Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
As Christians living in 2017
We have some challenges with our mission
That the gospel does not work anymore and people won’t change
That the church and its teachings are dying
That the gospel does not work anymore and people won’t change
This can create a feeling of being up against an enemy too big to win
We are being told about ourselves
That if you:
Failed at something it was not God`s will
That you had a bad upbringing and you don’t have what you need to lead a fulfilling life
That great thing don’t happen to you
I am the wrong color
I am the wrong size
I am the wrong sex
My parents never loved me
I was abused
We can get stuck in our story
Instead of our thinking being about what we can do in life
It is all about what has been done to us in life
The mistakes and hard times of the past become bigger than the possibilities of your future
We need to realize we can defeat whatever tries to hold us back.
Here is someone who refused to get stuck in his story
Pastor Rick Warren (purpose driven life) & Oprah
Nick Vujicic's testimony
He did not come by his success easily
He had to fight depression, suicide, prejudice
The bible has been left for us so that we can see real examples of how not to get stuck in a bad story
The bible has been left for us so that we can see real examples of how not to get stuck in a bad story
Naomi & Ruth - Had a bad story
situation beyond their ability to change...
Trusted God and persevered ......went back to Bethlehem
David - Had a bad Story
ignored by his father when Samuel came to anoint him as King and went on to defeat Goliath
ignored by his father when Samuel came to anoint him as King and went on to defeat Goliath
Gideon - Up against the vast armies of the midionites
the least of all the clans of Israel .........trusted God into victory and went after the midianites
Joseph- abandoned by his brothers and sold into slavery ...
Job - lost his whole family and his wealth but said
There is always HOPE with God
Why are these people in the bible?
Why are these people in the bible?
Peter - Could have easily given up because of his failure in denying Christ
Why are these people
To show us that:
scares us
We need to take on a new attitude
challenges us
We need to take on a new attitude
tries to kill us
We need to realize that Jesus died to give us something
forgiveness of sins
The power for a new life (Holy Spirit)
Jesus affirms this when he said just before his crucifixion
Who is in a Christian -?
Christ by his Holy Spirit
Who can defeat Christ?
No one
Therefore we must be able to
Phillipians 4:13
That is what this sermon series is about
Believing you can do more and be more than your human abilities might say.
Chase the Lion:
If Your Dream Doesn’t Scare You, It’s Too Small
by Mark Batterson
On a snowy day Beniah chased a lion into pit and killed it
Let’s look at the odds
God’s plans cannot be achieved by man’s ability
Our goals and our potential should not be limited to what we think we are able to do
He’s a man against a lion
There is snow on the ground
This is something that never stops being a necessary part of how we think about our life.
He is cornering the lion in a pit
None of that makes rational sense
How many people want the power of God demonstrated in their lives?
ask the question
We will never see the power of God in our life..
If we only attempt things that can be achieved with our abilities, resources
If what we want to achieve does not scare us, it is to small a goal.
We have been given an imagination....
ask the question why
So we could see things that have not yet been (enemy trying to pollute it)
God is not part of OUR dream
We are part of HIS dream
Ephesians 2:10
God is not waiting for you to think something big up so he can help you
God is not waiting for you to think something big up so he can help you
God is waiting for you to agree with the big thing he wants you to achieve for HIM
We need to repent of believing too small
Because it reflects our idea of God
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9