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Lord God in Jesus mighty name we pray for revelation and for signs and

wonders to accompany your word and for eyes to be opened and for the

illumination of minds and hearts.

Teach us Lord that we would know your will in our lifes, not our will,

that we would seek you to bend to our ways and thoughts and what we would if we could command you and as if you are to do our bidding..

But your will where we bow to your rule and reign and will, where we

would know your Authority robe over us and that we would know your

heart and will for our lifes and that we would then turn from what we

would seek to that which is your good and perfect will.

Even if it may mean the road is harder and things do not go the way

we planned, we walk in your will knowing that we rest in you and in

our Sabbath Rest with provide all that we need.

Let us know our place as we walk in your will and seek only to focus

on you Lord In Jesus name amen


Lets look at Psalm 8 to begin this message.

Psalm 8 (New International Version)

A psalm of David.

1 O LORD, our Lord,how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory above the heavens.

2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise

because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.

3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,

the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,

4 what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for


5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings

and crowned him with glory and honor.

6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under

his feet:

7 all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field,

8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of

the seas.

9 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!


Now to begin with , lets go to the book of Genesis and glimpse briefly through

the first four chapters, thats Genesis chapters 1 - 4.

Now you may not agree with me and that is fine, but lets look at this message

and hear God speak , because that is what it is all about in the end, its about

listening to what God is saying, not my words or the preachers words, but its

about hearing what God is saying through the person.

Before we begin I would like to add that, I like come to Gods word as a child,

I take Gods word literally and I try to read from the heart....with the heart.

And I know that there are some who see parts of Genesis as symbolic, there are

some who see the whole of Genesis as symbolic, there are some who see large parts

of the bible as symbolic and draw from the symbolism in Revelations as a foot

stall for their approach.

When we read revelations we see symbols or pictures or images and we read about

7 golden lampstands and 7 stars and we see that these images or pictures have

meanings and represent the Angels of the 7 Churches and the Churches.

We see allegories, which can be stories with double meanings or deeper meanings.

We see typology or types of Jesus or " types of "

But when I read Genesis I like to read Genesis as a child and read it as it is

written, because sometimes we can read so much into things that we actually

loose its meaning and the bible can become mere words of theology and study,

merely being the study of symbolic meanings and some even take out parts of the


They believe certain parts but when it comes to certain parts of the bible they

just simply cannot comprehend or imagine such a thing happening because they

may have a " teenage attitude " when it comes to believing things out of the

norm !!

There adult ways and intelligence can become a stumbling block to believing the

simplest of childlike things.

I have known Christians who will not believe the " flood and Noah "

Christians and may I say " many non believers " who will not believe the ,

" Garden of Eden story " because it simply insults their intelligence ......

As if we could believe such a thing ?

But now lets look into Genesis and lets look at the message at hand.


Now we go firstly to " before the beginning "

That is before time was created and into eternity...

Now satan was an intelligent being, he was given authority, an authority robe,

now God/Jesus gave him this authority robe because God created satan for a

purpose and only God can create from nothing.

God defies our scientific community, He defies the natural laws, His knowledge

is far beyond a million scientific brains, God is a God of the miraculous.

Satan then was in the very prescence of God and praising Him who gives all

authority and power.

But God saw in the eternity of eternities that as we would put it ....

There would be and was a change of heart... " oooo satan had a heart ? "

You see at this point even before God created...and by the way God was creating

long before He created us and the planet we live on...

God saw what would happen because don't forget...God is at the beginning of time

and at the end of time and in time and in eternity, God saw what would happen

and you could say at the point of satans heart changing ( angels have free will )

that God could also see His Son on the Cross and at the same time as satan was

cast down...Jesus hung on the Cross and said " It is finished "

And so God created the earth that we know and live on and the "serpent" satan

had lost his "authority robe" and was cast down to the earth and we see that

God created and that He in Genesis

chapter 1:26 gave Adam and Eve complete authority over the animals and the earth.

And God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth and subdue


Genesis 1

28And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the

earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and

man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and

over every living creature that moves upon the earth.

So Adam and Eve were given an " Authority Robe "

Do you think Adam named the serpent ?


And on the seventh day God rested , Hebrews 4:6

6 Since therefore it remains that some must enter it, and those to

whom it was first preached did not enter because of disobedience,

10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from

his works as God did from His.

so too we can rest...all has been provided, as all was provided to Adam

and Eve too they could rest in Him in the knowledge of His provision

doing His works and will.


You know !! we as Christians can do they same things that Jesus did,

in fact greater things because Jesus now works through us, He is our

" Authority Robe "

Why did'nt Eve bind satan ? Why did'nt Jesus bind satan in the wilderness

temptations ? in fact the only time I can think of Jesus speaking out

directly was when He says " Get behind me satan "

This was because we have Authority as one submits to another,, this is

because Jesus was a greater Authority than other words in an

army you have soldiers, officers, Lance Corporal, Corporal, Sergeant,

and so it goes on and you have Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel.

Each one subject to the greater..Jesus listened to His Father God in all things,

as the disciples listened to Jesus, as the followers listened to the disciples.

Jesus was greater by far than satan so Jesus says " get behind me satan "

You careful when you pray " I bind you satan "

Our Authority Robe as Christians only goes so far !!

Again as we have seen before in previous messages, there are certain

things that are not for us, that we do not have the authority to do.

Be ready.

You hear some Christians speaking out against satan and binding satan in

Jesus name, they use the scripture thus...

Mat 18:18 "I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound

in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

In fact it actually means " I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on

earth is already bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth is already

loosed in heaven.”

In other words we follow Jesus/God and do His will and as we walk in His

will so we hear Him and what is already loosed in heaven we loose on earth.

And whatever we bind on earth is already bound in do this we

need to know scripture and we need to have that relationship with Jesus to

know His will.

Yes we can do the same things as Jesus did and even greater BUT it is

for Jesus at the end of time to bind satan, no Christian can bind satan ,

our Authority robe does not extend to being God Himself

We cannot and do not have the Authority to command heaven nor heavens

armies, nor the King Himself, the King does not do our bidding....we do


And so as we walk in His will we can cast out demons in Jesus name and see

lame walk and the sick healed because Jesus is doing His work through us,

that He has prepared in advance for us to do.

But we cannot bind satan, no more than we can win a battle on our own..

So as God has forgiven....we God has loved we Jesus

can heal we Jesus can deliver we deliver because its Him through us.

And so we loose that which is already loosed and bind that which is bound in


But to extend our Authority Robe beyond that which was meant is fool hardy

and dangerous, for heaven does not do our bidding, but we do heavens bidding.

And Jesus will bind satan on the final day and once again he will be cast down.


So now we look at Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden ...

Can you imagine it ?

Can you imagine real relationship with a living God ?

Walking and talking to Him as you go about your business ?

Can you imagine asking for things and having God answer back ?

Can you imagine saying to a mountain ....." MOVE " and seeing that

mountain move ?

Can you imagine having eternal life ?



And so imagine if you can and lets let our imagination run wild and lets

consider this !!!!

Imagine saying to a crop growing in the ground, " GROW NOW " and seeing it

multiply before your eyes...

Imagine with your "authority robe" saying, " FRUIT GROW AND COME INTO MY HAND "

Imagine saying to an animal, " COME HERE " and it obeys you !!!

Imagine speaking to a tree and saying " DROP YOUR FRUIT NOW "


And so Adam and Eve had their " Authority Robes " they had been given authority.

But not only that God was walking and talking with them and there was no death,

no disease, no ill health, no work and toil to earn and eat ,no aging,.....

Imagine having no dentists ? No doctors ? No hospitals ? national health ?

Pensions ? the list is endless....

This "Authority robe" , this Robe of Authority, this Authority was given to

Adam and Eve which means it was given to the world ...

Now we have one, who had lost his " Authority Robe " ? he had lost his authority,

? who might this be ? you could say "the only authority satan had at this point

was the authority of legions of demons, those angles that had followed the Arch

Angel and now were led by him.


At this point this was the only Authority that satan had....

And we see the " father of lies, the great deceiver of nations, the serpent,was

not only under the authority of God but of MAN "

And the serpent looks at Adam and Eve ,and he studies them, he looks at their

relationship with each other and with God...he uses his hordes of demons to

trick and to munipulate and to gather information...

he looks for the weakest point, he studies the relationships, he delves not into

the mind but into the actions and reactions.

And then he waits for an oportune time and launches his attack...

He chooses Eve to attack and speaks to her causing confusion and doubt to enter

her mind for the first time.

You know this is how satan works time and time again, he waits, he lurks, he

watches, he looks for the weakest part, and then he will try to cast doubt into

your mind.

This is not the only way satan attacks and you know satan mimmicks God and as

God has many legions of angels and sometimes uses his angels to speak to us even

in person, so too satan has many demons under his control who can also speak lies

and try to deceive us.

But this method of attack is one of the ways in which satan and his demons work,

by casting doubt into the mind, doubt that can casue worry and distress and

anxiety and tension and illness.

He will whisper into our ears or use his demons to whisper, " Did God really

say that ? "

" Did God really say ? "

Or He will use scripture...satan and his legions know scripture very well,

back to front and inside out, they know scripture the same as they know God,

and they know of God and believe He has power and know of His power, in fact

you could say " they have first hand experience of his power and authority"

More so than some Christians..

And so satan tempts Eve and casts doubt into her mind at at this point Eve had

not sinned, she still had her " Authority Robe "

And satan says " God does'nt want you take take of the fruit because if you do

He knows you will become like Him "

And so Eve is tempted and takes from the tree, she puts her temptation into

action and takes the fruit.

There was nothing magical in the fruit, the fruit could have been a vegetable,

or anything, the fact is she disobeyed God and took that which was forbidden.

You see at this point satan had taken the " Authority Robe "

Now Adam and Eve were naked before God..

Now satan had taken that which had belonged to us...

Now he had authority over the earth, now he was the prince of the air..

Now he had dominion over the creatures of the earth..

Now he had deceived and tricked Adam and Eve into giving him the

" Authority Robe "

Now Adam and Eve were naked before God and were cast out from the prescence of

God and from the Garden, the same as satan was cast out of heaven.


Now satan had the power over death, now sicknes and disease came, now the was no

more eternal life, now destruction came and life would not be the same, now where

there was abundance and prosperity, came poverty and hunger,

Now no more could Adam and Eve ( we ) command the crops to grow and food to

fall into our hands.

Now there was separation from God and pain and suffering and greed and corruption

entered the world, now lies and deceit and trickery reigned, now the " Authority Robe "

was taken by the " father of lies "

Now no longer could man walk in communion with God and God walk with man, now

the " Authority Robe " had a different owner and death had come upon mankind, war

and hate, no more was life sustained fully, no more would the plants and crops grow

in abundance and never fail.

No more would the flowers bloom forever and the fruit feed a multitude.

Now Adam and Eve had taken from a different fruit and now mankind would know

the consequences of disobedience and the fall.

Now they would have to toil the ground and labour in vain with folly and

foolishness, foolishly chasing the wind as Solomon himself found and observed.

Ecclesiastes 1:17

Now the work of the hands led to death as cain sought to please God with the

work of his hands, but there was only one thing that could free man and restore

the " Authority Robe "

So too abels blood cried out from the ground..

The One who gives all authority and gave all authority in the beginning..

Only Jesus could restore the " Authority Robe " and give back to man that which

was stolen.


Now we go back to Psalm 8

And we look at verse 1

God is the one who gives Authority, for He is higher than any other and His glory is

above the heavens and from the lips of His children He has ordained praise to silence

the enemy,

We saw in Genesis that God made every living thing and all things and all of creation

speaks of His handywork, for no one has an excuse when they have looked up since

earliest times and known of Gods existence.

His creation speaks for Him and yet something is wrong ?

Why ?

Then psalm 8 goes on .....

4 what is man that you are mindful of him,

the son of man that you care for him?

5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings [c]

and crowned him with glory and honor.

6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands;

you put everything under his feet:

7 all flocks and herds,

and the beasts of the field,

8 the birds of the air,

and the fish of the sea,

all that swim the paths of the seas.

9 O LORD, our Lord,

how majestic is your name in all the earth!


Look up 1 Corinthians 15:27-28

1 Corinthians 15:27-28 ( application study bible)

27 For the scriptures say "He has put all things under His authority."

Of course when it says "all things are under His Authority," that

does not include God Himself, who gave Christ His Authority

, the Son will put Himself under Gods Authority, so that God , who

gave His Son Authority over all things, will be utterly supreme over

everything everywhere.

Also look up Hebrews 2:6-8

You see Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth and above these scriptures

point to psalm 8 and talk of Jesus who has all authority and power and dominion

over every living thing and over all creation.

And so Jesus comes , you could say at the point of Eve taking the " wrong fruit " that

hung from the tree,

Jesus hung from a tree and we receive the new fruit from Him.

Although in our time scale it seems a long time between Eve taking and Jesus

giving back in Gods eyes of eternity it was nothing.

And so man had lost the " Authority Robe " and Jesus comes and gives back the

" The Authority Robe " to its rightful owner.

Now when we or if we have Christ in us as Christians we have the "Authority Robe "

Now we have eternal life back, now we have Authority in Christ, now we can say to

the mountain " MOVE " and it will move.

Now we have abundance, now we can be free, now we have a way to walk back into

that relationship with God and to have God walk with us, now we can be healed and

restored, now we can have restoration and freedom, now we can know in faith that

death is not the final destination.

Now once more we regain the " Authority Robe "

Now we can speak to God without separation....once more...

But the world still goes on having lost its " Authority Robe"

For Only through Christ can we be clothed..

And the world walks on in blindness, but God calls out to anyone who will listen,

ALL THE TIME, for all of creation speaks of Him...

Now our authority is in Christ as we are subject to Him and walk with Him as it

was intended " IN THE BEGINNING "

And we can say " O Lord our Lord, your Majestic name fills the earth "


In order to have the authority robe and to take it back from the one who stole

it you simply need to speak to God and ask Him to give it back to you through

Jesus who bought it for you...

Pray with me and as you see the words on the screen...speak out these words

to God who hears all hearts as I will be speaking out too..

Lord God Father of Truth and Light in Jesus name I turn to you and turn from what

I would want and seek your will that I might know your rest, to know the

Authority you have given and to know my place.

I ask you into my heart and life, not to do my bidding but so that I can see

your will for my life unfold, your good and perfect will.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit and cleanse me and make me new so that the blindness

that I have walked in would be lifted from my eyes and that I would no longer

be naked before you but clothed with your Authority in my life in Jesus name Amen

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