March 27, 2016

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We are going to begin our sermon time this morning and we're going to begin with a scripture reading. So I've got three scripture readers are going to help me out here is one of them Cindy's the other and we're reading Luke chapter 24. It's a large portion of scripture Cindy's going to start and then I'll need and then Aaron but listen attentively, this is the Easter story. This is what we celebrate.

Luke 24:1 through 12 on the first day of the week very early in the morning the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb they found the stone rolled away from the team, but when they entered they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus while they were wondering about this suddenly too many clothes that gleams like Lightnings to decide them and their fry the women bad down to their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, why do you look for the living among the dead he is not here. He is. Risen. Remember how he told you while he was still with you and Galilee the son of man must be delivered over to the hands of Sinners be crucified and on the third day raised again, then they remember the words when they came back from the they told all these things to the 11 and to all the others. It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna Mary the mother of James and the others with them who told this to the apostles. But they did not believe the women because their words seemed to them like nonsense Peter. However, got up and ran to the tomb bending over he saw the strips of linen Lying by themselves and he went away wondering to himself what it happened.

Luke continues now that same day two of them we're going to a village called Emmaus about 7 miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that happened as they talk and discuss these things with each other. Jesus himself came up and walk along with them, but they were kept from recognizing him as you walk along. They stood still their faces Down cast one of them named cleopas ask. Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days about Jesus of Nazareth. They replied he was a prophet powerful in word and deed before God and all the people the chief priest at our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death and they crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more it is the third day since all this took place in addition. Some of her women amazed us. They went to the tomb early this morning, but didn't find as they came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels who said he was alive then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but they did not see Jesus. He said to them how foolish are you and how slow to believe all that? The prophets have spoken did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory and beginning with Moses and all the prophecy explain to them. What was said and all the scriptures concerning himself as they approached the village which they were going Jesus continued on as if he was going father. They are nearly evening. The day is almost over so he went in to stay with them and when he was at the table with them, he took bread gave thanks broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were o Friend and I recognized him and he disappeared from their site. They ask each other. We're not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the scriptures to us like it wants to Jerusalem there. They found the 11:00 and those with them assemble together and saying it is true. The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon then the two told what it happened on their way and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread.

Well, they were still talking about this Jesus himself stood among them and said to them peace be with you. They were startled and frightened thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them. Why are you troubled and why do doubts rise in your mind? Look at my hands and my feet it is I myself touch me and see a ghost does not have Flesh and Bones as you see I have When he had said this he showed them his hands and feet and while I still did not believe it because of joy in amazement. He asked them. Do you have anything here to eat? They gave him a piece of broiled fish. He took it and ate it in their presence. He said to them this is what I told you while I was still with you. Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the law of Moses the prophets and the Psalms then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures. He told him this is what is written the Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and repentance for the Forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to All Nations beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. I'm going to send you what my father has promised. But stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high. When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them while he was blessing them. He left them and was taken up into heaven then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and they stay continually at the temple praising God.

I've shared with you before I think that I had a professor in my undergrad class. One of my preaching professor's name Doug Dickey but not the sports Doug Dickey my preaching professor in California and he always used to say to us again. And again as we were challenged by the sermons, we breed send the transcript we gave to him make sure there's good news as matter fact, if you preach the sermon or handed in a transcript of the sermon and there wasn't good news in it. He would put a big red f on it and circle it but he was gracious. He always let you rewrite it and resubmit it in order to get an A on that assignment but it was essential it was mandatory to him that good news bee in every sermon because we were New Testament preachers. We were gospel preachers and the gospel is good news. Now in some ways you think why did he have to do that? I mean, he's got a classroom full of aspiring preacher. Why did he need almost every week have to say to one of us that sermon didn't have any gospel in it. That sermon didn't have any good news in it here. You can have to rewrite that. Why did I have to warn us and challenge us and call us and teach us again and again to remember the good news. I think it's because I'm part our human nature kind of gravitates toward bad news, even if there is good news. We find a way to orchestrate bad news. Even look at the media good news is no news. Right good news doesn't make the news. It doesn't make the stores. They gravitate toward the bad news that all of us feed that cycle by being amazed and enthralled by the bad news and that's kind of our own nature Even in our own spiritual life. We tend to think that way Jesus in Matthew 23 said about the Pharisees and the religious leaders of the day. He said they tie up heavy cumbersome loads and put them on other people's shoulders but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them in that passage and one little phrase. Jesus is kind of characterizing I think that Tennessee and human nature to gravitate toward bad news and the Pharisees model that they created this list and this system that they use again again, you got to keep all these rules or you're not going to be right with God and they lay this burden on others still that there was no good news in their mouth. There is no gospel in their message. The message was you've got 613 things. You better get right or you're in trouble with God and so we will have this constant sense of anxiety have I done things right have I washed my hands right then I get exactly 1/10 of that spice divided. Right and I was a kind of think the Pharisees would say to Jesus and his disciples to pay you're not following the rules. We got rules here play. I saw them pick up and rain and rub their hands together and eat that drink that's work. They broke the Sabbath they were so obsessed with these rules and that's where the approach that it became bad news. I'm leaving today a part of human nature both in the church and outside the church both in religion and outside of religion can gravitate toward that rule keeping that makes all of life of spiritual life everything about keeping rules. Just right and you end up squeezing any good news out of your life or out of the path you're on at all. And I think like my professor challenged me. We need to be challenged and reminded to focus on the good news on the gospel itself. Jesus said for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. He said what I've come to preach. What I've come to teach is about a bird that's easy and about a joke. That's like it wasn't this bad news. It wasn't here's all these rules that maybe you can figure out how to keep sand cross your fingers and hope that you make it into heaven in some sort of vague. We supposed and instead. He said I came to give you something that you can carry. I came to give you something that's light and easy an entirely different approach Jesus contracted himself with those who are obsessed with real keeping. But sometimes we possibly think that's right real keeping so good. And so we just drive over to the other side of the ditch and we say I'm going to live life without any rules whatsoever my bike rules in themself or bad. I'm just going to say nothing matters or I'm going to say I am the measure of right and wrong for myself. No one can judge me. No one can tell me what to do. Just make my own decisions until it's completely up to me. And that's a depressing unsatisfying way to live to it sucks all the joy out of your life. Because if you honestly reflect on the fact that if you've made yourself the standard of all right and wrong you're saying there's nothing greater in the universe than me. Now I don't know about you, but I know myself well enough to know that that's a depressing conclusion to come to that the highest standard in the universe is my own personal standard that I'm the one who discerned what's labeled good or bad right or wrong. That's a very discouraging way to live life and it sucks any sort of goodness any sort of joy out of my life. And it also won't work the same way keeping. The rules doesn't work. But did you end up breaking them and you have this burden on your shoulders this anxiety that I keep it real know. I broke it off when you try to live life without any rules. It's in the same way unlivable because even your own conscience tells you that there's rules even though we like the idea of staying in a fancy way call let's just you know why we have to have so many rules. You know, why you have to be a fuddy-duddy. You know, let's just say it's good we can get along everybody just love each other and everything is good. We can't really live life that way because we know when things happen we know some things are wrong when a spouse leaves us. And the band is their responsibility and abandons their children. We don't say oh, well, that's not wrong. That's just no big deal. They were just doing what they felt was right for them sweat when a boss embezzled money from all of his employees and leaves a company bankrupt and no one with the retirements. None of us they call. Well, that's no big deal. You'll he just did what was right for him? You know what it may not be true for me, but I guess it was true for him that he wanted to take all that money that we really can't live out a world you that says there are no rules there is no right and wrong because it bumps up against reality. We know when when certain things happen when a child is abused or neglected. We know in our hearts and our souls hates that's wrong that needs to be stopped. We understand that until probably would talk about this truth and Romans. He says even though he's outside religion outside the king of the show that what the law requires that sense of right and wrong is written on their hearts. The way their minds judge them and give witness to that fact, sometimes their thoughts find them guilty at other times their thoughts find them not guilty. The human conscience still has that stamp of God's presence. We know that there's a right and wrong and so while we get it wrong when we just Embrace rules as the ultimate source of our Salvation because we're replacing god with our own desire to manage right and wrong in our lives for equally wrong when we have banned in God or rules or right and wrong altogether. I just realized I'm shifting from side to side and I made you guys the ones that abandoned God in all the world. That's not true. It could be it's probably just certain ones in each section on Don't misinterpret my movement. I'm just trying to get my steps up on my Fitbit. So We can go into either extreme week. We can Embrace rules to the point of making them our God instead of God himself or we can abandon rules and make ourselves the ultimate judge in a level in such a way that we really can't live that out. And Paul even knows that somebody's got a phone here. You know what? It's not mine, but I know whose it is. The timer is done. I don't know how to do this, right? I wonder who that was. It's about time. It's me for change. Right usually somebody else. It is not my phone, but it's my fault. So I take full responsibility. Somebody's phone that I borrowed him. I'm going to go. So it is why we we we we make the mistake of going to one extreme or the other instead of Landing in an understanding that lines up with reality of who we are and what we aspire to Tim Keller and his book Prodigal God recovering the heart of the Christian Faith said this about the story of The Prodigal Son Luke 15. He said the reality is neither Sun loved the father for himself. They both were using the father for their own self centered in rather than loving enjoying and serving him for his own sake This means that you can repel against God and be alienated from him either by breaking his rules or by keeping all of them diligently. Do you see the logic of that that you can go to either extreme and be obsessed with rules and it's really a way of pushing God out of your life and you're making your ability to know and understand and keep rules your salvation and almost has nothing to do with God. You become lactose Pharisees, but you can also reject God by taking no rules into account by by taking no sense of right and wrong and saying my eye my own judge. I will make my own way my own path and we know that that doesn't work because we see Injustice in the world are heart reacts to it. We know there's a right and wrong and we aspire to be on the side of right and we aspire to make wrongs right when we see Injustice. So I think my professor was wiser than we gave him credit for at the time because he consistently want to say to us you've got to remember the good news and not drink coffee. This bad news of rules that you can never actually keep or abandon the rules that won't work in life that will leave you not reacting to Injustice or unable to deal with that. Jesus said in one of Parables right at one of the gospels right after performing a miracle and the disciples are still going. Well. I'm not sure I understand right after he fed the 5000. He said do you have eyes and still don't see you. Do you have ears and still don't hear I mean he's saying to them and the Messiah I'm God in your presents this anxiety you have about how we going to feed these people or what's going to happen next for all the Pharisees are against you if you're not getting it are you Don't you remember how much food was left over don't you realize that Miracles are happy that God is working but all the things that overwhelm you with her at your own sin or anxiety or the Injustice of the world in the ability to make a difference. But those things can be placed in God's hands and you have a power beyond yourself that when you choose a life. That's just about yourself with her choosing to keep all the rules of your own accord or choosing to reject them. If you're on a course, you're still choosing a life without God. As challenging us to see the good news and the good news is displayed in what we were at earlier Easter is the ultimate proclamation of the good news. The resurrection is really life-changing good news. That's what I want you to know this morning that the resurrection is really and I mean real in a tangible way. It is really life-changing good news. If we have eyes to see and ears to hear and understand exactly what happened on that morning. I mean the resurrection really happened there. Is there a professor is that teaching classrooms at all fit was just some sort of myth or some sort of vision. There is not a single honest historian. That would say that the gospels resemble myth creation tour stories that are just made up. They don't any good historian worth his salt who's honest about the nature of the gospels would have to say the reality is they are written as history. They Bear all the earmarks of authenticity. They are not these visions that the disciples made up or that they dreamed up hundreds all that. You can't coordinate hundreds of Dreams one person might have a dream, but you can't coordinator. With a massive crowd and even the very nature of the stories themselves. When did the fact that Jesus says? Hey give me something to eat and he eats it with them. That's not some sort of symbolic message saying all wrong one and we all fantasizer believe that somehow you resurrected. It's Jesus saying, it's me. I'm here. I'm real in case you're tempted even to his own disciples and taste and texture tempted to rub your eyes and say are we seeing thing is this some supervision still says come and touch the holes in my hands bring me something to eat and he eats with his disciples to say it is me. I am here. This is a physical Resurrection. This is real what you're saying is true and that message continues to go out not only from the women who arrived at the tomb but those on the road to Emmaus to the disciples in the upper room 202 other others in other passages again, and again Jesus appears and it demonstrates the reality of his resurrection the fact that I'm sure this before but the fact that the first Witnesses of the Resurrection or reported as women his testimony Credibility the gospel is in the Jewish and the Roman culture women were considered unworthy Witnesses. They weren't allowed to testify in court. And so no one orchestrating or making up the stories of the Resurrection would have ever made the first Witnesses of the Resurrection women. They would have never done that if it was a created or fabricated or myth that they were putting together to create a religion that they would have never in their right mind ever made women the first Witnesses, they made women the first Witnesses for one reason, you know, why that's what happened. That's what happened this amazing event happens when the rosary happens if you don't stop to think about how are we going to change this earthquake this serious a holy cow he was dead and now he's alive what happens if you put your fingers right here. Play tell it like it is because it's an overwhelming Advance. They tell the truth in the gospels are full about historical reality that they were overwhelmed by the real event of the Resurrection that Christ came through literature the names that are given to this is not told from some sort of narrative perspective most miss or toll from somebody outside the story who tells it from out. This is told with names with concrete names and it was from the perspectives of those who witnessed the event. Resurrection happened It's a sure as the death of Christ that three days later. He resurrected even the fact has our passage. It was red ended with them worshiping him testifies again to the reality of the Resurrection because Jewish and Hebrew culture had such a reverence for God that they weren't even allowed to write the name of God. They would start a letter and then just kind of skip over Little Dashie move on they weren't it was so holy so sacred and the idea in the Jewish and Hebrew mindset that a human being could be attributed with divinity that Jesus would I saw a walk among them in the flesh could be considered God was completely against everything that they've ever learned or been taught their entire life. And the only thing that will call somebody to turn that 182 give up everything that they were taught and convinced of his the reality of the Resurrection. It was only because they saw Christ who was resurrected and walking among them that they changed everything and that passage ends with them worshiping him. What are my favorite descriptions about the early church from a rider outside? The church are Roman Governor talks about the Christians and he means it in a derogatory way. I see it as a compliment. He says yeah among other things they gather early in the morning and I sing songs to Christ as to a god. That's a high compliment in my mind. They worshipped him because the resurrection was a reality. The early church within the lifetime of eye witnesses to the resurrection was preached as fact nowhere in the early scriptures or any of the literature outside the New Testament. Do you find anyone suggesting that it was a myth or it was made up you find everyone defending the fact that the body was gone that they can't find you. So maybe they stole the body which is implication of testimony that the body wasn't there that it wasn't some sort of all day just made up this door this like we can't find the body wrong can't find the body the powers-that-be can't find it again. And again during the lifetime of those who were Witnesses. It was preached as fact that Jesus resurrected and we don't have a record of anyone's. I know I was there. And it didn't happen that way. I said people are reacting to the reality of the Resurrection when they're criticizing for sanity and trying to refute it. They're not arguing that it didn't happen because it did. And their witnesses to testify to a Salinas. Well, it doesn't mean what you think it means but no one says oh I was there and he didn't resurrect we found the body. It took us you don't tuck US 60 days or 90 days or 6 months. We've never find that in history. The reality is the resurrection is a historical event.

The resurrection was and is life-changing. You can look there's a whole new understanding of the Bible that shifts in the moment of the Resurrection Rabbi Saul who becomes Paul is a prime example of that again as a Jewish leader taught to understand scripture a certain way. He could have never got his mind around the fact that this man resurrected that this this Man From Galilee from Nazareth was the Messiah it was he was persecuting the church because his understanding is a Jewish man as a faithful follower the Hebrew religion. What's this can't be true. And so these Christians this new sex need to be killed and so we went and got permission so that he could persecute the church and killed for blasphemy. And then guess what happened to Paul? the resurrected Christ appeared to him and everything changed everything changed his whole life changed his mind is hard his thoughts turned completely around and suddenly the way he saw all the scripture turn completely around. Could it be from the very beginning that God was planning this could this Jesus be the suffering servant that Isaiah prophesied about the one who would bear our sins who it would take the lashes for us. Could this be the lamb that John Lewis the prophets the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the works good Jesus and the church be the one to whom God the father bless all the nations what he promised to Abraham's family lights are coming on again. And again, we could put all of scripture changes for Paul and his whole life changes and he goes from being a persecutor of Christians to the most violent creature of the resurrection. And that's why with great Passion. Paul says, the resurrection is the most important thing in all of scripture. Abacus Christ was raised from the dead than everything changes in his life changed completely even Steven and act Seven Seas a glimpse of that men a narrative or they confront him about his preaching he goes back cuz you don't understand all of this was what God was doing from the beginning and you're standing against the gods work now just the way our ancestors did when they ran profits off he comes up to that moment and tells us that God is the one working in this moment shows them that Christ is the work of God and within 300 years. The Roman culture is completely transformed completely transformed within 300 years because of the early church this stack this group of 12 Days of Our Lives. You don't give your life up for something that you know is not true. You only give your life up or something when you said I looked I saw him he resurrected you can slay me. That's the truth. There's nothing I can do about it that's reality. They gave their lives up to spread the amazing message that Christ who preached about God. The goodness in God's forgiveness went into the grave bearing our sins and came out of the Grave 3 Days Later alive to say everything. I taught you everything I said is true. The resurrection is good news, and that's what we got to keep in our heart and place in her heart this morning. It moves us from unknown to known after life before the resurrection there weren't stories like this there weren't really just like this there wasn't someone preaching about an afterlife in this sort of clear white. It was this big sort of well, I sort of Hope and I think it's some sort of Grey area. Maybe you go and if you behave a certain level good you get a certain level here, but there was never a confidence about it and Christ comes as one who went into the grave and came back out of the grave and says I can tell you exactly what the after life is like. Because I've gone and I've returned I can tell you with certainty that you can trust the goodness of God the Father even as your life leaves you and as you trust in him, you will be resurrected to New Life. So the resurrection proclaims the good news that our understanding of the afterlife goes from being unknown to this known we know there's more than that. She goes from a general sense of the afterlife to a personal sense of the afterlife many philosophers would speculate will I suppose there's some sort of afterlife but who knows and it's just maybe or maybe Hinduism or Buddhism. We just all kind of dissolve into the universal whatever. Look for the reason we know Christianity is true because it speaks to the realities that we know where truth in our own hearts and Minds because you and I know that the most treasured thing in our lives during this lifetime is our loved ones right friends family children grandchildren. I don't want to beg afterlife that says the meat Will Robie I suppose there's some afterlife and maybe you'll be known maybe it won't be no. Maybe you'll be yourself baby won't be yourself. Maybe your kids will recognize you. Maybe they want Christ comes and says, here's what it's like. Hey guys, I'm back from the dead. It's me and they recognize it. Hey, it's Jesus and he says don't know why that I've got a real physical body. Somebody give me some fish. I'd like to eat some fish and it's this glorified and restored body is the body for us. It'll be the body. We always wanted but maybe never had during this lifetime. It'll it'll be this reality where we will be recognized for ourselves. Our children will know us we will know them we will know our friends and family and loved ones we will We ourselves. The afterlife is this glorious personal thing in Christianity not this vague kind of dissolving into the universal whole but is this thing that fulfills what we know to be rich and glorious here on here now love in our marriage is love to our children. It'll be the Fulfillment of that at a level. That's perfect and Grand and not marred by our own sins and inconsistency. It'll be this glorious thing because of the Resurrection we moved from wishful thinking to certainty because we know colossian says that Christ paid the price for our sins on the cross and it says that debt was paid in full paid in full and so if we trust in the good news of Jesus death and Resurrection than everything that would keep us from this glorious afterlife everything that would keep us from knowing that grand X with one another and with God. The father has been eliminated has been removed the sin that would keep us has been paid for if we Trust in Christ, then we can have certainty about the afterlife about our own afterlife. Do you understand that? Because the reality that Christ has paid the price is indisputable. The reality of his death is indisputable the reality that he met the requirements for sending be paid for and then he resurrected from the grave. Those are historical facts. The question isn't about the history of the resurrection of Christ. That's the question is whether you will trust him for your salvation. That's the question. That's the unknown. We know that Christ lived. We know that he died and took our sins upon him and we know that he resurrected. And the good news is not only what I said, but it moves us from Fear to trust in terms of the afterlife. It moves us toward trusting God. That's the question. Will you trust God will you trust the work of Christ on the cross? Will you dress the passage of scripture that we heard had read this morning that Christ is resurrected. The disciples saw it that they saw it so fully and so really that is Jewish men, they fell down and they worshipped Jesus Christ as the one from God as the one who resurrected and it's fantastic news. If you say yes, it's fantastic news. Party, what happens on Easters? We change our worldview we can approach god without fear and I'm going to buy the worship team to come forward we can approach god without fear and we can love and serve others without an agenda. If we trust price for our Salvation if we trust what God did on the cross through Christ and we trust in the reality of the Resurrection to the first implications and there are many for our life is that we can approach god without fear Hebrews 4:16 talks about this. It talks about Jesus being our high priest and because of the work he accomplished Hebrews 4:16 says we can approach the throne of God with boldness knowing we're going to receive the help that we need and then a fantastic thought it said listen strip from your mind and your thoughts and Eli the adversary has planted there that says you can't approach a guy unless you grovel and you're full of fear. And you constantly say what other people are good enough, but I'm not sure that's a y Christ paved the way and if you trust in him, you can approach god without fear without anxiety. He Longs for you to come to his throne knowing that you'll receive the help that you need, but it not only transforms our spiritual life so that we can come to church every week and Worship with freedom we can we can be those were Spurs that God's looking forward to worship Him in spirit and in truth, but also changes the life we interact with others we can serve and love others without an agenda. That's something to be honest that we aspire to I imagine the rest of our lives. I mean if we're really honest it's very difficult not to serve and love others without some sort of agenda in it. Do you want to mean by that I mean, we if we're not careful we keep track. We keep a record of wrongs. I'm I'm really bad at this sometimes and appropriately my wife points that out that sometimes you know, I will you know, I did I kept the baby tonight to know the past to now it's your time to be up with the baby cuz we got a couple of babies under two under two and it's easy to kind of keep tally in the way. We think about things. Well, you did extra good on that. So I'm feeling a little better towards you for that person hurt my feelings. So I'll make sure that I'm not nice to them next time you see how easy it is to have this agenda and all of our relationships become this exchange as long as things are going smoothly. We feel like things are balanced in the exchange you're doing your part. I'm doing my part it becomes this kind of stoic relationship the part of what happens when we accept Christ not only does a relationship of God become absence of fear. then we're invited to live relationships of others to serve them without an agenda because it's on God's tab that we now serve and love others because God's grace and forgiveness and patience with us is amazing. It's inexhaustible is without limit. It's the size of a million oceans. And God says the way I have loved you love one another and so he invites us. The shake off all the agenda. We have to kind of let loose of some of the anxiety and stress and think that I can go out in this world and I can love and serve others without an agenda. I don't have to keep track of what I get back from them. I don't have to keep track of whether they deserve my kindness or my attention or my support. I do good and loving and gracious things because I have received good and loving and gracious kindness from God the Father through Jesus Christ, and so we can become like Christ.

Do you see walking through the gospels being gracious and kind serving others washing his disciples feet even the disciple who would betray him. Just extending this grace and love because he trusted in the father.

I could preach for. Two more hours, but you know, I don't want that. But I mean so many things that we burn ourselves down with we can let go off if we trust the father. If God is great, then I don't have to be in control of all life. Do I I don't have to make sure I've got my bank account in order. I don't have to make sure that that I've got every excellent doctor to tell me everything about my help. I don't have to be consumed with anxiety of controlling my own life. I can trust in God the father if he is gracious as he's displayed himself to be in Jesus Christ that I don't have to make my own way. I can reach out and depend on him. He can help me serve and love others without an agenda. He can help me confess my send he can help me be like Christ. I can go to his throne without fear. But with baldness, that's the invitation to a resurrected life to follow Jesus example of trusting the father. If you've never made that decision or you just have a prayer concern we're going to move into a prayer time right now and then take communion before the end of our service during that prayer time. I'll be in the back will also have some pretty members up here. You can come to me or any of the protein members and we would love to pray for you or if you've got questions or decision. I'll be happy to talk with you. I'll be in the back for all of us. It's just an opportunity to celebrate that Resurrection to celebrate Christ as our savior and what he's done on the cross and if you have a question about that, I want to make a decision fine one of us who's who's available in the prayer to him or myself in the back and we'd love to play with you or talk with you about that. Please stand as we sing.

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