Names of God, Part 3

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New Jersey father. We thank you for this opportunity to come and study your word and see if you look at the category of the names of God, pray that this will be a time of refreshment. Lord time of Education will also a time of exhortation where we begin to understand things about you, your personal relationship with you in just a slightly different yet more distinct than more accurately and we look forward to this time of studying, your word, that you might be revealed to us. That you might be able to utilize us even more. We pray this we ask in Christ name, amen.

So let's see. This is our third week looking into the names of God and I have been kind of following the kindergarten approach to getting into the subject that is rather than pulling out the syllabus and whacking you upside the head and saying he recorded books and reference is here's all the Greek. You need to learn all the Hebrew, you need to learn beers, all the parts of speech need to understand to be able to make this work. We're just kind of working our way through the basic concepts, reviewing that basic concept and then going and looking at a couple of the names of God that we can dig up as a new nugget, something that probably you haven't come across before. So Let's see. I'm going to try to fit everything into the session that I have in front of us. So, this is see if I got the date, right? This evening, Sunday evening, June 4th at 2 because I wrote that a week ago. So Yeah, so this morning it was June 3rd. If you didn't know, at least according to my slides. So the first week of our study, we started reviewing the concept of a name and what it might mean and then expanding the idea to humans and to God separately another words, what do the names of humans represent? What do the names of God represent? How do we use them? Why are they there? What do we get out of them? What do they mean to us? What does it mean? If we have a certain name or of God has a certain name? What is the distinction? It turns out there's a huge distinction. I really doesn't matter what our name is. It really doesn't change the outcome. At least according to the scientists, and the researchers who looked into it, it doesn't make any Shane door, differential in the trajectory of her life. how well we do as to how we think about ourselves the entire concept of

Self-esteem, which is a very psychology based concept when there's actually contradictory to scripture because the worst thing possible, according to scripture, would be to think highly of yourself in a nun, write incorrect way. And yet we have built just like in our culture. We have a concept of Faith which is the ideas. If you pump up in her face, if you have enough Faith, doesn't matter what your faith is directed at. But if you've got the face, you're good to go for it. So when someone says, why believe in such and such than the people, I'm going to go home. Great. I'm glad you got that Faith or I talked to some doctor or some person. You know they may ask me what I'm doing and I'm like okay well I'm a faster reaction. I get from them and make it really, I didn't know that. Show me the F-bomb. Start disappearing from the conversation and so forth.

And people will often say to me, I wish I had your faith. And really, they don't wish that they had my face. That's not what they're saying. They don't wish that they had the faith that I have in the person in the work of Jesus Christ. As he who atone for the sins of the whole world provided salvation For All Mankind redeemed, and bridge, the gap between sinful Fallen man, in a perfect righteous God, giving us a righteousness. It is not our own, they don't want that. They just want Something to Believe In of substance. Faith Ministries free stream. Face ability.

We find that it's absolutely empty and so too is self esteem empty when it's not directed at the right thing. Now when we understand ourselves as God tells us we or did we learn to think rightly we become right? We accommodated to living this lie cuz we teach our children. What? God thinks of in there may have something bigger, something outside themselves, something not subject, to a psychological blow. Oh my gosh. We had this situation at school and suddenly the kid is in a self-esteem downward spiral, and we've got bullying going on and oh, good grief. So horrible. What is the, what is going to be the end? That's all based on. That self-esteem model that is psychology, ruling the roost. If you will psychology has taken over and the old Behavioral Science No gone. It is not that you are the results of what you do, smell the result of what you feel and that's what self-esteem is. So too. Do we have found that Man, in his name is irrelevant. Because it doesn't make a difference. But actually what he chooses to think is what's relevant. What he thinks how he behaves, what the choices he makes or what is relevant in his or her life.

Contrast that to them the names of God with the names of God, he is perfect. he has impeccable, he has He has a perfect Integrity in every aspect of his character and an eternal aspect. So we think of his omniscience, he knows everything only does. He know everything, not just what's happening right now, just not just the idea of just barely able to grasp of what's Happening, which is probably the best we could ever hope for. I can just barely grass that I can almost keep up with this, or that, or these things or the occurrences of the family. God knows what's going to happen. But every iteration of every choice, and every person can make every changed, the whole idea of Chaos Theory, Does an employer that God, there is nothing that is outside of his perspective and his ability to see and know. Also, his power is eternal and made sure it is beyond creation on missions, omnipotence on the presents, he covered everything perfect. In his veracity meaning because of his nature, Miss character, being Eternal and unfathomable. He never changes because he always knows, he is always aware. He has perfect Integrity, he never fails, you never miss makes a mistake. You never has a wrong perspective, makes a wrong policy decision so he never has to quote change his mind even though scripture says that God changed his mind, it's just relating. The God saw the changes in man. And then there is a response so we would interpret as someone changing their mind, that doesn't mean the goddess fickle. It just means that Helping us to understand him throughout our own lenses. So, two names names, then are the way in which we perceive and understand the reality of God. And so, he has given us these various names To understand him by. So last week we review the idea of man's response to the name of God which is to be one of those. A we are to learn about an aspect of God which is applicable to a transformation of your worldview point. From that of its former human Viewpoint perspective. To the Divine view point perspective. In other words, the names of God are given So the we could reorient ourselves to go on and who he is. Because we make assumptions. I know God loves me. I know he died for my sins. I know he cares. But does he care enough to help me with this busy care enough to deal with that which I'm going through? Can I bring the little things to God? Does he care about? You know, the small stuff, my mom is a constant amazement to me. We go round and round, and talking about theology versus the personal relationship with God. He says, I'm always praying so wherever I go whatever parking lot. I get to Laura, I need a parking lot close enough, so I can get out and walk to where the shopping cart or without falling on my face and tripping and breaking it having problems cuz she has, and now, it's even more important. She's always done this but now there's actually something behind it. So, she praised and every time everywhere she goes, the Lord provides her a parking space. Something, of course, maybe not the one she was looking at cuz then she goes, oh no, I'm going to park far away. And then she turns out and she pulls right in there. Is that parking space? She called me. Was it just yesterday yesterday or Friday? I kept her birthday. So running together now and she had a problem. She was at Costco. And she got out her Costco card and she had to buy something and then she dropped it and suddenly, it was gone. She had to show it and it was one of those, you know, Citi card. Costco, all-in-one credit card over the Costco ID in the front and suddenly he was gone and she couldn't find it. She looked everywhere and she searched through her purse and a people at Costco Healthcare. They couldn't find it. I don't know what happened was, there was gone. So she went out the parking lot and she you know she was like let's be safe and so she called him up and she let him know. I've lost my card and need to cancel it. I need to send me a new one. New one will be there within 3 days so she gets home. I'm talking to her later in the evening and she says, well, I just happen to be going through my purse and there it was. I've already canceled the other one but it was good to know that it was a lost and someone wasn't trying to defraud me or something. So there was a card. I just put it in the wrong pocket in my purse and we couldn't find it and I couldn't find it located there, but she said something worse happened. She says, I have this special ring that I got from my cousin, which is her niece many, many years ago and my niece passed away. Gosh, in the, on Christmas Day, I believe 1985. 1986. I remember the exact year, but I do remember is I was running a Christian Ministry at the time. And I've been told my cousin who had cancer wasn't doing well, my mom and done down to see her spend time with her because they knew that she was going to pass away sometime soon.

Remember that Christmas morning about 2 a.m. suddenly? I was woken up with the sweetest sentence. The god, the Holy Spirit, ministering to me and Justice whisper.

Almost there. I can hear though. I didn't. But she's with me now and everything's fine. And I'm like, oh okay because we're all, you know how it is. When you're expecting someone to pass, you don't want it to happen but you want it to happen and people are on edge and yet, they are trusting. There is a trust and there is a tension that is going on between the fabric of reality and yet your care of that, loved one, especially if they're Christian. And you want them to be with the Lord, there is a nurturing since we have for their soul that you wanted to move on and be fine and at 2 a.m. the Holy Spirit. Whispered to me that sweets, if I have to send really quite frankly that there were Angels around them, I bet. I don't know why. I just woke up with this feeling in this ends. Now, I'm not a rabbit charismatic advocating that type of thing. But my mom called me a couple hours later about 4 or 5 in the morning. So is David.


She's go on your cousin's gone. I'm like, yeah, I know. Mom was like what? How do you know? I says well I just woke up and I knew the Lord Lord told me, I don't know if you have those connections with family members but I do with several of my cousins. All just suddenly have this awareness, this sense and I'll give them a phone call, or I will text him or like, what's up? What's going on? And I'll tell him, you know, fill me in and something happened. Something's going on, but I don't understand what that is that the Lord has done in the fabric of our Humanity. But there is something there, there is some way that he connects us. We like to be all objective and rational men not saying be your rational and be subjected. I'm just saying that there is an interpersonal connection that God has created how it works. Why it works, I don't know. We don't want it to take over, we don't rely on it, but we don't also want to ignore it. We don't want our society to suddenly swing into full-on masculinity and Call the Arts and beauty of life out of it, get rid of all the female influence, will we can get rid of a little bit of female influence, right now in our society, maybe some of the androgyny, the weirdness, the top-earning in our higher education system, we get rid of a few things there but my mom was in Mexico, and she's looking for some rings and of course, they people all formula.

And my cousin, Mike, came and grabbed my mom and my cousin was big and strong, and she can literally grab my mom and told her way says, no, you're not doing that. You ain't Thruway from there. So, I'll get you something. And so, she came back and she bought a really beautiful Turquoise Ring, and silver, and Immaculate setting high quality. And she bought that for my mother is a birthday, present and gave it to her. So my mom is how that if she says David, I lost the ring. I lost the ring from your cousin. I don't know what happened to it. I don't know where it was unlike it's okay. Mama know I was really sore. Really in a lot of pain, really tired. Having a hard time talking to her. The phone was blitzing, we were having a hard time, having a conversation, she's eighty percent death with the one good ear that she has to begin with and she gets She says, would you pray for me and I'm like out loud? Girl. Okay. And I did it. She couldn't hear almost anything like that other than, but she heard me say something about the Lord, give her wisdom and so she was sitting around. Well, I wondered maybe when I threw that thing away, but somehow I came off my fingers because their finger seem to been shrinking, she's losing weight and she wondered if maybe she threw it in the trash. And so there she is. In the middle of the night. Digging out her trash. And she says, who would do that? Who would dig out their trash? This is right, then about halfway through the trash River. Was she found the ring? All that to say, God cares about even the little things, the little personal things that are meaningful to us. That may not even seem like they're worth of prayer to the people who love us the most interesting. So gods names, give us a new Viewpoint, a new inside, A New Perspective, on his character. Now, let's get to the words of things.

As we learn of the names of God, we learned man requires us to think and respond via Faith. Yes, that is belief. Faith is belief. Belief is Faith. The two words mean the same thing. There is no difference. There is no distinction and except for weirdos. K for some people say, oh, I know you believe the gospel. Do you have faith in the gospel? What are you trying to tell me to do? When do I need to have a hernia? Do I have two hernia believed to have enough belief? Is that what faith is? Florist. Reliance. That means actually, when I come to the gospel, I personally believe that not just to be intellectually true with me, something that applies to me and I Rely and Believe on it for myself personally. And that is faith. That his belief in fact, in every aspect of Doctrine and understanding, we have, it is understanding it. Looking at it, applying it to self and believing that it is for me, personally, that's what beliefs, every time, without exception, wherever you see, Fay, where we see Bowie, wherever you, see, the Greek word Pista, speeding thrown out or one of the cognate forms of it. It's always speaking of the same thing. It's simple is believing in something in the issue. Is what do you believe in? Cuz of what you believe in is valid and good than Hallelujah. God does. Work. If what you believe in is not valid, no one, does the work. You can't make up the work. You can't name it and claim it blabbit and grab it. You can get your holy prayer cloth and rub it on your forehead or get the one with the televangelist rubbed on his forehead and sent to you. None of that makes a bit of difference that is fake. That has nothing to do with the truth. Question is, are you bleeding? You know what God's word says is true. David that I ever tell you the story about genies. One of her students in her class is writing an essay for 4th grade. The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown know that in our household, we believe in the Great Pumpkin. Cuz I thought was so amazing because what did she expect? He was going to do. The cartoon. But she was really angry.

Yeah, so faith in the wrong thing gives you nothing people. Like the idea of having faith in faith and having a buildup of a belief. Did they find it refreshing somehow it yet in the end it's like an ice cream cone and summer that falls on the pavement believes in nothing. Nothing that he Satisfied by God is the noun or title of God. Can you repeat that? God, God is the noun or the title of what we think of as God. Just like, man is the neon or the title of human beings. If I'm referring to a man that I'm referring to an individual who is a human being. But I'm referring to a God. I'm referring to someone who has the concept or the idea of God, but if I'm referring to God, specifically, now in Greek and Hebrew, we don't have to worry about the articles in English. We do the difference between a god of the god in English. So we're careful how we say it. Very mind. English is not the same as Greek and Hebrew. So when you have someone who knocks on your front door and they say, well, you know, it says in the beginning,

the word was with God and the word was a god. Then you got to wait a minute, my go because there's not an oracle there or the same because there is there and they start taking it through and showing you what they actually don't know anything about of Greek. And so I have a wonderful little bible stalked by my front door where I gone through and I have underlined in pencil every place where the article is missing or not, missing going to go down here than this means here. And this means here, in this means, here is what you're saying about. The grammar is true and this is how the whole thing reads. So I'm confused. I love to ask the questions and put it that way. I'm confused. Can you explain that to me what I've really done? As I put in a, a wrench in the mechanism and suddenly their whole thinking process has ground to a halt and been destroyed by me asking them for help and they can't give me any. So we actually have to go to What is the truth? Good night, might suggest something but I'm asking for their input, anyways. To just, like, man is a noun of the title of a human being. God is the noun or title of God. So far, we have been loose in our definitions, but we're going to tighten it up a little as we get deeper into the study. So first, let's address the issue of what I'm calling name or noun name or no according to the Oxford Dictionary.

The Oxford English Dictionary. A name. Is a proper noun, a word, or a phrase constituting, the individual designation, by which a particular person or thing is known referred to or addressed. For example, Bob Susan, Oregon the White House. And your way or Jehovah, if you've been raised or read that in your scriptures, in your Old Testament, yhwh is the name of God. Okay. So names are different than just a regular. Now, we're talkin about, not a regular noun, like, man, or God, which is what we were speaking up before. Now we're talking about a proper noun which is specifying, the main, by which that individual goes. So we want to make that distinction. Put that definition up on the table. Next, a woman addressed. Well, I called nomenclature names, nomenclature names, now nomenclature. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, by the way, how would anyone be able to live without the Oxford English Dictionary? I have a mandatory subscription. I can't help but reading every single article, I come across. I am a lifelong, Observer of etymology, and I grew up in a family where I'd walk into the front room, then like Dad, what are you doing? And he was reading the dictionary, just sitting there reading through the dictionary learning words, looking at the history, understanding, what was gone going on behind then, and it turns out I got that in spades.

I was. being interviewed, I've been getting Some.

What do you call acupuncture therapy, since my insurance pays for it and I seen some good results. I have different ideas as to why you get good results, I see the physics in the bio physics behind it, in the electrochemistry that's going on and I can see. And I find articles out there that are talking about how cardiologists. We're just showing how this entire line of nerves. That the acupuncturist use was actually that exact same line, but is impacted when they give you such and such medication for starting to catch up where what was formerly and maybe a someone mystical art, is turning out to be an art of pragmatism that actually is doing something functional. It's just a lot of weird ideas out there as to what it is. So I'm getting poked in the Poconos been helping a little bit and making some things better. It seems Lady was interviewing me and she was asking me about, you know, my youth and you know, anything weird happened, any big accidents or anything? She was part of, she was backfilling, you know what she knew about. There's not really much to know. I said I was a little bit precocious and said how precocious as well as it turns out. I said, my dad about six months by the time I was nine months old, I was speaking in full sentences conversationally. By the time I was a year old, I had about a five-year-old vocabulary and just went on which meant. I had no friends for most of my early life or anywhere close to my age. But all the adults love me because I would just carry on full on adult conversations. My mom will take me to the shopping downtown, Thunderbird actually. And when we were living in Yreka, when I was less than a year old, she would come to Thunderbird and people would hear two voices talking back and forth, they come around the corner and there would be my mom and then infant, who is me, and they would look at her like she was a crazy person blows actually there. And actually, talk to my parents, didn't teach me, Greek, or Latin, or Hebrew, or advanced mathematics, or any of that kind of type of stuff. But I got to catch up on all that later on ended up doing, okay. Nomenclature name for the idea of nomenclature is a word that designates the proper utilization of names with Ben or creating categories. No, man is just the Latin for name in clature is the Writ for organized or to arrange these sorts of names, that organized or categorize something, but we tend to think of nomenclature as the proper use of the correct names for a discipline of study thinking science. Really any art or discipline that requires communication of ideas unique to itself? We have to have some word, some bucket of transmitting or communicating that concept. So we had what are called the nomenclature names. We're going to find that we have many of those which are references to the names of God. So I want to make sure that we covered that.

And one of the basic definition of nomenclature is simply a vocabulary according to the OED. It's just a vocabulary. So if your truck driver, you may have one vocabulary. If you are a, you know, a teacher of liberal arts or who had a cannalysis or whatever, you may have, another set of words of nomenclature that use. If your button that she may have a nomenclature that use weed. There's each distinct terms that are used in a certain way. Makes me want to look at the idea of title or name. The Oxford English Dictionary says that title. Or.

Want to bring in the idea of titular.

Which is relating to consisting of or denoting to buy a title of dignity of a person, having a title of rank, being titled, Baron, or conferring the appropriate title, A person who holds a title to an office, it benefits or possession, irrespective of the function Duties, are rights attached to it. Send this specific example would be a cleric who Bears a title whether or not he performs the duties. So having the title, even if you're not performing, the doodle that the duties is the idea that we have here. Now, a title for God. Most of our current use of the word title actually indicate son named say of the poem or a song or a piece of art a book or an essay, we give them titles, it may be none description or a superimposed category who we think of Christ on the cross. There was a title that was placed above his head. There was a title that was there. But the idea title that I want to draw your attention to hear is more of what we associate with the word titular. So that's why I reviewed. Titular. As opposed to title code is conveying more of the concept that which goes with nobility with position with rank. Babe.

May I know the differences between. Maryland's names and titles. It makes reference If she'll be, if I make reference to a man, I have not invoked his name. I have used the noun form, the nomenclature, to our speech, to reference a human. So too, when I make reference to God, I have not invoked his name. I have made reference to the noun that describes What he is? This should be the first step in beginning to clarify many of the passages that we read. And then we're going to encounter because there is going to be confusion out there. And if you don't make the distinction between the Mounds, the proper nouns, the titles and special nomenclature. We're going to be in trouble really quick so we have to have these buckets some categories to help us to start to analyze. See if you properly the names of God, that are out there. So why distinguish, why distinguish between a noun and a proper name? A title for technical nomenclature? Because it turns out our English Bible, do not necessarily document. What is behind the English term, you see God quote on quote in English. Maybe one of the names of God or one of the terms for God or might simply be the noun form, lemoo in the Hebrew. Lord might be a reflection of yhwh typically all in capital letters or in might actually reflect the Hebrew term for master or Lord to keep it all cleared. You either need to reference the Hebrew, or the Greek, or you need a study Bible with good notes, in almost all of them fail in places, ultimately, all of the study Bibles only go so far. So, if you have some online tools that allow you to click in and look up and see what's behind some mineral in ears allow you to even if you can't read the Greek in the Hebrew, they always have the English version of it there for you, so you can kind of sound it out and see what's there and see what corresponds to what in your Bible that there's something you're going to be funny hopeful of a reference Bible and notes. Helpful. Rendering in a study Bible published between 1909 and 1922 by. Ew, Bullinger. He is a descendant of the famous reformer and he was an impeccably detailed and accurate Stoller to this day, there is no one who is outshone, his work on categorizations of names of stars of numbers of stars and planets planets and other phenomenon of the sky that are mentioned in scripture and also on some things like the names of God has gone through and given what has stood for many years as the most in-depth way of looking at it from an English translation.

He chose to follow the good old when I call 80/20 rule and create a special designation for those names and titles of God. But a current, the most frequently. So we mentioned of all the thousands of references to a name of God, we are approximately 400 ish individual distinct names of gods that are out there. Some of those are individual, one word names, some of those have a description attached to it. Some of those are what we might call a hyphenated name. All describe some of those difference in one of the future classes. Not tonight, I want to introduce you to this idea.

This is how Bollinger. Designated those names and titles of God that occurred the most frequently. Know, if you can read what we have up on the screen, I have listed, they shortly titles in the Bollinger companion, Bible text. So the first bullet item we have God. Which equals Elohim e l, o h, i n. So that means wherever you looked a mess. Companion, Bible the Ballinger Study Bible where you see God with capital G in a lower OD in the Hebrew Old Testament, it is referring to Elohim. That's the Hebrew word is behind it. So you can look at that guarantee in and he also has it in the note, so you can always look over and make sure. And Elohim is God. The Creator. The very first name mentioned in the Book of Genesis in the beginning God, which is Elohim. It's the plural for God. God is the creator. So we associate Elohim with God as the Creator, not his unique role, his unique personage,

Is both a noun and a proper noun. So let's go describing God and giving him a name, OK. Google have to clarify that in the future because it will make a difference in certain places but not today. Next we see that God can also be a reference to Jehovah.

Or yhwh.

this is, In combination with a doona.

Warlord. So yhwh is what we typically think of as your way but in the older versions they translated or called it. Jehovah Bollinger came from that time. Before was a sensitive subject to put Jehovah in English, and they started using all the wage W H or tetragrammaton substitutes. So at that point, they were putting Jehovah, which was he understood way of pronouncing. It say a man is joined with Adam or Lord. So typically then it's going to be Yahweh I don't know when you're going to see a g o d like this, but God with the little asterisks is actually Jehovah or Yahweh in the Primitive text. Need and we have a few passages where we have people have come along as well and needs to be this, make make changes. And yet we found older documents or better documents that are showing us that changes were made. And so he's just dealing with a order of a right knee understanding the way it should be. Someone wasn't obviously tinkering with the tech guy so that's his way of putting that and then we see God. Capital g, capital a capital D in that is l e l. LOL is the singular of Elohim e, l is the singular Elohim is the plural. Now, LOL is God, omnipotent omniscient. The concentration of divine attributes is seeing in L and when we see a reference to El, it is bringing the view of God down to his, what we might call the Integrity of his consummate character. That is L and then we have I can't show you the way. I see it because it's a cursive uppercase but it's a cursive G cursive O cursive D because that's what they were able to do back in 1922 with the printing press and that is l o. R, i a h. E l o a h. And here we have God who Will's God who orders and is the object of worship. That is the god is in charge of God, who says, what is, what The God Who worship is due to? So one of the ideas of contrast we have here with LOL. Why is that he is the Living God that we see throughout the Old Testament who is compared and contrasted to the anatomist idols who are nothing. We are simply pieces of wood or Stone Concepts attributions in physical form that are nothing but he is the true and living God. And so it would we have those comparisons made in the Old Testament. Acts you often c. L o, y place there before us. And then we have Lord capital l m, o r, o r d and that is for Yahweh or Jehovah least the way he's doing it and his Study Bible. Kay the Lord with a capital t h e l o r d. and that is, jaw or

And yeah, is the shortened version of Jehovah. So Jehovah, is the full version is the contracted version. Just like you have the kid running around the house. His name is Zacharias. Zacharias come over here. Is Zacharias, what are you doing? Zacharias, don't do that next thing. You know, everyone say, hey Zach, what about this? Crazy over here. Come on here. So we have a similar idea and intimacy that comes with this contraction and soul, into in the Hebrew. We had, yeah, then an intimate sense of Jehovah or the Lord Y8. Wh and the idea isn't Miss intimate senses that he is, he who has become our salvation. He Who is? Who was, who is to come, and his name is Yaya, and he is our salvation and he is with liver of Israel out of Egypt. And every individual person deliver from Egypt has to have a personal relationship relationship with with Jakob. Then we have Lord, another Jehovah again, pretty primitive text text reference, then we have Lord, which is Adam. So capital l or D with the Hebrew, the means god over the Earth. Mail add-on Aton is the ruler in the earth, as the blesser. So, we have a done.

The boys are all doing. All right, he who is over the Earth. And then we have outdoor neem, which is given to us with a capital l capital O capital r capital D. I don't mean it is Lord as owner. So we have these variations God who is the black, Sur God was the ruler. And God, who is the owner of all things? Intimately related on every level of the life of God's people of God's creation. Then we have the Almighty, which is should die. Shaddai means Almighty. Then we have most high El Ian elyon that's a play en el. So it is God most high and then we actually have a couple combination names or titles with his read them off for you, Adonai Jehovah, which means Lord God, who is. That's how it's been ignited rehab Jehovah Elohim which means Lord. God, we have a Lionel which means most high God. And then we had should I, which means god almighty.

So fine we all want to look at The God Who sustains me The God Who sustains me a name that you may not yet know.

Give me the Hebrew. It's listen to hany. Bany

God. who sustains me God the sustainer and we first bumped into Tell you some kahini and Psalm 3. Starting in verse 5, I laid down and slept. I awoke for the Lord says staying the Muny. This is a title, a reference to the sustainer, the Lord, who sustains I laid down and slept. I awoke for the Lord, sustained me first. Oops.

I want we got six there or 6, I will not be afraid of ten, thousands of people who have not set themselves against me all about.

so, another way to understand this, as I lay down and sleep and wake up again because Yahweh sustains me Then we have a Psalm 41, verses 3 and 4. Psalm 41 verses 3 and 4. First three, the Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness. You will sustain him on his sick bed. This is your way of who sustains your way, who, sustains know, the idea here is to come home. If it is not their final hour, if it is not their time, then the Lord God himself will sustain them. The timing is up to God. We do not have visibility into the timing of God. We can't know. We don't know. God Made You miraculous things and then we step out in front of a car and it's all over with. We don't know but God is the sustainer of all who are not at their time. So he will sustain. This is for those who call upon his name first. Before I said Lord, be merciful to me heal my soul for I have sinned against you James chapter 5, we have a great debate that's out there between the charismatic, the Baptist and a number of others who have their own viewpoints.

About what is going on. With this coffee guy.

What is going on with this idea that a sick man is to call from the elders to be anointed that he might be safe and that he might recover from Death. What's this all about? Seems like we have a precedent here. Lord, be merciful to me, heal my soul. This is an issue of the Soul being sick there for the individual is in a place. Where are they need to be healed? And has they bring their soul to the Lord? He heals soul and body and sustains and physical life.

You always sustains them on their sick bed, when they lie ill, he makes them recover. Psalm, 55 verses 22 and 23, your burden on the Lord, and He Shall sustain, you, he shall never permit the righteous to be moved. So, here we have the Lord, the sustaining of the Lord. And he's talking about the righteous shall not be moved. Who are the Righteous? Is that those who have their act together? Because of those people who do everything. But the law says that they should do know in scripture the righteous as individual who has been made regenerate, they have believed in the atoning works of their Saviour in God has made them regenerate and they are there for seeing through the lens of God with a righteousness. That is not through. These are the Righteous God's people. He will sustain verse 23 but you oh God she'll bring them down to the pit of Destruction bloodthirsty and deceitful men shall not live out half their days but I will trust in you. we are to adjust our thinking than to trust and he was promised to sustain us a couple of examples of his sustainment and then will close Psalm 104 verse 14 and 15. He causes the grass to grow for the cattle and vegetation for the service of man that he may bring forth food from the earth, verse 15 and wine. That makes glad the heart of man oil to make his face shine and bread. Which strengthens man. What is the speaking of this sustained mean? Work of God. So we don't have the title. God, the sustainer. This is just an example where we see God the sustainer at work. We know him. Now we know his character, we can see him. We can identify him at work and call him out by name. You grow grass for the cattle for people. You grow the plants. They need to bring forth bread from the earth, wind the gladdens, the human heart boil to make faces glow, in food to sustain their strength. Finally, Psalm 146 Feel free to read the whole thing, really go down to verse 9.

The Lord Watches Over The Strangers. He relieves the fatherless and widows do, but the Way of the Wicked, he Turns Upside Down.

Beautiful song in the entire song is about the sustaining work of God. He is, he, who sustained? Those who cannot be sustained in any other way. So the widows the orphans, those who are weak, go to have no other means or way God is faithful to them. You always watches over strangers, he sustains the fatherless and widows

Play me some 147:6 the Lord lifts up the humble. He cast The Wicked down to the ground. And here we see that you always sustains The Humble, but brings the wicked down to the ground. He is the faithful one. He is faithful to enact his righteousness. And his time, we may not always see it, but his promises accurate. It is there. He supports those who are humble, that is not arrogance and their approach to reality and God that recognize their need for him. Therefore are sustained by him. But those who are arrogant will be those who are wicked. Those who have not believed to have not trusted have not become regenerate and therefore they will not have that Deliverance that God has promised. You always sustains The Humble but brings the wicked down to G.

So, we can conclude that God provides for all of our needs and sustains our life. When we are weak, when our heart is faint, he always supports us.

The schools in prayer. Thank you, dearly father for always being there for us to lean on. You are the sustainer of our souls. And every situation may we have the wisdom to look and to see and to recognize here, we have an opportunity. Do we trust in you as our sustainer in big things and little things in the ultimate things in important things, Or opportunity is to learn to know you because this is your character. This is who you are. So may we recognize that Lord and find our soul delivered from the difficulty of not, trusting of not knowing. And I'm not believe in who you every secret revealed yourself to me. We pray all this in the precious name of our Lord and savior Christ. Jesus is his name.

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