Hope In Community: How the Church Can Defeat Disappointment (2)

Hope Fully  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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If we want to ensure that disappointment does not kill our joy, then we have to lean into community.

2 Corinthians 1:3–11 (ESV)
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.
If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer.
Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort.
For we do not want you to be unaware, brothers, of the affliction we experienced in Asia. For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself.
Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead.
He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again.
You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.

We are starting this new sermon series called “Hope Fully”

The Christian hope is more than mere optimism that says things will “hopefully” work out.
It is a sure hope…rooted in Christ... and so we “hope fully”

Any conversation about hope is pointless if it does not include a confrontation with disappointment.

Disappoint is kryptonite to hope

Just a little will make your hope weak
A big chunk will drain all of the power from your hope
Too much disappointment will kill your hope.

The text proposes a way to insulate our hope from the kryptonite of disappointment.

But, the proposal, I’m afraid, is at odds with our postmodern worldview
It repudiates our tendencies toward hyper-individualism
It requires that we link our lives in consequential ways to the lives of other people.
It asks us to trust somebody other than ourselves.

Paul uses the word “comfort” 10 times in the first 7 verses of 2 Corinthians

The root is the word used to describe the Holy Spirit
Literally means to come alongside and embrace (DEMONSTRATE)

The thing that guards our hope against disappointment is called relationship…it’s called fellowship…it’s called COMMUNITY.

Paul is writing to a disappointed church.

If you are familiar with the Corinthian epistles, you might be saying, Pastor Chris there are some other words that describe the Corinthians better than “disappointed”

Doctrinally Errant

Corinth was a Roman port city. Caesar had colonized the city with predominantly former slaves and soldiers.

With no fixed aristocracy, socially ambitious Corinthians could seize the opportunity to advance themselves. As a result, there was a great preoccupation with the symbols of social status and wealth.
For some people in Corinth the church was attractive as another forum to compete for status, wealth, influence, and honor.
After all, Paul had come to their city preaching a religion of surpassing glory and power, dominated by an eternal King. And there were false teachers in town fanning the flame of this false gospel.

They had given themselves over to a prosperity gospel. And now their hope was on the rocks.

They are disappointed with the progress of their lives
They are disappointed that the gospel had not made them rich and got rid of all their trouble.
They are falling behind socially, economically, and politically
Beloved, you will find yourself doing all kinds of evil when you begin to act out your disappointment rather acting out of hope.

Before Paul deals with their bad behavior, doctrinal error, and personal disrespect (all of which Paul does confront in this letter), he begins the letter by calling the church back to hope…he begins the letter by calling the church back to community.

4 Observations based on Paul’s exhortation to the Corinthians.
The title of the message today is: HOPE IN COMMUNITY: How the Church Can Defeat Disappointment

Community Helps Us Manage Our Expectation

Unmet expectations breed disappointment.
These Corinthians had an expectation that the gospel was going to make them rich and get rid of all their troubles.
They couldn’t understand “how is that we have all these prophets in the church, but nobody prophesied the storm that destroyed my crop.
We have all these gift of healing, but granddaddy still died

This is why Paul begins by identifying God as “The God of all comfort who comforts us in our affliction”

Jesus never promised that life after coming to faith would be a gravy train with biscuit wheels.

In fact, Jesus said “in this world you will have tribulation”
Every life goes through seasons of difficulty.

That is where community comes in.

How many people in this room got a raise, a promotion, an uptick in clients, or a better job in the last year?
…experienced a financial setback
…lost a loved one?
…made a friend.

Apostle Katie said something to me a few weeks ago that perfectly encapsulates the point. She said, “Life is everything all at once”.

Is life all good? No it is not.
Is life all bad? No it is not.
Every life goes through seasons…
Every story ebbs and flows…
Every journey had peaks and valleys…
And why it is so important to be a part of a fellowship
Fellowship literally means to share life
We have fellowship with Jesus, so we share His afflictions and we share His comfort.
We have fellowship with one another. We share each other’s trials and we share each other’s triumphs.

Community aligns our expectations because

when on the mountaintop of life, a brother or sister’s trial serves as a sobering reminder that life is not all mountaintops.
And when we are in the valley. The triumph that brother or sister is experiencing is a present encouragement that life is not all vallies.

Community Helps Us Avoid Isolation

Paul says something that sounds very weird to our postmodern ears: “we do not want you to be unaware…of the affliction we experienced in Asia.”
In today’s culture, we absolutely want you to be unaware of our affliction.

No matter how much of a dumpster fire my life is, I want you to think I have it all together.

People don’t post about their problems
How many people saw a church post about Easter Sunday, “Pray for our congregation. The sound system really stinks”.
“I got a shutoff notice today, yall. Pray that I still have electricity in my house tomorrow”

Isolation breads disappointment because Isolation makes us think we’re the only one.

No other couple is at other’s throat and contemplating divorce.
No person has made horrible financial decisions that have them in a bind.

The reality is that there are many people going through it and there are many people who have gone through it and got the victory.

Isolation says don’t allow anybody to see your test.
But, if nobody sees your test, nobody sees your when God turns your test into a testimony.

If the church is going to be a place of hope…if we are going to defeat the disappointment that grows in isolation, then the church has to be a place where it is safe to be visible, and vulnerable while we are in the process of getting the victory.

Community Brings Us Into Celebration

I love verse 10.

In the CBT (Chris Butler Translation) it would read

“He did it! He rescued us from sure destruction. And he’ll do it again, and again…as many times as we need to be rescued.”

We have to defend against isolation and wrong expectations. But, at some point, if we want to defeat disappointment, then we have to go on the offense.

And nothing destroys disappointment and builds hope like a good celebration.
The power of community is that this “HE DID IT” moment comes up a lot more often than it would if you were not in community.
I’m so glad Niesha shared her testimony today…you might still be in the process of your healing. But, you can still celebrate a “HE DID IT”
I love celebrating birthdays because you might be in the middle of a particularly difficult year. But every month, you can come to church and celebrate “HE DID IT” is saw somebody through another year of life.

See, “HE DID IT” says “HE DOES IT”

And because he does it, I can defeat disappointment in my life.
And because he does it, I can hold on to my hope.

Community Brings Us Into Intercession

Paul says you are helping us when you pray.

What’s wonderful about this exhortation in the context of the passage is that Paul has already established that because we are in fellowship, we share our victories.
When you help us, you are also helping yourself.

Prayer is another offensive weapon against disappointment that also builds hope.

Here’s a truth that you might not believe until you try it for yourself. But, you can build up your own hope by praying for somebody else.
It reminds me of that song…Don't you want somebody to love? Don't you need somebody to love? Wouldn't you love somebody to love? You better find somebody to love
I feel bad for people who don’t have anybody to pray for but themselves.

When you are not involved in intercession, you are trying to pass everything that God is doing through the prism of your personal life.

God is too big for that.
Don't you want somebody to pray for? Don't you need somebody to pray for?Wouldn't you love somebody to pray for? You better find somebody to pray for…

When I was in school, I was a good student. I took my grades seriously, I studied and did all that.

And because I took my grades so seriously, I hated when the teacher assigned a group project.

I did not like the idea that other people’s work ethic and work product would impact my grade.
I didn’t want to carry a group of lazy kids.
But, I didn’t want their laziness to pull down my grade.

But, there was a reason my teachers would assign those group projects

Real life requires communication, teamwork, and collaboration.
My teachers didn’t want me to do all of the work for the group or just sit back and allow my grades to suffer. The goal was for us to figure it out together.

And I believe that the exhortation from Paul in 2 Corinthians chapter 1 is simply this: HOPE IS A GROUP PROJECT

None of us can keep our HOPE FULL alone. We have to do it together.
The way we defeat disappointment is to build genuine community.
Where we share our stories and bear one another’s burdens.
Eat together and weep together. Celebrate together and pray for another.

So, how are we to respond to this message? My recommendation: Take a step deeper into community

Find a way to come alongside somebody...
Maybe don’t rush the after-church conversation today, but be present…listen…share.
Maybe Invite somebody over
Maybe Accept an invitation you’ve been rejecting.

This is not just “community” we are talking about, but Christian Community.

Christ is at the center of this community because Christ is at the center of our individual lives
You have never made Jesus the center of your life…
Not Christian
Not a disciple of Jesus
You can become a disciple today. You can become a Christian today.

Maybe your step deeper into community is commit to a local fellowship of the church. And you want to make this congregation your home congregation.

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