
Romans  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Jew and Gentile all under sin

What are the advantages of being a Jew in the covenant of God given to Abraham?
Romans 3:1-23 Paul calls the Jews to believe in Jesus

Received the Word of God (1-8)

This is the chief benefit that God has given to Israel that he has revealed himself through Jewish prophets to the nation of Israel
From Abraham to John, the Jewish people have heard from God and learned who he is, what he is like, and what he does
All the covenants, promises and signs pointed to the day that Christ would come and redeem God’s people from sin and shame
Abraham received the signs in anticipation of God’s Word being fulfilled
Even in their rejection of God’s Word, it is shown to be true through the fulfillment of his judgment on the nation of Israel
This shown in the life of David when he sinned against God (Psalms 51:4)
He could not hide behind his position as king taking what was his as other kings of other nations did
He realized that his sin was against God and was deserving of judgment
So Israel could not hide behind their position as the people of God and not answer for their sins
Opponents of Christians argued that in Christ sinners are made righteous so lets all just be big sinners
This is against the truth of the Bible, in that God will bring judgment on all those who remain in sin and their judgment is just
Christ is for those who repent of their sins and turn to Christ for forgiveness and redemption
This is what the Jewish opponents were missing. They needed to repent of their sins and turn to Christ as the savior and true Righteous One. To do this they must acknowledge their sin against a all-holy God

Received the Knowledge of Sin (9-20)

In the matter of righteousness before God the Jew has no advantage but are just as the Gentile
The sins of the nations has been proved already
The sins of the gentiles was shown in Romans 1 in their rejection of God and turning to idols
The sins of the jews was shown in Romans 2 in their judging of others and blaspheming the name of God among the nations through their disobedience to the covenant
But the Bible shows ALL men are under the curse of sin and are enemies of God
Our heart is in rebellion against God
Our deeds are selfish and unprofitable
Our words are wicked and destructive
Our plans and purposes are miserable and hurtful
Our eyes are on men rather than on God, we fear man rather than God
In the matter of knowledge of sin the Jews do have the advantage
They were given the law to teach them of their great need of who God is
The law was to lead them to repentance and the circumcision of their heart (Romans 2:29)
Every prophet sent from God preached repentance, even John and Jesus
Their mouths should have been stopped before God just as Isaiah was (Isaiah 6:5)
Instead, we see them speaking out against God’s messengers and against God’s Son, Jesus Christ
They began to boast in the law and their election through Abraham when they should have remained silent before God
The Word of God and the knowledge of our sin should send us searching for a savior who can heal us and save us from the righteous judgment that is to come. This advantage as well was given to the Jews first. Christ came and was revealed to his own and his own received him not (John 1:11)

Received the Witness of Christ (21-23)

The plan of God to redeem sinners was manifested to the Jew through the law and prophets
They were told so many truths about the Christ so that when he came they would know it was him
He would come from David
He would be born in Bethlehem from a virgin girl
He would be called a Nazarene
He would be rejected and killed
The law pointed to Christ in that he was without sin and died for crimes that were not his
He was blameless (Even in circumcision- Luke 2:21)
He taught the Word of God without dispute
He reversed the curse of sin on all man through his miracles and healing
The plan of God to redeem believers was manifested to the Jew through the revelation of Jesus Christ
Jesus repeatedly taught, “Thy faith has made thee whole”
“Whosoever believeth on me”
Jesus reminded the people of Israel that God is in relationship with those who have faith in him, not those who seek righteousness of their own
The works of Jesus, his words and deeds was witnessed by the Jewish people in the land of Israel and passed down to us today in the Word of God
Let us now make the same mistake that the Jews made and remain in unbelief
We are called to repentance and faith in the righteous savior, Jesus Christ
The gospel is for all people because there is no difference when the righteousness of God is applied to a person of faith
We must share this gospel with all people so that all can be saved
Outside of the faith of Jesus is only God’s righteous judgment on sinful man
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