Adam and Christ

Romans  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Romans 5:12-21 Paul compares the two heads of humanity- the first and second Adam
We studied last week about the hope that we are given in Christ. The truth of free salvation through faith by grace gives us hope in that we recieved it differently, remain in it differently, and have an eternal difference in our salvation
However, as long as we remain in our flesh in this fallen world there are two enemies of our hope and peace- Sin and Death
We can overcome these enemies by remembering whose family we are in

Two Heads (12-15)

Adam led his family into death by sin
He was our corporate head that led us away from God into separation and despair
This separation from the good and righteous God made us incapable of living according to the law in our hearts
Christ led his family back into relationship with God
The free gift brings God’s grace instead of God’s judgment on mankind
Just as Adam’s sin affected all of mankind, so the gift of salvation is brought to all people (John 3:16, Romans 10:12)
Adam and Jesus are similar in the fact that they both affected all of mankind. Adam negatively but Christ positively. Not only who they affected but how they affected mankind is similar in that they affected them completely

Two Results (16-19)

Adams offence brought condemnation upon all men
God’s wrath is poured out upon man because of their sin
God has been offended because of the sinfulness of man, we deserve the punishment of the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah
Christ’s obedience brought salvation and righteousness upon believing man
We are justified through Christ- Just as if we never sinned
We are righteous through Christ- brought back into right standing with God
Adam and Jesus both had a complete affect on mankind. Adam negatively but Christ postively. Not only a compete effect but one that abounds

Two Abundances (20-21)

Adam’s sinfulness was brought upon mankind and the law was given to make sin abound
God wants sin to abound so that all man would see their need of a savior
We are made slaves to sin so that we would know that we cannot free ourselves
Once we know our debt and our helpless state we can come to the Savior
Jesus’ grace abounds above and beyond any sin for any sinner
God’s grace now reigns over us just as when were slaves to sin we are owned by grace and cannot be separated from it
This abounding is realized in the eternal life gift given to us by Jesus Christ
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