Outcasts and Sinners are Called

The Gospel of John   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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vv. 13-14) Jesus’ Reach:

Jesus invited questionable people to follow Him who would intentionally upset the religious group dynamic.
Jesus calls us from a comfortable seat of sin to an unpredictable place at His side.
Christians discipleship is following Jesus on the move rather than merely adhering to a system of beliefs.

vv. 14-15) Levi’s Response:

The only way you will leave what you treasure is if you find something you treasure more.
When a sinner is changed by Jesus, he should want to gather other sinners in order for them to be changed by Jesus as well.
The disciple opened their homes and their hearts to ministry to the sinners in proximity to them.

vv. 16-17) The Pharisee’s Reaction:

By associating with sinners, Jesus tarnished His reputation but never compromised His character.
The religious leaders were eager to enter the house of preaching but not willing to sit at the table relationship.
In their attempts to insulate themselves from blatant sinners, the religious crowd became a worse type of sinner: they were sick but thought they were healthy.
If you distance yourself from sinners, you distance yourself from Jesus.
Jesus didn’t expect the sick to become well by themselves, but He also didn’t intend on them staying sick either.


Who can you open up your home to this week for the purpose of ministry?
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