Measuring a Spiritual Ministry

Study on II Corinthians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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A Study on the book of II Corinthians
Measuring a Spiritual Ministry
II Cor. 10:12-18
Theme: Three areas in which to measure ourselves.
Introduction: Occasionally you will drive down the road and read a sign on the back of a truck that says, “How’s my driving?” The idea is that their driving and report anything that would be improper. One of the hard things for a Christian is how do you measure a spiritual ministry? If the work of God is God’s work, how do you measure it?
God reveals in the 7 churches in Revelation that He measures their work totally different from how we measure things? God told one church that though they were poor, they were actually rich. He told another church that they though they were rich, He called them poor.
Here in this passage God points out three areas win which we measure the ministry.
I. The standard vv. 12-14
A. Man’s standard v. 12
1. Compare ourselves with others-wrong measure-so often men spend so much time comparing ourselves with ourselves.
2. Measure ourselves by external means-numbers, budgets, looks, intelligence
3. Measure ourselves based on the world’s guidelines.
B. God’s standard vv. 13-14
1. Paul was stating that God has an assigned field for our work.
2. We are to be in the place where God wants us.
3. The Judaizers did not bring the gospel to Corinth but they arrived on the established ministry to teach their false doctrine.
4. God is not going to measure us on the basis of gifts but based on our faithfulness.
Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” (1 Corinthians 4:2)
5. Effort in which they are reaching others and yielding to God’s Word in their lives.
II. The scope vv. 15-16
A. Edification v.15
1. Paul was not boasting of his work as if he did the work.
2. Paul was focused on building up the believers in the faith.
3. He was concerning himself with glorifying God.
4. The work was being done through Him by Christ.
5. Enlarged means that his heart is built up.
B. Evangelization v. 16
1. His ministry was not built upon other men’s labors but to reach the unreached.
2. He wanted to continue the work of missions to the regions beyond.
3. He was not going to boast about the work that others have done but give all the credits to God.
4. His ministry was centered around Christ and the work He was doing to the lost.
III. The support vv. 17-18
A. God’s glory v. 17
1. The greatest support and encouragement is the glory of God.
2. If men get the glory, God does not get the glory.
3. The does not mean growing ministries are wrong or they are taking glory from God—we are simply to yield to God.
B. God’s commendation v. 18
1. We may commend ourselves or seek man’s commendation as the Judaizers.
2. God commends our work by testing the quality.
3. There will be a future judgment on the work we do.
4. God will evaluate our ministry based on our hearts.
5. The goal of our ministry is to seek the approval of God.
Conclusion: How are we measuring our ministry? It should be faithfulness and yieldedness to God.
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