Theophlius Part 2

Theophilus  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Then came that first life-changing letter. It was from Luke, the beloved Physician. I opened it and read
Luke 1:1-4
How my heart burned as I read. He called me “Most Excellent Theophilus”, the title I once craved, the title belonging to the Governor. But that was not what stirred my soul that day. Other words gripped my mind and heart. Things which are most surely believed. They delivered them unto us which were from the very beginning were eyewitnesses perfect understanding of all things from the very first in order Most Excellent Theophilus that thou mightiest know the certainty of those things wherein thou hast been instructed.
Surly believed. Eyewitnesses. Perfect understanding. That thou mightiest know the certainty. These were the things I craved. With what hunger I read on. Can you imagine it? The very first of all men to read what Luke had written. The words of the angel to Zechariah about John the Baptist. The forerunner of Jesus Christ. Gabriel’s message from God to Mary of Galilee. Tortured doubts of Joseph with the blessed balm of assurance that God had performed a miracle within his beloved Mary. The decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. I knew about that. My father had told me. The crowded inn of Bethlehem. How could the Son of God be born in a stable? But he was, I say, can you imagine it? I was the first to read of the shepherds of Bethlehem, of the heavenly host and their glorious news. I hurried with them to the manger. Believe? Of course I believed! How could I help it? Faith came by that word of God. Oh how the tears flowed when I opened the inn of my heart to the heavenly guest! On and on I read. Slowly. Drinking it in and how I despised myself as I came to love this Jesus. I saw the horror of my sinful past. His teachings, I studied them carefully and tried to adjust my life, as he would have me live. My ambitions were changed. My associates could not understand why I no longer strove for worldly power. The tinseled glories of this earth what mattered such to one who was learning the things of the Lord? I must truly be Theophilus, the friend of God. The friend of Jesus Christ. His miracles, I knew they were true. I believed myself, an eyewitness. Was not I the first to read what Luke had written there? I saw the lame leap and run! I heard the dumb as they spoke plainly. I stood with Jesus as he called the daughter of Jairus back from the dead. It was Jesus who did it all. And I believed it.
Then the tragedy. How could it be? Remember, none had read it before. His enemies plotted against him. How well I knew the way of scheming men out to destroy another, I had done it myself! I felt as if I were the guilty one as I read. How dark was the hour of his death. The sun ceased to shine and all nature trembled in pain. Yes! The earth shook and the temple veil was torn in two. The Son of God, The Supreme, The Creator of all had died in the awful agony of the Roman cross. And I…I had been the soldier that nailed him there, the scheming politician that ordered he be crucified. My eyes flowed with tears. I could not read another word. I laid the letter down and walked in darkness through that day. My servants prepared meals in vain. I could not eat, I could not sleep, I could do naught but think of Calvary. And I had nailed him there.
The next day I took up the letter again. You had read them often those glorious words; I read them for the first time. The stone was rolled away and the body of Jesus was not there the angels in shining garments asked why seek ye the living among the dead! He is not here! He is risen! Glory!
The tears burst from my eyes again, but they were different now. The tears of relief! The tears of joy! The tears of triumph! Jesus is alive! How could it be otherwise? You told us, but we have not believed. I walked to Emmaus, then shared the bread he broke. I joined the eleven in Jerusalem as they shouted the Lord is risen indeed! Then He himself appeared in our midst then spoke. Peace be onto you, and my heart was at rest He opened our understanding of the scriptures and told us why it behooved the Christ to die. He gave us the promise of the coming power from on high. He blessed us and was parted from us, carried into heaven, there preparing the place to which he will take us someday.
Thus ended the Gospel of Luke and I was the man who read it first of all. What a change that gospel, or rather, the Christ of that gospel made in me. I was still Theophilus, but a different Theophilus because I loved a different God. I despised Diana, Mars I hated, ands as for Bacchus I had naught but deep contempt. How could I have ever followed any of them? My life was taken up with Jesus. Above all else I wanted his approval. I wanted his friendship. I wanted his love. And I had it! Ohhhh what joy! How insignificant my former ambitions. High position in Romedid not seem so attractive.
My secretary came to tell me that arraignments were complete to carry out a scheme I had planned to get rid of the Governor and have myself appointed in his place. He wanted my signal to begin the final attack. I told him to cancel it all. I had other plans. Other plans? The secretary wanted to know if I had accepted his suggestion of a little poison in the Governors wine. NO No I cried! Jesus would never approve of something like that!
Jesus??? Asked my secretary. How would he get rid of the governor?
I answered Jesus would not try to get rid of him. He would try to help him and that is what I will do. And I did. I prayed for him. And talked to him. I persuaded him to cut down on his drinking and finally to quit it all together. But I could not persuade him to become a follower of Jesus.
I released several political enemies and asked their forgiveness for what I had done. They looked at me in bewilderment and wondered what scheme I was working on now. But they too refused to believe in Jesus. My secretary warned me repeatedly I would not rise any higher if I did not claw my way to the top.
Then gradually his warnings changed. He reported that some of those I released were plotting against me again. I should have paid attention but it all seemed so insignificant that I gave little heed.
The Governor having set aside his wine began to spend more time caring for the affairs of the province. And I with my newfound love spent more time speaking with others about Jesus. Thus without almost realizing it I began to lose touch with things of the state. That brought about my downfall.
My secretary came to my inner office one day where we often plotted the destruction of my foes. He looked long at me before he spoke. Once more he warned that plans were on foot to destroy me. I laughed him off. Then he asked what I would do if I found it true? He knew what I had done to other plotters of the past. He often delivered my orders against them. He knew the fearful power I had wielded upon all who opposed me. What would I do now if someone sought to pull me down?
What would I do? I had not thought of it since I had become a Christian. Now I considered the question. Jesus had said, I had read it in the gospel of Luke, love you enemies, do good to them that hate you, bless those that curse you, pray for them who spitefully use you. That is what I would do. I told my secretary so, I would be like Jesus. He looked at me queerly, evidently seeking if I meant what I had said. Then quietly left the room.
Quickly the blow fell and totally from an unexpected quarter. That is what brought me low. I had anticipated an attack from my enemies, but it came from my friends. I was suddenly arrested and brought before the governor accused of crimes against him and against the state. The accusations were true and the chief witness? It was not an enemy. That I could have endured, it was my old familiar friend in whom I trusted, one I had brought from obscurity to power. It was my secretary. He knew all I had done. He had records of it all. He could give names and dates and places. He had betrayed me! A storm of anger broke loose in my heart. I arose from my seat in wrath. Me secretary stopped his accusations in the middle of a sentence. Fear burst forth in his face. He knew the terrible things I had done against others in my times of anger. How then did he dare witness against me? Suddenly I knew. He had asked what I would do if someone had plotted my downfall. I told him I would bless, not curse. That I would love my enemies. That I would be like Jesus. Now here was my chance to show the spirit of Christ. But I could not! My spirit was filled with wrath. A wrath I thought had disappeared when I began to follow Jesus. But here it was as terrible as ever! Be like Jesus? I was not like him at all. A blackness seared my soul. A torment of doubt and fear washed away all reason. Forgetting I was on trial I turned and strode from the room. My enemies looked at my face and did not try to hinder my going. They shrank out of my way. Even the Governor did not raise his voice to have me detained.
Where I wandered in those next few hours I know not. I only knew the terrible sense of failure that walked each step with me. Theophilus, a friend of God. Not I! I had been untrue to him. How could he ever favor me again? Oh I had not cursed anyone. I had not struck anyone. But neither had I been like Jesus when he had been betrayed. My heart was vile, impure with an inner sin. Was it worthwhile to live anymore? Why not jump into the sea there and perish? Would Jesus ever want me in his presence again? How could he knowing the vileness of my soul?
It was late at night when I stumbled over my threshold and entered my home again. I half expected officers waiting there to arrest me, I did not care. Let them come. Let them kill me. I did not want to live any longer with this unholiness within. Then I saw it. That letter waiting for me. I looked to see who had written it. It was Luke. Another letter from the beloved physician who was a true follower of Jesus Christ. I dropped that letter at once. I did not feel worthy to hold the parchment on which such a man had written to me. I was unclean.
That night was a restless one. Finally, I slept. And as I slept I dreamt that letter held the answer to my need. With that thought I awoke. I washed my hands even though I knew water could not remove the stain within. Then I broke the seal and began to read
The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach
O Theophilus he said! In the former treatise he addressed me as “Most Excellent Theophilus!” the title of a Roman ruler. Now it was just O Theophilus. Did Luke know I had been removed from office? He could not have known for it had not yet happened when he wrote and yet, he had been guided even in this. He had written with prophetic insight. He had written as the penman of Jesus Christ. Then Jesus knew all about it ahead of time. He knew all about what was in my heart, yet he had bid Luke to write. There must be a message here for me. And yet…I had failed him. I had been angry when I should have loved. I have not been like Jesus when I had the opportunity to reveal him before the court and the Governor. These thoughts surged back and forth in my mind as my eyes skipped over the words hardly noting them. Have you ever read and not known what you have read? I did so at that time. Great words my eyes were seeing but my brain did not receive the message. Then suddenly my attention was gripped by these words.
“When they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled and took notice that they had been with Jesus” Boldness of Peter? But Peter had not been bold. He had quailed with fear when he had been accused of being a follower of Jesus. And John? He was a son of thunder, filled with anger. Something had happened to Peter and John. I read on. The rulers threatened them and “commanded them not to speak at all or teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said unto them whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard”.
Could these be the Peter and John of Luke’s Gospel? I had to know. Perhaps the words I had read without seeing gave the answer. I turned again to the beginning of the book
“The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Spirit had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen: To who also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them 40 days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the father, which, saith he, ye have heard me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days hence”.
A light began to glow as I first really saw those words. Christ wanted the disciples to go into all the world. But not yet! They were not ready as I was not ready. They must first tarry in Jerusalemuntil filled with the power from on high! A power I lacked in the courtroom of the Governor. They must be baptized with the Holy Spirit. There was a baptism of washing for them. A washing within of God’s Spirit. Even as the body can be washed with water. That was my need. The baptism of the Holy Spirit. I would tarry in my room as they tarried in Jerusalem until he came.
I read on. What glorious words I saw and I was the first to read them! The book was written to me and arrived in the hour of my deepest despair. I joined the disciples on that glorious day of Pentecost. Of course I was allowed to join them. This was for the people of every nation under heaven and I was there! And the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Jesus came into my heart. As I trusted and prayed the vileness was gone. The anger was consumed in the leaping flames of love. Oh how I loved Jesus! Oh how I loved my former secretary! Oh how I loved the world. The Holy Spirit had come. I could not set that book aside. The Acts of the Apostles. I read it to the very end. I read of the beatings of Paul, one of which I had ordered given to him. But I read too of the spreading of the flame. And I knew Jesus would conquer Rome. Yes, he would conquer the world someday.
But my testimony grows too long. I must bring it to a close. That afternoon the soldiers came. I thought they had come to carry me to prison or the brig. But evidently the Governor was deeply afraid of me. He did not want to see me or have me linger near. He ordered me conducted out of the province never to return. Gladly I went on my way. And everywhere I told what Jesus had done for me as I am telling you now. And everywhere there had been at least a few that believed in him. Praise his name!
Then came the news from Rome. That is why I am here now. They tell me Paul is to be killed to stop his witness. Nero may cut off that noble head but no man can stop his witness. Too many have received the power of the Holy Spirit coming upon them and they will witness to the uttermost part of the world. Nero will cut off Paul’s head today. His tongue will speak no more. I heard him speak long ago. He was the first to tell me of Jesus. His personal physician, Luke the beloved, wrote two books to me. I have them here.
When Paul’s voice is stopped I will open my mouth in the same place to witness of this same Jesus and I will publish these two books for all the world to see. Will you help me spread the news? Will you come out of the catacombs to the streets of Romeand the streets of every other city on earth to tell of Jesus?
But perhaps you too have your own god whom you think is your friend. Is your god like Diana, passed to you through your family? One you follow and worship but do not know why? Perhaps your god is like Mars self serving but not loving, leaving a hollowness within. Or maybe like Bacchus materialism worldly pleasures and treachery. You have no peace because of the deceitfulness, deception, and selfishness within.
This Jesus that Paul and Luke shared with me can also give unto you the peace, joy and love your soul longs for. What I have passed on to you can be yours!
Will you with your heart baptized with the Holy Spirit take my name as yours? I do not want it for myself alone. You too can be called,
Theophilus, The Friend of God! He wants to be your friend too! Won’t you come to him today? Won’t you come?
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