Message to Graduates

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Congratulations, you have finally made it!
Now that you have finished High School you are entering a huge transition period in your life in that a "transfer of ownership" will take place for most of you.
In college. . .
No one will force you to go to class.
No one will force you to study.
No one will hold you accountable to even wake up…for those moving away from home, no one will make you wash your clothes, cook, or other things.
You will now have much more ownership and responsibility.
I have mentioned a lot of things you will now need to "own" but one of the most important pieces of your life you must take ownership as you embark on this new journey is YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE.
A frequent statement that is often given to students and directly applies to your lives right now is, "In everyone's life there is a point where the little boy or girl chooses to sit down and the man or woman chooses to stand up."
Ultimately, your understanding of the Gospel is the single greatest influence on what your life will be like during your college years and into the future….So, in your faith, it is time for the little boy or girl to sit down and the man or woman to stand up.
It is time for you to truly own your faith.
Whether you are entering college, going into the military, or preparing to enter the work force, the next few years will be equally exciting and challenging.
If your faith has not been tested yet, I promise it will be in these next few years.
Therefore, I want to offer six encouragements and six things to be prepared for as you enter this new stage of life…

Six Encouragements

1. Trust in Christ, Not Your Feelings.

You will have plenty of times when you don’t feel like going to church, reading your Bible, or praying.
To say, “God, I cannot trust you unless I feel this or that,” you will in effect, be saying, “I can trust my own feelings, but I cannot trust God.”

2. Trust in Christ, Not The Opinions Of Others.

You don’t have to have your whole life figured out right now.
My life example.
Many people will tell you who you are and what you should do. You will also let many people down. . . but know you cannot please everyone!
Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Your identity, belonging, and purpose are bound up in being made in God’s image and for his glory. . . and if you have repented and placed your faith in Jesus for your salvation, you are a child of God.
Whatever you do, seek to enjoy and glorify God with your life.
Don’t forget you are the son or daughter of your parents.
They love you.
Don’t forget about them. Instead, honor them, respect them, and keep in touch with them. . . especially if you are moving away.

3. Trust Christ by Clinging to His Word and Walking by the Spirit.

His Word is Life.
Preach the gospel to yourself every day.
Trusting Christ will help you love others like he did. It will allow you to walk in the Spirit and not carry out the desires of the flesh.

4. Love Christ AND HIS Body by Investing your Life in the Local Church.

The most important decision you will make this year is if you will go to church that first Sunday when you are on your won and no one is forcing you to go.
Campus ministries are great but don’t let them substitute for the local church.
Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 18).
If you want to follow Jesus, you will prioritize involvement in the local church.
J.I. Packer said. . . “An unchurched Christian is a grotesque anomaly. The New Testament knows nothing of such a person. For the church lies at the very center of the eternal purpose of God. It is not a divine afterthought.”

5. Trusting in Christ Sets You Free.

Proclaim the Gospel and Call for Response!

6. Confess and Repent When Your Life Reveals You are Not Trusting in Christ.

1 John 1:9 ESV
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Six Situations to be Prepared For.

Be Ready to Answer:
What does it mean to be a Christian?
Why are you a Christian?
How can a God of love allow so much suffering and evil?
How will you respond when:
You have to stand up for Jesus in a conversation or in your actions?
You sin and someone calls you a hypocrite?
A professor attempts to deconstruct your faith?
At the end of the day, know that Jesus has the power to keep you from stumbling (Jude 24). . . therefore, trust and rest in him.

Ways to Stay Involved at Westwood.

Sunday Mornings:
Adult Bible Study at 9am.
Corporate Worship at 10am.
Sunday Evenings:
College LifeGroup at the Mattson’s
Discipleship Groups.
Ways to Serve:
Investing in MS and HS Students during retreats, events, Summer Camp.
Leading in Kid’s Connection.
First Impressions.
Other opportunities.
Stay Connected with me!
Dates to Remember:
Saturday, August 17th:
Back to School College Hangout at the Pavillion.
Friday, December 13th:
Student Ministry Reunion at Slay’s House.
CrossCon 2025 in Louisville, KY
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