Advent 2023 - Part 2 - The Advent of Peace

Advent 2023  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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If I have not had a chance to meet you in person or on live stream; My name is Scott and I am a follower of Jesus and have the privilege of serving Jesus as the Lead Pastor among the people of Stonewater Fellowship.
1- Sunday Mornings - 9:00 join in as prayer happens.
2 - Christmas Eve December 24th - 5:30 pm Candlelight Worship Gathering
3 - Kairos - Jan 6th - The Stonewater church app or the website under groups.
4 - Jan - Small Groups kick off
a. Re:engage Thursday Jan 25th 6:00 Here on Campus - The Church App or website
b. Home based small groups in January. The Church app or website
5 - Angel Tree - Manna for the Nations - Adopt a Child for the year this Christmas
Open it to Ephesians Chapter 2   as we as we continue our Annual journey of exposing the impact the arrival of Jesus has on this world and all that God promised and brings into our life as the arrival of God with us, Emmanuel - Jesus not only happened 2000 years ago but continues to happen every day to millions of people around the world with the proclamation of the Gospel.
in reality something that really might ought to happen to us each and every day as the Gospel of Jesus is renewed again and again in our hearts and minds.
Micah 5:2 ESV
2 But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.
Luke 2:1–7 ESV
1 In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be registered, each to his own town. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. 6 And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. 7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.
Ephesians 2:11–19 ESV
11 Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called “the uncircumcision” by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands— 12 remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility 15 by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, 16 and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. 17 And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. 19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,
In this what is culturally known as the Holiday Season - For the Church the Season of Advent.
But ya know, for among people who are far away from God - It’s the Holiday season.
It’s the time of year when different songs come on the radio for some channels -
Different playlists are played in the ear pods
and It is also interesting that different movies are watched and trending on the streaming services.
Next time you’re on Netflix see whats trending.
The Grinch - The Christmas Story - A Christmas Carol - The Christmas Chronicles - The Polar Express, Elf and so on.
I remember not all that long ago - some family friends of mine had a Christmas movie that they liked to watch not just every year -
But these people loved this movie and it seemed like they made it a requirement that they and every guest in their home during this time of year watched this movie.
Some of you may have seen it -
Its called “Its a wonderful life”.
For some of us this morning this is an ancient movie as old a Shakespeare Himself.
Produced in Black and White - in 1946 it chronicles the life and stresses of George Bailey, his family business the Bailey Brothers building and Loan and the intertwined drama with His childhood Girlfriend Mary.
and Here is the Story Line
Its Christmas time -
there is a crisis that threatens to ruin Everything
The Good Guys get hopeless and seemingly run out of options
The Girl friend is overly optimistic and somewhat at a distance attracted to the guy
There is a Bad Guy who seems to want to ruin it all and has the power and the plan to do that.
The schemes of the bad guy disrupt the life and relationships of the Good guy.
and In the end - there is a miracle - The bad guys is transformed into a potential good guy -
relationships once strained and difficult are reunited.
The Good guy prevails and all is saved including Christmas.
Here is the funny Part - Since 1949 Every Christmas Movie that has ever been made follows that overarching path.
So weather it is Clarence the Angel getting his wings,
Buddy the Elf finding reconciling with his dad and that abandons him while raising enough Christmas Spirit so the sleigh will fly again -
or the Boy who got on the train but didn’t really believe - Helps the boy Billy feel loved and then hears the bells of Christmas for the first time when He recieved the first gift of Christmas.
Or Belsnickel the once Elf is forgiven and then reconciled with Santa and returned to Elf hood.
Or the Grinch, who hears the sons of Christmas from whoville and whose heart grows three sizes in That day, THEN returns the gifts that were once stolen and returns with the Christmas Spirit of the Cheer Mister.
Or Even though Ralphy almost shoots his eye out and the dog ate the turkey and the Package Marked Fagiilliii was ruined. Christmas majic was saved and family is all singing in the end.
You see We all root for the Change of the Bad guy - The Triumph of the Good guy
The saving of Christmas and the Avoidance of Peril.
Here is the funny part - No mater who is watching or who believes what. Atheist, Agnostic, Buddest Hindu, Jewish person or Christian.
That story line works for all of every single one of us. Because somewhere it pulls on our heart strings and it proclaims that there is still hope that while all this craziness is going on around us there is still a Hope of Peace.
Here is the reason why it works and pulls on every heart string.
Because no matter who we are or what we believe or where we are from or where we live.
There is one thing that we all place on this season.
And that is the Hope in our hearts of Peace.
And in the trappings of all that has become Christmas in our culture.
What we all long for and the reason that those movies touch all of us is that we all have hopes for the season.
Maybe this year is the year my kids starts paying attention in school.
Maybe this year the Spouse and I will turn the corner of something different and better.
Maybe this season will be the season that my adult kids come to faith or return to the faith of their late teen years.
Maybe this year will be the season when I convince my friends and relatives who vote the wrong way to vote the right way.
Maybe this year, Maybe this season - none of the Ralphies in my life will shoot their eyes out and all of the Grinch's in my life hearts will grow three sizes in one day.
And maybe just maybe the Scrooge that I work for will become the most generous and kind and joyful person I know
and All will be well.
And the Reason we long for these things is becasue all of us - Every single one of us lives in this creation - that was created by a king who rains and rules in His divine sovereignty.
Seeking the Peace of the King - without the King being King in our life will ultimately leave us frustrated and empty once again.
Because here is the deal.
AS we look to the day and the tincile and the trees and the things of this season to bring the magic of Christmas -
What we need to know is they are just a shadow of what God gives to us through Jesus. And the Shadow will do only what a Shadow can do.
On December 26th when the tree comes down and the families go home and the gifts have lost their luster.
If our hope of peace is placed in the season or the stockings or the clause Santa or other.
What we will find on the other side when life normal continues is Santa will disappoint once again.
Because the Creator King in whose house we all live, knows that we long for peace, and that our deepest need is not being at peace but being in peace with HIM -
But way to many of us want the Peace of God and we ignore the deepest need we have - Peace WITH God.
You see loved ones - Pursuing the Peace of God without Peace with God will constantly and continually leave us searching and striving.
Here is why -
Peace - The Source of Peace - Peace WITH God that allows us to fully live in and live out the peace OF God has a Name -
His name is Jesus - Emmanuel - God with us.
And When Jesus, The Child in the Manger - Peace WITH God Came with Him so that those who are His may ultimately live in and Ultimatum enjoy the Peace OF GOD Because we have been drawn near and have peace WITH God..
Lets look at our text Ephesians 2
There are a couple of things that we have to remember when we look at what God is saying to us as the Apostle Paul writes to the Assembly of the Called out ones there in Ephesus.
1st thing is that this is the Place the is the Epicenter of Demonic activity. This is the place where 7 brothers were doing ministry, casting out demons BY the name of Jesus that Paul Speaks of -
Demons Stood and said - I know Jesus and Paul but who are you? and then proceeded to whip these guys and send them into the street bloody and naked.
This is a place where the general population was actively practicing Demon worship, Witchcraft and participating in temple sex trafficking.
Not what you and I would consider the best place to raise a family.
Paul Begins this section with the word “THEREFORE” and when he uses that word what Paul is doing is reminding the reader and the hearer of the letter of some serious and important point he had just concluded -
IF we look back and verses 1-10 what we will read is a proclamation of the Gospel - A reminder to them of what God in Christ had done.
Renewing in their hearts and minds the Gospel.
Listen to what He says:
Ephesians 2:1–10 (ESV)
1 And you were dead in the trespasses and sins 2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— 3 among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. 4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— 6 and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Paul then draws on that Gospel Proclamation
Therefore - In other words -
Since we are saved by God by the grace of God through the Faith that God gives us and its nothing that we have done or can do on our own.
and Since we are God’s workmanship Created in Christ Jesus for Good works that He prepared beforehand that we should walk in them -
Since all that has happened - Paul writes:
Remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh - Called the uncircumcision -
and you were called that by the people who were called the circumcision -
Here is what Paul is dealing with - He is dealing with discrimination -
Here is what I mean -
The Circumcision was the people who were Isreal - Gods chosen people up and until Jesus came.
You see if you were Jewish you were circumcised -
Gentile - Not so much.
The Jewish people had the Law they had the Prophets - The Oracles of God and they considered them selves better than Gentiles - And in may ways they may have been in a comparing one person to an other kid of way.
Here are some examples - Jewish people washed their hands before eating - It was the Law.
Gentiles not so much -
Jewish people had things that they could and could not eat - And those things led to a healthier life -
Gentiles not so much
Jewish people had Healthier life rhythms as they took rest as was the Law -
Gentiles - Not so much.
Jewish people knew God and had possession of His word and were in relationship with God because of that-
Gentiles - Demon worship, Witchcraft, Ouija boards and temple sex trafficking.
This is what Paul is mentioning in Vs 12 -
Remember Gentiles - That that at one time in your life you were separated from Christ.
Remember that you were not from the commonwealth of Isreal - You were not God’s people.
You did not know or understand, in fact you didn’t even know there were a covenant of Promises.
You didn’t even know there was a God, much less that He promised anything to anyone.
And because of all of that distance and separation - You had no Hope and you were without God in this world.
Loves ones - Watch and Listen to the Majesty of the Love of God as Paul Restates the Gospel - The Good news in verse 13.
BUT NOW - Here is what Paul is referring to when He says Now -
NOW Since the arrival of Christ and His finishing His work of Redemption and defeating works of Sin and Death - NOW
Here is what has happened to you in Christ Jesus.
IN THE one who has made you alive thou you were dead in your trespasses and sin -
You in Christ - Created In Christ as Gods workmanship -
You who were once far off - You who were possessing sorcery books - You who did not wash
You who were involved in demon worship and Witch craft - You who were alienated - Separated -
You have been brought near by the Blood of Christ -
The Blood of Jesus has made you clean -
You have been brought near.
Paul then says HOW this can all happen -
He Himself Jesus in our Peace -
Jesus is not only the means by which we have peace WITH GOD -
Jesus is the only means by which we can possibly have the peace OF God.
Here is how Paul places this framework in front of us all this morning.
What Jesus did and what He brings to us this advent season and every day through the Gospel is - In Christ - As God’s workmanship - Created in Christ- New Creatures Regenerated by the Holy Spirit. We are Made ONE -
both Jew and Gentile, Male and Female, Circumcised, uncircumcised, Barbarian, Scythian Salve or Free we are all one in Christ.
And Because we have been Reconciled to God and we have Peace with God becasue Jesus has broken down the Dividing wall of Hostility between us and God and He did so in the Flesh -
You see were were saved as Enemies of God Hostile to God and Everything about God - That is the Condition by which God saved us -
And we might not have been off into demon worship, witchcraft, and sex trafficking - But we had our own issues that proved our hostility towards God.
And it was in that Condition that Jesus broke down the wall of Hostility.
You see what Jesus did was fix our vertical problem and in that our horizontal problem was fixed as well.
SO Jesus also breaks down the walls of hostilities and the walls of division between people.
He does so by Abolishing the ritualistic WORKS of the Law -
Laws of washing, Temple worship, Food laws - These were the things that Separated Jew form Gentile -
These were what Caused the Jewish people of the middle east 2000 plus years ago to develop a predujust that was deep and hostile against the Semeritain what was a half Jewish person and against the Gentile which they considered to be a sinner.
Jesus Broke them and Abolished them and I am grateful -
Some of that Gratefulness is in the fact that I love bacon.
Jesus abolished this to make us united in our faith with one another. ONE Body
Jesus making peace so that Jesus would reconcile us to God in ONE BODY -, and Here is what Jesus did both Horizontally and Vertically - He killed Hostility.
And HE - Jesus - Came and preached PEACE WITH GOD to the gentile who was far off and Jesus preached the PEACH WITH GOD to the Jewish person that was near -
Why - Because everyone need the Gospel - Everyone needs Jesus -
Ya know as I was thinking about Far off and Near - Read the testament - Yes the Jewish people had the commandment and the ordinances and the oracles of God and they Had the Prophets and the Law and they knew God - But boy were they an unfaithful people who were easily wooed away from God and desperately needed the Grace and mercy of God and the Power of His Spirit.
Paul then reiterates the Gospel - Through Jesus we ALL have access in ONE Spirit -
IN ONE GOD MAN Jesus and in ONE Holy Spirit-
We have access to the Father -
Here is what Happens - You see loved ones when the Gospel takes over - When the Spirit of God regenerates us to new life - When The heart of Stone is removed and the heart of flesh is implanted -
The dividing wall of Hostility is Gone
The hostility is killed and is dead.
and when that Happens -
No one, no matter what the past - no matter what the Sin - No matter how horrific or offensive or how grotesque or violent the Past -
NO- ONE in Christ Jesus is an Alien -
No One is a Stranger -
Everyone in Christ is a Fellow Citizen - A Saint - A Member of the Household of God -
His Child by Adoption - Into a new family - New Father - New Siblings -
This is all because we have been made new and Jesus tore the wall down.
Jesus life and finished work on the Cross is the Only work that can make us at peace with God -
How must we respond to the divine everlasting display of Love?
We must repent -
Turn our life our whole life over to Jesus -
Let Him rule and reign and let His peace that He came to give us as prince pf peace deliver to our minds and souls the Peace we have WITH God.
You see loved one - We must immerse our selves Daily in the the Peace with Have WITH God -
So that no matter the circumstances in this life with whoever is in or out of our life we would enjoy the Peace OF God.
Loved ones - This Christmas - in the midts of all the tress and trinkets and tensil -
In the Midts of all the Family and Fun and festivity
In the Midts of all the presents, and Parties and Pastries
This year and Every year and every day!
Let us all pursue the Peace with Have WITH GOD so that we can truly Enjoy and experience the Peace OF God.
I don't really know your story -
Some of your stories I know and most I don't know.
And my story might be like yours or we might have deeply different stories
I was far away from God - Even though I grew up going to Catholic Church when the knowledge of having Peace WITH GOD by someone who opened the scriptures and showed me where my own theology was wrong and leading me to being even further away from God, I scoffed - I rejected - I laughed that repentance was required and I didn’t actually believe that Hell was real. And in my life at the time the Gospel had no power.
Then God, by the Power of His spirit revealed to me my deepest need to be at peace with God -
So I was one who was far away -
Here is what I want you to do - Everyone Just close your eyes.
I want you to think about the two groups of people in this narrative that we have walked through to day -
Those that are far off and those that are near.
IF you find that in your past you are one who could be someone near - You grew up in Church - You never had any serious issues with Sin - You have never or rarely missed a Sunday - You have know Jesus for as long as you can remember if this is you would you just raise you hand -
Just keep your hand raised for a minute-
Eyes closed -
Now IF you are someone who would have ben considered someone who is or was Far off - Hopefully you did a little better than demon worship, witchcraft and sex trafficking - but maybe not -
Would you raise your hand!
Keep you eyes closed and raise your hands -
Now Just for a second Open your eyes and Look around -
You see we all have our hands raised - None of us know who was near and who was far off because Jesus changes all of us into one family onto one body.
Here is what I want you to do - I want you to simply place your hands in your lap hands Open and Palms up -
I want to pray for you.
What I’m going to pray for is that the Holy Spirit of God would do one of two things.
IF you are one who was far off or one who was near but know you have been drawn close - I’m going to pray that the Holy Spirit of God cause the Peace you have WITH God to overwhelm you this season -
And that the Spirit will push away any distress, push away any anxiota, and relational duress that you have in this season and any hope that you may have placed in the shadow be replaced by the reality that you have peace WITH God.
And by the Power of the Sprit of God the reality the you have Peace with God would over take you and literally change the way you interact with those relationships and stresses where you are chasing the Peace of God.
Maybe you are here this morning and you might currently be far away from God, Hopefully your doing a little better than witchcraft, ouiji boards and demon worship but maybe not, and you think your at peace, but not WITH GOD or maybe your life is in turmoil and your wondering if there is something greater; you are wondering if Peace is even possible.
Because in reality you have never seen or experienced or understood the love of God, that is on display openly and freely, from the baby in the manger, to the Cross of Calvary, to the Empty tomb.
I’m going to pray for you this morning that the Holy Spirit of God would open your eyes, and you would know that Peace WITH God is the only way you can experience the divine Peace OF God.
Let Me Pray!
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