Honoring God When Life is Hard

Problematic Passages  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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wk 2 of problematic passages : tackling the bible head on
have you ever found it hard to honor God when life gets hard (family member dealing with sickness, maybe a cancer diagnosis, not being able to find a job, trying to overcome a drug addiction, in the midst of a divorce, the lose of a child, miscarriage, death of a spouse, an injustice in your life, etc.)
today we are going to talk about honoring God when life gets hard and the lack of respect and reverence that is shown in those hard times.
Elisha just took up the mantle of Elijah as he was carried up in a fiery chariot, to become the next prophet of God and we are going to catch up with him in 2Kings 2:23-25
As we see the lack of reverence and respect shown to God and His word we will see the curses of God poured out.
read scripture and pray

> Honoring God even when the path seems lonely v.23a

> Honoring God in the face of insults v.23b

> Honoring God by showing reverence and respect v.24

there are going to be times when its going to be hard to honor God and in those times I hope you will be able to come back to this message and find hope.
there are going to be times when the path is going to seem lonely.
there are going to be times that you will have to honor God in the face of insults
there going to be times when you don’t feel like praying, worshiping, or revering God
but in those times
meditate on how your language reveals your heart posture toward God-is it one of silliness and carelessness, or respect and devotion?
spend time praising God this week, being mindful of who God is and how deserving he is of all the praise we could ever give.
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