Sing to the Lord a New Song!

The Psalms: Songs of Faith for the People of God  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Psalm 96

Why Do We Sing?

Singing is the soul’s response to its creator

When there is joy, singing follows naturally.
Christians have always been a singing people. They can't help but sing praises to God; for he is a great God, he has redeemed them from their sin, and they are looking forward to being with him and seeing him when they die.

Singing Engages the whole person in worship.

Singing joins the mind, body, and spirit - all necessary for worship
Singing without the body - weak and ineffective
Singing without the mind, confusing and misguided, driven by passion and flesh
Singing without the spirit - cold and impersonal

We Sing because we are commanded to

The imperatives of Psalm 96 - Sing. Tell. Declare. Ascribe. Bring an offering. Worship. Tremble.

What Do We Sing?

We Sing of God’s Salvation

Psalm 96 - tell of his salvation, sing of his marvelous acts
The Mighty acts of God in the OT
Moses sang when they crossed the Red Sea
Through the Judges there are song of victory
This Psalm, adapted from 1 Chronicles 16:23-33, when David brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, David sang before this the Lord.
Reading/Singing the Psalm with Christ
Singing of Christ, his deliverance through his death and resurrection, our praises to him
Singing of Christ’s victory over sin, death, even over our old self - our singing preaches the gospel.
This is the new song of the Psalms, it is the new song of Revelation
New Song - not about a new composition, but telling of the new work of God for our deliverance
Rev 5:9 And they sang a new song, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and open its seals -

We Sing of God’s Reign

There is an evangelical component to our worship.
Tell the nations, the peoples, that all the earth may rejoice, calling the nations to know and worship God.
You have a song for the world to hear.
Proclaiming God’s glory among the nations -
Our God is over all the gods of the peoples - the only one worthy of worship and praise
The worthlessness of idols, they are nothing
Elohim (stregnth) vs Elilim (worthless)
He is creator; glory, splendor, strength are before him
The Lord reigns - the earth is established - it shall never be moved… when is seems like the world is falling apart.
The eclipse - not cause for panic, that the world is coming to an end, but of the wisdom, power, and beauty of God’s creation
Climate change, economies, world powers - all seen from our perspective can be frightening, but we are reminded that He who made all things, holds all things in his hands, and works all things to his glory.
Therefore creation may rejoice…
Our God is coming to judge in righteousness and faithfulness.
Because of this, creation rejoices - Romans 8, all creation awaits the revealing of the sons of God
He will judge the people, setting all things aright.
Isa 11: He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, with the breath of his lips he shall kill the wicked - the Word, Jesus Christ, is the coming judge.

Singing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs

Sing Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs Eph 5:19

What are the hymns and spiritual songs
Hymns - Greeks sang hymns, poems about their gods
The earliest Christians would have composed hymns to honor Christ, to exalt God
Hymns in the NT: Philippians 2:5-11, 1 Timothy 3:16, Colossians 1
Spiritual Songs - joyful and devotional expression of the spiritual life - retelling the grace, mercies, and miracles of God from the singer's point of view
Singing the Psalms
Some argue for exclusive psalmody. Some, either by choice or simple neglect, avoid the psalms all together
Let us commit to singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs - singing God’s Word back to him in praise and adoration

Singing of Salvation and Glory

Do the songs we sing proclaim the glory of God, the salvation he gives in Jesus Christ, His coming glory and judgment -
Much of what passes as “worship music” these days is anemic, and misguided at best, some is outright intentional, and unbiblical error.
Hillsong, Bethel, much of CCM - looking and sounding like the rest of the world in worship
“You didn’t want heaven without me…”
Zeph 3:17 - God sings over us - God was not lacking until he saved us. Piper, God’s delight in us is the overflow of his fullness, not the compensation of his emptiness.
Like a rose, trampled on the ground, you took the fall, and thought of me, above all…
Not true, Jesus did it to show the glory of our God, he did it for the joy set before him
Look back to the Psalm - the Lord, the Lord, His glory - how much of the self is in this hymn?
It’s not just new music - some of what’s in our hymnal
God of Grace and God of Glory - Fosdick’s humanism
Let us commit that all we do, not just our singing, but especially our singing, be rooted in God’s Word

Singing the New Song

We need the Spirit to teach us the song we sang when we first believed, for we’ve forgotten the joy, the praise, the love that filled us - not so much about the music, but the heart. You cannot sing a new song without a new heart - Rev 14:3, the new song is only for those who are redeemed
Again, the new song isn’t so much about the song, but the work of God in Christ, and the new heart that sings it - hearts made new by his grace.
Let us seek God’s grace, that with new hearts we may sing His glory.
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