Philippians 1:1-11

Philippians (Jr High)  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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“What Really Matters”

What do we know about Philippians?
—Author is the Apostle Paul
—This letter is known as a prison Epistle
a) The primary purpose that Paul had in mind when he wrote this epistle seems to have been pastoral: to reassure and encourage the Philippians.
b) Epaphroditus, whom they had sent with a gift for Paul and to minister to his needs in prison, had recovered from a serious illness and was about to return to Philippi. Paul built up Epaphroditus in the eyes of his readers (2:25-30), which suggests that they may not have appreciated him adequately for some reason.
c) Other reasons for sending this letter include Paul's desire to explain his present circumstances (1:12-26),
d) To announce Timothy's anticipated visit (2:19),
e) To express thanks for the Philippians' gift to Paul in prison (4:10-14), and to encourage a spirit of joyfulness

1. (V1) Paul and Timothy a slave or servant of Christ Jesus

a) They understand their purpose as a Christian, which is to serve Christ, not self

2. (V7) Special favor of God both in my imprisonment and defending and confirming the Good News

a) Attitude is everything
Paul recognizes there is favor in suffering because in his suffering he identifies with Christ
Rejoice in your suffering, don’t feel sorry for yourself

3. (V9) Pray your love, knowledge, and understanding will continue to grow

a) Understand what really matters in life
Growth in love, knowledge, and understanding
b) Live a pure and blameless lives until Christ returns

4. (V11) Filled with the fruit of your salvation

a) Righteous character produced in life is the evidence you are saved
Fruit of your salvation or evidence that you are truly saved:
The other day I was speaking to someone and they were describing the actions of a relative, which was really bad behavior
—They asked me to pray and I asked if the person was a believer and they got really offended and asked why I would ask that question
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