What wondrous Love?!


God, rich in mercy, So loved the world … He sent his only son …

What does ‘salvation’ really mean?

50 People in a room

express their hope for the Church’s help
to understand what that means for them;
help to know how to respond to that love
to understand more deeply what this means:
Ephesians 2:10 “For we are … created in Christ Jesus for good works, … , that we should walk in them.”
and this:
John 3:21 “But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.””

Some expressed thanks for what is being done; others were hopeful for new avenues

to acceptance, welcome, trust and empowerment to discover what are the works of God that I/we need to do in our communities and how to carry them out in God (cf, Eph 2:10)

Still others spoke about the pain they feel

when they encounter hostility, exclusion, rejection or isolation from the very community where they come to experience the richness of God’s mercy and the great love of God that did not withhold his only son from death, that we might live.

And all had ideas to help us together find

If we ask the meaning of the lofty words

in today’s readings —:
Whatever else they mean, they mean that whoever looks for the richness of God’s mercy and fulness of redemption must find it in God’s community, if it’s to be found anywhere.

Salvation/redemption mean

—at least in human terms, that we:
accept, cherish and help one another
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