He Is Present!

Out Of Darkness:Journey Through Exodus  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Good morning! Glad each of one of you are here with us this morning. Make sure if today is your first time with us or if you haven't done so yet you fill out a connect card or scan the QR code on the back of the chair in front of you so we can stay connected with you.
Why Exodus:
Revelation of God's Nature: Exodus reveals God's character and attributes through His interactions with the Israelites. It showcases God's faithfulness, compassion, justice, and power.
Spiritual Liberation and Redemption: Exodus portrays the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt as a powerful metaphor for spiritual liberation and redemption in Christ. Christians can see parallels between their own deliverance from the bondage of sin through Jesus' sacrifice and the Israelites' freedom from Egyptian oppression. Studying Exodus can deepen appreciation for the spiritual journey from slavery to freedom in Christ.
Moral and Ethical Teachings: The book of Exodus contains the Ten Commandments, which form a foundational moral code for Christians. These commandments, along with various laws and regulations in Exodus, provide ethical guidelines for believers and insight into God's desire for righteous living. Christians can study Exodus to understand how these principles relate to their own lives and the ethical teachings of Jesus and the New Testament.
Historical Context of the Old Testament: The events and themes in Exodus set the stage for subsequent books of the Old Testament. Understanding the historical context, traditions, and laws established in Exodus can provide Christians with a deeper understanding of the narratives, prophecies, and teachings found throughout the rest of the Old Testament.
Deepening Faith and Trust: The stories of Moses, the Israelites, and their encounters with God in Exodus can inspire and strengthen Christians in their faith and trust in God. The book highlights the challenges, doubts, and moments of faith exhibited by the characters, offering lessons on perseverance, obedience, and reliance on God's guidance. By studying Exodus, Christians can find encouragement and inspiration for their own spiritual journey.
Read Hebrews 12:1-2
Hebrews 12:1–2 CSB
Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy that lay before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

The Lord Is With Us Section:

Again i want to thank my brother Todd for leading us all last week and helping us see the Passover in Exodus 12.
Before we get into our main scripture today i was to give us a recap on Exodus 13
-Consecration of the Firstborn: After the Israelites left Egypt, God commanded Moses to sanctify the firstborn of both humans and animals as a reminder of how He spared the firstborn of Israel during the tenth plague (the Passover). The firstborn now belonged to the Lord.
- The Pillars of Cloud and Fire: As the Israelites continued their journey through the wilderness, God guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud and during the night with a pillar of fire. These supernatural signs served as a constant reminder of God's presence and direction.
- The Change of Route: Instead of leading the Israelites on the direct path to Canaan, which was through the land of the Philistines, God led them along a longer route through the desert to avoid potential conflict. He knew that the Israelites might change their minds and return to Egypt if they faced war.
-Moses Takes Joseph's Bones: Moses took the bones of Joseph with him, as Joseph had made the sons of Israel promise to take his remains back to Canaan when God brought them out of Egypt. This fulfilled Joseph's last wish.
-Crossing the Red Sea: Though the details of the crossing are covered in Exodus 14, it is mentioned in Exodus 13 that God did not lead them through the land of the Philistines (the shorter route) because He knew they might encounter war and become discouraged. Instead, He led them to the Red Sea.
Overall, Exodus 13 highlights God's ongoing guidance and protection of the Israelites during their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. The chapter serves as a reminder of God's faithfulness and the covenant relationship He established with His chosen people.
-As i was prepping and getting some context for our main text i just kept coming back to Exodus 13:21-22 and how beautiful of a picture this not only for the Israelites and how present God was for them, but for us as well today!
-Read Exodus 13:21-22
In these verses, we witness a remarkable display of God's divine presence and guidance in the lives of the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt. As we delve into this account of the pillars of cloud and fire, let us draw valuable lessons that can inspire and encourage us in our own journey of faith.
I. The Pillar of Cloud: Was A Symbol of God's Guidance
In Exodus 13:21, we see that the Lord went before the Israelites in a pillar of cloud by day. This cloud served as a tangible reminder of God's presence among His people. As they traveled through the wilderness, this pillar guided them along the right path, protecting them from harm and showing them the way they should go. It was a visible assurance that God was leading them step by step towards the Promised Land.
Likewise, as believers in Christ, we too have the privilege of God's guidance through the Holy Spirit. In our daily lives, we face challenges, uncertainties, and crossroads. However, just as the Israelites relied on the cloud, we can trust in God's guidance, knowing that He will lead us on the path of righteousness and wisdom. We must learn to seek His direction through prayer, the study of His Word, and by listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.
II. The Pillar of Fire: Was A Symbol of God's Protection
Exodus 13:22 reveals that at night, the pillar of cloud turned into a pillar of fire, illuminating the darkness and providing warmth and security for the Israelites. This pillar of fire represented God's protective presence amidst the dangers of the wilderness. The fire shielded them from harm, indicating that God was watching over His people while they rested and slept.
In our lives, we too face times of darkness, difficulty, and trials. Yet, we can find comfort in knowing that just as the pillar of fire protected the Israelites, our God is a faithful protector. The Bible assures us that He will never leave nor forsake us. When we face challenges and fears, we can take refuge in God's promises, trusting that He is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
III. Drawing Strength from God's Presence
The pillars of cloud and fire not only guided and protected the Israelites physically, but they also served as a constant reminder of God's presence among them. The visible signs of God's glory instilled faith, obedience, and a sense of awe in the hearts of the people.
As believers, we may not have physical pillars of cloud and fire, but we have the assurance of God's presence through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. His presence should inspire us to live with a deep sense of reverence, knowing that the God of the universe dwells within us. His presence should motivate us to walk in obedience to His Word, to remain steadfast in faith, and to find strength in His unfailing love in the good times, bad times and even in the downright painful and ugly times.
- Just as He faithfully led the Israelites through the wilderness, He continues to guide and protect us in our journey of faith today. Let us, therefore, draw strength from His presence, find direction in His guidance, and take comfort in His protection as we navigate the challenges of life. May we walk boldly, knowing that the God who led the Israelites through the wilderness is the same God who walks with us every step of the way.
-With this we should be able to walk boldly and faithfully right? especially the Israelites? Wrong....We are still flawed humans and we see this in Exodus 14!

Fear Cripples Us When We take our Eyes off God Section:

-Pastor Jenn walked us through this passage a few weeks ago powerfully and encouraged all of and challenged us to read it for ourselves. As i have been away this past week i couldnt help but think we need to be reminded of the beauty of this passage.
- Exodus 14 takes us to a pivotal moment in the journey of the Israelites. As they stood before the Red Sea with the Egyptian army pursuing them, fear and doubt threatened to overwhelm them. In this moment of crisis, we witness both the frailty of human faith and the steadfastness of God's providence. Let us explore this passage to draw valuable lessons that can strengthen our own faith when we face daunting challenges.
Read Exodus 14:1-15
I. The Human Response: Fear and Doubt
-Exodus 14:10 reveals the immediate response of the Israelites when they saw the approaching Egyptian army: fear seized them, and they cried out to the Lord in desperation.
-In the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, they doubted God's ability to deliver them and questioned their decision to leave Egypt. Their response serves as a reminder of how fear can paralyze our faith and cause us to lose sight of God's promises.
-Fear will sometimes make you want to go back to what is familiar no matter how hard/painful that “familiar” may have been for us.. This is what the Israelites were contemplating on doing.
-We look and shake our heads at why they would make this statement yet we do this all the time in our own personal lives. We stay at a job way past time because we are afraid of stepping out of that toxic environment and into and unknown it doesn't have to even be toxic but its familiar and we are comfortable and we know if we step out into Gods path it may be hard and that is scary.
-We stay in our sins and addictions partially because its “familiar” and we don’t know who we are without what ever it is we may be addicted too.
-In our lives, we too encounter moments of fear and doubt. When we face difficulties and challenges, it is natural to feel overwhelmed. However, instead of allowing fear to dictate our actions, we must remember that God is always in control.
-We must fix our eyes on Him and trust that He is faithful to His promises, even when our circumstances seem dire. Just as we read in Hebrews 12:1-2 at the start of this sermon.
II. The Divine Encouragement: Fear Not and Stand Firm
-In response to the Israelites' fear and doubt, Moses offers words of encouragement in Exodus 14:13. He says, "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today."
-Moses reminds them not to be afraid because the battle is not theirs but the Lord's. He calls them to stand firm in their faith and to witness the salvation of God.
-Likewise, in our moments of fear and doubt, we can find solace in God's Word. He repeatedly urges us not to fear, for He is with us always. When we stand firm in faith, we declare our trust in His sovereignty, even when our circumstances appear overwhelming. Let us draw strength from His promises and believe that He is working all things together for our good.
III. The Call to Surrender and Obey
-In Exodus 14:15, God instructs Moses to tell the Israelites to "go forward/break camp." God's plan was not for them to retreat or surrender to fear; instead, they were to move ahead in obedience, even when faced with uncertainty. As Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, God parted the waters, providing a miraculous escape route for His people.
-Moses' response to the people's fear. He urged them to trust in God and have faith that He would deliver them. Moses' act of raising his staff symbolized his obedience to God's instruction.
-Just as Moses instructed the Israelites to have faith in God's deliverance, Jesus calls us to place our trust in Him. He is the ultimate deliverer who offers hope and salvation to all who believe in Him. Through faith in Jesus, we can find peace and assurance, knowing that He has overcome the world.
-When confronted with obstacles, God may not always remove them entirely, but He will make a way for us to navigate through them. It is our duty to remain obedient to His leading, trusting that He is directing our steps according to His perfect will. This can be extremely difficult. Especially considering what your personal obstacle/s may be in your life right now. But that still doesn't give us the excuse not to be obedient to God.
- He calls us to trust Him, stand firm in faith, and move forward in obedience, even when faced with daunting challenges. Let us remember that our God is greater than any obstacle we may encounter. May we find courage in His promises, knowing that as we surrender to His guidance, we will witness the salvation of the Lord in our lives. Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord! We also see how amazing and faithful He truly is.

The Lord is Faithful Section:

Read Exodus 14:16-31
I. The Fearsome Pursuit (Exodus 14:16-20):
- Imagine the scene—thousands of Israelites standing before the vast Red Sea with the Egyptian army closing in behind them. Fear must have gripped their hearts as they felt trapped and cornered. Sometimes, life's circumstances may seem overwhelming, and we, too, face situations where we can't see a way out. But God, in His wisdom, allowed the Israelites to be in this seemingly impossible situation to show them and us that He alone is our deliverer.
- Just like the Israelites faced an impossible situation, people in our lives often find themselves in seemingly impossible circumstances, whether it's due to personal challenges, sin, or the brokenness of the world. We can all relate to moments of desperation and hopelessness.
II. Embracing God's Deliverance (Exodus 14:21-25):
-At God's command, Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the waters parted, creating a path through the sea on dry ground. God's deliverance often comes when we least expect it and in ways we can't comprehend. We must learn to trust God's ways even when they seem unconventional or challenging.
-Like the Israelites, we must walk in faith, knowing that God is in control, leading us to safety and freedom. the Israelites' act of faith as they stepped onto the dry seabed, trusting in God's provision despite the uncertainty of the outcome.
-Following Jesus requires us to step into the unknown at times. It calls for faith and obedience even when we cannot see the full picture. Just as the Israelites experienced God's faithfulness by taking that step of faith, we can experience the richness of God's grace and love when we surrender our lives to Jesus.
III. Overcoming Our Enemies (Exodus 14:26-28):
-As the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, the Egyptians pursued them. However, God protected His people and caused the chariot wheels to fall off, confusing the Egyptians. In our lives, we may encounter adversaries or challenges that seem insurmountable.
-Tim Chester points out here that
“God pulls apart His creation around the Egyptian army. This may seem harsh to us, but the men of Egypt are drowned for drowning the boys of Israel in Exodus 1:22. And they are drowned at daybreak which is when Ra, the sun god, should have risen to thier aid. But Ra was unable to save them. “The Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I receive glory through Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen.” (14:18). According to one ancient egyptian inscription: “He whom the king has loved will be a revered one, but there is no tomb for a rebel against his majasty, and his corpse is cast into water” The corpses in the water were a sign to Egypt that God is God!”
-remember, the same God who defeated the Egyptians is fighting for us today. When we trust in Him, He will give us victory over our enemies and empower us to overcome every obstacle.
IV. Witnessing God's Glory (Exodus 14:29-31):
As the Israelites reached the other side of the Red Sea, they witnessed the magnificent display of God's power. The same sea that had been a barrier of fear and uncertainty became a testimony of God's glory and faithfulness.
-When we look back at our lives, we can see God's hand at work in every situation, turning trials into triumphs and pain into purpose. Our experiences of deliverance are not just for our benefit but also to magnify God's name and strengthen the faith of others.
-the Red Sea crossing teaches us profound truths about God's character and His desire to deliver His people from all forms of bondage. It reminds us that we serve a God who is not limited by our circumstances and is always ready to lead us into a life of freedom and purpose.
- Exodus 14 serves as a powerful reminder of God's faithfulness and deliverance, and it foreshadows the ultimate deliverance through Jesus Christ. By trusting in Jesus and His sacrifice, we can experience freedom from sin, victory over the enemy, and the assurance of eternal life with God.
-Jesus' life, death, and resurrection are the ultimate expression of God's deliverance for humanity. Through Jesus, we have a way of escape from sin and its consequences. His sacrifice on the cross and victory over death opened the path to eternal life for all who believe in Him.
-God brings life out of death, salvation out of judgment, light out of darkness. All the stories of rescue from water have been building up to this moment. They have been preparing us to understand the cross and resurrection. God brings his people through the waters of death in the person of His son. God unravels His creation in order to recreate His people!
-As we face the challenges of life, let us trust in God's unwavering love and power, knowing that He is working all things together for our good. Just as He delivered the Israelites, He will lead us through our Red Sea moments, guiding us to victory and demonstrating His glory to the world. May we embrace God's deliverance, walk in faith, and experience the fullness of His promises in our lives.
1.Have you seen/felt God’s presence in the good, bad, and ugly/painful times in your life?
2.How has fear showed up in your life? Has it ever made you want to stay stuck in the familiar? even if it was unhealthy?
3.What Red Sea has God parted for you? or what Red Sea do you feel He is parting for you now?
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