Day of Pentecost

The Holy Spirit  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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I cannot begin to imagine what those who were in the upper room began to think when God did what Jesus promised would happen!
What I am talking about are the events that took place on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2. Look at it with me beginning with verse 1.
Acts 2:1–4 NIV
1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
Jesus said that something… rather someone amazing was coming!
The disciples had already received the infilling of the Holy Spirit in John 20:22. This was something different. It wasn’t an additional infilling… it was the baptism in the Holy Spirit!
Today is Pentecost Sunday! And I am glad you are here or watching on this extremely important day in church history!
Not only is it a day to be celebrated, but it is a day that reminds us of the need for God’s outpouring of His Spirit on His people.
Pentecost Sunday happens 50 days or on the seventh Sunday after Easter Sunday. It is a holiday in which we commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the early followers of Jesus.
When we look at Scripture - specifically the time between the death and resurrection of Jesus and the day of Pentecost, we see that there were followers of Jesus, but no real movement that could be identified as the church.
Once the Baptism in the Holy Spirit became available, we immediately see a shift or a change. The church begins to emerge… with power!
Thus, Pentecost Sunday, from a historical perspective, was the day the Church was established. This is also true from a spiritual perspective since the Spirit brings the church into existence and empowers the church for the sake of the mission given to it by Jesus.
So… Pentecost is the Church’s… birthday!
So consider this… if Christmas marks the birth of Jesus, Pentecost marks the birth of the church. If Easter marks the day when Jesus was raised from the dead, Pentecost marks the day when the message about Jesus began to be proclaimed all over the world.
Also think about this… in Christmas and Easter, Christ is the primary figure people come to observe. They came to the manger. They came to the empty tomb. In Pentecost, the church is the prominent focus. Instead of coming and seeing, it’s about going and telling which is why Pentecost and God’s mission for the church go hand in hand.
Now… there is something very important that we need to understand today: Pentecost Sunday not only marks a significant day in Church history, it reminds us of a significant outpouring of God’s Spirit that is still available for believers today!
Heartland Worship Center is… a Pentecostal church! Our affiliation with the Assemblies of God is not what makes us Pentecostal today. It is our belief in and the reception of Spirit Baptism that makes us Pentecostal today!
In recent years I’ve heard a few statements regarding what makes us a pentecostal church. And while the characteristics given were good… they are not what makes us Pentecostal.
I am glad that we still offer services such as Sunday Night Church. If you haven’t been to one of our evening services in a while, we would love for you to join us! But offering Sunday night church does not make us a Pentecostal church.
I am glad we have lively and emotional worship services. We have seen responses to God in this place that are charismatic by nature. These responses are good… but they don’t make us Pentecostal.
I am glad that we, rather you, vocally respond during the preaching of the message! I like to hear you say “Amen” or “C’mon” or “That’s right.” I like to hear you say “No” when I purposely change a word or two from Scripture to see if you are still with me. These responses are fun and help us engage… but they do not make us Pentecostal.
It is our belief in the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in tongues that makes us Pentecostal today!
AND… I can already hear or see some gears turning in some minds. “Oh boy… the preacher just said speaking in other tongues. I’ve got a feeling things are about to get a bit weird.”
Can I clear the air on something real quick? Let’s talk about this “weird” stigma that people fear regarding Pentecost.
How many people truly believe in the virgin birth of Christ? How many believe that an angel visited Mary, told her what would happen, and nine months later, Jesus was born?
It goes against all that we know as natural and yet we believe it. Why? One, because the Word says it happened and Two, because of the natural evidence that exists and supports the supernatural truth.
How many people believe that Jesus died, laid in the tomb for three days, and then walked out of the tomb after God raised Him from the dead? A natural explanation would be that the guards took Him or that the disciples stole His body. Why don’t we believe in the natural explanation?
Because Jesus walked out of the grave! Many encountered Jesus after His death and resurrection… the natural evidence supports this supernatural truth.
So… why do people struggle with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit? I believe it may be for a couple of reasons.
The miracles we spoke a moment ago are things that happened FOR us. The birth, death, and resurrection of Christ were necessary events that led to our ability to be forgiven of sin.
The Baptism in the Spirit is something that happens TO us. And it happens for a very specific reason.

The REASON for Spirit Baptism.

The reason is quite simple and it is given to us by Jesus in Acts 1:8
Acts 1:8 NIV
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Jesus makes it clear to His disciples why this baptism was about to take place: it is a reception of POWER for our WITNESS.
I’ll say it this way: Spirit Baptism EMPOWERS our WITNESS to the WORLD. What is it that we are to testify of? What account are believers to give unto others? The Gospel message of Jesus Christ. As Jesus made clear in Matthew 28:19-20 we are to go and make disciples. We are to teach them the commands He has given us. And as we embark on this mission, He will be with us always.
Matthew 28:19–20 NIV
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
This is a God-sized mission. This is something we cannot do on our own. God knows this, and Jesus knew this when He spoke it to His disciples.
That is why we see Jesus instruct His disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they had received this empowerment from God. A God-sized mission requires a God-sized power to get it done!
Acts 1:4–5 NIV
4 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
Regarding our witness, Spirit baptism moves us from what we can to into what God can do through us.
Now… let’s define what it is that God wants to do through us. The purpose of Spirit Baptism is NOT weird… it is simple. Nowhere in Scripture do we find the Spirit of God “making” the people of God do weird things. God EMPOWERS His people for His GLORY through His SPIRIT.
God desires to empower your witness for His glory.
God’s church is labeled as the Body of Christ in Scripture. The Body of Christ is to be the extension of Jesus’ ministry until He returns. As the day of Pentecost is known as the birthday of the Church, it only makes sense that God would EMPOWER this body before sending it into ministry.
Christ recieved the Holy Spirit at the time of His baptism in water. The Spirit REMAINED on Him and led Him throughout His ministry on earth. He, the Spirit of God, is a power we need to accomplish the mission of God on this earth.
Consider what Peter did immediately after receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2 records that some people in the streets could hear what took place. They could each hear their own language being spoken (evidence of the miracle of tongues) and they tried to formulate their own explanation.
Peter, the man who denied Christ three times, jumps up and tells them what happened. He reminds them of a prophecy given in Joel (they were God-fearing Jews) to give them historical reference. He then speaks of the ministry of Christ and how they can become believers.
Three thousand people give their lives to Jesus! (Acts 2:41)
The purpose of this baptism is not weird… it is power. God, through the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, will EMPOWER your witness and testimony of Jesus.

The EVIDENCE of Spirit Baptism

So what about tongues? Where does speaking in other tongues come in with this purpose? Why is the initial evidence of Spirit Baptism speaking in other tongues?
Simply stated, it is the pattern we see throughout the New Testament.
When Spirit Baptism happens in Scripture, it was an observable event that resulted in empowered speech.
Does God take over the body and remotely control the tongue of the individual?
No. Everything we RECEIVE from the Lord… is by GRACE. Everything we DO in the Lord… is by FAITH. Everything that is received from the Lord is a gift - something undeserved. Spirit Baptism is NOT God overriding your central nervous system and taking control of your body. It is simply a response of faith to what God is doing in your life.
So why tongues? Why was this particular sign the pattern we see in Scripture?
While I cannot answer this one for sure… I do have a theory to offer that I continue to research to this day..
When a person becomes a believer, the Holy Spirit moves into his or her heart. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is there for that person… to help them, guide them, to lead them and speak to them. He is there is convict, to give understanding, and to simply be present.
This is a ministry of God to the believer.
Spirit Baptism is different… Where the indwelling of the Spirit is a ministry of God TO the believer, Spirit baptism is a ministry of the Spirit THROUGH the believer.
The heart of believer is already full of God’s Spirit - that infilling is for you to operate on. Spirit baptism immerses you… it is an OVERFLOW of His Spirit coming out of the heart.
Now… consider this truth from Jesus. Luke 6:45
Luke 6:45 NLT
45 A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.
Your words… what comes from your mouth… testifies of the Spirit you harbor within. If God’s Spirit is overflowing within you… I believe it is logical to conclude that His Supernatural presence will produce a supernatural language response!
Your tongue gives evidence to the Spirit you house within? For your Consideration, what spirit does your tongue give evidence to?
“So pastor, you’re saying I’ve got to speak in tongues before I know I am baptized in the Spirit?”
I believe that is the wrong approach.
First, it’s not a “got to” obligation, it is a “get to” gift of God. Secondly, remember this… although tongues is the evidence, it is NOT what we are seeking. We SEEK the Baptism. We RECEIVE the outpouring of God’s Spirit. We SPEAK out of the overflow by Faith.
So how is it that a believer receives this baptism that comes from Jesus?
It really is not a difficult thing at all!

The RECEPTION of Spirit Baptism.

First off. we need to understand that this gift is reserved for believers. Spirit Baptism is something that can only be received after a person has given their life to Jesus.
Remember Peter… the guy who went from disciple of Christ to denier of Christ to street preacher for Jesus?
Something very significant happened BEFORE Peter received the Spirit with the others who were in the upper room. Peter was reinstated by Jesus. His walk with the Lord was restored. We see this interaction take place in John 21:15-25.
By faith, a person must be a follower of Jesus before the can be baptized by the Spirit.
This means that your sins have been forgiven.
This means you have chosen to deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow Him.
This means the Spirit of God now dwells within your heart.
ALL OF THIS has happened by FAITH.
Secondly, we must position ourselves to receive from God what He desires to pour into us.
This simply means… we seek more of God.
Maybe you’re on the fence about this. Maybe you don’t know if Spirit baptism is for you. Let me ask you this: Do you truly want ALL that God has for you? Then remain open to what He has for you and let God do the rest!
Spirit baptism is for ALL believers yet we see a resistance to this amazing gift and answer to prophecy. I implore you today: lower your defenses, be open for what the Lord has for you, and receive the baptism by faith.
God can baptize you right now. God can baptize you in your car or in your home, or in prayer closet.
I don’t have to ask God if it is His will for you to be baptized in the Spirit… Scripture already gives us that answer! God desires to pour out His Spirit on ALL people! (Acts 2:17-18)
What I often believe it comes down to is this: control. We are fearful or concerned with… losing control.
Control over what? Control over our selves… over our purpose… over our direction and even abilities. If you want what God has for you… it means you have to let go… and let God. It means you have to trust in Him.
There is no greater purpose than God’s purpose. There is no greater direction than God’s direction. There is no greater plan than God’s plan. And letting go means giving all to Him.
We love the truth that in Christ our sins are forgiven, our souls have been redeemed, and our lives have been set free!
We love the truth that in His resurrection, we have eternal life. We get to spend eternity in heaven in His incredible presence!
But people hesitate when it comes to Spirit Baptism. Why? The first two we mentioned revolves around what God did FOR US through the gift of His Son. Spirit Baptism revolves around what God wants to do THROUGH US for the glory of His Son. Are you willing to allow the Lord to empower your witness for the cause of Jesus Christ?
The Spirit wants to baptize you. The Spirit wants to enable you. The Spirit wants to empower you today… are you willing to receive what the Spirit wants to pour into you by faith?
The first and only prerequisite is that you have a relationship with the Lord.
We cannot testify of what Christ has done if we have not yet received His redeeming work in our own lives. The Spirit of God cannot dwell in a heart that is full of sin. That heart must first be cleansed by the blood of the Lamb.
PRAYER - Salvation
Secondly, if you have not received Spirit Baptism and would like to… it really is simple… ask God to baptize you today.
We’re not going to blow in your face or tell you to repeat words or try to push you down. That’s weird. That’s man trying to do what only God can do. That’s trying to stir up emotions and to cause a scene… that’s not what Jesus told His disciples to do.
Jesus simply said to wait in order to receive. Jesus does the baptizing. we simply must be available.
And… when the Spirit comes, WE must be willing to open our mouths and say the words that He gives us. God will not remotely control your tongue… your response… is one of faith not force. Will you trust Him by allowing your tongue to speak out of the overflow of His Spirit being poured into you?
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