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Septuaginta : With Morphology. Stuttgart, Germany: German Bible Society. 1996, c1979 (1 reference) [FIND].

Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures: A New Translation of the Holy Scriptures According to the Traditional Hebrew Text. Philadelphia, PA: Jewish Publication Society. 1997, c1985 (3 references) [FIND].

The Apocrypha: King James Version. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems. 1995 (2 references) [FIND].

The Babylonian Talmud. London: Soncino Press. 1935 (1 reference) [FIND].

The Conservative Theological Journal. vol. 4 no. 11. Fort Worth, TX: Tyndale Theological Seminary. March 2000 (2 references) [FIND].

The Conservative Theological Journal. vol. 4 no. 13. Fort Worth, TX: Tyndale Theological Seminary. December 2000 (3 references) [FIND].

The Conservative Theological Journal. vol. 7 no. 20. Fort Worth, TX: Tyndale Theological Seminary. March 2003 (4 references) [FIND].

The Conservative Theological Journal. vol. 7 no. 22. Fort Worth, TX: Tyndale Theological Seminary. December 2003 (7 references) [FIND].

The Conservative Theological Journal. vol. 6 no. 18. Fort Worth, TX: Tyndale Theological Seminary. August 2002 (3 references) [FIND].

The Conservative Theological Journal. vol. 5 no. 16. Fort Worth, TX: Tyndale Theological Seminary. December 2001 (4 references) [FIND].


Copyright © 2004-2005 by Tony Garland
(Page generated on Sat Nov 12 12:28:36 2005)

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