Ascension 1 (2024)

Ascension   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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We are in the Octave of Ascension. We celebrate that a major promise the resurrection. Jesus goes to sit at the right hand of God. We will follow him there.
Ascension is this kind of waiting room between the last the disciples see of the Bodily Christ, and the coming of the HS. When the Spirit arrives the church then springs into action to fulfill the great commission, and the phrase from the prayer, thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
These things have all taken place in history and we are not literally in that space but we remember that space and use this time to prepare for the spirit-filled world of growing God's church. Be mindful of the scriptures, fast to be mindful of your affections. Also be prepared for a season of missional church life.
Our text today talks about what the Spirit’s roll is and why it is important to be Spirit-filled.
[26] “But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.
So Jesus who is God in the flesh, a full revelation of the Character of God, is going to return to the father, leaving the disciples behind…be here we have the promise that in his place God will send the Holy Spirit who will continue that work of revealing God to the people. HE will bear witness about me
[27] And you also will bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning.
Alongside the witness of the Holy Spirit we will have the apostolic witness, we have the words and experiences and authority of one holy catholic and apostolic movement. Their authority passes down through the ages, through the episcopacy and we now have Both things, the Holy Spirit to Guide us and the Church to teach us.
John 16:1–4[1] “I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away.
Jesus now gives us a why statement. To keep us from falling away. The connection to the Holy Spirit and the connection to the church are essential to the life of the Christian in staying connected to the Jesus and Not falling away
A few thoughts on Perserverance.
[2] They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.
Why is Jesus suddenly worried about our falling away. He is worried because the world will try and pull people from Jesus. In the Gospel of John, John has a specific meaning for the word world, (Greek Cosmos). He means a world in active rebellion to God, think of the word worldly, So in John 3:16 that is not sentimental use, it is a God loving his active enemies. The kind that shun his people the kind that kill his people and imagine they offer service to God. Jesus does not want us to fall away in light of these moments.
[3] And they will do these things because they have not known the Father, nor me.
Jesus is an exclusive revelation of God the father. People who want God but not Jesus are fulling themselves. We can not celebrate a general theism and think people are getting close enough. You do now know the father if you do not know the son.
[4] But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told them to you. “I did not say these things to you from the beginning, because I was with you. (ESV)
Jesus knows he time to leave has come. So he is giving these all-important last instructions.
So if these are the warnings of Christ to his disciples, how then shall we live?
Well I would say there is a special urgency of Jesus here…remember that Jesus connects us to the everlasting life of God, and in our natural state, that is without Jesus we move towards everlasting Death. So Jesus is explaining how to stay connected to everlasting life, heaven instead of Hell. So let’s pay special attention. The witness of the Spirit and the witness of the disciples,
First the Spirit: As we saw today we as Anglicans along with the early church and our High church brothers believe the Holy Spirit to come to us in a special and saving way in Baptism. Baptism is essential to the Christian life for what it provides. Second, the Holy Spirit stood behind the Writers of the Holy Bible to bring about the inspiration to write what they write. We must be connected as much as possible to the Holy Scriptures. BCP Bible set to prayer
Second the witness of the disciples: The disciples steward for us the authority and work fo the church. To be here this morning or with any gathering of faithful Christ worshipers is to be among the apostolic witness. If we see what Jesus is getting at, and why its important we see why it is paramount to get up on Sundays for services held at other times (IE Saturday nite mass). And by the way if you are looking for the way to start an attachment to a church that is one Holy Catholic and Apostolic…Baptism again…what we did this morning fulfills so much of the witness of Christ in scripture.
Finally, look to him who was killed on our behalf. Jesus did not fall away. And those who killed him thought they were offering a service onto God. He faithfully lived out what he requires of us, so that when we fail his righteousness can be put on us. The everlasting death that awaits those separated from Christ was put on his shoulders, so that those who turn to him may have everlasting life. So we remember that sacrifice and are strengthened by that sacrifice here at this table by taking that sacrifice into ourselves. We take the bread and wine now united to the Body and Blood by the Spirit. So that we can have the strength to persevere. All are welcome… won't you come.
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