The NOW Path

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Nancy Levant, author of The Cultural Devastation of American Women writes, “why are American women, whose culture and males allowed them to have freedom from gender bondage, so incredibly stupid with their freedom? We are free to take vanity to bizarre standards and measures – those created by the beauty, health, and media industries – that mandate skeletal thinness, life-long photo-youth looks, tanning bed skin color, Botox shots in the face, fake breasts, fake fingernails”.

“We are also free,” writes Levant, “to become useless in our homes. We now hire maid services, landscapers, pool cleaners, painters, interior decorators, cooks, nannies, teachers and tutors, caterers, therapists, party planners, massage therapists, laundry services, etc., while losing every intuitive instinct of our female natures.”

“We are free to have extra-marital affairs, multiple lovers, to abort children... to use men like ATMs... and to take thousands upon thousands of family dollars for personal use in our missions to look like (and act like) teenagers. “We are free to have children with as many men as we choose, and to bankrupt multiple men with mandatory child support payments. We are then free to ignore children by paying far more attention to maid-cleaned, spotless, and magazine-cover homes, where no cooking is achieved, no family memories are created, and no shoes are allowed to be worn on the white carpets.... We are free to give our children computer software to keep them addictively occupied for YEARS, and then complain about their lack of social skills.

“We are free to completely ignore the FACT that our children are SUFFERING with mean-spirited and incompetent mothers – children who are hungry, starved for attention, and mistreated by non-stop extracurricular sports regimens, drive-thru bags of dangerous food, teachers and public school indoctrination camps, completely ignored spiritual needs, and disrespect and contempt of their children’s fathers.” Summarising all this, she states: “So another question begs – what does liberation mean to American women? Does it mean the freedom to vote? Freedom from historical gender bondage? Freedom from ownership? I don’t think so. Today’s American female is free to be an idiot – a shallow, self-involved, pathologically vain, completely incompetent, and angry person – angry to the tune of making the anti-depressant industry the largest profit maker, bar none, for big pharma. Stupid is what stupid does.”

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