Terms of Election

Romans  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Paul uses several terms in Romans 9 that he has already set the stage for throughout his writings. If we want to have a proper understanding of this chapter than we must first have a good understanding of these terms
The argument that Paul places and then defends is that all Israel is not Israel. (vs 6)
Israel was the “elected” chosen people of God through out all of Biblical history and now Paul must prove that God’s plan from the beginning was to bring in the gentile nations as his chosen people
God switching his election from Israel to the gentile nations is not a failure of God’s promises but a completion of God’s promises

Calling- God’s Gracious Choosing

2 Timothy 1:9 not according to works but his grace
1 Corinthians 1:17-31 God chooses the base and weak things
Romans 9:24 both Jews and Gentiles
Romans 4:17-18 Faith in God’s power to save the dead
God’s Calling reminds us that salvation is of the Lord
Paul has already made this clear throughout Romans that no one is deserving of salvation and any that come it is only because of God’s grace
Abraham was called not because he was somebody but that God’s regenerating power would be displayed for all to see
Not by flesh, not by law but by God’s power to save the most undeserving

Promise- God’s Open Invitation

Romans 4:13-25 Staggered not at the promise and had his faith imputed as righteousness
Ephesians 3:6 partakers of the promise in Christ
Faith is the entrance into the blessing of God
The promise is not according to flesh but according to faith or else the promise is empty
The promise is on what God will do not on what man can do

Purpose- God’s Eternal Plan

Ephesians 3:1-12 eternal purpose which he purposed
God always had a plan to bring in the gentiles
Israel was a tool in God’s hand to bring about this great plan
They were the messengers and the fathers
If Israel wanted to act like they deserved God’s favor because of their heritage they only need to look to Esau- he was deserving but that did not fit God’s plan
In God’s plan the elder serves the younger again pointing back to the calling
This purpose is seen in God’s words to Moses and God’s action in Pharaoh- that all the earth may know that he is God
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