The Sacredness Of All Life

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Today is National sanctity of human life Sunday. And this morning I would like to talk about that topic in 1996 Pope John Paul II coin the phrase culture of death because of his fear that we had slipped as a nation and as a culture away from convictions about the sacredness of Life at one point when we would look back in history, and we would see cultures like the Spartans that would take a newborn baby and when they found a defect in that baby, they would simply toss it off a cliff. We look back at that and said that that's horrible we tweet we can't be that kind of culture. And so we we treasured all human life and considered it sacred and valued it but in the 90s the pope said I fear that we're slipping back into the direction of forgetting that inside we had at one point and we're no longer of value in human life all of it as sacred and we've seen their culture over the past decade. Currently we think of it at in relation to abortion that that's become so easy and such a direct path and such an easy choice, but we see it I think in all areas and I want to talk about how our understanding of humanity and our view of human shape so many different areas of our life california-berkeley of all places did a study about the way folks view human life and there was three basic categories that they placed him in the most Scholars of Christians included agree. There's three lens through which humanity is viewed by our culture view Humanity through a theological lens. Some view humans do a biological lens and some view humans through a philosophical lens. The theological view of humanity is the judeo-christian position that considers humans created in the image of God and that for many centuries was kind of a dominant understanding of humanity that God is the creator of All life and therefore humanity is sacred created in God's image. But another view that has risen and become dominant many ways is the biological View and it's a materialistic vision of humanity that considers humans, nothing more than the biological makeup. And that's kind of a closed Universe understanding of the world. There's no such thing as the supernatural there's nothing above and beyond the natural. There's only the material universe that we know there's only the natural and therefore everything that exists is explainable within science within human reason within the natural there's nothing above the natural and so the implications of that world you is that Humanity U&I people are nothing more than the biology that makes us up. We're no more valuable than a cow or chicken or anyting else an armadillo. Play where were the same just biological material and then the third category is the philosophical View and is the position that humans are defined by specific traits such as rationality or self-awareness and that sounds more reasonable to us. But if we're not careful that quickly becomes purely a utilitarian view of humanity. So the value of a person is based on what they can or cannot do and you can see the implications. I believe I reach out into the real world when Cal Berkeley created the study they asked five questions. The category is everybody in one of those three categories from questions. You answer you either hold the theological view of humanity the biological view Humanity or the philosophical view of humanity and then they asked five questions to see how that view impacted your answers to these questions. And here's the real-world impact is look at the nature of these questions one should we interview Rain in another country to try to stop genocide now. That's a real world question that we Face regularly and parties divide and argue about that question and alter your view of humanity shaves your answers that question should anyone be permitted to buy kidneys from poor people. That's it. That's an ethical question that that's asked in our culture and your view of humanity will shape the answer to that question should terminally ill individuals be allowed to kill themselves to save money. That's a question that's currently in our culture and then and governments involved in that question and and cultures involved in that question. And we know there's a there's a movement that causes self the right-to-die movement, but it's based on a a premise about what humanity is or is not about that sort of decision. Should we take blood donations from non-consenting prisoners? That's a debate in question in our culture since their prisoner. Have they given up their right to consent or not consent about their body if we need those donations. Can we just like everybody has to give donations today? Should we or should we not torture Terror Suspects? You see how our understanding of human life and and what is the source of human life shaves real world questions and politics and policies all these sorts of questions and a hundred more. We followers of Christ believe and act upon the truth that God the father is the author and sustainer of all human life from the womb to the tomb that's the poor long-held Christian conviction about human life that God is the author of all human life and the sustainer of all human life and therefore all human life is sacred. And if God is the author of human life then Humanity man time, we don't have the authority to make decisions about ending life as if it's not more sacred than just the biological or we make those decisions based on functionality. You can see where this seeps into the decisions. So we say things like well I mister Phillips. Going to cost so much money to keep you alive during these older years of your life or maybe right now because of all the medical conditions you have and it's going to be so costly and our insurance isn't going to cover it now or we think it's just too much of a burden on the system or you really just going to be able to you're going to be able to do very little because of your situation to your health concerns and you see how the practicality what's in there the philosophical view. I mean, what are you really going to be able to to do are you able to contribute until suddenly start making decisions about what maybe we'll will lower that coverage or maybe we shouldn't make this we shouldn't spend that much effort or that sort of thing. Do you see how it slips into every area from the way we treat those who are ill and terminally ill to our seniors for The Unborn. The prisoners this is a court conviction. We is Hollister Christ believe and act upon the truth that God is the father God. The father is the author and sustainer of all human life from the womb to the tomb this comes from core scriptures like Genesis chapter 1, which says then God said, let us make Mankind in our image in our likeness so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky over the livestock and overall wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created Mankind in his own image in the image of God. He created them male and female. He created them God bless them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number fill the Earth and subdue it roll over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. So that Humanity were different than the animals we were treated separately and distinctly in the image of God and placed in authority over this world to be good caretakers to be graciously time to the environment into animals. So don't mishear me that Authority was not granted to us to abuse it it is not Christian to abused the environment or to abused animals anyone who does that is out of line with God's intention is creation, but it is Christian do understand that humanity is distinct from animals and other life that we are created in God's image and to all human life is created and sustained by God the father and created in His image and therefore all human life is sacred. And so we Champion allowing children to be born we plead for that out of a heart of love and grace we Champion for Humane and gracious treatment of prisoners. We champions for those who are homeless to get homes for those who are hungry to get food. That's part of what it means to live out our Christian conviction.

We believe and act upon the truth that God is the author and sustainer of all human life from the womb to the tomb therefore. We seek the welfare of all this is how our Christian conviction move forward out of this theological convention. And so we see it. You see this theme and God's heart. Let me set this up for a little bit. This is Jeremiah 29:7. We're familiar with the verse in Jeremiah that says I know the plans I have for you a future and to prosper you this is this is a much richer verse. I think just a couple of verses earlier theologically because what's going on in this verse in Jeremiah 29:7 is that the nation has been exiled and they are heartbroken and they are debating on how do we live out this Exile in this foreign land that is not our land and among these people that are not our people among these people who are Godless pagans and some say here's that Leo was just over it should just give up and just a simulate will just be like them do the things they do live. Among them you'll never be able to tell the difference in that will be our secure future and other side we can't do that. We need to we need to get our own little ghetto or a little burro circle the wagons and separate herself and have nothing to do with these Godless pagans around us that that have you exiled us and captured us and then the Holy Spirit God sends this Prophet to speak and say you're both wrong here is the answer to this question and this is verse 7 in Jeremiah 29. Also, here's what I want you to do. He says the nation seek the peace and the prosperity of the city to which I've carried you into Exile pray to the Lord for it because if it prospers you to will prosper so even in the midst of this Exile which isn't a hard analogy for us to relate to in a culture around us that is not pro-christian that is anti-christian in many ways. I can front some of our convictions and beliefs were called by God. This isn't just unpacked the New Testament and we're going to that next we're called by God because all human life is sacred were called by God to seek the welfare of everyone every person will they agree with us or not, whether they think like us or not whether we agree with them or not. We're called to see if they're good in the context of what the Bible understands to be good to to invite them into two to woo them and win them and persuade them and challenge them to know the Lord to know that he is good and Follow him and to love themselves when Jesus says love your neighbor as yourself and to love their neighbor the things that we advocated our culture are things that bless our culture when we get it, right and we're lined up with God's heart and scripture. Look at this amazing verse in Ephesians chapter 1 leading up to this person chapter 2 God is talking about everything that he's accomplished through Christ. There's one section is like 19 verses and chapter one that have no punctuation whatsoever their the way they're written. It's just Paul going we had this wonderful blessing and Christ and here's what it means and it just turns out these 19 verses about how great it is that before the foundations of The World. God had planned to bless those who are in Christ and it gets to this verse and chapter 2 verse 7 all of this brightness of Christ coming to us and rescuing and saving this was to show for all ages to come through his goodness towards us in Christ Jesus how extraordinary Rich he is in Grace. And that amazing. That Paul says here's what's going on in Christ. Redeeming us. Here's what's going on when God sent his son planned from the very foundations of the world everything that went on the Life of Christ ending on the cross and then the resurrection at the heart of this was for God's goodness to be on display for the death of the riches of his grace to be made known that amazing and if that's God's mission, And we're his people redeemed and Sav and Cole mentioned to go out. That's our mission to make known as matter fact Hillandale intermission Saint talks about we want to make known the glory of God to reveal his glory his goodness. His glory is his character his heart his goodness. That's not it that's his glory his power. There's a whole theology get obsessed with the power of God's but you can't find a new testament went when John is riding. What how do I say what God is in three simple words? What does he say? God is love. God's glory is revealed in his character in his goodness in the heart of who he is and our commission is to reveal that to this world around us so that we Advocate the opposite of a culture of death. We need to be a culture of Life affirming and encouraging and building up and serving and loving in the name of God whose Hearts Desire is for the richness of his grace to be numb. That's not what a lot of people know about God. A lot of people when you say God they don't go on God he is so rich and Grace. That's a milli. What I think of when I think I've got there so many folks to Foster lit religions are just false understandings, or the way you think about themselves who constantly live through life with this car low grade fever that says, I know I know good. Doesn't like me. I just kind of walked in life with that conviction that that's how they are to live in this world. Maybe if I behave good enough, maybe I'll slip in just barely instead of celebrating and rejoicing in the goodness of God revealed in Christ. His grace is richest made known look at the next two verses with your familiar with in Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 through 10. It says because of this grace is Grace that you have been saved through faith not by anyting of your own but buy a gift from God's not buy anything that you have done so that nobody can claim credit for it. So we are all saved by grace. Absolutely. There is really no sense of which we can say well better than I hope I don't knows not here at church this morning. I mean we're we're better than those who are doing all these things that we think that's wrong. God would not want that. That's a that's a crazy understanding. You can't do those. I can't believe you did that. I can't believe you made that choice. It's Falls to think well, somehow we're better in the sense of it has any kind of impact on our salvation? This post makes it clear. It's the riches of God's grace revealed in Christ that Grace is what saved us and even says it twice not anything you've done in case they didn't hear it. You heard me didn't you it's not anything you've done you have not saved yourself not buy anything that you have done so that nobody can claim the credit. He continued we are God's work of art created in Christ Jesus for the good works, which God has already designed to make up our way of life. And so he saved us and redeemed us so that we could come into a culture that sometimes slips into being a culture of death. We could come to that culture and be a culture of life. We could be this light in the darkness. We could be this this this preservative that saves the world from corruption. We can be this good news in the midst of bad news about God's grace and love and so he created us for those things. We believe and act upon the truth that God is the author and sustainer of all human life. From the womb to the tomb we seek the welfare of the Greater Community every person that's part of what it means that God created the world and created everything in it and created every person in it. It means that we live out that conviction. We don't just claim that belief like a doctrine that that's what I believe we live it out in our lives and if we're living it out it fundamentally mean we are seeking the good of all we're seeking what's best for them again. And again by Jesus challenge his followers did the prisoner the hungry the the lonely the homeless When that a core teachings of Jesus with his disciples.

Only what they saying that all life is created by God and therefore sacred but he was saying in a way that some sort of mystery to us even still that when we serve every person in our community in our city when we serve those who are homeless or in prison or or lonely that there's a way in which not only are we honoring the sacredness of every human life. But Jesus said when you serve them you're serving me.

There's a way in which I'm there. Have you ever wished you could just give Jesus a hug? Never felt kind of overwhelmed by the Gracie's extended to you ever thought fall at his feet. Could I be like the woman in the gospels and just kiss his feet? Try any of your kind of stoic person. You might say could at least shake his hand and say thanks. Thank you. You realize that. Jesus is saying that there's a way for us to care for him. There's a way for us to hug him. There's a way for us to to thank him. He says when we care for the least of these we care for him even says in Matthew 5:41 and you think about the Jewish culture at this time how radical this was if someone asked you to carry your pack their pack for a mile. For 2 miles and that's a reference to the Roman practice of coming to a Jew. This is the occupying military force coming to the one of the members of the countries are occupying. I hated one another and saying hey you carry my bag you lousy Jew The only thing you're good for and Jesus says. Not just one mile, which was the standard but carried a second mile. Can you see where that's part of this theme revealed in Jeremiah revealed in the New Testament what God wants to do is to reveal his grace. But even this lousy Roman soldier would have one of God's people thing. I'll carry the second mile. He wants his goodness to be revealed through his church for us to be a light in this world. This is why we support Assurance the local Crisis Pregnancy Center lipstick in a well. That's a good thing to do. We do it because we're convinced that all life is sacred that God is the author and sustainer of all life and therefore that pushes us into this sort of ministry, but it's not just that it's why David Stone and others go to prisons to teach Bible studies. Because all life is sacred. We can't let our culture or a politic somehow categorize people and say you don't want folks in prison. I would just like them out of sight and out of mind. We got to let the scriptures shape our hearts and our convictions and to be honest. I'm very proud of the fact that I think that's something we do pretty well. Allendale has a heart for those in need and regular it reaches out to serve as I'm glad I didn't have to say what who's doing this? Well Gary's downtown helping the homeless on a regular basis and David Stone and others. I know there's several others who were teaching Bible studies in the prison and Suzanne drives a van on a regular basis along with David to help serve the Step by Step Ministries for moms in need us why we do these Ministries teenagers delivers gifts to children in in poverty-stricken areas. That's the living out of this conviction that God is the author of all life and therefore all life is sacred.

2 points of application I want to challenge you before we get kind of into the obvious application of of extending Grace to our community of of seeking the welfare of all those around us I want to do after he remind you of something first, you need to extend this truth to yourself and interesting that that scripture says love your neighbor as you love yourself and sometimes it just seems kind of strange but I do believe part of the foundation of me being gracious and loving to others is me experiencing myself God's grace and love. And if somehow I put a wall up and say well this other person's nice enough to experience it but not me if I somehow don't extend that Grace myself then I end up kind of getting back with my motivation. If I'm if I'm not experienced God's grace and love to myself. I don't allow myself to experience his grace and love then then if I'm not careful suddenly, I'm doing the good things. I'm doing in or perhaps win his favor and I don't deserve it more than I'm going to serve you well and therefore maybe someday I can cross that line and and deserve it a little bit but I believe we have to wait to make sure that we know God. And to know God is to know his grace and forgiveness. You can't really say I know God and not know Grace and forgiveness because God has revealed himself on the cross. Through Jesus offering Grace and forgiveness. And so to know the reality of got to know the one true God is to know Christ on the cross extending Grace to You and I

So the same Grace that you extend to an orphan, how would you treat a child who came to you and said my I have no I have no parents. It was a horrible accident. Just wondered out of my home. Would you be like well that works out for you? We would have made Italy be full of compassion. Passion. Whitman there somebody who wouldn't we've got the memes. We share we put money in the offering plate on a regular basis. We we buy a meal when somebody says give me a little understand that concept and we're pretty good at it sometimes for others. Will you extend that Grace to yourself?

If someone came to you and said look at I committed the sin in my heart is broken over it and I'm just rot and tied up over it and not sand and and I've confessed it but I'm sure that I'm the exception to the rule God can't forgive me. We would counsel them and say no. No you you've confessed it the blood of Christ covers you we would pray with them and an affirm them that you're forgiven that God is love that God forgives you do you need to do that for yourself?

Extend that Grace to yourself you realize that because God is your maker and your part of that all human life that were talking about this morning that you are sacred and valuable to God. You are so valuable to God that he allowed his son to die for you.

not Humanity in general not all those scenarios that we can imagine type. Of course, I would be gracious to this Lost Child. you

you are immensely valuable to God. Is your maker? Is your creator You Are Made In His Image? He looks upon you and sees that image that reflection of his character. He is full of love for you demonstrated in the grace of Christ upon the cross God is for you. And for your welfare for your best interest, he is on your side bosses this and Romans, right? If God is for us who Could be against us. God is for you. Hold on to that truth Psalm 139. I think I wrote to him but I think it's actually worse 14 if you look that up. I may have written it down wrong but years ago when I taught at a summer camp, I was teaching on Psalm 139 the kids and that's the verse that says and maybe I have it up here next. We'll see if I've got it right now. It is worth 14th. Thank you for making me wonderfully complex the song that says it is an amazing thing to think about your workmanship is marvelous and how well I know it's some translation say I'm wonderfully made. Thank you Lord. And so I taught the kids to it to to say this verse 2 say kind of summarize this first and the say I am neat because God made me neat. Do you think that's a good message for young children to realize who might be growing up in a culture around them that says, well, you're no good. You're not tall enough for your not thin enough for your hair is not the right color are the right texture or whatever and so kids get beaten down and they think I'm no good and I wanted to know this truth that they have a Creator. They have a maker who loves them that God made them. They're made. They are neat because God made them neat as I want you to stand up for Mama. I didn't expect that. Did you get the blood flowing to me? Like I was halfway through my shopping list. Okay, I what are you doing? I wasn't paying attention here. Why are we standing up? I want you to say this with me cuz I have the kids do this and I want us all to say it. Okay, say I am neat? Late because God made me neat. Thank you sit down. Sometimes we need to take a dose of the gospel for ourselves. That God created us and loves us and we hold amazing value in his eyes, but also want to challenge us to extend this grace to others. Extend this truth to others. You can see it threw out in the New Testament the command to be focused on our community in 1st Timothy 2:1. It says I urge you first of all to pray for all people. It is easier just to pray for one another to pray for the church prayer list fall says I want you to pray for all people ask God to help them intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them to be praying for everyone that you have the opportunity to pray for that comes across your mind. Even those folks that you don't like even the folks that you yell at on the TV. You should be praying for all those folks the neighbor that constantly parks in front of your mailbox. So you can't get your mail. You should be praying for that person and caring for them on a regular basis because our job is to reveal God's grace to others. Be careful. Paul says elsewhere be careful how you behaving and 1st Timothy to be careful how you behave among the end your unsaved neighbors for then even if they are suspicious of you and talk against you lousy Christian, they will end up praising God for your good works when Christ returns regardless of misunderstandings or Falk at false accusations about the church or Christianity if the way in which we live The constant display of God's grace and love to others than they may be tempted to say you are Christian and there always is commanding us to do use your heads as you live office in Colossians among Outsiders. Don't miss a trick make the most of every opportunity be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation not put them down not cut them out. I love that translation and then amazing. Could you imagine Christians and politics taking that verse to Heart Holy Cow? Kindergarten Christians in the media taking that voice to Heart. Maybe that's too hard. You don't have control over. Those people may make it a little more close to home. Can you imagine you and I taking that verse to Heart? But our conversation should be gracious. Our goal should be to bring out the best in others. Like I'm preaching to myself at the top of this lip. It is so easy to think the goal is to win the argument. And sometimes you might win the argument lose the war because of the spirit and the tone and the energy with which you communicated that argument. Are ultimate goal is to reveal the grace of God know that means speaking hard truth. Sometimes I don't miss hear me. But the way we speak it is with Grace and love speak the truth. Allow. Paul says elsewhere in Ephesians and lastly and the worship team can come forward now, this is our last verse. Paul says in Colossians 3 So speaking of you and I the church chosen by God for this new life of love dress in the wardrobe. God picked out for you compassion kindness humility quiet strength discipline. Imagine what our witness will be like when we Embrace this verse. Wouldn't it be awesome and in this is true of many of many in this room already, but did an awesome thing for people to say. Oh, you know, when when I think about page, you know, she's just she's just close with compassion and kindness. As part of Paul's calling on us the way we interact with others and I'm not sure in general and it may be somewhat unfair but I'm not sure in general culture would say. Oh, yeah Christians the church, they are just dripping with humility and compassion and kindness. Some of their understanding might be unfair but none the less. That's the predicament Ran So we have even more opportunity to obey this verse and to extend an image to the culture around us as we seek the welfare of others. To be people of compassion and kindness that might mean, you know, there might be some simple ways to do it. You might know a couple applications here and then we'll close up you can throw a party. How's that for an easy way to seek the welfare of the others? Do you think there are lonely people? In your neighborhood. Do you think there are people who are so busy that they have no idea what their neighbors names are. Am I stepping on toes yet? Do you think that people say why I know there's a family that lives in that house down there and they moved in just recently well been 3 years now, but I intended intended to get down and take them some cookies or say hi or something like that our culture so busy you can seek the welfare of the other by doing something as simple as throwing a party and inviting your neighbors. So the people can connect names and faces and Holmes and get to know each other even even if it just serves the purpose of if you hear a noise in the mail and i i k i met Jeff at the party. I realize that's the name of the guy that lives right next to me. I can call Jeff and say hey, do you hear something funny outside do I don't be the only one exploring that you could you can bless people simply by creating the opportunity for relationships among your Super Bowl party. And if we miss a great sermon application, can I get a wake up? Here's your here's your homework for the week plans and awesome Super Bowl party and invite people to its who really need to come to a party invite your neighbors right next door folks, you know might not get to go to a party. That's a great way to love and extend goodness to others and to show God's grace and kind of smile at people. I read years ago on a book and I can't get this phrase out of my mind. One person said one way to to show the grace of God to others is to wink at some someone who's homely how about that was so funny and then I kept getting winked at and I realized Somebody else's read this guy's book.

There's so many ways in which we can be kind and gracious throughout our day just to show the love of God and that's what he calls us to. Let's pray and then we'll have our closing song Father. We thank you that what you invite us to be in this world is to be people full of your grace. We thank you that you invite us to be a culture of life that that seeks to be a voice for the voiceless that seeks to provide food for those who are hungry that seeks to bring your word to those who are in prison that that seeks to take orphans in and give them homes father that you call us to that not always easy work, but it's what you call us to we thank you that that's who you asked us to be. We're not place in a position of judging the world were told that you're the one that will do that at the end of all things. We're place in a position of showing your goodness revealing Your Glory showing your grace to this world. Enter father help us first receive it ourselves and our own Hearts your tremendous Grace your mercies that are new every morning for us your patients your scripture say, you know what we're made of you know that we're frail and you continually offer us the grace that we needed to let us receive it.

Tell that we're not fighting for every square inch of turf in this world somehow feeling like we better look out for our self. We can trust you to have our backs. And therefore we can be open-handed and gracious to others. Thank you that you call us to be those sorts of people a light in this world. And your name we pray amen.

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