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Thank you, Johnny, and the choir.

Getting us prepared to worship again. There's just love the good old hymns and the way they speak God's truth. And I don't get me wrong. I like any music that talks about, Jesus I'm not real preferential style. Fitbit talks about Jesus. I'll listen to it through. There's got your Bibles turn to Acts chapter two this morning as we pick back up in our study of the book of Acts and will it really number chapter number to the beginning of the chapter is somewhat that the whole pivotal point of the entire book on a fact of the entire the rest of the New Testament. We're going to see the change that takes place in the church and in the life of the believer now will you think about many different things that we used to do? Now we've got sort of a mix crowd here. We've got some younger ones out front and we got some ones that are a little older than younger. Right? And so how things change in our lives are really, how many times have you heard someone say this? I never thought I would see the day that All right, we can fill in the blank with a lot of different things, right. I never thought I'd see the day that kids spend more time in front of the TV than they did a outside course. You know, if you locked the door behind them, , Solves the problem, right? I don't do that. I'm just kidding. It's really hot but during the winter. But anyways, when we think about the things that I used to do, I remember doing things that I would look at now, I'm think crazy. I thought my brother was in town from California about a month or two ago. We were talkin that some of those things. And one of the things we talked about was we dug probably about six or seven foot hole in the ground, and we spent the night in there. I don't, I don't quite understand the thinking behind that we had it covered. And then the rain came and it flooded in that was the end of that, right? That we didn't think that one through. I remember building ramps that were, you know, six or seven foot tall, and seeing how high we can get on a bike. She remember that never ended. Well, it was fun, while you're up here that concrete hurts, right? Riding motorcycle to the woods hitting trees, right? Because we didn't have the video games, they have, right? Remember Atari and all those different things, go back, Jack Young Young Generation, look on YouTube and find some of the 80s video games, and see how, how fun they are right there. Not We look at all these different things and we play hide and go seek. We did all these things. And I know that many of you experience those things as I did. And one of the games that we often played that kind of probably took off a middle. School was the game, psych remember that Y'all remember that, okay? People to say, hey, how are you doing outside? So like Middle School, right? And the whole purpose of that game was 22 to make a promise to kinda begin to leave them on, right? So they get excited. I'm going to give you this and you think I do and you say psych in their life disappointed, right? That was a fun game. And of course, it was kind of cruel at times too because we would take it to the extreme on so many occasions, but they see what they were doing. They were they were promising something that they did not deliver right? When we think about the work of Jesus, there's nothing that he promised that he did not deliver. There's nothing that that we have a tendency to over-promise and under-deliver meaning that we prompt make promises that we don't keep we make promises that we fall short in. First of all, we are human. Sometimes we we don't fulfill those promises because of neglect because of the, we just don't actually do them. Sometimes we make promises that we have no intentions of keeping and sometimes, it's just the fact that we just messed up and didn't do it. Jesus was never that way when we, when we hold his promises in her hands and ultimately hold him in our hearts. Listen, you and I as Christians as the followers of Christ can hold on with the certainty. That God will fulfill every promise that he's made to you. God is a faithful. God, Great Is Thy Faithfulness. As we just song I just few moments ago his word always, excuse me, proves true. Now if you want to look at many different slogans and or promises that companies make right? Ask yourself this question, do they deliver? What is what is Nike's to bring inspiration and Innovation to every athlete in the world? All right, Nationwide Insurance. We've all seen the commercial Nationwide is on your side. All right. Geico 15 minutes or less can save you 15% or more on your car, insurance FedEx, peace of mind. Not sure where that one comes. I guess. All right, Lego is endless play. Southwest Airlines low pressure. No, no low fares McDonald's. Inexpensive. That's familiar and can deliver in a clean environment. Yeah. Okay. Who will come back down in a minute right? BMW the ultimate driving machine and last last Coca-Cola to refresh the world in mind, body and spirit inspired moments of optimism to create value and make a difference question. These are all promises that many companies made with the question is, do they deliver on those promises? And if you were to ask a hundred people you would get mixed reviews you would get mixed answers. You would hear some say, yes, they do. And some say, no, they don't again that does not at all pertain to the god of Heaven. When God makes us promises. What are some of the promises that we experienced from God? He promises that anybody who will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. He delivers, he promises that if you are in a time of distress that who give you a piece that comes from the Holy Spirit? That's a promise. That's a Deliverance. When you think about the return of Christ, we're guaranteed that. If you're in Christ, he's coming to take his church. To be where he is. He promises that. And guess what? He'll deliver. Everything that God promises in his word. Listen Our God will deliver those throughs to us. So that leads us to a place of worship and understanding who God is and that he is the kid that his character. Remember, we talked about the differences in now as a general rule, my son Danny must trust, Josh Because as a general rule, you should not smell anybody's finger that ask you to smell your finger. All right,

That may be the last time, right? And so there's there's a trust level that there was there that he was willing to do what he said, right when we think about the God of Heaven, who is perfect in every way send was Perfection. He is our God. The Bible says that he is for us, who can be against us? Listen, you can put your confidence in God, you can trust that what he says is true. That if God tells us to do something, as in this example, that doesn't make sense. If it's from the Lord, you can trust God. You can take a step of faith believing in the promises of God not based upon just an empty promise. But based upon his character who he is a God who does not lie, but tell us the truth. Now, we're going to see in today's text, in Acts chapter 2, the Fulfillment of the one of the greatest, if not the greatest promises that God gives us as believers. That we talked about the, the coming of the Holy Spirit. Now, listen to what the spirit, listen to these verses, that kind of setup. The the thought on the holy spirit this morning coming just said in Matthew chapter 3, he says I baptize with water but he shall baptize with the Holy Spirit. In the early parts of Jesus's Ministry. He said that Believers ought to be born again by the spirit right before Jesus ascended into heaven. We saw that in Acts 15 that he said, John truly baptize with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit. And even during the ministry of Jesus, as he was preparing his disciples for his departure, he spoke about the coming of the Holy Spirit. But here's the thing, is not just in the New Testament. Text, we also see the proclamation of the promise of God, just like we see the coming of Christ as the Messiah. We see and Joel chapter 2 verses 28. He says it will come about. After this said, I will pour out my spirit on all mankind. So when we think about the spirit of God and listen, it is a necessity for the believer. It is something that you and I have to have in our lives if we're going to walk a life of faithfulness and bringing God glory and honor. But we're going to see this morning that it's not just having the Holy Spirit but it's also relying upon the holy spirit. And I think that's where many Christians fall short. We believe that we're say we believe we have the indwelling spirit, but listen, we're not surrendering to his work. We're not saying Jesus, a fill me with your spirit. Walk with me. Help me to live in abeyance your truth. Now we see in Acts chapter 2, we're going to look at the tech. I'm going to bite you stand. We're going to read the first few verses this morning through verse 13. And then we're going to kind of dive into what the text says verse 1. When the day of Pentecost, they came at, come, they were all together in one place and suddenly there came from Heaven, A noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting and there appeared to them. Tons of fires Distributing themselves and they rested on each one of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit was giving them utterance. Now, there were Jews living in Jerusalem devout men from every nation under heaven and when this sound occurred, the crowd came together and we're bewildered because each one of them was hearing them speak in their own language. They were amazed and astonished saying why are not all these who are speaking galileans. And how and how is it that we hear them in our own language to which we were boring, jump down 2 verse 12 and they all continued in amazement and great perplexity saying to one another, what does this mean? But others were mocking is saying, they are full of sweet wine. Let's pray, father, thank you for your word. Thank you, God for speak God, thankful for God of this morning for your Holy Spirit, that's present in this place. God not only in us, but in this place to speak and to help us guy to, to understand your words. I pray that you give us Clarity of Mind. Lord, I click clear Clarity of heart. God is we come before you and worship before your word? I pray for myself. Got as I stand to Proclaim this truth God, I pray that you would just move me aside father and that you would use me as a tool in your hand. God For Your Glory alone. We pray in Christ's name. Amen. Can we see inverse one again? We want to see within the context of the fulfilled, promise of God, through the Holy Spirit, by the Holy Spirit, sending the Holy Spirit, look at verse 1 together. It says, when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. There's a, there's a picture of being together in this one place and look at what happens in verse 2. It says, and suddenly, that quickly there came a from Heaven, wife from Heaven because the, the comforter the Holy Spirit as scripture says will come from the father, Jesus proclaims that several times. It says in selling their Came From Heaven, A noise like a violent rushing wind and it says, and it filled the whole house, where they were sitting, Then he goes in first three and there appear to them tongues as of fire Distributing themselves as they rested on each one of them. When you start seeing these different, I say manifestations of the the end well spirit. And that's that's really the principal here. It's not so much about what is taking place is listen, is it a supernatural word that only the spirit of God does? And so, when the spirit of God comes upon his people, right in? This is something that you and I can hold on to the promises of God, that our lives move in obedience. Right? We, we can bring honor and glory to Jesus, we can do a supernatural word because it's Christ in us, and through us that does that work. So, this was evidence of the presence of God's spirit. Now, God's spirit is not something that we fail to recognize as being associated with the fire, remember the burning bush. From from Moses, you remember also that Hebrews 12:29 it says for God is a consuming fire and so far arrested on each believer and then look at 4 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to teach with other tongues as the spirit was giving them utterance. So you're already saying look at with the last part of us for as the spirit was giving them other. So we're already seeing that, the end will spirit gives gives way to a supernatural work. That was Perplexing. That's the word that I was looking for, right? It was pretty, it was confusing to those who were present, but the key here is that they were all filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. They were filled with the spirit of God. And so then we see here and act, she's me starting in verses 5 through 15, but we have to understand that this is a point that I want you to hold on to. It says, when the spirit comes upon you, right? This is the, this is the application for you this morning, when the Holy Spirit comes upon, you God will do a supernatural work in and through you. But yet we're going to see this morning and we're going to ask some very hard questions. Are we seeing the evidence of the move of God in our lives? Are we really seeing his Spirit move us in a place to be more righteous in the way that we live to. Be more faithful to be more on fire for Christ. But let's look at the remaining verses 5 through 13 and then we'll get into some some points. I don't want you to see from the text Number five, first five. Now, there were Jews living in Jerusalem devout men from every nation under heaven. And when this sound occurred, the crowd came together and we're bewildered because each one of them was hearing them speak in their own language. And how it, what, how it is, that is each of them hear their own language in, which to, we were born. now, you bear with me here, any volunteers Alright, Parsons and metis, and elamites and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia pontus and Asia. Them Egypt and the districts of Libby around siren and visitors from wrong boat used, and proselytes Christians. And Arabs, we hear them in our own tongues. The notice the last part of verse 11, speaking of the mighty Deeds of God Listen when God gets ahold of your life, guess what else? You get a hold of your tongue. Man, what about our Unholy speech, right? What about the things that come out of at her house? We have you might have to help me hear a board that says don't say it if it's not what true help me out here. I should not know, I should know if it's not true, it's not benefit helpful or sezzle. Encouraging, so we just don't talk, just joking. But listen, here's the thing that we think about this. Remember, the spirit of God is come into the life of the Believers. Look what it says. Speaking of the mighty Deeds of God, see, when's God's spirit Works in you, you know what, you're going to talk about, the things of God, you're going to proclaim the goodness of Jesus. You're going to talk about this. If there's things taking place in my life that I don't understand, they're there there's things that are Supernatural in me. There's things that are taking place and you're going to go back and say, you know what that has to be God. But look at verse 12, it says and they continued in amazement in great perplexity saying to one another, what does this mean in verse 13? But others were mocking and saying they are full of sweet wine, which gives me this. This point that I want you to see this morning is this, as we see the work of the spirit of God, when it's clear that, there's a supernatural power that come upon those who were in the room. Those who were filled in that place by the power of God's spirit. but here's the thing, when the world looks upon, look what it says in verse 12 that there were some that were amazed But in verse 13, it says there's also, some that says all their just filled with sweet wine, which tells us this morning. Listen, when we see the work of God, we see the, the mighty hand of God working in her. Miss the, if you ever been through Experiencing God, what is the main principle that God is always at work around you? And so, God is moving. God is at work. And listen. There's no doubt that the men in our land, many of them are in our churches would say I'm amazed at what gods do it but there's also some that would dismiss the power of God. They would dismiss the gospel. They would dismiss that the truth that God is a supernatural, God and omnipotent God who is all-powerful and all-knowing and he is at work around us. They just missed that they do. It must be science or a might be this and that listen to the only explanation for life. Christ. The only explanation for this life is from Genesis to Revelation, how God created, how God sustains, and how God finishes up our lives in heaven. So we see this to be the truth. Now, here's the question. Why is this event so important? I'm glad you asked, why is the spirit coming to this world in us? So important, imma give you several things. The first thing is this it was the coming of the holy spirit that over the word coming is importing business is important. It's not the creation of the Holy Spirit, it was the Holy Spirit, it was God coming in the form of a spirit to dwell. Believers, the Holy Spirit had been active in creation we see in Genesis 1 verses 1 and 2. In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth, the Earth was formless and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep. It says in the spirit of God was moving over the services of the water. In 1st Samuel, 16 13. It's the Bible says, then Samuel took the Horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. In the spirit of the Lord came Mighty lie upon David from that day forward and Samuel arose and went to Rama. And then we see also in the proclamation in the gospels, in Luke chapter 1, Mary said to the angel, how can this be? Since I am a virgin, the angel answered and said to her, the holy spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you. And for that reason to holy child shall be called the son of God. So we see the coming of the Holy Spirit and and Jesus is going to give us and we're going to spend just a moment there in John 16 and just a moment. But here's the same Jesus reminds us of the importance of the coming of the Holy Spirit. It is again, not the creation of Holy Spirit. When you think about the Trinity, all right, now, this is this was a random thought this morning that I had young post. You know what this is? Disney still exist just to a certain thing, right? What do you think about the coming of the Holy Spirit? We have to understand that the fullness that the holy spirit is fully God, just like when we talked about, Jesus coming down to the earth when he came in the flesh, he was still fully God. Fully man with the spirit of God, right? Is everywhere. Now, we're going to see the spirit of God, come to to dwell inside the life of his creation. The ones who have turned their lives over to him. He's fully God, whether he's in you or wherever he is, he's got, we have to understand that. But one of the great Mysteries of the faith is the word. The Trinity. Now, the Trinity word Trinity might not be found in scripture, but the principles are there. Jesus says, I'm the father are one, right? But when you have the Trinity, what is it called? God the Father God, the son, God, the Holy Spirit. I was sitting here this morning. I was thinking about this nice little cord here. That is almost absolutely right as I am, then you see this one cord, right? But on the end, what is it had? It has three different. Is that go into a TV or a CD player to make it work? So we have gold God, the father right Heaven, gold represents heaven. Then we think God the son, the red is for what the blood and then we see the white which represents the Holy Spirit, the cleansing work of the holy spirit in our lives. And so God, the Father who is in heaven. He is God, God, the son who came in the flesh, who died on the cross. He is God, God the holy spirit in which we see in Acts chapter, to guess what he is. Also got three Gods, excuse me, three persons one. God right? Understand good. I'll sell it for fifty bucks. It's a, it's an antique. So, we see the Trinity, we see the, we see the evidence again of the coming of the spirit, not the creation. Now, listen to what Jesus says, I first in John 14:26, he says, but the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send. Again, that's the that's the picture. Their father sends it. Send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance, all that I've said to you. So we're talkin about the the the need of the Holy Spirit. Looking with Jesus. In John 16, verses 7 through 11. Pieces. But I'll tell you the truth because that's who he is, it is for your advantage that I go away for. If I do not go away the helper. The holy spirit will not come to you, but if I go I will send him to you and he when he comes, that's the spirit of God is that. He says, it will come evict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment concerning sin, because they do not believe in me and concerning righteousness, because I go to the father and you will no longer see me and concerning judgment. Because the ruler of this world has been judged, just from what Jesus says. In this verse answers. The question? Why you and I need the Holy Spirit. We see an ax to the coming of the spirit of God. And Jesus says, it is for your ID. Vantage that he went away. Now, that might be confusing. I believe it was certainly confusing and for the disciples who were hearing Jesus say this, but he says, if I do not go away, I'm not going to send the Holy Spirit he had to ascend. He had to depart and notice the work of the Holy Spirit. He says that he will come Vic. The world concerning sin You know, you people talk about that, that you're that little voice inside of. You says, I owe you shouldn't do that. Listen, that's God. Trying to to protect your life, even for the unbeliever. Listen, he's calling them to repentance, he's calling them to Faith. He's saying you need me. I love you surrender to me. But for us as Christians, when we have the spirit of God, listen, when we fall short, guess what? That's send. Even if even after were shade, we fall short, we do things. We shouldn't do in the conviction of the Holy Spirit comes Upon Our Lives and he convinced the world of sin and righteousness. He tells us what's right? He says concerning sin because they do not believe in me. Can we see the work of the, Holy Spirit, and matter fact, and John? 15:26 Jesus says, when the spirit when the helper comes whom I will send to you from the father, that is the spirit of Truth, who proceeds from the father, he says, he will testify about me. See father, son, Holy Spirit, listen, our lives are about Jesus with a Holy Spirit, came to reveal who Jesus was he gives us the the the the pricking of the car, the understanding of God's truth. Now, we seeing the very beginning again, this is the coming of the Holy Spirit but guess what else it does number 2 is, is it gives birth to the church. It gives birth to the church. Now church is something that's normal for us, right? But up until this time listen there was no such thing as the church. There were believers who did the work of God. But here we see the coming of the church at the birth of the church. Vance, havner said these words. The early church had, none of the things that we think are. So essential for Success today, building's money, political influence, social status. And the church one multi tools to Christ and saw many churches established throughout the Roman World. Why? Because the church had the power of the Holy Spirit, energizing its Ministry, they were a people who were ignited by the spirit of God. So I ask you this question, what does it require for you to have church? What does it require for you to have church? What is it that compels you to come to church? What are the things that you think it would? This is essential for me to have for me to come to worship. Is it the organ? Is it? The piano is it? Non contemporary songs? Is it here? You can make a list on and on and on about the things. But listen, the early church had an understanding because there's, as he just said, they did not have buildings, right? They met from house to house. They met from place to place. Right? They didn't have all the things that I consider this church be blessed with. But here's the thing. If any of these things were taken away cuz we still have church. Absolutely. Why? Because we have the spirit of God and the spirit of God, as the scripture says is permanent. And if we are sealed into the day of redemption, as the Bible says, so we see that it was the birth of the church will that gives light on to the next two things are going to talk about. Number three, is this that it was a personal feeling of the individual Believer by the Holy Spirit. So when a person believes in Christ that is, they hear about Jesus, they believe in the spirit of God, convince them of their sin. They turn their lives over to Christ. The Bible says that when they repent and believe in believe on the Lord Jesus Christ by faith. The Bible says then and then and only then does the Holy Spirit Come to dwell inside the believer. The Holy Spirit enters that person's life. He comes upon and Bible. Commentary says falls upon pours feels baptizes himself into the life of the believer. And lastly says, this is a personal experience. And we want to see this picture of the church because the church is personal, right? Because if you're not filled with the spirit of God, you're not part of the church to be a part of the body of Christ is to be bought by the blood of Jesus, is to be purchased in Ransom by Christ and give you your heart and life to Christ alone. With these in chapter 1 verses 13 to 14 says these words in him. You also after listing to the message of Truth Truth, The Gospel of your salvation. Having also believe it says, you were sealed in him by the Holy Spirit of Promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view of redemption of God's Own possession to pray to the praise of his glory. And lastly and Titus 3:5. He saved us. Not on the basis of Deeds, which we were done and righteousness, but according to his Mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit list and it begins with a personal walk with Christ. So the Holy Spirit came and listen. He didn't come just to just a hover around you. He came to dwell in. You, he came to set you free, he come to that. He might choose me redeem, you from your sin, and for many turns, he separated from him in a Bible says that he renews Us by his holy spirit. You want to be born again. You got to have the Holy Spirit because his his cleansy work in our lives. That cleanses us from all right, unrighteousness. Now, so we have the personal feeling of the Holy Spirit and then we see the corporate feeling number for of the Holy Spirit, the body of Believers and their promised presence of Christ. John 14:16, says these words I will ask the father and he will give you another helper that he may be with you forever. That is the spirit of Truth. He says, whom the world cannot receive but it just because it does not see him or know him, but, you know, him because he abides with you and will be in you Jesus says, I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you. Aren't you glad that the spirit of God when he comes upon your life that he's is eternal, that he is a God who doesn't abandon us. He doesn't leave us but here's the problem with many of us. We think about the Holy Spirit but listening to, it can actually become where we just neglect the teaching of the Holy Spirit. When did like the move of God, we don't neglect. The things that God wants us to, to buy Point Blank, saying no to the work of God in our lives and Jesus tells us to do this and we see no, right? We make up a lot of excuses, right? Fear concern. I don't want to be rejected. We do that a lot with sharing our faith. But here we're seeing the church being birthed, the corporate Church in 1st Corinthians 12:30 for by one Spirit, we were all baptized into one body, where the Jews or Greece, weather slaves were free and we were all made to drink of one spirit. The family of God, that is where our Unity comes from. If you've ever heard the song by gold City, maybe you can finish it for me. We can't have church till

Play you let me down. Do usually always plays go City? What what is this song say you? We can't have church till the holy ghost. Shows up, right? That's that's that's that's an important principle. When you think about the corporate feeling of the, in the presence of God, listen will be coming to this place. Yes, he is in you, if you're a child of God, this is his house. He, he is here in our midst, wanting to speak. Now because here's the thing. There are possibly unbelievers in this room. There are possibly unbelievers who, to visit this church. Listen to the spirit of God is pricking their heart and drawing them to an understanding of the Gospel that they may surrender and come to him, but listen, God's spirit moves. So we think about this song again, we can't have church to the holy ghost shows up, ask me ask you this question. Has the Holy Ghost showed up? Because I we listed a lot of different things that we that we think okay are non-negotiable. We have to have this kind of music. We have to have this kind of puke we have to have this that in that Melissa all Jesus says you just need me. So he promises us. He is the feeling of his church, by the holy spirit. Is it when he shows up as a song says we can have church, right?

When a man fully grasp the gospel, listen to, it says the Holy Spirit takes him, baptizes him and mercy has him and places him positionally in the body of Christ, which is God's Church. It is the permanent presence of God. Now, when you think about the Old Testament Temple, it represented in God's presence. Right? Here were saying, when the spirit of God comes the feeling of the new Temple, which is you listen to what Paul says in 1st Corinthians 3 verses 16 and 17, do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you? Right? That's that's what it is. So we are the temple of God. CNN, Exodus chapter 40, it says then the cloud cover the tent of meeting and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle, the spirit of God, listen, they came into the presence of the spirit of God into the presence of God, listen, where you. And I have the presence of God. We had the spirit of God in the Bible tells us clearly that he never leave us, nor forsake us, he walks with us, he is in us and it's for the like that for all of eternity and then lastly, is this. It was the presence and power of God coming up on Believers, gifting and equipping them to proclaim the Glorious message of Salvation to the world. Remember back, in Acts 1 verse that says, but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be my Witnesses. Both in Jerusalem in all Judea and Samaria and even to the remotest part of the Earth, why does the church lack power? Because we're not surrendered to the spirit. Why does the church lack? The power of the holy spirit? That is in you? If your Christ, if you're in Christ, Because we're not asking God to move. You and I have the power of the presence of God, but here's an important principle. We think that the presence in the power of God, we understand that again, the holy spirit is the fullness of God, the power of Christ Living in us and through us. But the Bible also tells us that we must be continuously filled with the spirit. Now don't get me wrong at the time of conversion, you get the fullness of God, you get all the Holy Spirit. But to be filled with the spirit of God, listen, there was many times in the New Testament, we see that them being filled with the spirit of God for the task at hand. Write Ephesians, 5:18 Paul says, and do not get drunk with wine for that is dissipation but be filled with the spirit. You might have the spirit of God, you may be cleansed and Sanctified in a child of God and that when you leave this world, listen, you don't have any concern. That God will keep his promise and take you to heaven to be where he is. But listen, I'm convinced that myself and for us, we need a refilling of the Holy Spirit. We need God's movement in our lives. We need God to do a supernatural work in our hearts and in our lives. So that we might, as we saw in the very beginning proclaim, the things of God for playing the gospel because we'd look at the power of God that comes to dwell in US. But yet also listen. We need God to fill us with that power from on high. Do you believe in the power of the Holy Spirit? Do you believe he can do all things that God can do? Is there anything dog can't do? Right. Listen, that's the spirit of God that dwells in you. So for you and I to say, you know what, I can't share my face. That's the nine. The power of the Holy Spirit. I can't go and tell talk to this person. I can't do this or that. I listen, we make a lot of list of excuses but the truth is is that God has called you to it. God will provide everything that you need. The spirit of God is in you now, don't get me wrong here, something I got to clarify, he'll never call you to do anything. Contrary to his word. Remember that? Because there's a lot of people will claim. As the Bible says, to lead, you astray the listen. Follow scripture, follow the heart of God, follow the words of God, and listen to say that, we trust the Holy Spirit list and is an understatement. Because you know what, the Bible tells us that I cannot live a life of Faith once apart from Jesus. So do you have the Holy Spirit this morning but more. So most importantly, do you need a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit? Do you need God to move? Man, we can we come into this place knows I've heard from some on many occasions man. What a week, what a week? Play God, God brings us here to edifice to build a sub to encourages. The listen, we need to ask him to Phil's once again, not with his presence, but with his power because we we have his presence, it's forever. You'll never lose the presence of God. When you're in Christ, I listen, I need, I need a fresh anointing of his power sometimes to get through life, don't you? Listen to Bible says, if you ask it and believe and pray and faith that he'll give it to you. If you believe in the power of God's spirit, listen, believe that when you ask for help that our God is on the way that our God is our helper, he's our Defender, So, as he sends the Holy Spirit list and be thankful this morning, that you had the presence of God in your life. But you can walk in faith once a men. Would you stand as we pray? Father, thank you for your precious word. Thank you for Who are the coming of your spirit? We're thankful God, that Lord that you didn't leave us in the state that that we were, the Bible says in Romans chapter 8, that the law could not save. And it was weak because we're weak, but God, you sent your spirit to be the power of gods who dwell in us to help us, God to walk a life of faithfulness, but you tell us very clearly that we must continuously and wholeheartedly surrender to the power and the work of your spirit and us. Guy that we would not neglect, the teaching of the spear, the teaching of the word of God that we would Lord begin each day is saying. I want with you had what would you have me to do? And God when God speaks God we can trust you knowing that you'll provide the power in your presence. God there's no greater comfort for the child of God this morning. That's know that God is with me. Always. We can trust you. God is we think about the promises that you give us all through scripture. God, let us hold on to the promise that the spirit of God gives us this morning again, that you will fill us, you will forgive us. And God, you will give us all the power and all the presents. We need God. In our times of me. God, you were a good guy, and we're thankful, and we pray in Jesus name, amen.

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