Seek First the Kingdom of God

One-Degree Discipleship  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Kingdom and Righteousness
ONE-DEGREE Bible Studies Outline
The Compass – “Seek First” – Matthew 6:31-34; Luke 12:31;
And since GPS only works for a physical journey, we will need a spiritual compass for making each of these one-degree course corrections. Our compass is found in Matthew 6:33 (ESV): “Seek first the kingdom of God …” If we are seeking the Kingdom of God first, we won’t have to be anxious about our discipleship efforts. We will be back on course toward an exciting new country!

The central biblical discussions of righteousness thus principally concern membership in the covenant and the behaviour appropriate to that membership. Since, however, these passages depend on a theology in which God is creator and judge of all the earth, and in which God’s people are to reflect God’s own character, it is not illegitimate to extrapolate from them to the ‘justice’ which God desires, and designs, for his world. The church is to be not only an example of God’s intended new humanity, but the means by which the eventual plan, including the establishment of world-wide justice, is to be put into effect. Lack of emphasis here in older theological writing, due sometimes to individualism and sometimes to a dualistic split between church and world, has led to a reaction (e.g. in some liberation theology) in which ‘justice’ as an abstract virtue has been elevated in an unbiblical manner (e.g. at the expense of mercy). This should not prevent a balanced orthodox view of world-wide justice from regaining, and retaining, its place in the church’s teaching and practice.

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