1 Samuel 7:1-17

1 Samuel  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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What: God wanted his people to remove their idols from their midst and to serve Him alone so that they can experience deliverance, restoration, and peace.
Why: God is holy and He alone is worthy to be worshipped and he does not want His people to harm themselves by worshipping idols.

I. God’s silence causes the Israelites to mourn (vv.1-2)

The Ark was taken by the inhabitants of Kiriath Jearim, and stayed in the house of Abinadab for 20 years.
They provided best house in the place located on a hill (the one is Shiloh was destroyed prior ).
They provided most trusted man in Abinadab to guard the Ark.
The problem is this: God was not communicating anything and they are still under the Philistine’s control.
so, they lamented (mourned) for the Lord. This is a depressing time.
Now, where is Samuel in this 20 years? I believe that Samuel is still ministering and waiting for God to intervene in the national scene.
The Ark was returned but the favor of the Lord and was not with them.
They felt the sadness and longing...
This is something that we don’t want as Christians - God’s presence and favor not accompanying us.
We know that our sin cause our hearts to become callous and insensitive to the Holy Spirit and our sins grieves the Holy Spirit that we can’t feel Him near.

II. God’s loyalty-challenge for the Israelites (vv.3-6)

Their was a wide spread idolatry in Israel (Baals and Ashtaroth - god and godess of fertility).
This was their weakness. So, Samuel moved by God, challenged them to prove their loyalty to God.
If Israel will
Return to the Lord with ALL your heart (repentance)
Remove the foreign Gods
Direct your hearts to the Lord
Serve Him Alone
God will
Deliver them from the hand of the Philistines
The Israelite’s action (v.4)
They removed their idols
They served the Lord alone
- True repentance leads to action
- If you are truly repentant, then you will do all that you can to avoid sin.
Instructed the Israelites to gather at Mizpah. (v.5)
Samuel prayed for them (v.5)
They gathered, fast, confessed their sins to the Lord (v.6)
- National prayer and fasting, and worship. The focus is God.
After repentance, worship must follow.
Timeless Truths:
No one can serve two masters at the same time.
It is necessary for the believers of God to be loyal to Him and to willingly repent when he or she committed sins against God.
Christ and corruption cannot be in the same room.

III. God’s power displayed in bringing deliverance for Israel (vv.7-12)

The Philistines attacked Israel (v.7)
The Israelites were afraid (v.7b). They don’t have an army to fight for them.
They cried for help and deliverance (v.8)
Samuel offered a lamb and prayed to the Lord and the Lord answered Samuel’s prayer (v.9)
The Lord alone defeated the Philistines (v.10)
Through a Thunder. God showed who controls the weather against Baal is a Canaanite storm-god and bringer of rain (for fertility and harvest)
The Israelites did their part in pursuing the defeated Philistines (v.11)
Samuel erected a memorial stone and named it “Ebenezer” meaning “The LORD has helped us”.

IV. God’s blessing upon the renewed people (vv. 13-17)

The Philistines were defeated (v.13)
The land was restored to Israel (v.14)
Peace in the Land (v.14)
Samuel continued serving the Lord and the people as a judge and prophet (v.15-17)

Gospel Truth:

After Samuel offered a lamb as a burnt offering to the Lord , the Lord saved them and the Lord alone
defeated the Philistines by His own work and then He restored the land and peace to the Israelites.
This is basically the story of the Gospel. A perfect lamb was offered for our salvation in the person of Jesus Christ. His sacrificial atoning death on the cross has defeated sin and death.
So that those who confess their sins and repent, they will be forgiven.
and Those who believe in Jesus will be restored and reconciled to God the Father, receiving His peace, not condemnation.
For Christians our Ebenezer is the cross. At the cross, we see the seriousness of sin, the weight of glory, and God’s generous help to sinners.
We look at the cross and say: “the LORD has helped us”. And if he has helped us by giving his own Son, then surely he will bring us safely home to glory: “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32).
When you feel overwhelmed by your problems, or when you feel God has abandoned you, or when you feel threatened by the circumstances of your life, look to the cross. The cross is our Ebenezer, the great declaration of God’s help.


I will return to the Lord instead of running from Him when I fall into sin. I will not harden my heart.
I will be intentional in removing the things, entertainment, relationships, pursuits that has replaced God in my heart. These are joy robbers.
Daily come to the Lord for deliverance, restoration and peace. Jesus made that available for us.
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