much So much of the world is in us and a lot of time, we cannot tell the difference between Christians and people who are not Christians, we operate this exact same way, but the Bible tells us we should not love the world. The Bible says, we need to be in the world. That means we'll make contact in the world, but we need to always remember that. We are not Of The World, God calls us to be ambassadors to an ambassador. When the Ambassador goes to her country, he's making contact with people in the country, but he always know that this country is not his. Even though he's temporarily residing, there is the same for Christians. We are in the world but we are not of the world. So as we making contact with living our lives in the world, we always need to remember that this world is not. Hours and we need to live by a whole different set of Standards an ambassador in a country. Do you think they they they they care. They, they focused on what the president of that country is saying and what they doing. That's what they'll Focus. Their focus is about the country that sent them into that country to be an ambassador. So it's Christians. Our modus operandi is the Bible. That's where we get our guidance from. Not the way that the world does the thing that the world do so. That's why James is calling us a in our plans? We need to honor God. So let's go to the text. It says come. Now you will say today or tomorrow, we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and Schrade and make a profit. Yet, you do not know what tomorrow will bring. Look at this. What is your life for? You are a list.

I'll let that sink in that appears for. Little time and then vanishes away.

instead, you ought to say, if the Lord Wills, we will live and do this or that, As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. So whoever knows the right thing to do, and fails to do it to him, it is sin. Father, as we study your word, Help us to put it into practice in Jesus name. We pray. Amen. Amen. Here's the message in one sentence. The message in one sentence is a simply. Don't be a fool always plan with God in mine. Don't be a fool always plan with God in mine. You got this, say it with me. Don't be a fool always plan with God in mine. If you do this, you will have a great life. So let's walk through the text James says come. Now you will say today or tomorrow, we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit. Most of us that's the way that we just live our life, we just go with it. If there's a better job opportunity, somewhere else, we pack up and we go for the job. And as we live there, when things are going well, and then if we get a better job somewhere else, what do we do? We pack up and we go and find that better job opportunity for get the friends that I've made. Forget the work that I've been doing in my community, as long as there's a little more dollar to be made. I get out. Are you feeling guilty or you following me? A lot of us the decisions that we make has to do with work. There's nothing wrong. If you get an opportunity to take it. But gyms are saying, hey, is that all you live for? Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a place to see very specific so you deciding the wind and in the woods today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a place. So you pick the location, you picked up time when we going to do it. And then we put a time for what I want to go for a year and then I'm going to make a profit and then I do whatever else that I want to do the gym. Just saying that's the way that the world. Operate before Christians. We cannot just make our moves solely based on our jobs or trying to look again. I say something in life, just making a profit here is talking about business people here. More in particular, this way, like, he had like in in Tenerife business people. In those days, they would, you do go different places that were Merchants trying to go. And, you know, they would go where the money is, you know, trying to make a profit, but James is saying, look at verse 14, you do not know what tomorrow will bring, but you are not. No, don't mean that we should not plan. Absolutely not. We all know that we have to plan, okay? But Jim's just saying don't operate like the world does in the world of business. What did tell you is to plan your work and then you work, your plan type. This is fine for business, as you do. And careful, remember, you do not know what tomorrow will bring you see, the Bible says in Proverbs 16:9, the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. You need to plan. Okay, don't just leave life without a plan. What does it say that? It says the heart of man who claims. The man playing scary old woman, the heart of man plans his way, but was in control, but the Lord establishes his steps. Really was just trying to tell us in Proverbs 8, you need to play. But keep in mind that God is in control and God is Sovereign. God is over off. Don't think that once you planned this is it Look up, pop verse verse 1, 2 3, in Proverbs 16. The plans of the heart belong to her again, man, we need to plan but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord, all the ways of a man are you in his own head. So what's the problem with our plans?

We think we know it all together. We think we got it all figured out. God says I hate you don't have it all figured out. God is saying keep me in the back of your mind, as you plan. That's what it says. You. Don't be a fool plan with God and mine, okay? Just met we got graduation, okay? Right, people just graduate. I need a you got to go where the money goes, right? Where I can find a job. Nothing wrong with that. Okay. Nothing wrong to look for a job and you find the opportunity. But did you pray about it? Did you ask God and ask God at 88? Lord, you know, I have those two job offers, you know? You don't know which one, you know, would be the best for me. Did you seek counsel before you make that decision? See what gyms are you? Make the plan because we need to be careful. All the ways of a man are Pew only in his own eyes but the Lord weighs the spirit of God knows us. So we need to bring our plans to God. Anniversary says come in your work to the Lord and what your plans will be established. So do you really want to have a successful plan? A plan that really works. God says, bring your plans to me and when you bring up lens to me, guess what your plans will be established. So what gyms are saying? The problem with our plans, a lot of time we don't act. Now it's got. Our plans are not honoring to God, but God says 8, when you bring your plans to me, you commit, your work to the Lord, and your place will be established. God says, God is only trying to teachers that a I want you to plan but I want you to have a plan that work. I want you to plan but I want you to have a plan that works and God says, the way that you do that, you make your plan, you committed to me, you bring it to me, you bring it to the light of scripture. What does the word have to say about it? And then God says, your plan will be established.

So here's the thing. God has a plan for each of our lives and he wants to give us his very best is it when God says bring your plans to me it's for our own protection. Remember, Jeremiah 29:11 always Court to you. I know the plans. Does Gareth Bale play for you. So God is only saying okay before you go ahead and make your own move, check with me to see if it's in my plan for you. Because God says, I already have a plan for you.

So God has a plan for each of our lives and he wants to give us his very best. Look up, Luke 12 verse 16 to 21. I look at this, Parable that Jesus told about a man will think that he had it all under control. You're ready? Read it with me. It says, and he told them a parable saying the LED of a Richmond produce plentiful and he thought to himself, what shall I do for? I have nowhere to store my crops, what a good problem to have. And he said I will do this. I will tear down my Barns and build larger ones. And there, I will store all my grandma's and my goose is going to like when you run out of clothes in your closet. So I don't let me call the contractor.

Am I talking to some people this morning?

Let It Go. The contract that you thought that was just about this man is about you, let me call the contractor. Let me open up that car

Oh, are you following me? K. So they can blame that many. In the story, God is talking to us today. The word of God is active right now. He says, I will do this guy will tear down my Barns and build a larger ones and they're our store all migraines and like good. And I will say to buy Souls. So you have a good laid up for many years, relax, eat drink, and be merry. You was American. I think that's the American life right there.

Either way, the story's not so funny. Verse 20. the guy said to him, Full. Says, you fool this night, your soul is required of you. And the things you have prepared was, will they be?

What's going to wear all those clothes, you accumulated? Meaning. Well, tomorrow is not yours.

The guy that sang You're not going to be the one enjoying those things.

The things you have prepared Woods, will they be? So is the one with lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God. God is not against us having good things, but God is saying, hey, did you check with me?

God is just saying hey check with me. I know the plans I have for you they are plans to prosper. You not to harm you to give you a future and to give you hope God. How do you say hey is your building bigger boys. You just messing stuff for yourself.

But God is saying and, you know, better than that. What about sharing in Ephesians 4:28? God says that you need to work so that you have something to share with others.

So, is all that work, like for you, It is not for you. When you are messing, everything for yourself, you know, you'll be shocked, one day that you live. It all behind,

So that's why the text is telling us here. So be careful. You see a run attitude toward the will of God can be very dangerous. That's what James is trying to tell us a wrong attitude toward God, can be very dangerous. Life tomorrow is not promised tomorrow or does not belong to you.

Tomorrow does not belong to us, see. We're leaving our world that we did not build, we breathing air that we did not create. We have lungs that we did not put there. See every good and perfect gift comes from

Go right with God is sing a song to you? You got to do tomorrow? Is mine. Are you with me? Guy says plan, but you check with me, K gems for 15 does. Instead you ought to say if the Lord Wills we will live and do this or that James is saying this is the attitude that you need to have. When you planing, you need to plan knowing that it all depends on God's will. That means you ready and willing to submit to his will? I don't mean I grew up in a culture where that's always a statement. We saying everything. I will see you tomorrow, if God's will. Oh yeah, I'm coming. If God's will in everything, we always say if God's will. But you know, family heritage breeds contempt. We may just say it and that mean anything with it. But here Jim's is saying when you said, if the Lord Wills, you better mean, if the Lord Wills

Sea life is forth. So we need to submit our plans to God verse 16. Oz it is. You boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. You think he's giving us. The reason why we don't put God in our plans. Why is that? Because of our pride be as it is. You boast in your arrogance? Did you know that you were arrogant

Do you know that we struggle with pride? Whenever we make plans without God, it shows our arrogance that thinking that I got this I can do this on my own. Remember last week, self-sufficient, self-sufficient, people don't pray. Bible says you asked you not you have not because you ask not in the lot of us, we don't want to ask God, and God is saying a, you depend on me. Don't boast First Corinthian 131 says let the one who boast boast and who In The Lord of the police saying, you're at, if you have anything to boast, you need to boast in the Lord and not in your self. Psalm 34 Verse 2, says the same thing. It says, my soul makes Isbell swear in the Lord, let the humble sit here and be glad then we all use a little dose of humility.

All of us can regularly use a little there was of humility so that we do not boast with ourselves and the last verse Lions versus Jim says. So if you're 17 so we'll ever knows the right thing to do.

So whatever knows the right thing to do, and fails to do it for him. It is sin. So James is saying a once you been confronted with God's word you better do it, you better put it into practice, the womb much is given much is required.

We're responsible for what we hear and know. Somebody said that in life group, this morning, I know where reading my notes, we are responsible for what we hear and know not. Now, a side note, I know a lot of people. Sometimes it don't come to church as often is because they don't want to know too much. If some of you sometimes, you want to make a decision, you don't read the Bible just so that I don't know what God's word say. You might want to read Romans chapter 1. K. There's something called natural revelation, God still speaks to you flute, natural Revelation K, God gives you a specific real. In his word. You stay away from that. Don't think that you're not responsible now because you did not read. Text, we need to learn as much of God's word as we want as we need. So that we can grow and experience the Abundant Life that God has for us. And when we hear God's word responsible for what we hear and know and we have to act on what we know. So, here's your here's, the message will bring it to three things that James is trying to tell us this morning. We tend to have one of three attitudes toward God's will for our lives if you go to the message. No, now you'll see. So we tend to have one of three attitudes toward God's will in our life. The first one is that we pay. Absolutely no attention to God's will, we pay? Absolutely no attention to God's will. This are the people What do not know God and a little Christians live. Just like, we do not know that God exists because we make our own decisions without consulting with God. We live. We can go all week and never praying. Never go to God In Prayer. We can go all read all week and never opening our Bible and seek guidance or or, or, or not come to church to study God's word. But a lot of us, that's how our attitude, he's the word we pay. Absolutely, no attention to God, like we oblivious to God's Will and it's like God's will listen to exist. I am just doing my life. That's what we see in the first two verses says come. Now you will say today or tomorrow, we will go into such and such a town, in Spanaway near there and trade and make a profit. Did you see any Council? We've got there, any council with other godly people, that's what I'm going to do. I'm just going to do me.

There and trade and make a profit. Wasn't controlled here.

I'm in control of my destiny.

Are you the master of your destiny?

Remember that arrogance? God said, be careful, be careful. Come. Now you will say today, or tomorrow, we will go into such and such a bound and spend a year there and trade and make a profit yet. You do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? There's a saying, be careful, be careful. Just live life and pay no attention to. The will of God. It, look at verse 16 as it is. You boast in your arrogance? All such boasting is evil. So Jim's is saying, stop being arrogant.

Jay-Z saying turn to God. Life is much more complex than you think you do not know what's going to happen tomorrow?

What is your life? You are. But I miss that beers for a little time and vanish away. James is saying be careful, be careful, be careful, be careful. Be careful when you make plans and not include God. We saw there. No evidence of seeking God's will or prayer about their decision success for that person who was saying that to themself was measured based on personal accomplishment. Hey, I go, I got that job. Look at my business is working. I make a profit. I got this job. You do. I silence. See, it's all based on personal accomplishment. I did it my way. I did it on my own.

Self Jim gives us four things year when we pay no attention to God's will get them says. They think about those four. Things be careful. And remember, life is more complex than you fake. Because you do not know what's going to happen tomorrow or did? There's more pieces to the puzzle than you think that it is Proverbs 11:14 says, where there is no guidance a people false but in an abundance of counselors, there is what safety. So Jim says a girl for some wise counsel, either flu my word, the other godly people. Jim says, don't do things without consulting with me or Consulting with others, who might be wiser than you would know God's word. Then Jim says, Hey life is uncertain. Mimosas for life. Is on start. This is. Why does life life is uncertain? You never know what's next and then it says your life is, but a mess. So life is short. The dentist, be careful. You might think you have 10 years left and then it might be just one day.

This might be the last message you here and it might be the last message that I preached. Jim's is saying, life is short. The gyms the saying. Be careful. That's why we need to share the gospel with our loved ones with people. We come in contact with because life is short. Life is uncertain. We never know what's going to happen. Tomorrow, you would me. Did I make you depressed? job 8 verse 9 for we are, but Of yesterday and no. Nothing. For our days on Earth are a shadow. See, we don't live as long as we think that we do, see when we go to heaven. It's eternity. So, really the time span that we are here is, but a mess. It's very short compared to spending eternity with God. That's why we need to tell as many people as we can, and we need to make the siples to show them. This is short, this life here is short. If you only live with this life that's all you get. That's the best thing that you'll ever know. But if you live this life for God, you have eternity waiting for you. So really that you can live life with confidence knowing that I hate this life, you're just a practice Run for the real thing where I get to live my life forever with the Lord. He probably 90 verse 12 says. So teach us to number our days that we may get the heart of wisdom. So our prayer should be dissed every day. God how can I make today count? How can I make today? Count not just for me, but for your glory, how can I make today count? How can I bring value to others in my life? Or can I bring value to people? I come in contact with because tomorrow is not promised to teach us to number our days. That we may get a heart of wisdom. Feasance life is short. We must not simply spend our life or even worse, waste our lives. But rather what do we need to do? We need to invest our lies in what matters so that when I'm when I pass on and people can say, oh member Jose one time I was going through a difficult time and then he's what he said to me, see you see what I'm saying or, or say anything about you say? Oh man, I really miss miss miss Barbara, because she had such a kind Spirit. When you feel when you around her, you feel God's presence. But you need to build a legacy of Faith or Legacy something that without live you. So really, if you have plans that will only last in this life, your plans are too small. You need to have plans that goes beyond your span of life because your life is short, you need to build and create things that would outlive you

Joshua 1 verse 8. My favorite, one of my favorite verse in the Bible. It says this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it when day and night and you shall be careful to do some all that is written in it and then you will make your way prosperous and you will have what Does God want. Good things for you.

That's the warp view that we have of God. We always think God is out to get us and God doesn't want us to have fun. God doesn't want us to have great things in life, but nothing could be further from the truth. God wants to give you good things, but God wants you to do it. According to his word, this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do. According to all that is written in it for. Then you will make your way prosperous. And then, you will have good success when kings were anointed kings in the Days Inn in Jerusalem. What the first thing, the king had to do, he had to take the book of the law, he had to write it out all of it.

So that he would know exactly what God's word says. See if the same thing that the Bible verse year is telling us to do, see if you saw the coronation. You see, even though our world is so much secular it was good to still see. Relevance of scripture, you know, what people used to believe, even though they may not believe it today, but you see it was still ave'in. Holding the scepter all that is in the Bible. Okay? The king or leader in his boots, supposed to promote Justice. See, that's where you see. They were so many symbols that you saw there in a lot of them are just biblical figure. So if you didn't see the coronation, you can see that it was good to see. That's good. I know that monarchy just one cares about that today but I think there's a reason that God is still preserving monarchy so we can still have that picture of why he wants. You see that was the King's first job. To know God's word over the Frailty of men k.

We for, he knows our frame and remembers that we are both what?

Virginia saying don't leave your life and not paying any attention to my will life is much more complex than you think. Life is uncertain, life is short and we are frail, human being We are not as complex as we think that we might be. 1st Peter 1:24 says, all flesh is like grass. Man, we should feel good about ourselves, huh? You just like grass outside, waiting doing grass. You cut them, right? All my old Fashions like grass and all its Glory. Like the flower of grass, the grass withers and the flower fails. Miss you not going to be here forever. And for our first point pay no attention to God's will. Don't believe you're laughing at attention to don't leave your life, not paying attention to God's will. The bottom line is when making decisions, don't plan like those would do not know God. You know, God God expects you to plan with him in mine, make sense. Second one is the way that we live our lives that we go against God's will. That means we blatantly go against God's. Will? We are walking in this obedience? We know exactly what God's word says about lying. But we going everyday. I am telling lies. See, a lot of us, unfortunately, that's the way that we are living our life. We are defying God's Will. And James is saying 8, not only a lot of us. Leave like the world where we pay no attention to his will, but some of us even take it a step further, that means we are worse than the people in the world. We know God's will, but we are blatantly going against what he says if he were 17. So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it for him and his wife. It is sin. So God is saying, you know, my word. You know what it says, what do you need to do? You need to do it. And why do we do that? Our pride. But remember the Bible says Pride goes before the fall. Almost also, just do it like in our ignorance. We think that we have option, we have the option to either accept or reject God's will we just think a casual approach? You know what you guys will. I know what it says.

Oh, you know, the flesh is weak but the Bible says the spirit is willing k. No, we must obey it is an obligation when God gives us his word it's not a suggestion to follow but it is a command to obey you with me. Say it is a command to obey, when you know God's word you have to do it. Many of us mistakenly. Think that God's really cools misery, I'm not going to have any more fun, right? That's how I grew up. I always make a hole if I do God's will, man. I'm done. I'm done. No fun, no more fun. My life is over. man, the find just began its The fun. Just begin who created you? God created you. So do just God know what will bring you real pleasure.

Do it God's way and you will never regret it. One day, c-23, God's will likely is to invite God disciplining our life to treat. God's will likely is doing by God discipline in our life. And some of you might be experiencing that now to trade, God's will likely, is to invite God discipline in our life, in Hebrews 12:6. It says, for the Lord does what? Disciplines. The one he loves and chastises every son when he receive, if you see that, you going out, you blatantly disobeying God's word and a nothing ever happens to you.

Very tough. Answer this one. Maybe you don't belong to him.

Cuz what does it says for the Lord? Does? What disciplines the one he lives? So, if you say, you are a Christian, but you are blatantly disobeying God's word day in and day out, and you not walking with him. Yes, you may not be his son. You may not be one of his because he says he chastises every son whom he receives. So probably you don't belong to him yet. Probably know your first prayers to say God, I want to submit my life to you. Because if you walking in sand and then just snapping it happening to you, it's like you having the best time of your life. That might be the only best time you going to have.

Because the Lord whenever we doing that, when leaving and Disobedience, we are inviting God's judgment into our lives. Look at Luke 12:47 to 49th and that servant knew his master's will, but did not get ready or act according to his will really received a severe beating but the one would did that now, and did what deserve a beating will receive a light. Beating everyone to room much was given end of here much will be required and from him to whom they entrusted much they will demand the more sagada saying here are not only that the one who wore 99 just paying attention not paying attention to God's will. But the one who I like defying, God's will It seems like you've been your hell will be harder. You will have a greater punishment when you know God's word and you are not doing it. You saying that you going to have a much harder harsher punishment. See, it says I came to cast fire on Earth and would that it were already candle and look at the second Peter 2:21 22. It says for it would have been better for them. Never to have known the way of righteousness then after knowing, I had to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. Wow.

What the true Proverbs says, has happened to them the dog returns to his vomit.

The God says to know his word and not do it. You acting like a dog with a dog goes and eats the vomit that the dog just had vomited earlier and then the dog went back and eat at. Did I grossed you out?

I did write the book, Peter wrote it. So good to be there in heaven. Don't talk to me saying that the pastor is nasty. Talk to Peter first. The dog returns to his vomit, its own vomit and the so, after washing himself returns to wallow in the market thing, you acting like pigs.

Look up to me.

I could not be so smart to write this text. There's no way I could write this. Okay? I don't like confrontations. I would not write it this way. Okay, I'm just reading what the text says, really in a nutshell. What was Peter? James is trying to tell us ain't walking. His disobedience is messed up.

Is it would have been better that you never knew. So here's the bottom line. I think I grossed you out enough, not me Peter and gems. Kay There are consequences for blatantly disobeying God's plan. So, be careful, be careful. You're blatantly disobey God's plan in your life. You need to be very careful. There are consequences for blatantly disobeying Gosling. Last one, the last one, fun one, not the part. I really want to preach. Okay, you need to embrace God's. Will you need to embrace God's will in your life in order to have good news and bad news. You don't want to leave your life. Ain't no attention to God's will and you don't want to live your life to find. God's will in your life, by being disobedient. But God tells us, this is actually, this is the correct one. Okay, one of the three ways our attitude to was God's will we need to embrace God's will in our lives? Verse 15 says, instead you ought to say, if the Lord Wills we will live and do this or that, that is a life that is committed to everything that God has for them. That is living the Abundant Life. That is living what God has in plans for you. When you say, if the Lord Wills, that means total dependence on God's will. For my life, I'm going to trust God because the Bible says, if you seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, everything will come after. I know, the plans that God has for me. There are plans to prosper me. Not to harm me. I came to so that you may have life and have it to the full case. I am not going to let the devil steal kill and destroy what God has for me. 2nd Corinthians. 8 5 says, end this. Not as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord Christians in Macedonia. So, what do you need to do as a Believer? Give yourself to God. And then by the will of God. The first thing you need to do is to give yourself, totally to God. Sometimes you'll even do things, you don't understand. That doesn't make sense, but because you want to honor God, you do what he's worth. Says, you do what, you know, he's worth says because 2nd sent 1st Samuel. 230 says God honors. Those who honor him. You have to live by faith, not by sight. See in the first Thessalonians. 3 * 4 disses. What? The stayed with me, this is what the will of God. Your what significant that means. God wants you, to be working with him in every way that you abstain from sexual immorality. So God is saying, my will for you is your son like the vacation go cuz I want you to live a pure righteous and holy life. That is my will anyting outside of. Is not my, will you with me? In John 4:34. Look at this. Jesus said to them, my food is to do what the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. Is that your prayer? That was Jesus prayer. My food. Jesus called God's word, he is food is to do. The will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. Are you living like ambassador's saying to God? They got my food is to do. The will of him who sent me in to accomplish his work. Matthew 11:29 says, take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I Am. What gentle and lowly in. Heart is not a bad guy who got evil. No, God is gentle and lowly in heart and you will do I find rest for a lot of us are living lives. That are not peaceful. A lot of us are living life like where we are being torn apart in every area. It's like our life is being pulled away. Some of us, you know, we even like worried. You know, the old English word for worry is the Old English. Word, word gone, which means that we are being stupid by the throat. Some of us are leaving last weekend that breathe. And God is saying, this is not the way to live. If you following my little mind, my will for you. You will find rest for your soul and if any of you right now, feel like this is my life right now. I am not at rest. Turn to God now in Friday and just got I need you a piece. I need to find a dress for my soul will because you said that when I am brace your will for my life. I am going to find what rest for my so so you tell God that I want to experience your rest for my soul, show me reveal to me, what I am not doing right? Bring to my life, whatever, send I need to confess, bring to my life, whatever I need to change. See read some 19, you know, God Purify Me, change me. It's just a God. I'm ready and willing to give it all to you. And you know what? Don't you pray that for God will do it. The bottom line is that when you Embrace God's will for your life, guess what? You are choosing Joy? Because God wants you to choose to joyfully obey him and we will be blessed when we learn to love and Obey God's will for our lives. It starts with a commitment to know his word and live it out for his will is found where in his word. I love some 40 verse 8. It says I Delight to do your will ohmygod. Joe law is within my heart, isn't that good? Let's Stay Together. I Delight to do your will old guy. Your law is within my heart, John 4:34 again. Jesus said my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. Will end here. I love the way that Warren was before that it says God does not reveal his will to the Curious or the care less.

but to those who are ready and willing to obey him, See a lot of us would like to ask the question, where do you go through for my life? What is God's will for my life as he does, there's something there. You you telling us something. Maybe you're not acting on what you already know. Because the more we obey the easier, it is to discover what God wants us to do. Seat, when we take the first step, then we will see got more of the Gods will see when we know what God's word says about a particular thing and then we go out and Obey, we take that first step. Okay, I'm going to make a commitment, not to lie any longer because I know what God's word says, okay, when I make a commitment, I know what God's word says about sexual immorality. I'm going to take a step. I'm going to make a commitment, I am no longer going to live in sexual immorality. When God says, okay I'm going to show you more. When I struggle with trust in my life, you know I cannot have faith. Says a trust me. Take the next step and trust me with your life. That's is okay. Now once you trust me with that first step, then now I'm going to take you to the next step and that goes on for everything in life, you with me. Father, thank you for your grace this morning. Thank you for teaching us for your word. I know this was a very hard and difficult message to swallow but I know that it is good for us. If it was not good for us, you would not have given it to us this morning. So father, I don't know where all of us are this morning, but one thing that I know, all of us need to embrace your Wilmore for our lives. Because I know that all of us, all of us. Every single one of us here for Schwartz in fully, embracing your will for our lives. So father that you be with us, may you help us. Look. God help us, help us for God to make a commitment. To live out all that you have for us this morning.

If the message spoke to your heart this morning you you see that? 80's a.m. went to fully Embrace God's will in my life. Why don't you stay? Let me pray for you. If you want to fully Embrace God's will in your life. Why don't you stand now? Pray for you. To spend. Brick phone.

Father, I pray for every single one of us that are standing here today. May today be a day like when Joshua was faced with making the decision with Joshua said, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. So father, it is my prayer for each one of us. You today, may we make a commitment Lord God to serve you this morning, may we Embrace everything that you have for us in life and father may we take the first step in, whatever you bring to our heart to do, may we take this the death, the first step the second, the third and may we never look back be with each one of us. Lord, it's in your name. We pray and everybody says, amen. Try said no babe. For, there's no other way to be happy in Jesus.

But to try said no baby no baby! There's no other way to be happy in Jesus.

But you try said no, baby.

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