Yielded to Righteousness

Romans  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Romans 6:15-23 Yield yourself to Christ
Why should believers stay far away from sin?
Paul asks, “Know ye not?”
As students of God’s word and reciepients of the Holy Spirit we have been given a certain knowledge about sin and its deadly work in our life

Knowledge of Natural Law प्राकृतिक नियम (15-16)

If we serve sin it will only bring death and destruction into our lives
It is the natural progression (James 1:14-15)
No person, not even a believer can simply dabble in sin without becoming its servant
However, if we serve in obedience to God’s word and leading it will lead us into righteousness
This too is a natural outflowing of the Spirit in our lives when yielded “planted” in him (Psalms 1:2-3)
As believers we can trust the process and continue to pursue righteousness knowing that God will continue to work in us

Knowledge of our Master (17-20)

God freed us from our old master so that we could live in righteousness
We are now able to follow and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives
We have been empowered to live a life pleasing to God
God had become our master but he is not a task master
Paul admits this is a flawed analogy because until we see God face to face we cannot comprehend his goodness and grace (this is our infirmity of the flesh)
The point of the analogy is that just as we were completely yielded to sin, so we must also fully commit ourselves to God and his righteousness (just as a servant is expected to do for his master)

Knowledge of Fruits (21-23)

The fruits of our sinful life only brought shame and death
If we think back to the times we have sinned, before and after salvation, we can remember the shame and problems that they brought
The pleasures of the sin have long been forgotten and only the pain is left
Pornography brings a moment of pleasure followed by emptiness and loneliness
Adultery brings a moment of pleasure followed by broken relationships and families
Anger brings a moment of satisfaction followed by bitterness and fear
Lying brings a moment of relief followed by anxiety and fear
Stealing brings a moment of needs being met but is followed by entitlement and dissatisfaction
The fruits of righteousness only bring joy and life
Yielding ourselves to righteousness brings about holiness in our lives that receives blessings from God and others
Yielding ourselves to Christ brings the free gift of God’s eternal life
Our sin brought death but Christ’s righteousness brought eternal life. Which life do we want to model our lives after?
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