Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
We have to get back on track in our journey through Revelation.
It has been about 6 weeks or more since we were in this book.
So we need to review where we have come from.
We have examined thus far the 7 seals which opened up to the seven trumpet judgments.
We have concluded that the Church that was alive at the beginning of Chapter 4 before the seals were opened has been removed and are in heaven with God.
We have been introduced to the 144,000 Jewish witnesses who would evangelize during the course of the tribulation.
We have been exposed to the fact that at this point in the unfolding of future events over half the worlds population has perished.
The world is in a state of chaos.
The landscape of the world has changed drastically.
Chapter 9 ended with the statement that “the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, . . .
Nevertheless, God’s grace and mercy has been at the forefront of this revelation.
It is a revealing of the Christ: Of Christ’s return.
The main theme is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
God is going to bring everything to a full stop as Jesus is revealed further to be the Christ before whom all mankind must bow.
But we see that man still refuses to bow the knee to Him.
In our text we are still speaking about the contents of the 6th Trumpet.
We are still speaking about the contents of the 6th Trumpet.
In Chapter 10 we were introduced to the Angel that held the little scroll that announced time was running out.
By the way, this was a message of mecry too.
John was told to eat that scroll and then to prophecy.
We understood that John’s message was one of repent.
It was the gospel.
It was judgment and mercy together in the same message.
Chapter 10 we were introduced to the Angel that held the little scroll that announced time was running out.
John was told to eat that scroll and then to prophecy.
We understood that John’s message was one of repent.
It was the gospel.
It was judgment and mercy together in the same message.
eld the little scroll that announced time was running out.
John was told to eat that scroll and then to prophecy.
We understood that John’s message was one of repent.
It was the gospel.
It was judgment and mercy together in the same message.
Last Monday morning we woke to the tragic news of a massacre in Las Vegas where we now know that 59 people were killed.
59 souls went into eternity unexpectedly.
And 527 were wounded.
All because of the evil of one man who plotted and planned the carnage.
“Man’s heart is only evil continually.”
the Bible says.
A “man’s heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all, who can know it.”
How can you guard against such things?
You can’t stop them, but you can plan for them so that you are ready whenever the inevitable happens.
Last Monday morning we woke to the tragic news of a massacre in Las Vegas where we now know that 59 people were killed.
59 souls went into eternity unexpectedly to them.
And 527 were wounded.
All because of the evil of one man who plotted and planned the carnage.
“Man’s heart is only evil continually.”
the Bible says.
A “man’s heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all, who can know it.”
How can you guard against such things?
You can’t stop them, but you can plan for them so that you are ready whenever the inevitable happens.
As we move into chapter 11 we can see what we are to do to prepare for such a tragedy.
We are introduced to two witnesses who proclaim the message of hope and doom, grace and judgment.
Two sides of the same coin.
For those who put their faith in Jesus it is one of hope and grace.
But to those who reject Jesus, who refuse to believe it is a message of doom and judgment.
I am going to lay this section out for you.
The key to understand this chapter and especially this section is found in v. 13 “the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.”
That is the point of these events to cause people to know who is the Lord and to fear Him enough to believe and repent of their sin of rebellion against the God of the Universe, the Creator of all.
This message of these two witnesses is all about pointing people to Jesus.
But those who love darkness more than the light, those who love evil calling it good will rebel violently as we see here and in our own experience in life.
Now many say this is the hardest chapter of Revelation to interpret.
I find it very difficult to nail down the meaning of every detail as you shall see.
However, the main idea is very clear as to why John includes this section as we already mentioned.
I will help you unpack this by dividing this into 6 stages that naturally divide our text.
this is written so that we might know before it happens who God is and that we might fear Him enough to repent of out sins and to walk with him the rest of our lives.
Much like Jesus did with His disciples so that it is often mentioned that the disciples finally understood something after it happened as Jesus said that it would.
I think it is true here for us.
So here are these 6 stages that I think help us to understand the message John has for us.
And if we understand it then we can face the future with hope and peace knowing God is in charge.
It will give us confidence to go on in life full bore not holding back our service to Him.
Stage 1: The preparation for the two witnesses, v.1,2a
As I stated earlier there are those that think this is the most difficult passage to interpret in the Revelation.
Here is why.
Which temple is meant?
Which temple is meant?
What is the purpose of measuring the temple, altar and those who were worshipping in it?
What is the purpose of measuring the temple, altar and those who were worshipping in it?
Who are the worshippers?
Are we talking about the church, believers both Jew and Gentile, or just Jews?
Is John seeing the temple on earth in Jerusalem or is this heavenly one?
Those are all questions we don’t have concrete answers for.
What we do know is that John is again participating in this revelation for he is given the reed to measure with and then commanded to rise up and measure.
John is again participating in this revelation for he is given the reed to measure with and then commanded to rise up and measure.
A kalamos is a reed, a hollow stalk of some sort, that was a flexible stalk, often used to symbolize instability, easily shaken by the wind, () or used as a mock scepter when the Romans handed Jesus one after they scourged Him, ().
Here it is used as a measuring tool.
The preparation for the two witnesses, v.1,2a
this reed was like a rabdo rod or staff that could be used in walking, or as a club.
The reed wasn't a walking stick or club, ie.
rigid and hard, but it was like one, probably refers to its length.
It was to be used here to measure the temple.
Yet he never gives a measurement.
At least, he doesn't record that he measures the temple.
You normally measure something in order to get its size.
Sometimes you measure something in order to mark it off to separate from something else.
Which we will get to in a minute.
Next we see the mention of the temple.
Which is it?
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9