1 Corinthians 6:12-20 - Glorifying God with our Bodies

1 Corinthians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  43:54
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Falsehood #1 Christian Freedom Means Freedom to Rebel Against Christ

Falsehood #2 What We Do With our Physical Bodies Doesn't Matter to God

Truth #1 God Created our Bodies for a Purpose

Truth #2 God Will Raise our Bodies by His Power

Truth #3 God United our Bodies to Christ by the Spirit

Truth #4 God Purchased us with the Blood of Christ

Implication #1 Sexual Immorality is a Sin Against God

Implication #2 Sexual Immorality is a Sin against Another Person

Implication #3 Sexual Immorality is a Sin against Your Own Body

Takeaway #1 Flee Sexual Immorality

Takeaway #2 Glorify God in Your Body

Takeaway #3 Trust the Incarnate Jesus Whose Perfect Body Died and Resurrected

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