Congregational Meeting

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After I wonderful talk on fasting were eating.

I know. It made us hungry. I want to thank you Walter and Agnes for making those meals. Did everyone get enough? It's so wonderful. Thank them for doing that and Walter for making that thing that thing back there. I said to him. I said Walt I got an idea and that was the idea and it was there in a week. It's not quite finished. We're going to have tile on the top. It's going to be a really beautiful piece of furniture, but I want again thank wild for doing that. So we're going to have a congregational meeting we plan on doing these things so that there is it gives you an opportunity to know where the church is going and whether or not you want to go there and also a time to ask questions and stuff like that. We're going to look at the priorities of the church. And you can go forward their Walt if you guys want to come.

get your sandwich and

See you later, Janet. It's nice to see you. Thanks for coming.

For those who don't know. I'm Gertrude had a great first week of chemo. You know, it's it was good. She's not suffering in any really Dyer way just a little bit of soreness and stuff like that. She went home today because she's getting an injection to activate the white blood cells or the recreation of proper cells. So we're really believing that Gertrude's going to sail through this chemo. And then she's going to break loose and Cuba.

It's gone.

Oh, wow, just since the chemo.

So the lump is really shrinking. That lump be gone in Jesus name.

You all heard that right. The reason Gertrude's white blood cells are low is because she ain't white.

Oh my heavens.

I don't know if we can use that as real medical advice, but


What talk about priorities priorities of Mosaic Church. There's our beautiful girl there. She is look at her.

We have two sets of priorities in Mosaic and one of them is priority and one of them is priority be there not in more important or less important. It's just we have two main priorities for this church. The first one is to reach outward creating relationships outside of this church. We all know that Jesus left the church here. So that we could eat but that we could reach out. the purpose of the Church of Jesus Christ is to let people know that God loves them that they need them and that there is a life to be lived of faith and there's two ways that we are going to reach out to the community and his church sponsored community events like these we are going to be doing last like when Paul bored and came he talked a lot about Bridge events and we kind of went Bridge event crazy there for the first two years. And to be honest with you. If you have to do a cost-benefit ratio sometimes and you have to realize based on the demographic of our church that 80% of the work is done by 20% people and that's just natural group dynamics. That's not a that's not a an attack. It's just fact and most of our doors are up in age. So to be you know about that so and the result we were getting back from a lot of our Bridge events was not spectacular. It was okay, but it wasn't for the work and we weren't getting back. So we had to take a look at these Bridge events. We still believe in pretty pants. We still believe that we are supposed to be reaching out to the community of the two ways. We will do it for sure is the Fairview summer family days the pancake breakfast. There's going to be the Fairview Family days in August here. They're going to do it over in the park. They've asked us to do the pancake breakfast like we did last year which was quite successful. So we're going to do that pancake breakfast again. And then they're also doing a movie at night. They're going to play a movie over there. And then after the movie we're going to do fireworks because the fireworks were such a hit at the at the tree lighting. It's a cheap easy way to really make a big splash. Pardon the pun. and then in December They're going to do the tree lighting again. And then we're also going to be involved. I project I sent an idea to them. I said let's do a parade in Fairview every other community as a parade. Why don't we have a parade? So they said okay. So we're going to organize a Santa Claus Parade. I know Santa Claus doesn't exist. But we're trying to relate to the community. We're trying to you know, so if Santa Claus is what we have to pull out of the bag out of the bag, but actually every Community has a Santa Claus Parade. So we're going to help with that. We're going to put a float in And it will be a float that will reflect Jesus it will reflect the Nativity. I've already got some ideas. I haven't asked reg for a flatbed yet, but that's coming and let me tell you. I don't know that Mosaic had a float in this parade. They will know that and we'll know what we stand for as a church and then we'll do the Christmas tree. So those are the two that we will be doing for sure. The other possible ones Easter egg hunt we had surgery all dressed up as an Easter Bunny last year, which was kind of scary. Actually. It was a little bit scary, but but it's kind of like clowns like clowns are a little bit scary, you know, but anyway, it was good the kids loved it. Now come to find out this the community wants to do an Easter egg hunt and I said, well, let me tell you a story we have done it and why don't we partner with you and we will do and then we'll go. All the volunteers and all that stuff. So it looks like that Easter egg hunt will happen. And then last year we did the Halloween tent out front and we learn some things about how to do and how not to do it. But I still think it's worth while because during the height of it. There is a couple hundred people going up and down the street and I think we need to be there. We need to have a presence. So we had the tent and we were giving out treats and everything but we'll talk about that how we could do it better next year because people were really like they didn't know what to make of that kind of looked at. They just what is attempting. They just kind of went around it. So we need to talk about that a little bit but those are the four things this year that we are going to look at as it reaches to the community. Could you go back a slide Walter? The other one is our own friends and acquaintances. If you can go ahead to Walter, that would be great. This year we're in the process of trying to find the right kind of teaching on how to share our faith many of us have been Christians for over 20 30 40. Sometimes 50 60 years. The world has changed.

And you know the other night I was looking at the Billy Graham crusade here in Halifax because they're all televised. I was able to actually go back and look at the Crusade that I gave my life to the Lord that is really neat. But it what struck me is man that would never fly today. It just wouldn't fly today. You just they just wouldn't listen to that today. The world has changed as to how to share your faith. So the leadership team and I are trying to find Tony's looking trying to find some good maybe two three four week lessons on how to share your faith simply. Without offending people how to say it properly and how to respect people's because you know what 90% of people look their do not know who to King David is they do not know who Moses is they do not know what the Old Testament is. They don't know what the New Testament is. They don't know who the Apostle Paul is. They don't know how Peter is they barely know who Jesus is so for us to start talking as if they're even understand any of it, they don't understand any of it. So we need to be educated in an effective way to teach or to speak to people about what we believe and we should be able to share our faith in 3 minutes roughly around 3 minutes. I'm in it for where we came from a minute for what Christ did and a minute for what he's doing now. And so we're looking for that and we'll be doing that after Cuba sometime. We'll be looking down the road.

Something we can all come to and kind of learn how to do that Bill Walsh is also looking through the Gideons to have a man come in. Who is going to do a one-day? How many hours is just a couple hours or Friday evening saying where he's going to teach about evangelism how to share your faith not go door-to-door door-to-door is for some people personally. It's not for me and I think that today the door is a sacred place when you are at someone's door. You're on their private property. Try going even touching somebody's garbage. Anyway, go try to go through it and see if they don't come up the door because anything on their property is theirs and why are you here? So you instantly create the potential for a hostile kind of response. Why are you knocking at my door? I did not invite you to knock at my door, and this is private property. So this guy is going to be teaching not about that but about how to share again. You know how to share a faith what we believe and why it's important for them and stuff like that. So that's that's what we'll be doing this. So it's two kinds of Outreach to the community Through the church at 2 our own lives into the surrounding area. George is wonderful example of where he lived he went started little bible study at Janet's here this morning. That's the way it works if there's no rocket science to it. How long you been doing that George before Janet came to Faith 2 years? So two years a fishing. And we finally got a fish. And I think that two years was worth that fish. Well, Jesus Through us don't take yourself out of the equation, but I know what you're saying.

one of the ways the second priority of this church, so we have oat word reach. in Word This is two priorities of this church in 2018, which we just talked about and now in Word. empowerment and knowledge I believe there's the couple things that need to be done. We first of all need to clear the spiritual blockages. You and I who have been serving Jesus for as long as we have we would be naive and a little bit foolish to say that there is not some blockages. There's some things that we allow just over time. It's just you know, our disciplines have got Rusty. Our spiritual care has gotten Rusty. And there's three ways that we will deal with that spiritual blockage confession and repentance. I'm going into the mentorship program with Southland church. And again, it's so wonderful because they're not charging us most churches Saddleback whatever the church maybe they all offer mentorships, but it will cost you for six seven $800 a year to go in those mentorship programs. That's American dollars. These guys are investing $800,000 a year to train pastors. I'm in confession repentance and listening to God three things. We are going to go at our spiritual blockages with three things this year. After about 2 to 3 months, I will be free to as far as I'm told to start teaching Listening Prayer in the church Tony and I JB are already doing it and I got to tell you it is amazing. It's so fast. It's so quick. Have a question God. Should I do this head down father? What are you saying? Wait, and guess what? He tells you. You don't sit and pray father. I just want to hear from you. And I just know that you're on the throne and I know that you're doing wonderful things and I can trust you too. But somewhere in there God's got to have time to say something and what it is this we usually don't give them time to do that. The prayer meeting on Wednesday evening was very its this is not a critique. This is just showing us where we are when we said okay, we broke up and every everyone was going to pray for each other there. It's a few like about 5-10 minutes, maybe a prayer where was praying for each other and then it went instantly into conversation. I looked at the tables and everybody started to talk. And that's not a bad thing. It's just not that's not what we need. We need to be hearing God. Not our opinion of what God should be saying and trust me. That's what we get into I get into it. We have to just close that off and say father. What are you saying? And he'll speak either through a word scripture a picture something and when you're in a group guarantee, you you will have agreement and everything that Tony 9jb of a meeting for 2 weeks. Now whenever we ask a question at least two of us are getting agreements the same thing truly amazing. Sometimes all three of us will get it but that is something that will be coming down the road and we're going to teach it to this church and our prayer meetings are going to change. concerning prayer meetings Starting March 1st, and this is not some brainwave of mine. This was confirmed through someone at the district when we were praying at the district office a week and a half ago with all the pastures together. It was also confirmed out of the blue in our stuff when Tony JB get together distinctly and clearly said cancel Wednesday night prayer. Stop Wednesday night prayer. And Kevin is Kevin took me at the district. He said so you're the past you'll be known as taking prayer out of the church out of the school first and then out of the church.

God said it and I know some of you have a cranky idea about that. I don't blame you because it seems so counterintuitive. But if you look at the Bible God's full of counterintuitive behaviors doing things in a way that you wouldn't expect it to be done. All I saw was prayer meeting and got it racing it. Then I was at the district and one of the password I was talking to them about it at the district. And one of the ways you can listen to God one of the most crucial ways of listening to God is hearing what he saying to other people you trust. So I spoke to the pastor's there and afterwards a pastor from New Brunswick said he's had Keith. What I'm getting is a pause. He said about the prayer meeting the same thing pause why we don't have to know why. We don't have to tell God why he's telling us to do something and if we stand and get grumpy about it because we don't know why it's happening then we better watch it because we're getting grumpy with God. If God says don't do something. God says don't do something don't do it. Doesn't have to make sense doesn't have to comfort us. But I will say a boat that is that we are pausing to hear God show us and tell us how to do prayer the way he wants it done in the church. That's what I believe he's doing. And we're going to will have more information about this, but we're calling a fast from March 1st to March 21st. And we'll have more information about that because March 21st is the next time we're going to have a a 3-hour extended prayer night on Wednesday night, but starting the 1st of March Wednesday night prayer will no longer be happening and by that time you'll have information about the prayer in the fasting that will be going on at through March. So that's about prayer and confession and repentance that will come later on we're going to as God leads us in that and how to do that in a corporate situation how to do that as a church. I think I told you before I went to Southland God showed me a couple of pictures of boats Mosaic and I may have mentioned it to you, but I'll say it again. You showed me like a river was cut out and there's the river. There's the bottom of the river in the sides of the river and the top is the water going. And water representing the flow of the spirit. And you said halfway up under the water halfway up was a block this blockage and he said Keith when you're looking down at the river, you don't see it the waters just going through but what you don't understand it's only half the water is going through the rest is being blocked. You don't see it. It's hidden. It's down below and he said the church is not flowing in the spirit to the fullness they want because there's on confessed sin. And it's hidden confess unconfessed sin. now that's pretty severe. No Welcome to The Human Condition were cowards were scared or Sly were liars and will hide the truth. From people and we'll hide it from God if we can. And God saying not to do that anymore. If you want to do that, you will have to be okay with mediocrity in your Christianity Lord. Thank you for this this is going to be easy. But God is calling us to be holy and perfect and it's not like you or I or some big bad singers and we wrote like we have affairs going on or you know, it's not that it's little things. It's the little things a little things that make you crazy. It's the little things a little lie here a little white lie here not really being honest here. Maybe not saying what you know, you should say maybe not doing what you know, you should be doing baby watching what you know, you shouldn't be watching all kinds of stuff and it could be bigger stuff who knows doesn't matter to God. He just wants us to be healthy. So confession and repentance is going to be something you're going to be hearing about as we go along. Why because we want this church to be and you as individuals in me to be free and a half that stuff dealt with there. So many Christians who are walking around with half of what they should have because they're hiding half of what they should be giving.

That's what we call and good old Pentecostal circles a testimony confirmation. That is a confirmation that God is saying it and again should we be surprised?

Isn't that kind of what we believe, you know confession was not something we just did at our conversion. It is an ongoing thing. And I know there's people as soon as you say that you're doing a prayer meeting around confession and repentance. There are distinct people who will not be there. Because they're scared because they really don't know that God loves him.

Perfect love casts out fear. You should be able to come in front of God with anything. And know that God still loves you. Yeah, but what will people say? Who cares who cares what people will say I'm more concerned about what God will say. And so how God is going to be bringing confession and repentance into this church. You know what I don't have to know that I just have to know that he is going to do it and we need to be listening and he's going to show us how to do it. So this is it's exciting but it's also demanding and I believe that you as individuals and I as an individual have a future in God and I am not going to settle for mediocrity. I haven't come this far. I haven't come through what I've come through to just wander off into the quiet dark of night at the end of my life and not see the stuff that I know you're hungry for and I'm hungry for So next slide there won't. We're also going to be looking at a 12-step program. But we're going to do it differently. I am just going to take the 12 steps of the recovery program and take the spiritual root that they came from Bill Wilson who wrote what they called The Big Book which is the AA manual for Alcoholics. Anonymous has issue. No everyone knows a 12-step program, but they are 12 spiritual steps. He never got those out of the air never got them from Oprah those those exist it in the Bible when he took those out of the Bible and he said you do this and you're going to get free he used to for alcoholism you and I can use it for anything. There's no sense repenting sometimes requires action.

Asking God for help. Sometimes it will require us do something and the 12 Steps show us what those are and they are powerful powerful things and I already know three people who will come do not go to church now and they said they would come to this. The world wants to know how to get free and just go mow. Jesus will make you free is not going to do it. They don't understand what that means. Saying you need Jesus doesn't exist. It's something at the bumper sticker. They don't they don't know what it means you get them in a 12-step program and start taking the spiritual root instead of saying there might be could be maybe there is some kind of maybe God saying no, here's the god that Bill Wilson was talking about and this is why AA has gone all around the world and there may be things that you and I need to go through 12 step program a boat behaviors addictions to behaviors. I guarantee you if we are gossipers, And you allow yourself to sit in at 12 step program around step 3. You'll give you the people that you need to go and apologize to. Well, they didn't hear me say it doesn't matter. God heard you say it. And it's a legal agreement. Remember we are living in a legal agreement between the devil and Jesus Jesus signed our release warrant, but it's got probational conditions. And if we violate those probational conditions, like what we say what we do what we allow and then all of a sudden guess what we can go back to jail. The devil will be the first one there with the handcuffs to say, you know, what you knew you weren't supposed to cheat on your wife as a Christian. So guess what you're coming with me and you know what God has to say.

I'll try to make it as good as I can but until due diligence is done. You have to pay for that that broken the situation and then you get the church to pray like a madman and repentance and then God comes in and restores right? That's why the church is so important say I don't know why I want to go to church I get up. It's no no. I'm not going to church if you get a cancer diagnosis where you're going to be next Sunday. You're going to be in church. Thank you, Jesus. You're going to be in church. So the 12-step program. I'm I'm writing at myself that should be creative but there's so many of them that you can pick and I said no, we've got it here. We got the Holy Spirit you can tell us what exactly he wants us to talk about and not 12 step program and that will be again sometimes later in the spring after we get back from Cuba. Our whole life is before Cuba after Cuba next slide there. church membership It's ya ya before Cuba and after Cuba. It really does divide our year speaking of Cuba will like for the anyone and exploring church membership at church membership is important and there's membership requirements and I'm just going to read them here. Persons Desiring to become a member of this local church shall give credible profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. We have left the membership thing really get lacks. They shall give evidence of compliance with the biblical standard of Christian practice and manifest spiritual growth by giving evidence of the fruit of the spirit love not the gifts of the Spirit.

Fruit of the spirit love joy peace, patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control.

next one they shall refrain from acts of the sinful nature sexual immorality sexual immorality can be looking at a catalog. Because it has women in bras in it or whatever, right? That's like there's a lot of guys I talk to a lot of guys who have a lot of problems. Just seeing a woman in a bathing suit.

It's it's hard. It's very hard impurity and debauchery debauchery basically going to University idolatry and Witchcraft witchcraft is very interesting because it's not like, you know, someone with a long nose and a big hat. It is believing in something else besides the power of Christ as being able to influence your life, right? Yes. Yeah, it's it's it's actually worse than it. Yep, horoscopes Ouija boards how many how many had any experience with the Ouija board as a kid? Yeah, you need to break that off. You really do hatred disc. Now. Here's the big ones those ones impurity debauchery idolatry idolatry is allowing anything to interfere with you following Jesus TV can be idolatry.

Someone having a facial let's have some glad she had a facial issue. I was telling you had like this huge goiter and you didn't come to church because you were concerned about the way this looked that's idolatry. That's something that sells illegal in fried. But anything that interferes with your ability to do what it is a God wants you to do that's idolatry because you are giving it more power in your life than God. Here's here the ones that snatches up the most though hatred. Do we hate anybody? well Like I hope we don't but you know what when Tony and I were praying with JB the other day and I was just hoping not to do with this church, but somewhere else and I got my very clear there was a chunk of hate down there. There was a chunk of it. In me and I and I went wow, and it was just sitting there waiting to attack anyone that could. That's what prayer listening can tell you hatred Discord. Jealousy fits of Rage. Hopefully, we're not having fits of Rage in the church, but we have seen it. I mean old friend of mine Church. They had to call the cops cuz there's a fist fight in that happened 3 years ago kids standing on the thing saying just like WWF like WWE right crazy that was board meeting I was a board meeting and you know what it was about because there was one family. This happened my friend was there Rose and knows about it. Because there was one family dominated committee that that committee had been dominated for over 25 years by that family and the dear Pastor was trying to take that one last person off the committee and it turned up into a fist fight.

Jesus looking down

they're supposed to reach the world. and then fits of Rage selfish ambition to have our own way. That's all that is. We got to have her own way this sentence that is causing divided. I don't care if it's dividing the whole church or if it's just two people dividing if there is somebody who is purposely not being in a relationship Christian relationship that and I'm I'm not saying you can go by and just kind of come in and then walk by that's not Christian relationship Christian relationship is that you have the freedom within you to go and say how you doing great. See you today, and I guess we're going to do some to church today, but that have relationship. If you can't do that and you have not confessed it and you continue to walk in that purposely. That's dissensions. Goddess dissensions the other person may not even notice God notices. And it causes to give the enemy and in most of time the other person will notice and it will cause some great harm or upset. And that's what the devil wants to do. You'll do it with he'll do it to one person or he'll do it to everybody but his his thing is to cause dissension. and then factions and envy go to the things that usually break up a church and if we as members persist in those things, Membership will be revoked.

drunkenness orgies and the like sexual immorality or cheese

What kind of Christian going to be an orgy? The one who watches it on TV.

You know and they say all well that wouldn't happen. There's a show on Netflix that I was watching not tell you the name. I did I told actuality in it and it would have open orgies and I'm not staying home. I haven't had to stop watching it. Well, what do you do? He went home and watched it and of course who got a phone call the next day. Having to pray with them about what that caused in his life and all that stuff. Drunkenness or cheese and the like sexual immorality that could be looking at another person with lustful thoughts shall be interpreted to mean common law marital relations premarital and extramarital sexual relations. And there's the scriptures all forms of homosexual activity not homosexual temptation. Please let us be a church that does not say because somebody is tempted with a homosexual orientation that that is sin. It is not sin anymore. Then you getting on a bus and looking at somebody and being sexually attracted to them is a sin welcome to the broken Human Condition. It's just the way it is it when we act on it. The charismatic church both evengelical and the Baptist and everybody have made abortion and homosexuality the great sacred cows of the last 10 years 20 years and trust me. There's bigger cows to be worrying about but this so any form of activity a Christian who professes to follow Jesus Christ should not continue in homosexual activity anymore. Then a person who professes to be a Christian continues in NV continues in lying convince continuous and hating people not talking to people at church in whatever it is should not continue in that I guarantee you if there was somebody who came in this church and was living a same-sex relationship life. There would be an expectation for them to as I got to know Jesus stop living like that. But yet do we have the same expectation for someone who is just nasty or somebody who is always being a problem or whatever it might be on so we have to be fair about how we apply all these things along with other practices deemed inexcusable for Christians. There is a barber call to conduct and which place is a person under God's judgment doing these things when you know Christ don't worry about the world. They don't know what's going on when I talk to him about it. He thought I was at 6 heads. So when you said our marriage is never been better.

I just ice it and you could see there was nothing there. He didn't see that this would be wrong or some way. Anyway, the next slide they shall indicated desire to live in harmony with this body of Believers still accept the doctrinal standards. It's as set forth in the statements are fundamental to Central trues and Shelby regular Financial supporters of this local church I have here. This is what we believe. This is the basic fundamentals of the Christian Pentecostal approach to Faith. It's pretty well the same as a Baptist and a Catholic and is all of them. It's pretty well. Basically the same if you wanted those copies of it here and so we have to if you don't agree with that and like Jeeps, I don't know where there's something in that you don't agree with there is some terminologies around the gifts of the holy spirit that we as a local congregation hand a little bit differently, but finally this financial supporters. This is going to crank some of your Styles, but we have to get firm on membership. If you are not a financially supporting person like if you're a member of the church, and we come to the AGM which were going to come to in later in March. We're going to check we're not going to this year because you haven't been warned. But next year we will look and if there is not a corresponding financial support to your name. Then your membership will will have a conversation until your membership is up for consideration. Now some people say well, that's crazy. No, it's not crazy. It's part of membership and some people just throw their money in the dish. Right? Well don't do that anymore. Just put your name on it so that we know I don't care how much you give God does. I don't I don't know how much any of you give and I I think I've only asked Charlie once to tell me if a certain person was contributing to the work. I don't want to know how much that's why I don't do the offering downstairs. I help Bill once and I had to keep on closing my eyes cuz I didn't want to see the amounts. But it is important that there's some amount of financial support coming from people who want to be members of the church. And if at the end of the year there is nothing there then we will have to take a look at the the membership in the church as we will be with all of if you are behaving in any of the manners if I'm behaving in any of the manners that are indicated in this membership requirement starting next year will starting this year in some cases, but next year we are definitely going to take a look at the revocation or taking away membership unless there's no reason like, you know, you may have not had any money all year.

We could keep an eye on you will be watching your brine.

Do you know what you can do we have a system in this church and Charlie will give it to you where you have a number and you and Charlie and actually Charlie won't even know the number. The only one who will know the number. That's right list. The only one who will know the numbers are bookkeeper who doesn't even go here. So you just put your number on there and nobody knows it's you and nobody knows the amount have wish we did more of that because it's you know for the people who are doing the offering it's hard because they're seeing this and it does affect we're human beings. So you have to be a real maturity to do the offering at the handle that responsibility of knowing those things. So that's are there any questions about membership? Is there anything there that you just go? I'm not doing that. Is there anything that sounds Draconian or are you know to harsher?

In order to be and I'm not trying to be social and please I know I talked to go to a flying but it's just every once in awhile you get a little bit of information that's really important for all of us and God never sent me out there just for me. It's for you too. But so flat and in order to be a member of that church, you have to go through over it almost a Year's worth of programs in order to be a member in that church. the Cherry I'm sorry, Southland is the name of the church Odin Winnipeg that I went to it's called. So fine church that I should say that instead of just saying so flight. comments about membership

Okay leadership. Church leadership Church leadership is something that has not really? We've not been good here structuring Church leadership and God willing and the creek don't rise. We're going to change that and get more. more serious about church leadership and there's a preamble a policy that we have created and there's they're here for you to have a look at if you are a leader in this church and buy a leader. I mean that you are leading a prayer meeting you are leading a Bible study. You are leading a women's group. You are leading on the leadership team, which is the leadership team. If you are on the pastor's Council if you are in any way Sunday school teacher That it is mandatory that you come to.

Certainly, the prayer meetings on Wednesday evenings, when however they reestablish themselves now that they're not there. It's a little bit tough. But whatever is whatever God brings into that that that will be a prerequisite that you go to those. All worship Services prayer meetings Bible studies evangelism in Mission events now understandable, there's work understandable. There are some things that but what we don't want is just to have leaders who do their thing and nothing else don't come to prayer meetings. Don't come to Bible studies don't attend Outreach events. We don't want that. We want people who are plugged into what we're doing. And so if somebody desires to step into a leadership position at the church, you have to really think you have to sit down and say God. I'm not just committing to teaching Sunday school. I'm committing that I'm going to be at as many of the prayer meeting says I can. And honestly, there's got to be a good excuse for not being there. People I know that people look at church and just say it's a very volunteer thing you do it if you want to no one's forcing anybody. But what we're trying to do is raise the bar so that you have people who are in your leadership for actually committed to the whole work. Not just the one they want to do. We're building for the future. We're not building for right now. Even though it's going to help us now. We're building for the future so that the level of leadership in the church. I mean we've had it where people and then, you know, they don't show up one week for something then they show up the next week. And then the thing just kind of fizzled out dies it if we cannot can't have that anymore because it's our responsibility as the elders to make sure that the place is run properly and we're going to have to answer to God, why'd you let that happen? So we have to raise the bar of the leadership level so that we know that we have leaders that are going to be at as many of the prayer meetings as is practically possible Bible studies. And if there's a note reach we got for this year. I would like to think that all of our leaders are able to make it over to that. 4 in 12 months. I'm a thinking or try to help in some way. So you see the spirit of what we're after here. It's not that you have to do everything at beat everything but as much as possible, you are plugged into the things that the church is doing. I do not know how anyone can lead anything in a church and you're not attending the prayer meetings. I just don't know how it can happen. You don't know where anything is. You don't know what God speaking to the church. You don't know the spirit in the in the the whole attitude that's going on because that's where we get. It Wednesday night here was tremendous. It was really good. And you come away with a since you come away with a sense of what God saying a context to feeling so but you'll be able to look at that and take that with you. Is there another slight there? Walter

there should be another slide.

Keep going. Keep going.

Yeah, and you can keep going after that one.

That's it. So we've covered everything. That's pretty well everything and I was just going to say I already talked about the prayer meeting on Wednesday nights. So comments.

We're doing okay. It's 5 after 1 for anyone who was worried Austin.

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