Pentecost -The New Church, Tongues, Outpouring: Peter's Address: Men!

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Pentecost-The New Church  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  2:09:33
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The New Church is established in the midst of the feast of Shavuot. Men from across Israel and the world are called to come to Jerusalem and attend. Peter addresses these, and invokes thinking diligence to understand that Jeshua's suffering and crucifixion did not "happen" but it was the deliberate divent plan of God performed in full foreknowledge.

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UK. Well, let's go ahead and bow our heads in prayer opportunity for Rebound. If you've been stressed out by all this, just go ahead and confess it to the Lord. We have the authority of the Holy Spirit to rely upon as we move forward with the study of his word.

God is spirit and those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and Truth for. We are the true circumcision who Worship in the spirit of God and glory in the Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh. There only father, we recognize that this is your work, this is your ministry. This is your time, their ass is the provisional gracious opportunity. You have given to us that we might be your sheep. That you might be our Shepherd before we come to study your word that we might be Grazie from that which you would feed us with the truth of your word. Pray that we would be edified. We would find ourselves changed in our thinking. We find ourselves conformed Lord as you do the transformation within us and we thank you for the opportunity to confess known sin. And I thank you for the opportunity to really father to completely rely upon your provision, even through technical difficulties and glitches. Lord, it is you who are the true Shepherd here. So we thank you and we look forward to your words insights we pray that's in Christ Jesus name. Amen.

Will last week. We found ourselves as we're working our way through an examination of Joel chapter to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and making sure that we are rightly dividing and properly understanding what this outpouring of the holy spirit is about what is up with the speaking in tongues, how can we have these different iterations of the outpouring, or the filling of a holy spirit throughout the Book of Acts and we've garnered to come up with a few items. We need to hold in mind as we worked our way through the book, a back. Number one, there's a difference in the in filling and that word and there are different Greek words behind it. So we taking time to study both pimp play me and plural him play. We have found, is that feeling of the spirit, that is like that coming up on in the Old Testament times when the Holy Spirit, would come upon a profit for someone who is telling forth the word of God and they are empowered by the Holy Spirit and they speak that with the mine. If you would hand upon them at that time as they're speaking. And so when we see pimp play me in the New Testament, it's that same type of film shoots that same type of what we might call us. Some of the old timer timers call and unction. That is the moving that is coordinated with moving within you. God, moves upon you that you might move in. The purpose. Is oral spoken, Proclamation. So everytime we say, You can play me in Luke's riding and throughout the New Testament. What we see is the holy spirit, providing for verbal Declaration of God's truth every single time. Okay. Way it. So it can be used in a way that means, just to fill to fill up, the gas tank to fill up, the Fishbowl to fill up the coffee pot for you. Rabid coffee drinkers. So, what it does mean is to bring all the way up to the top, but when we're talking about filling of the holy spirit, it's always is a reference to an empowerment for speaking 4th. Okay. So we have a definite usage. That is there. Then we have plural p l e r o o. M floor is all so it can mean that filling up to the top, like a fish bowl in the gas tank or your coffee pot, or whatever. You may have, the need to fill to the top, and it's a different word, but we have plural used for in, about the spiritual life. So in a fusions 518, when it says, do not be drunk with wine, but rather, or instead be filled, and then it says, by means of the Holy Spirit, doesn't say with the Holy Spirit, which is what many of our translation say, it's what we've learned to say, but it's actually not accurate. That's not Are you a text that says be filled by means of the spirit. So the idea here is not that the holy spirit is filling us with that. The Holy Spirit filling us with something. And when's that feeling with something happens. Then we will be those who will speak forth the proclamations of Joy will speak to one another with songs and hymns. And we will make joyful Melodies in our hearts to the Lord. Will be those who are he continues on and give this all the things that will happen. If you're filled by means of the Holy Spirit, including husband's loving wives was being submissive, or reflective to their husbands and children obeying parents parents, not being parents over their children Masters, not the entire rents over their slaves or servants and vice-versa of the servants, not being disobedient, Unfaithful, servants over their masters and continues on. We have an exact parallel passage over in Colossians that says that we are to be filled with This time that says the word of God. Let the word dwell within you feeling, you, and Compazine your soul and it gives the exact same list of things. Same author, Paul, in both cases, talking about the same subject in both cases. Then one, he says that the holy spirit will fill us We are to be filled the role by means of the spirit. And in Colossians, we are told that we are to be filled with the word of God and then the whole same list in both cases, one-to-one correspondence, slightly different, slightly, different change, and how long in the fusions he goes, longer than what it means to be married married. What it means to be submitted one to another, and that concept he gets into the idea of the total Union is reflective of the Union of the believer with Christ that we are joined together in a way that can never be separated. One of the reasons that.

There's really no difference in United States between the divorce situation for Christians. And for non-Christian, this is one-to-one correspondence. How's the needle is moved over the years, we went from, 20% of all marriages, ending in divorce to 40% of all marriages. Ending in divorce to 60% of all marriages ending in divorce, there has been no difference between the church and the rest of society, really do we have a, what do you want to call at 8, they frog in the hot water type of situation as the culture has changed. So too, has a situation with the church. The church has not been wise. People have not been submitted to the word of God. They have not been inculcated with Biblical Truth, The overriding Guiding Direction in their life is not been Christ, scripture. The teachings of the word of God. It's been their culture. We can see it in the numbers. It's very clear, but there is to be a difference. We should understand what that difference is. I'm part of the reason that it's important not to put blame or cast aspersions on anyone, there's no reason to have a guilt trip. If you have made mistakes, if you have been divorced and remarried etcetera, despite the clarity, the scripture brings to it. What we need understand is this. Scripture is portraying the reality that the believer can never ever be separated from Christ. Once we are married to Christ. We Are Forever. He is insufferable. There is no dorton divorced. That is possible. Jesus says, divorce is because of the sinfulness of man's heart, it is not because God wants it, but because man is sinful and so God has allowed Ritz of divorce under certain circumstances and then we see even in the time of Christ, but the circumstances are twisted and distorted so that the Sadducees and Pharisees have vastly different ideas about why, and how you can be divorced. The Pharisees have two, vastly different systems within pharisaism of how and why you can be divorced and came down to even at that time. I'm at the time of Christ. If the husband did not like his wife, you can divorce her That's not even a recent biblical or excuse me. A reason in American law until the last couple of decades. You had to have a reason to get divorced but not anymore. Now, you can just go in and file papers for divorce and no reason is required anymore. You don't have to look at each other. so,

Divorce, really? I just bring it up because we have a picture of Christ and divorced distorts the picture and the reality that we are wed to Christ and we are forever. Is so how about no matter what you've been through? Jesus Christ, is your true husband men, take it as an allegorical concept here. Jesus Christ. Is your husband mine. Let's take it that way. He is the tender of your soul is the initiator of Truth and Love in Your being. He is The Giver of the word. He was a shepherd of your being here is the provider of the grace means whereby you can be a leader than your home. 2. We're studying through the fee Acts chapter 2. And last week we went back to Joel chapter 2 because after this outpouring know, all these things that happened and part of my reason, for going through the list of things that we've been going over is to make this point, I'm trying to equip you with an understanding of a lot of the presuppositions, the people have gotten from the culture around them, including the Christian culture of evangelicalism and Kara's Madison and Pentecostalism in all these influences, you may or may not know that you have My great-grandfather was a lay preacher, never met the guy. He was dead long before I came along, but he laid hands on my father and prayed for him and for his family and he was, I think wanting my father to end up being a preacher will, my dad didn't become a Believer until after. I was born, never became a pastor or a preacher, but he became a deep deep lover of God and of the word of God and the things of God. We don't understand sometimes how great grandpa are being a Pentecostal oriented preacher might have it. In fact, on little things along the way, presuppositions we bring, and then we read it into scripture, thinking we're understanding scripture when we're doing is we're laying a false reading on top of a true, understanding the scripture. So part of my going through the history of the charismatic and Pentecostal stuff has been so that you have a little inside of it but there's much much more if you want to dig into it. But I want everyone to have a little insight as to where these ideas came from, how they began to influence our culture and how I started distorting people's understanding of the text. So that's why we went there last week we got into Joel chapter 2. The reason we did it because Peter Swans. The People speaking in tongues and everyone in Jerusalem saying, what are these crazy people in a bit? The new wine. I mean something is not right here because but when we hear them in our own language is, but then other people said, yeah, they're just drinking too much wine, and Peter got up and he made a bold declaration and he says, Hey pay attention guys. Here's the truth, here's the Crux of the matter. He says this that you're hearing these speaking, another language is like Flume, say it is, it is like Joel Anthony quotes versus out of Joel. So we spent our time last week going through Joel

Going through Joel and showing the progression of what is happening in the Book of Joel. And what we see is that there is a wrong Behavior, being cited by Joel of Israel. And as a result of that long Behavior, there is a discipline that comes to Israel. But then he comes to a point where he says that he uses that Hebrew word, shubh shub. And if you didn't get it last week and we'll go back and listen to, it should be up there shortly. But shoes, as we analyzed and we went through that process means to reorient yourself. Two, we could use the word repent for really, a means to change your thinking to do a turnaround concerning your relationship, with God, come back to God, he said if you should then there becomes an outpouring of all of these blessings he's become. So the old Covenant that we have the Mosaic coming up here, Brandon Covenant, the davidic Covenant, all of them, make reference to if you do this then this, but if you do this then this is Israel was unfaithful to God as they turned their back on God. I'm as they went after other Idols instead of God that God placed a judgment upon them. But the text and the point of Joel is Turn their back on the idols and come back to the true and living God. Then at that point having shubh shub there will be pouring of blessing. What is this mean? That's exactly what Peter is talking about here in our passage in Acts chapter 2. If you shoe he says this is like Joel in the point of Joel is if you shoe there will be outpourings of blood. So you're what is there for this modern crowd in Jerusalem to shoob about

Play artist shubha about what they think about the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Jesus. Okay in the Messiah, the machine is there in their midst. He came for them as their key and they rejected him and Peter is proclaiming this is like Joel if you shoe there will be blessings. Okay last week.

Now, let's move forward with today. We're in our analysis of Pentecost. This is joined together with our understanding of where are the church King from there for how the church is to function. Therefore that will inform us as to how this church WIll function, how this church is to function in a biblical sense. Not something we make up out of a charter for a constitutional ideas of how we should function here. Is the biblical understanding of how we function, the purpose of our Charter, really? It's for the weekend, play something in front of the state of Oregon and say this is our bylaws. This is how we advised them. This is how we keep them. This is why we get to be recognized as a not-for-profit organization, therefore, we don't have to pay property tax on the property etcetera. Etcetera etcetera gives a certain Grace is at the Lord. Is provided in our society but also gives us some ways to deal with conflicts in the congregation that they arise and stuff like that. But the real issue is what does Scripture say how is the church to perform and behave as based upon scripture? That's what we're studying. So we're looking into the issue of tongs and helper in the spirit, which is all part of this. New church rising up making sure we rightly understand it. So tongs, or what, anybody

Poems are Love Languages. Yes. And what did they mean to the people of Israel? Having Gentile tongues spoken there in the capital? It is a sign of judgment upon the nation because they have rejected Christ. They're just she just threw up machine has been rejected as their has the Lord as their Messiah there for the nation, stands judged. Therefore we're going to see the destruction of Israel in ad70 so just for some little less than 40 years. Later we have the full destruction of Israel, okay?

You're the man, we have Peter's Proclamation then is this is like Joel with the emphasis of shoe and I want to go here.


You see, it will go back a couple of verses and then we'll pop up to where we are. Starting the next 2:5 we read the following. And there were dwelling in Jerusalem, Jews devout men from every nation under heaven. No, no. First of all, that it does not hearsay. The valence anthropos, which is one of the Greek words that could be used here. Answer pause is the generic term for human beings for people, but instead inspired by the Holy Spirit and with direct purpose, Luke is saying Marin there were dwelling in Jerusalem, man, guys. Now, keep in mind that this is Pentecost. This is the Feast of Shavuot is one of the three festivals, where everyone in. Every man, I should say of Israel is mandated to attend the festival 3 Festival. They have to attend, and this is one of them. So, there is a distinct Ephesus on male attendants, but as in dire need Our visiting. It is an expression here of the Divine institutions, established by God for the protection and preservation of humanity. Mel, as a society, we neglect this to our own distraction for distinction. We are neglecting us to our own.

Extinction, I would say. Now, the Divine institutions are those principles established by God consistent throughout scripture, they always stand and they are for the protection of humanity and they are invariably woven into the fabric of how God designed been the first to mine institution. We have is Felician. That is, Every Man Has a free-will, someone's telling you all were all predestined, just turn and walk away. You don't have to ring go with them, you don't have to try to argue with them. We will probably get to dealing with a little bit of the foreknowledge of God election in predestination towards the end of our teaching today. But the main thing to be aware of is it if we have over and over and over throughout scripture God saying, do this, do that, do this, do that, and he's putting it in the imperative, which is a command saying, you are To do this. That means that we must have been a Freewheel that says, yes, I can do that or yes, I won't do that yes or no. My volition chooses. Am I to do it? My to be positive. We use the terminology. Positively to do what God has asked for commended me for my going to do. Choose not to do what God has commanded me. Some pollution is the first Divine institution established and that is imperative. One of the reasons we are opposed to Communism. Opposed to socialism is because they are designed to attack and Destroy Divine institution. Number one, the freedom of will capitalism is a institution of making choices that is compatible with God's design. And so we have a whole generation of people who are being taught to socialism is good. Even communism is okay, and capitalism is bad and they pull out all of these communist. Griven ideologies and reasons to say that and so people are learning we are not supposed to have a free will and a free choice. The government should be making the choices for us. We are not to make them for ourselves. Durations. Now we have 20 some years. people having gone through college, you've been educated with this type of thinking

40s now have been predominantly influence with this type of thinking,

I have become enemies of God's against. God establish that for the protection of mankind. Very important. And then we have a marriage, a man, and a woman joined together institution of God is for the preservation of them tried. Before the protection of the individuals involved in the relationship, then we have the institution of family, family is Growing Up. So within the protection that confined up marriage children are not to be raised outside of wedlock there to be raised inside of wedlock. There is a protection. There is a blessing, there is a huge benefit. We just look at the sociological factors we could even be color blind so it doesn't matter what color you are. The issue is, do you have two parents who are raising you together and the outcome is statistically vastly different from the outcome of single parents now. There are extenuating circumstances. We have loved ones, who died, father's dying, mother's died, but that's not the point. That's not the issue. The issue is when we deliberately stepped aside from God's institution and destroy it, then the boundaries are taking away the protection taken away. The inculcation of God's Viewpoint is taken away, and we have Godless people who are raised up having issues of all times. So we have free will marriage family in the way of local government, which is for the protection of the rights of the family. The marital murder, we joined individuals and the Free Will of everyone. That is the purpose of government. Is that what your government's doing for you?

And then we have our divine institution of Nations.

And nationalism, we find is actually instituted by God, and his purpose by God, who's laid down by God. And one of the purposes is the protection of mankind used it made distinct people groups. Distinct languages. All of this is to protect Government to protect families to protect marriage, has to protect individuals and to protect the free will. So everything, every step along the way operates on Free Will. And the more people choose negative against the design of God, the more those institutions get out of whack. Get destroyed in the consequences just roll out just like sticking your hand in boiling water. Or if you're really bold, do this, boil, some oil, and stick your hand in it. Some of you know what I'm talking about. The damage is markedly greater by sticking your hand and boiled boil. That's why people used to get put in boiled oil as a form of punishment. The penetration of the heat is deeper. The damage is quicker almost instant. Boiled in oil is almost impossible to recover from anything in various levels of depth in your skin is just completely destroyed by it was boiled water. You Mabel's turn around sticking and cold water, put it nice or whatever and you'll recover and maybe not even lose any epidermis in the process. But the invasion into the Divine institutions is like rolling out oil Doyle across. All these different institutions. It is an almost pure reversible, seemingly damage that's gone to a civilization the greatest English happening in our civilization, you may have certain factors. You look at in there, your pet peeve, but be aware the enemy of our souls is opposed to all of the Divine institutions because he doesn't want God's protection to be here for Humanity. He wants all of humanity to turn to him as a leader. I can take care of that, I can change that. I can change the circumstances. Everyone is innately good, but if we just fix the circumstances, it will get better. That's what the Liberals say. Can they eat the conservatives? Because the conservatives say, oh, everyone is innately sinful capable and fully able to be evil. But fixing circumstances is not the right way because that destroys free will. Free Will needs to be available. Then people need to be taught to make Positive Choices instead of negative choices and that's the great battle that we have rolling through our society right now.

So there is an attack going on and right up front. What we see happening here at the rolling, out of the church is that God is doing this to you saying, I'm putting my imprint, my stem on Divine institution as Peter says, or as Luke tells us there are men here in Jerusalem. Now, in terms of the Divine institutions established by God for the protection and preservation of humanity as a society, we neglect these to our own destruction, these orders these Divine institutions are not arbitrary and they're not malleable but have been established by God himself Elohim made Adam first. And then from his side he took the rib and he created Eve. Go to Ephesians 5 reiterates. The man is to be the spiritual head and leader in the marriage and it is the mail. Leader in the home. society and culture at the time of Pentecost, the max Schechter Open quotation here from Doctor, Robert Dean and I wanted to read cuz I just thought he hit it on the head and I don't need to make up a bunch of words. When someone else did it.

He says, because of the residual impact of establishment principles, what I just described and Define for you. Those establishment principles. They really didn't have this concept of single people in the era of the Acts chapter 2, the time of Christ, the time of the Apostles, like they do today. Even if you were a widow and young woman or even a young man, you still live with the family unit. Are with the family and tell her you were prepared to operate out on your own. So the family is seen as the basic unit of society. Not the individual, by the way, a little side note here, one of the good things that seems to have come out of covid in Sweden, had a multiplication of that people living at home with their parents or say all how dysfunctional all these people are living at home with their parents. Good grief, God designed it to be that way in a crisis. People Resort into a Divine institution, principal, Hallelujah, that's a good thing. It's not a bad thing, don't believe these commenters. He's talking heads on TV. When Peter still ends up on the day of Pentecost and faces the crowd, he doesn't say ladies and gentlemen, men and women boys and girls. He says men. Males.

One of the problems we have had in Christianity. What is that? Small engine.

Yeah, one of the problems we have had in Christianity over the past two thousand years is the feminization of the church even in the colonial. There was about eight 6535 representation of women to men in the local church. This is always been a problem in, in some Churches in our culture today in America, it's worse, and it's much worse in Europe and other liberal more liberal places. It is a D20. And in some cases, 90109 women in church for every one man, what happens to a culture in this situation is it when you put the emphasis on women, it feminizes the culture whether the culture is business or the church, or the entire civilization,

The ratios change. Practically how things function. How couldn't they? We're foolish to think anything else. You build the man did He-Man Godly, Man. The kind of man that the Bible speaks of in terms of true biblical, masculinity and Leadership not cultural masculinity, which is often perverted by Pagan, motions of Macho ISM and egotism and many other factors. But building in the biblical View and you build to the strength of the men in the community, then the result is that it. Strengthens everyone.

But I think of many men who have served in this very congregation. I think I'm your father Gene. Mr. Warnock was a foundation. To do this institution into these people, and the impact may have been a silent Blessing by association. And yet he took my father under his wings as a new believer, does my dad stepped into a deacon at role. He says, this is what we do and he discipled him and he took him out. And at that point, we had a large enough congregation that we had elderly individuals who are at home, who could not come down here for a communion service and so the deacons in their proper role. We're taking and administering communion to those people in our own Church community who couldn't get here. It's only disciple them in that my dad. Interesting going on many levels, but I'll tell you something that I admire about him greatly. And I hope the god is penciling an etching this into my character. I would call him and say, Dad this.

How you doing son? Not very good. What's going on? You know what his reply would be every single time. Let's pray. And then you would pray for me right then, no pause, let's pray. They're going to be father, I pray about this situation and he would just start praying and ministering, my dad was a spiritual giant of a leader, and that's how we need to be in. That is how men who are Godly or identified. We step up, we step in, we stepped in initiating and following through in the principles of biblical manhood which is simply following directions to God, but because God designed women to be responders and men to be initiators and you build to the women in the community. Then you begin to see a role reversal and the man become feminized in the women become masculine eyes. And that is the exact friend that is seen in Pagan cultures. In other words, the. Of the judges in the Old Testament, real this time of men advocating. The rolled or work, we even see women stepping up into roles of leadership and God uses them because he is working with a vacuum situation. We're all the men have gone negative and turned away from the things of God.

Can we find a principle here that is being taught for the building of the brand new New Testament Church and you find this principal at work. Then when Peter begins his response in Acts chapter 2 verse 22. Mark 2:22 for. We see that Peter addresses, these men of Israel. Additionally, we're going to see the god, the holy spirit is leading Peter and God. The holy spirit is going to build his church on this principle where there are no strong males. Leading in a church. There are problems and we will know, then. But the Beginning Church established by God and four sizes. The men in the church will be built on the leadership of men. And there are no women in the role of leadership in the early church nun. The Miss flows from these words of Peter and acts 2:22. So, to look at it I have it up on the screen man of Israel, these words, Jesus of Nazareth, Amanda tested by God to you by Miracles wonders and signs, which God did threw him in your midst, as you yourselves. Also know, you see Peter starts out addressing the man of the nation, All People Under the Tent. He says, men, you are responsible for our families for our societies. For being the leading decision makers, use addressing specifically, the foundation of the church.

Man, is the Greek word on there, which is mails. And we saw that back in the previous versus well here in Acts chapter 2 verse why there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews devout and they're so it's the man, the males from around the world literally who are coming to Jerusalem to obey the call to come and a 10 shovel up, okay? So the same thing is what Paul is. So we have all these men in Jerusalem and what is Peter do led by God? The Holy Spirit and in tune with Divine institution, principal, he begins his declaration to men Man, he says that is so important. Now he makes an imperial, but is quite masterful as he focuses on the humanity of the Messiah. And you see, by focusing on His Humanity, the humanity of your shoe, a Jesus preparation is made for the attention. That's to be drawn into the perfect Lamb of God, who provides that simless personal sacrifice before, God and exchange for the sin of all mankind. And he must be human for that to be the case. You see the Jews, had a vast understanding of the Messiah.

I'm interacting with the guy up on the Internet, who has some strange things in his background. Number one, he was a flat earther. He doesn't even satellites, doesn't believe in Masson any of that type of stuff. So, just a weird perspective to believe in and I'm like, dude, I've got a micro, I've got a telescope that I just pull out and I quit in. I look at it, I grab my phone. I find the geosynchronous orbit,

How can you be a flat earther? It takes a level. I wants a stupidity but it isn't arrogance. That is an affront to the intelligence of every individual I'm the same type of thinking is applied to being a King James, only version believer. You must use the King James version. That is the one that is inspired. It is a one-to-one correspondence between him. God did masterful things and it's a great translation and it was much better as a translation for it's time, but it brought a lot of inherited problems along, and God did not give us translations. As his inspired word, it is original autographs that are inspired whose original writing in Greek and Hebrew. And yes, we use the English. There's nothing wrong with that, but we will find that the translators make errors and so part of the job of the pastor is to be aware if he's even capable and aware of such things to point them out. You let you know. So you have a little bit of insight, you can be the judge can go back and study it more for yourself but that's part of my job is to point out. For the translation is good, where it isn't good and that's kind of fun.

So the Lord Jesus Christ is shown to be human because he takes away the sins of the world famous guy that I'm interacting with. He's basically saying that Almost saying that we don't have to mention the death and resurrection of Christ in the gospel for someone to get saved. I would say maybe you don't have to mention the death or Resurrection. Do you have to know about the resurrection? What we do need to know is the atoning sacrifice of the Lord, Jesus Christ, that he was a substitute in judgment for our sins and you took that fold judgment upon himself and God was satisfied. How do we see that the cross when we see the God was Satisfied by the resurrection? People need to understand that exactly. Not sure that they do but they absolutely have to understand the substitutionary. Sacrifice that Jesus did all the work that we do, none of it, we trust. Therefore, if we come to him for salvation, We Trust in his work, absolutely one hundred percent and we trust in our work. Absolutely none 0%. Nothing depends on us at all. Ever everything. Depends on him and the work that he's done. Hallelujah. He did the work. So as we believe that he looks down and he goes another believer and he transforms us, he makes us spiritually alive. He renews us gives us a new spirit and we begin our Grace based Church worldwide. We brought no merit to the table. We take away nothing of our mirror, but we come back instead with the righteousness of God, that he has placed on us, because we have trusted in the work of Jesus Christ. so this is an important idea here that Peter is setting up

And he must show a connection between the humanity of your she would Jesus and the physical death and Resurrection which he fulfilled as per the Messianic prophecies. So he just starts off by identifying him as Yeshua of Nazareth.

You got here?

Your shoe at Jesus of Nazareth. Hear these words. Your shoe out of Nazareth. A man. Is that true religion and all merry men attested by God to you by Miracles wonders of signs, which goddess threw him in our midst, as yourselves also know.

So next.

from this verse, we want to bring up the idea of attested attested

and the Greek term for a tattoos, Apple Dyke. Maybe Apple Dyke near me. And I'll come back to that. So if you don't get it now you'll get it when we come back to it.

Same verse Acts chapter 2, verse 22, men of Israel. Here these words, Jesus of Nazareth, a man notice I had it under here in, man. A male attested.

here is the important concept here attested which

Beers. It means to bring a legal proposition to demonstrate a thing to be true with evidence or proof. And this is a logical structure document or presentation of facts that Peter is bringing here. Peter is here telling these men that God demonstrated and prove the miracles signs and wonders the claims that Yeshua Jesus was the god man, which is the machine

now, this side steps. Your accusations of Sauron. The accusations against the apostles coming along after the fact and making up a claim about Jesus, God gave the proof when your shoes Jesus walked among them.

Is the reality.

Bus validated Miracles, another word for Swoon Theory, doesn't hold water that Jesus wound, and then he wasn't really dead and then he popped up. So yes, he was the most brutally. Punished man on the face of the Earth, beaten beyond recognition. So that even his Humanity was not detectable versus a beast having been placed on that cross.

Then somehow he recovered out of that.

Popped up and never says everyone says, who's that Beast? I mean, Jesus. No, that's not what happened. What happened is the Miracles actually happened? When Jesus was walking here on the earth with the apostles in the side of everyone else. All these are testing miracles happen in that, time validating, Peter is seen here. God validated white Miracles by wonders and signs, which God did God himself. Did these things through Jesus in your Miss, as you yourself. Also, no. So God did it. That is an amazing thing. So you can't come back and blame the Apostle. Who say they put this Jesus story together afterwards it just doesn't make any sense. You're a tribute to Jesus, the attestation of Miracles. You would have to be making up the attestation afterwards later on and that is not the case. Yet the station happened during the life of his ministry and Peter is pointing that out to these men to these Jews. Peter is telling these man that God demonstrated improved through the use of miracles signs and wonders the claims that you shua Jesus was the god man. The Messiah, Michelle and this

Burn leaves us forward to move into the next piece. The next verse Acts chapter 2, verse 23. Him being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God you have taken by Wallace and have crucified and put to death. Now, he's talking to the decision makers of the nation, he's talking to the thinker's, the adjudicators all those individuals, the leaders of a Nation. He says, this is what has happened here, will come back and we'll dress that second service. Pick him up here from my Acts chapter 2, verse 23 who will figure out what he is doing here. What are you saying to these? Men and how everything, but he says, rocks into this idea of being men and wraps into the idea of shooting? Cuz you already addressed them. And he says, here's what Joel said. It's like Joel. What you're seeing here. People speaking, another language is right in front of you, there's a supernatural move of God, has a shoe opportunity, will come back and discuss that when we come back after the break. Let's Close Our Father, we thank you for this time. We thank you for the great provision that you have given us, everything needed for life and godliness have been given us in Christ Jesus, we recognize that Lord. We look to understanding more understanded deeper to gain insight into the everything that's been given to us. We might be more aware that we might find ourselves groin. We might find ourselves awaken to what you have given us. The we don't even know after all of these years of study, there's always places in points Worth to learn. So we asked you would do this work by your powerful Grace provision, given to us in your word and we thank you for the coffee this. Next, he praised you in Christ Jesus name. Amen. Find me. Step up. I'm moving top music of 05.

Little exaggeration.

Ferrari, let's it, I'm back to our chairs hoping your hymnals number. 407, 407.

Because He Lives.


the Hudson C is

My say.

Okay, here it is.


Oh sweetie.

That's great.

this child can face on certain days because he lives

Gives way to.

C u r e.

Because He Lives.

Cuz I know.

Life, is what?

Hallelujah. Everyone needs to hold a newborn baby in what? Got on extra a newborn that we can borrow for Remember at 4:10, just flip the page. It Is Well with My Soul.

well, with my

it's like,

As well.

When should?


It's been all together or do you have any father? We thank you for this transformational time, in which we function under the free will get you provided us and we might be responders to your grace. This is not about works. This is not about Merritt, this is not about gaming favor in your eyes. This is not about gaining favor with any one person individual. Any other person in mankind Lori. This is our personal righteous relationship with, you didn't then covered Lord. We desire to be reflectors of your glory. They what you have given to us, we might reflect back to you for the enablement for the prosperity of your ministry of your church. But for the glory of you, for the glory of the work of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Therefore we get it whether it be a simple Farthing or whether it be a gold bar, the point here, Lord, personal and private between us and you, who's this, we worship you with all the we have including Panda Express in our money and we thank you for your faithfulness. We we love you. We look to the person in the work of Jesus Christ who gave us the example of sacrificing all that. He might gain everything we sacrifice a little Lord, only to have really married and glory and heaven and Eternity, but yet that is everything. So for us, maybe we find ourselves fixed joyful and happy as we express our worth it. When we get to Jimmy be safe, we pray in Christ's name.

You can flip one more page to number for 12 for 12. My faith has found a resting place

All right, Rusty.


Not for me.

You know what you meant?

My heart Isley.

So patient.

A great physique.

The Lost Hero.

It is he not?

Amen. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. Thank you, Kathy.

So, I was worrying next chapter to want to take a look at communion, then as an expression of the church mandated by Christ before you left this Earth, the very last meal he had with his Apostles, was the Last Supper as we call it which was this communion service done. He said, when you do this do it in remembrance of me. So are we remembering when we take communion,

Christ, Jesus were remembering Jesus. When we go to take communion to do two things together, we are going to as we have been asked by the Lord, we are going to take of the bread. There was a specific bread that represented himself and his Perfection cuz perfect ministry is the god, man. But specifically, as a man, he was perfect. He was without sin. And yet without sin, he went to the Cross to take the price. For all of our sins to take the Judgment but should be due to us. Instead he took upon himself, he became a substitute Jesus substituted himself for us just like if I get in trouble as a kid and hi. Say what's up? I guess you're going to get a spanking for that one. It may take me a song that my brother comes up and says, no, no don't spank him spank me? It might be but if that were to be the case and he took my spanking, that is a substitute someone taking the punishment in place of meat and it's much much worse when it comes to dealing with my sins. My sins are far more worth far more serious. And yet Jesus Christ in his Perfection as Humanity came to the father nice.

And so the more they the discipline, as you would for the Judgment for sin to the Lord Jesus Christ, in his perfection. Rather than me. And so we're going to focus on the bread. We're going to eat of that together. When we pass out each of the crackers there, it's going to be for that reason. So we can think about Jesus Christ in his Perfection substituting himself for me. So we'll be doing that. And then we have the taking of the cop, that is the communion drink. Now, it's to be a red wine type of drink. We have grape juice in hours. And so, what we're doing then, as this is a representation means it's most. It's supposed to make us. Think about the blood of Christ, meaning, that he shed his life and died to replace ours. Now, when someone dies, that means they're gone and they're not coming back. But that was not the case with Jesus. In fact in this situation because he was perfect, because he was sinless, death had no power over him. So, he was not able to be held dead but rather after the third day, on the third day, he rose from the grave because death couldn't hold him, he had never sinned, he had no nothing wrong. Therefore, there is no skiing, there is only Victory from the Lord Jesus Christ. And his having been resurrected, he was raised from the dead. He came back that's on to love that Sun Herald. That it is never happened before and will never happen again. Only the Lord Jesus Christ because of his Perfection was resurrected in this way, then because sin could not hold him down. No, interesting because the blood tells us that he died, so he died. But he's coming back as well. And also what we get from the blood then is a promise of future things because of his promise, God is doing a faithful thing, he has given us blessings and prosperity in the future. We would never have gotten those if he hadn't died. So he takes away our punishment, he takes away our sin or spank you in a very serious way and he brings us back and he gives us future blessings, based on the work that he has done. God is good. The work of Jesus Christ. Is why we have a relationship with God. So that is what we are going to celebrate in. This is what they did. We find in the second and third chapter of Acts but they got together and went from house to house. Celebrating the Lord's table and they ate together. Was seeing and thinking of the work of the Lord, Jesus Christ. It's in the very beginning, the Constitution, if you will of the church begins with taking communion, so we're going to do that thing at this time, we'll start with the bread.

So the thinking is this represents the Lord Jesus Christ, remember that? You took our spanking. Instead of us so that we might be free from sin, but not just one statement. Everyone for all the sins, ever committed to the rest of our life. Oh, that was placed on Jesus Christ.

Billy father, we thank you for your absolute paper. I'm a God to substitute, she would take away the sins of the that is all your shua Jesus Lamb of God to perfect Passover. Grateful. Full of joy.

I've got my car as a baseball.

represents the blood which told us that Christ shed His wife gave up his life for us and yet he was resurrected. And so we have a phone

Google, what's a the New Covenant?

Pick up some of those blessings.

You miss me. That relationship.


You're the father. We thank you again for the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus Christ. As work, as computed as finished, we have the shed, blood moon, or wherever you said, before us, we might understand if you might recognize it was, Jesus Christ to get to work there for the kid never ever.

We are saved because of Jesus Christ. Not

You recognize, then. We're going forward. We have nothing but blessings. Guaranteed, a good vitamin for my TV. Thank you.

Got some perceptive, a mentor is here?

Do they know?

I could just keep talking forever and ever and ever, and no one would know when do a men, but they always do.

Okay, bye.

Wichita. Consuela.

Part 2, let's open in prayer. They're only father, we thank you for the blessing opportunity again to coming to study your word. This is where the true process of worship happens, but is we are touching your truth. And we are as the Greek term seems to imply ProScan duo. We are face to face. Lord. We are in a place of intimacy as we study your word, and there is where we find fellowship with you and the worship of our soul. So we implore that you would work in Minister within it. We have any confess sin, we understand that we are to confess it. We might have the feeling of your spirit in this time needed for the study of your word and that may that be a constant Among Us like a hiccup. Maybe we constantly confessed it as needed and be in constant prayer. Before you we praise you. We thank you in Christ's name. Give me a minute.


Max 2:23. So we're making our way through Acts chapter 2. Now Peter set us up by making an explicit Functional necessary, foundational concept. For all of us that is the men are called the men are to respond women. You're not excluded at all, but men are to step up to the role of leadership. It is the guys just to get out and to be the responders to the Lord Jesus Christ and must the initiators in the governance, work in the ruling of countries of Nations and so forth. That are we living in a Gala, Terry and Society, everyone is equal. The girls just as good as a guy, we have no qualms with that. Is just a god of giving us different rules, different functions. And when you twist around the roles in the functions that ends up with sadly destruction and Distortion and so our goal is to be aware to be awakened. The goddess told the men to leave the church, so immense Not that everyone isn't. I'm just saying that men, step up, its your job, your to be the leader of the spiritual leader in your life and your family. And that doesn't mean you have to know more, it just means that you are to fill the role where God guide you and lead you. And you are the one who cares for your wife, like, Jesus Christ. Cares for the church washing with the water of the word. That's a Jesus ministers to his church is through the teaching of God's word and Men. You have the trolls will to lead and teaching and guidance of your wife. God will give you believe it or not, in sight to know how to administer. How to properly? Respectfully carefully loving me, Rule. And you can always tell if it's working, right? Because when you do, you will see in some cases, not at all. How many cases do you will see your wife responding? You'll see the Joy on her face. You will see who he loved response, she has, as you initiate. That God gives love. You are to give to her, she will respond with respect. She has no respect for you. She may have a sim problem in just its that she's not a respectful individual has not submitted to the work of Christ in her life. The teaching of the word, the ruling Ministry of the Holy Spirit or it could be that you're not initiating love. If you're initiated, she by proper design, will respond with respect women. On the other hand, your job is to respect whether or not. He's initiating irrelevant cuz you have a role in a job which is to be respectful So between you and God, that's up to you, you are to respond your worship to. The Lord is reflected in your respectfulness. Now, God knows how much your husband deserves to hear an awful lot of things that you just doesn't do Ryan and need to get changed and cleaned up, and you're there to manage his life.

God will take care of that, and there's a, given a take in every relationship there Dynamics. Not trying to intrude, or step on any of that. All I'm saying, is it between you and God, there is a place of respectfulness and you as an individual go to the Lord and say, am I being respectful in that right way? And that proper way. And then, you do the same thing. Am I being loving in that right? Way in that same way that you are loving towards the church? Am I being loving towards my wife? Do this in the privacy of your own Souls? Let me give you a clue here. God does not give women the insight to know. Call loving their husband is more. How much on the runway he is or isn't, but you will respond. Because he's the initiator you're the smarter man. You will not be given inside to know how respectful and where she is been respectful and where she is and you might be blown away how much grace God is giving you. When you should really really, really be in trouble.

So privately individually, we are accountable, then to God, men to love women, to respect. So and don't be looking at each other going or not. Let me know not to respect your relevant. Has nothing to do with them. Wanted to point that out as we move forward here.

When Bruce 23, we find that Paul is immediately jumping into The Fray concerning the outcome of this Messiah. He has said there is a messiah. He is the Bourne, a Nazarene here is a human. He is a man, he is the Messiah. So he's placing the emphasis know if you've ever heard it said that way and fast, supposed to be a cyst, but if you emphasize it differently, you can say in fascist or mphasis.

And what that means is that he's placing the focus on Jesus Christ to say. He came as a man, which means he's setting up the conversation logically in a sound and fallible way is all these men will understand. Jesus was a man there for, he was a suitable sacrifice as Lamb of God. He is the perfect replacement as the Messiah was prophesized to be Isaiah chapter 53 tolls. This at Great length, we might get into that next week.

So, what happened to your shoe with Jesus and his being betrayed at Sutter, right?

What happened to him was not accidental but was instead very purposeful and it was part of the plan of your way. It had been determined know that I put the Greek terms for determined and purpose here in the

Give me a text.

So determined is here.

We help or reach. So,

Which means to be deliberate intentional. Deliberate and intentional and purpose.

Right here. Is boule. Not bully, bully.

Freak, but it means a plan. God, had an intentional plan. There was a determined

Purpose and a foreknowledge.

But we find for knowledge is right here. We'll come to that in a minute. First, we're going to look at determined and purpose.

For Noise, by the way, is going to be prognosis or prognosis. And that means 240 to know ahead of time. So, deliberate Plan B is for non in these seemingly crazy out, in which Jesus or the shoe to the Jews was betrayed. Unrightfully judged marked, Scrooged, beaten and crucified at the exact time with the Paschal Lamb sacrifice was to be offered in the temple on that exact Festival in that exact day at the exact same time that the sacrifice was being laid out over in the temple itself.

Was all intentional and planned and known about in advance by God, we're going to look at the use of hore read. So enact use of Horrid. So so we want to see how Luke uses this term, and the other versus the other places where he uses it and ask to make sure we get how he uses things. Number one, we're seeing how it normally sits in the same type of context, or if there are different meanings Etc. So first, we're going to see Peter speaking, the Cornelius. Peter is speaking to Cornelius in Acts 10:42 and he commanded us. He says to preach to the people in, to testify that it is he who was yours or word for read. So ordained is what's put here.

But this is our word for deliberate.

It was deliberately done, he who was deliberately placed here for read. So by God, to be the judge of the living and the dead. So what are things? He's explaining. The Cornelius is not only is this Jesus Christ as a substitute for a says, that only is he the Messiah. Not the only issue is a source of Salvation. Something new going on here, he has been established planned determined to be the judge of the living and the dead. Jesus Christ will be easy adjudicator. But every individual everyone, living in everyone dead everyone not to come yet that will live or die. Jesus Christ is the adjudicator. He will sit on the seat. He will adjudicate based on what Based on Grace. Number one, as I like to mention, do people come to meet him between the wings of the cherubim as was called, out in the Tabernacle in the picture that we have inside the holy of holies, where once a year, that blood is taken that up. Sacrifice is made the blood of the atonement celebration. And one lamb is slain, the blood is taking the back of his poured out between the wings of the cherubim that are expressed in Gold. Over The Mercy Seat, the place where the work that represents the person and the work of Jesus Christ himself that blood is poured out there on that spot. That is the place of fellowship and that is the only place established by God. Where we get to meet him between the wings of the cherubim. He says, that whistly. He says, I will meet you there between the wings of the cherubim. That's a reality. That is not symbolism. Literally in heaven, we have the wings of the cherubim who are guarding, the Shekinah, Glory of God, surround it whenever it is expressed on Earth, we have wings of cherubim around it, receive that work. That is where the atonement is pictured. We see that as our ability to connect with God, all based on what I did know based on what he did, acceptable to God on behalf of me, he does the work, he creates the blood, he creates a situation and I trust and believe in that by faith. Therefore I need at that place, I meet where the blood is poured out between the wings of the cherubim

Jesus Christ is going to know every person who has met him there between the wings of the cherubim Columbia suggest that as the policy for judgment. Have we met him between the wings of the cherubim figure saved? If you've been born again, another word for say, then you have if you've been Justified that is made righteous by another term for born. Again, do you have if you've been made regenerates and hole? That is another term for salvation, all of these are just synonyms. You have, you have met him there for. You will rejoice at this meeting but others have rejected. They say, no, I come to present myself another way, I will not meet you between the wings of the cherubim, I've got my own way to do it. I'll just go out my favorite hunting spot, my favorite hiking universe and I will commune with creation. I will look around and I will know about God and God things, but I don't need any of this Christian price. Sacrifice and soon the stuff it'll all to be right with God and they would be completely wrong. There's only one way. To meet God and that's between the wings of the cherubim, you have people who are involved in. Other religions people who are thinking about, why aren't the other religions true? Why doesn't that other religion work? There's a simple answer because those religions are attempting to get to God through another means besides meeting between the wings of the cherubim. Simple. Very easy to communicate and you can just go back and you can spend a lot of time on between the wings of the cherubim and people get it one or stand it if you don't get it then think about it study it.

next, we see the

10420, one thing I do want to point out here, That is. That is God.

Here. Who is doing the ordaining? God is the one who's making the determination see that God has determined that it will be, Jesus will be the judge of the living and dead. So God is doing the determinate or the ordaining.

Next, we were going to ask 11:29. We read them the disciples each, according to his ability determined again are worth more weeks, so to send relief to the Brethren dwelling in Judy. So, here we have a different situation.

And who is doing the determining. In this case,

the disciples. The disciples here or according to his ability to Termini. So disciples are determining disciples, are doing the planning. So you see how the use of the word is the same. When they were talking about God or man, the determiner is the one who is linked. To the subject. This case the subject is the disciples in our previous instance. It was God. Look at acts 17:26 here. We find the Paul is speaking to the Athenians and he's pointing out the divine plan of nationalism. The Divine institution number for that, we were speaking of before government AKA Nation. I like to break it out to government and the nation separately, but we can call it institution number for so the Nations. Look at this and he is made from one blood. Every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the Earth. And as determined, here's our word has determined for wreaths on their pre appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings. That means we have conflicts going on between Russia and Ukraine between Palestinians and the surrounding areas and Israel between Mexico and United States where we have any conflicts. He says this, they have pre appointed times. And they are boundaries of dwelling that God has established. So God has created. This idea of Nations, God is the one who keeps Nations when the nation needs to be overthrown. He erases the boundary. Why many people are looking at our situation and say it sure. Seems like we are in a place of judgment like Israel. The biggest difference I would say is this, they were God's nation is theocracy the best. We could say that we are is a client mation. That is a nation that can be used by God for his purposes, but every nation on the face of the Earth, he will use as he Wills as he sees fit. And if he erases the boundary, it's erase. If we have a porous boundary of the terminology The political debate or southern boundary is porous, which means millions of people are coming through it. That seems a little bit more than poorest to me. Horse is something rights back to pour a little bit of water on top and maybe a few drips come through, like you pour water on top and everything on top, comes out the bottom and I think that's no boundary. But anyway, so here is our example here in this case, we see that Peter You are assuming that Paul is teaching these pagans about the Divine institution principle of nationalism. Something they understood but they did not necessarily attributed to God. Do we find ourselves back in our verse in Acts chapter? 2 verse 23, for we see him being delivered by the determined

Carrizo. Purpose. Boule, which means playing a midweek, the form College. Before knowledge, which is to know something in advance to know in advance. So these are all attributes or characteristics that you are given two more length with God. So, there is an intentional plan, then which for knowledge or knowing ahead of time comes to bear. And he says, you have taken by Lawless hands have crucified and put to death this Jesus Christ.

So, the term for foreknowledge, here, prognosis or prognosis means to know ahead of time now. God is omniscient, this is a simple thought. But our calvinist friends held. Again, tried to hijack. A work, she's me a word, but never fit into their Theology and therefore, they have tried to make it mean, what it doesn't mean. This word does not imply relationship for knowledge is not about relationship. This is gross or Pro gnosis gnosis is just the simple Greek term and if you know it and I've known it for decades the simple Greek term for to know for knowledge And you also understand that there is another sense, it could be used. That is the Milling of a man and a wife has intimated in that marital relationship and the reformed and he'll reform, the calvinistic camp, try to come in and say this was a relationship that existed ahead of time and they try to take the word, give it a technical meaning that it does not actually have the mess. They change what it says, we call this logical imposition theological in position. That means I'm taking another concept that is not actually associated with the word, but I pay my word with that other concept. One of the problems that we have. What are the things we have to work through and deal with? As we have all these English translations that are largely based on the Latin text do? We have these terms that took on a few logical meaning who they come on? Over in the English way, that means the new. The illogical thing that does not accurately reflect what that word means. Many of our words have been changed and distorted along the way. So we have to be careful. I'm pointing that out specifically here because this was one of them. Now we could spend probably four or five classes and work our way through the doctrine of predestination that is, how God according to Vin shoes is, who is going to be saved, and who isn't going to be safe? Who made based a lot about on this idea of God, for new. Like, a man knows a woman in a woman. Knows a man in their marriage relationship. God for knew or had an intimate relationship ahead of fine before. God chooses. Yeah, they just really start wrapping this up, becomes nonsensical, pretty quick. Here's, here's a rule of theology. Simple, rule of theology. If you can teach it to our young kids, You haven't make sense of them. Have them go.

It'll probably isn't true. Probably. Is it real that doesn't follow with everything I mean, Trinity. Does that make sense to everyone? I've seen people go Especially when they come out of different backgrounds, you know? Born as a someone who was born into the Jehovah Witnesses, they've been taught their whole lives at this concept of Trinity. Distortion of who God is and yet they know. Actually that it is that way and that he is not wearing. So I've talked to many Jehovah Witnesses along the way but yeah. That's similar conversation to this rice. What's the stop for a second? Cuz I'll be having a point-by-point verse by verse going, through all the verses showing them everything and sometimes I will just stop and say, here's the deal. I know that, you know, that it's right. I know that, you know, and I'm just praying to God the holy spirit will work with you and that he will give you that opportunity to see freely and stop resisting God's truth and just embrace it understand it, really tried to make weird seem like it's normal. This is actually true. And, you know, it And I get interesting reactions, I got people do.

Speechless, because I hit the nail on the head. God is faithful so you don't always have to out know them out, think then sometimes it's okay to assert and say what you do. And I don't be a Pentecostal and get weird on them or anything. Like that. Gave me a word of knowledge. Sometimes we just have perception. We have ability, we have sensitivity in awareness and we are arguing unnecessarily. When in reality. I've I've been at that place with one individual JW that place where he didn't know, didn't know what to do is just arguing arguing argue and I could see that he knew I could see that he was really sick of it. I could see that he had always longed for God. I haven't had pain, come to a place to go to know him yet and I just said, give that up. You know who he is. Jesus Is God, God is part of the Trinity. He has one. Person for, he is one God with the three persons. But one nature, and a cross and Jesus is your salvation, he's not an angel or anything else. I know, you know, it all you have to do is believe that he paid the price for your sin and nothing else matters. It already left the JW, he understood that the work salvation system was absolutely bogged down. He got that. So he was like, so cuz that's all I said to him and then he did his head. You're right, I do and I believe and I'm trusting again.

Look at Acts chapter 26, verse 5, where we see this word of knowing, simply reflecting knowledge of beforehand. And it doesn't carry the idea of a relationship. So speaking here, Read me a new. Me from the first. If they were willing to testify that according to the strictest sect of our religion. I live a Pharisee Paul was speaking here. He's witnessing he's sharing his testimony and he's speaking of these individuals we said they knew me from the first that is they or do. They knew ahead of time? You a prognosis me. So here it just simply is to know about something from an earlier Point. Okay? Grace simple. So that's the same word. So why would we try to make it mean something different in a different context when this is very simply what it means to know something ahead of time. They have known it. They've known it for a while. See we have a transition in time here so they could testify that they knew back. Then me now. Made for new me, they knew me then they can tell you what I'm like. Okay, pretty simple. 1st, Peter 1:20.

We see this.

You see the Christ was known ahead of time but manifest in these last time, the idea of prescience or prescience some people think of it is, which is just knowing ahead of time is here. He indeed was foreordained, which doesn't mean he was determined ahead of time, but rather he was known for his head before the foundation of the world who was manifested in these last times for you, that means the idea was there. A god knew about all this forever Before Time was created? Because he is eternal. He has to know everything or he's not God. A God, who does not know? Everything is not a god there for anyone who tries to give you a theology, this is God has to determine things ahead of time cuz he can't know every time, everything you see they've gotten themselves into trouble. God knows everything every possibility of everything. But what is being said, here is not that he has to happen to head of time. But what he saying here is that he knew this situation with Christ before the foundation of the world and it was manifest in these last times for you. So this understanding has been worked out in the person and work of the Lord, Jesus Christ in the 2nd, Peter 3:17. Wearied you there for beloved since you know this before hand again or so you turn. Beware. Lest you also fall from your own steadfastness being led away with the error of the wicked.

Just stating here, quite simply that for knowledge is forewarning. You have known ahead of time there for you are forewarned Before know, you are forewarned there for you can make choices based on knowing before same word, the sound like predestined. No. That's what we're showing is that the idea that's been foisted into our language, by most of the translations about predestination is absolutely not here. Not in the text. Okay. First Peter chapter 1. We have the use of frost analysis, the seems to confound people, and the reason is because of the terrible translation of the Greek term eclectic to elect or chosen. You better translation that is not misleading, would be choice in all, explain that in a moment. Let's read this. Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ to the pilgrims of the dispersion of Pontius, galatia capital of Asia and Bethania. Verse to elect is the new King James version translation. So I left it here so you can see it. But it's hard, word, collect Hoss, going to collect class means choice in a different way. All explained to the moment according to the age selected. So the calvinist want to tell you your predestined based on a foreknowledge, which they say is having a relationship ahead of time. God chose to have a relationship with you there. For some people are predestined to be saved. And other peoples are predestined for hell, God has chosen who will go to hell and who will be safe. Is there thinking you see? It is called predestination. Predeterminism, what they are doing is they're turning our God into a God, Like a law of the Islamic religion. They have stripped God from actual sovereignty and they have stripped man from the freedom and accountability given Free Will and made this distorted mess. What smoothies? If you're a smoothie maker, you know, you put in a few fruits, you put in a few vegetables and I could drop that in like dropping a big handful of oregano in the middle of your smoothie.

That's what they done to this theology.

And who wants scrap in their smoothie. Did I just say that? Yep. Sorry. yeah, you know, I got to tell you I know we're almost out of time but there was this one time as a kid my brother and I were running around and the things we did as we were

Call Lynn and because chicken manure is hot. I mean it's really really acidic but you really got to get it all. Ahead of time. And then you go through and you rototill it, multiple times. Usually, you want to put in a compost pile, but we were just reading it out ahead of time. Getting the garden ready? And we found our little pieces of it is. So for some reason, we're running running, we have these shoots off of a off of a spruce tree which are really spring. And so we would run and we could pick it up. We found that we can just grab pieces of Quick speed.

Let me get my brother on the forehead and the back of my throat, went straight down in my stomach. And I have to tell you if you've ever siphon gas, or gotten gas in your mouth, it is nothing like having chicken manure, in your stomach and keeps coming up for hours. It is the worst experience ever.

That's what these individuals are doing. Crazy crap that they're throwing out you and you just don't want it. It is destructive in your spiritual life. Ft finish this up. So we have a foreknowledge is being talked about here of God, the Father.

Sanctification of the spirit for obedience, the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, grace to you and peace. Be multiplied. No, doctor C Gordon. Olson has a far better translation. Don't want to read to you.

He says, Peter and Apostolic missionary of Jesus. The Messiah to God's choice, X-Files scattered throughout the provinces of punches, capital of Asia and Bethany, according to the foreknowledge of God. The father by being set apart by the spirit to respond to and be cleansed by the sprinkle blood of Jesus, the anointed met his unmerited, favor and peaceful home this week.

He said to God's choice. X-Files that is a good translation. So what is this idea of choice? Then it's the same type of choice. Do we have mentioned about the Lord Jesus himself? You see it in Luke chapter 9 verse 35. When the boys came out of the cloud saying, this is my ears are word. Eclectus. This is my eclectus or beloved Son, but you'll notice some of your translations will say elect This Is My Chosen son. My son might choice.

Or elect one out. Sure. I saw I put in here. I noticed I got the brackets tonight. I means I'm in, starting a thought my son, my choice. One. Instead of my beloved Son. I'm showing you what the Greek actually means my son. My choice one. That means either good, son. If you go to the grocery store near picking a few things out, what do you pick the worst looking stuff there? I know you going to try to grab the onions. Look like they have a little bit of mold growing Under the Skin. Know, to go for the soft onions and the hard avocados. Well, depends on how long you want avocados to sit. But you don't grab the soft onions. You find the firm ones you want something, but it's Choice. That's the idea here it is. Choice is a good one.

If you're going to read it I'm a voice was made from the cloud saying this is Old English worth sunderwirth is a word. We don't even use anymore, but it means my of deer worth which we use beloved now, But dear worth. Sun here.

You have a couple other parallel verses that help us stay situated here while he was still working or speaking. Matthew 17 verse 5 says, the whole day bright Cloud over sound of them. Something a boy's came out of cloud saying. This is my new love it love. It is actually in the Greek over and lose its beloved. So people used to always go where there's a contradiction because it says elected or or chosen son here but here it says beloved in those are really poor but we understand that collectors actually means choice. And the other two passages say beloved you find that it's not actually. That different Choice means good, pick and beloved or Choice means love versus beloved. And then our last Versuta Mark, 9, verse 7. Same thing. Talk to you man, or shout of them in the boys out of the cloud sing. This is my beloved, Son again. So we have two of our gospels that are saying, beloved and the other one is saying that is choice. That is the same way that we are using the clock toss over in Acts chapter 2, verse 23 will be able to take you any further this morning. But thank you for taking this flight with me. Go ahead and pull your seats into an upright position.

Will get you off this 130-degree runways quick, as we can to. It wasn't for the only father, we thank you for your great wisdom in the way you've laid out your were the ability that we can have to find in sight to see what is true. What is not true? We know there's great more depth we can go into the dealing with the issue of determinism but we recognize that it is invalid. We recognize that is from a false system of self-righteousness. We already understand. Lord that we're approaching you from a position of Grace. You did the work? Our marriage comes not from us. But from you, you there for a given us, a righteousness. That is our own. We seek blessing. Then not based on what we do, how we can pray, what we stay. But understanding this, you're giving us a righteousness, not our own, and you will blast that righteousness in our lives. That came from Jesus. Therefore, you will bless us grace and favor. We couldn't learn. We couldn't get, we can't hear it or but you have done it to us and among those Lord or just the plane ability to walk in the fool. You the Spirit by confession assume taken at your word through the process of teaching and that process were in God. The holy spirit makes it personal internalized. We thank you. We bless you. Rephrase, you and pricing. Amen.

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