Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Slide #1
The Waltons
Slide #2
As the show progressed and characters were no longer at the dinner table, it changed the feel of the show.
Slide #3-14
This is God’s Word for His People.
Hear It and believe.
The Passion Week
Prophecy fulfilled, and prophecy spoken
Jesus instructs his disciples
Slide #15
Beginning of the Passion Week
Beginning of the Passion Week
Slide #16
Jubilant, celebration
The real passion of Christ - weeping for Jerusalem
This day was a long time coming.
Not only the celebration of the coming of King Jesus, but also the foretelling of the fate of Jerusalem.
Not just shedding a tear but wailing
Slide #17
Our choices have consequences.
Moses warned the people before they entered the promise land that they must stay true to Yahweh.
If they kept His commandments then they would have many blessings.
The addict doesn’t set out to destroy their lives.
The adulterer doesn’t start out to destroy relationships.
But they make a choice and then have to deal with the consequences.
Every choice we make, whether good or bad has consequences.
One of the worst things a parent can do is shield their child from the consequences of the the choice their child makes.
This creates adults who can’t handle the consequences of life.
In Exodus Pharoah hardens his heart.
Then God hardened his heart.
Ultimately Pharaoh's choices led to the death of his son.
And it is then that he releases the Israelites.
Moses warned the people before they entered the promise land that they must stay true to Yahweh.
If they kept His commandments then they would have many blessings.
But if they are disobedient, if they are faithless, if they become more like the people who already live in Canaan, then you will have many curses.
Hosea tells the story of his adulterous wife.
In telling this his story, Hosea sees how the telling of his troubles with Gomer is a reflection of the relationship between Israel and their God.
Israel chased Idols and would reap the consequences.
Hosea tells the story of his adulterous wife.
In telling this his story, Hosea sees how the telling of his troubles with Gomer is a reflection of the relationship between Israel and their God.
Israel chased Idols and would reap the consequences.
In , the prophet asks God to make his head waters and his eyes fountains so that he may weep day and night for Israel.
Then God hardened his heart.
Slide #18
And now Jesus is weeping because it is now too late for Jerusalem
And now Jesus is weeping because it is now too late for Jerusalem.
But He is doing more than weeping.
The term we wept carries the idea of wailing
Israel was to be the bride of God.
Representing God’s presence on earth.
And it had continued to become a harlot who had turned from their one true God.
And now it is too late.
Isaiah tells us to seek the Lord while He may be found.
This means that there will come a time when God will not longer be found.
The day is coming when people will realize that they need Jesus, but it will be too late.
Jesus tells us in Luke to strive to enter through the narrow door.
Many will try to enter, but they will not be able because the master has shut the door.
Seek God now while you still can.
There are seven days a week, and someday is not one of them.
Luke 19:
Not 40 years from when Jesus said these words, the Romans did just what Jesus said would happen.
The Roman legions surrounded Jerusalem in 70 AD and they began to starve the people of the city.
The Romans so wanted to make an example of Jerusalem that they literally did not leave one stone upon another.
Slide #19
God gives us choices.
We have free will.
If you go to Jerusalem today, you can visit the wailing wall which is the last part of the wall that is left from this time.
Everything else is destroyed.
And around the corner is a pile of car size stones that have been thrown down from the temple mount.
Jerusalem would go through this and it broke Jesus heart.
Free Will
God gives us choices.
We have free will.
Slide #20
Our choices have consequences.
The addict doesn’t set out to destroy their lives.
They are just in pain and trying to get rid of the hurt.
The adulterer doesn’t start out to destroy relationships.
They will say that it just happened.
But we make a choice and then have to deal with the consequences.
Every choice we make, whether good or bad has consequences.
One of the worst things a parent can do is shield their child from the consequences of the the choice their child makes.
This creates adults who can’t handle the consequences of life.
We have this false idea that Jesus is just waiting for us to make Him Lord of our lives.
We think that He operates on our time schedule.
If we can just get through high school, through college, once I get my business off the ground, when I get married, when we have children, when our children leave for college, when I finally retire, I will get serious about my relationship with Jesus.
As if He has nothing else to do but wait on us.
Isaiah tells us to seek the Lord while He may be found.
The implication is that there will come a time when God will no longer be found.
The day is coming when people will realize that they need Jesus, but it will be too late.
Jesus tells us in Luke to strive to enter through the narrow door.
Many will try to enter, but they will not be able because the master has shut the door.
Seek God now while you still can.
There are seven days a week, and someday is not one of them.
Jerusalem refused to seek, and now they can’t.
Do you seek?
Do you look around and notice those loved ones who are not there?
Do you weep when you think about those around you who do not have Jesus as Lord of their life?
Those in your Oikos who will not make it through the door.
< .5
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