Monday 18 September - Enhance Your Prayers in Times of Crisis: How to Pray and Listen to God's Voice

Battle Drill Devotionals  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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How to pray in a crisis? Discover the power of prayer in a crisis. Through Daniel's example, learn how to pray effectively and listen for God's voice through Scripture.

Weekly Summary

Daniel’s response to the crisis he faces in Daniel 9 is one we should emulate: he prayed. This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotional podcast we examine Daniel’s prayer, which suggests five ways we might pray when in crisis and the ways in which God might answer. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.


We all face crises in our lives. It might be the death of a loved one. It could be the loss of a career or job. It might be ill health. It might be a difficult or broken relationship.

Daniel Shows Us How to Pray in a Crisis

Daniel was captured by Nebuchadnezzar when he became king of Babylon and made Judah a vassal state. He is in crisis, having discovered that Jeremiah had prophesied that Jerusalem must lie in ruins for seventy years. What Daniel does in response to this crisis is a blueprint for us when we face our own difficult circumstances.

Listen to God First

Today, we note that before Daniel started speaking to God in prayer, he listened and let God have the first word. How did he do that? He read God’s word. He studied the Scriptures and he listened for God’s voice through them. It was through the Bible that Daniel learned what was going to happen to his city.
If you want to know how to pray in a crisis, then the answer is that the more we read the Bible, the more we listen for God’s voice, the more effective our prayers will be. Scripture often tells us what to pray for and helps us discern when God answers.

How to Pray in Times of Crisis

How to pray in a crisis? Begin by letting God have the first word in your prayers today.

Think It Over

Think about the following:
What makes it difficult to hear God’s voice when you study his Word? What could you do to help that?
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