Sunday Service

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Want to give a warm welcome to the door in Hallelujah, and I remember now his little daughter. Okay. I know she's big now, but bless the Lord welcome welcome. And for those of you who don't know but sister Marcia is my hairdresser. That's a smart ass over here and her mom her mom. Sometimes I don't remember her name. So I just call her mommy myself. So and she answered so it's all right. She is also a seamstress. She does alterations right here in Enfield. I'm just going to promote them for a little while. So if you have any needs, please take their cards, and she takes care of my locs. Praise the lord. We welcome you today. We hope you enjoy yourself and that you come again you and your children praise the Lord the drum cuz we were down one by one by one. Today's the first time in a month bless the Lord. Oh my soul, but I want to tell you when God do something. It's well done.


she'll be permanent.

what does

I want to introduce you to some of you to pastor of this house. The Shepherd of this house, I'm present to all of you that knows him for very own Pastor Steven birds Hallelujah

You know what? You're feeling that you bring a seamstress into the house. If you notice this who?

I might need a little help later on. Praise the Lord is living healthy. Good Guyanese food.

Praise the Lord hallelujah. Thank you.

Why you still standing there? Hallelujah this give honor to our Lord? Praise the Lord. Thank you for another Sunday. I thank you for another day of getting us up on her feet. I thank you for being in a country that allows us to worship freely. Where we can worship Our God our Lord and our savior who's the king of kings and the Lord of lords that we can wake up in the morning and we can make our way to the church Hallelujah sing a song to you.

Visitors to our members. Thank you for the card WhatsApp message to date somebody. my Nova

let them take long to them and leave something for somebody else. So I think it's from the strength to get fixed.

Give us what we can handle oh Lord.

and also at the moment in time we're singing. Oh Lord, why me?

the next sentence we say Thank you, Lord.

Giving me what I know I can handle with you by my side over.

We thank you for this first Sunday in March o'lord the season of Lent O Lord. The season where we need to reflect everyday on you. Oh Lord. In what you did for us?

Go to her house alone.

I pray that the people find a moment of time and peace with you or the message today.

the message about you

and how we can better serve you. Lodi thank you Lord.

What you going to do in the precious name of Jesus? I pray amen and amen and Hallelujah Hallelujah. Welcome to New Life Hallelujah. welcome visitors welcome members.

Welcome bass player. Praise the Lord hallelujah. I love my message say is The Rock and it's coming from Matthew 16 Verse 18. You heard superintendent Natalie read a few more verses about not going to focus on this weather and I also sent you. Thou Art Peter and Upon This Rock I will build my church and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against it a Lugia Hallelujah. Now, this is a Pentecostal church. I do like we got a lot of miles in here today too. If you understand something. Shut me an amen Alleluia still keep it charged up. I promise not to keep you past 1:30 today Hallelujah.

I see brother. Chris's smiling underneath that mad cuz he knows I'll get you out of here at 12:30, please the Lord. Let's talk about rocks today.

We're closing in on the Resurrection Sunday. We are in church. We are alive we have opportunity to make with every breath we take.

You see these decisions can be good and they can be bad.

But it's our decisions. And we live with those decisions those decisions. We make up every moment of Our Lives. Now listen to church. I'm not here to fix you. I'm not here to plead with you and then I'm not even here to ask you to do anything.

I won't be asking you to join anything and I won't be asking you to be part of anything.

but at the end of this service today There will be an opportunity for a decision and then you see for some this opportunity may come again. and for some it may never pass.

You see this opportunity?

Maybe a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

And I don't know where you are in your life right now. But Joshua 24 1415 says now. Fear the lord and serve him in sincerity and faithfulness put away the gods that your father served beyond the river and in Egypt. It's serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord choose this day whom you will serve.

What does the gods have your father's served in the region beyond the river or the gods of the amorites who served land you'd well, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Xerox rocks and stones are in abundance in this world we live in Rocks for mountains and rocks make holes and they melt shelters and rocks make roads and they make bridges. And rocks can be your Refuge.

You see the Ten Commandments were carved in Rock.

Rock can kill Giants

you see the shepherd boy with a sling. Meister Giants whom the whole Army of Israel was afraid of they tried to give him armor and a sword.

What do you have not proven them? You see he didn't practice enough with the armor and sword to have confidence in his skill.

And you see church we should only use things which are proven.

If you practice with a handgun, you'll be able to hit what you aim at you'll have confidence in this skill.

And you know what you can do with that skill. If you have not proven a slingshots like me, I probably couldn't hit the side of a barn.

We've got a war going on for your soul and I tell you you see it every time you put on the news or your turn on the radio or your walk the street or you'll walk through the malls you see it. 2nd Corinthians 10 3 through 5 says for though we walk in the flesh. We do not war after the flesh. The weapons of our Warfare are not carnal But Mighty through God to pulling down the strongholds. Casting down imaginations and every High thing that exhausted itself against the knowledge of God and bringing them into captivity every thought to The Obedience of Christ. Where are you? I asked you you see you don't walk out the door Church new with the Holy Ghost. You can walk out the door or a Bishop Paul Morton. You're walking out the door with the Holy Ghost and man first off.

Psalm 6610 says for thou oh God has proved. As silver his try.

Can God trust you? Can God trust you in the moment where you need to be trusted?

See God has Marvel list Gifts of love for you.

For him to get it to us. What you must have two desires him. It'd be willing to take on what comes with that great power. with that great responsibility

to whom much is given

much is required.

The gods welcoming you to prove to him what you got to step out and face you got to step out in face with your friends are going to say you can't be afraid of what your boss is going to say. They can't be afraid. What's your brothers and sisters are going to stay just got to do for yourself that got to know what you're doing with your new Jeep sit down inside of you.

Listen when you start you're not going to be perfect. What's a kitchen Hearts, right? Get your cards right and keep on trying to keep on trying and keep on reading and keep on reason.

In the morning, you read the more, you know, and the more you're confident in talking about your lord and talking about the good news. This is the Easter season. This is the resurrection.

And I promise you soon. You'll see what you got to accomplish pretty soon. You'll be able to see what you're going to accomplish. It wouldn't cost see your efforts with God sees your efforts.

You don't become a man after God's Own Heart because you're the king.

You become the king because you are a man after God's Own Heart.

Did you hear all that?

I said you don't become a man after God's Own Heart because you are the king. You become the king because you're a man or woman after God's Own Heart and learn.

God will take what you have to offer. And he will make it a miracle.

CR webern's gives his weapons. He gives us ammunition. It gives us the strength to word of God. There is power in the word of God. It is written God's put fear in our enemies. You need to know what the word says. It's your rack. your strengths

and there's no reason to be without it anymore. If you can't carry a little Bible that you can't carry a big Bible. There's an electronic Bible for you.

Hey, man, you know what? Sometimes I'm on the phone with we got three or four but and there's a need half that's got for Bibles along those so you can read 1 verse in one version and then you can read so you can see what's left out of the other version.

You see the Bible's you Refuge. It's your refuge in your time of trouble. eyes in the word hide the word in your heart. It's another weapon we have is the blood.

A song that says What can wash away your sins nothing, but the blood of Jesus? What is nothing but nothing big.

Let me tell you something about the blood people. It's essential for life. We cannot live without the blood. Which carries oxygen through our body covers nutrients through our body? It's hard to wash away the blood, you know, if you watch Forensic Files, you know, I always spraying bleach in there spraying cleaner trying to dissipate the blood of their evil doings.

But then they had this little spray. No matter what you do, no matter what you do. The blood is always there praise the Lord. You see the devil cannot cross the blood. An army of evil evil angels on the door post of the doors. and the angel of death I tried on by cuz cuz he couldn't break that barrier the blood and

See, I just proved in the power of the blood to you. I know what it can do for the Lord. We got some more ammunition and you shall be Witnesses unto me and to all that you dated and it's Samaria and I to the other most parts of the Earth.

before the Holy Ghost Is it possible to put even passed out in? They couldn't cast out the devil of somebody.

They can do Miracles and man. Acts 3:6 says when Peter said Silver and Gold Have I None. but such as I have gift IV in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and Do the power that you have with the Holy Ghost?

God Is My Rock God can be your rock to God is my refuge sing about it. God keeps me safe in the storm. We read about it in his Rock.

The enemy has his numbers. They are evil. They are cunning. They are devious as anybody met one.

But never forget. that there is more with you and you and you and his of them You have the almighty rock with you. You are the strongest of strong. You are the bravest of the Brave.

I will love thee O Lord with all of my strength. The Lord is my rock and my Fortress and my deliverer my God my strength in whom will I trust my buckle and the Horn of my salvation and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised. So I shall be saved from my enemies.

The Rock

and the Lord said behold, there's a place by me and now shall stand upon the rock. And it shall come to pass while Mike laure passes by that. I will put the rest of the rock it will cover the with my hands while I pass by Are you ready for that? Are you ready for that power? When you're in the rack you get to see God. When you are in the rock. God gives you the vision. In the ability to see his works when you're in the rock you see God working in your life.

Come on somebody. Touring around 4. What are you waiting for?

See Mount Everest is 29000 ft tall.

Inmate Monica in Hawaii is 33000 ft tall. The Rock of my salvation has no beginning and it has no end. It's got those start in his jaw. Joey finished his got no height and it's got no death.

Come on, somebody and man praise the Lord. You see the most powerful weapon known to man is the atomic bomb.

Yet the sun has more nuclear explosions on that are million more times stronger than that one atomic bomb.

How powerful is you were gone. And God said let there be light and billions and billions of stars bigger than ours were created.

How can you measure that?

my gun Who lured let the people see that there is power in your name Hallelujah. Let the people say that you are the Lord of lords of God and the King of Kings. You are the alpha and you are the Amigo Lord Holy Father asking the people have they made it with a church full of people that know you love you invited here. Oh Lord, Alleluia right here. Oh Lord by in the people of anybody. Wants to see you. Oh Lord, if anybody wants to know you oh Lord, I'm asking them. Oh Lord.

I know that you are the alpha and the Omega I place no was Buddy in front of you. Oh lord for you are my king Overlord. People turn away from their sins.

And they will follow the path of righteousness.

the right path.

Go to let somebody invite you into their heart. Oh Lord. I'm sure Lord and savior because your word.

Let them know what it is.

See you again.


Andrew Stevens

She was a good ass.

my eyes are seeing Why is ever? Dulce

how do you make? Has come to see you.

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