
The Last Days of Jesus Christ  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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We have hope because Jesus is alive!

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Introduction - A Come Back Story
I want to tell you today about the story of one of the greatest turn arounds in history.
We love that moment in sports when our team is behind but rally’s for the victory.
And as soon as I say this, you are immediately thinking about Jesus. But that’s what powers our story, but it isn’t the story I want to tell today.
The pastor said to the main
Because unless we see that the resurrection changes everything, then we won’t see the greatest implication of the resurrection - that our lives can be renewed through the power of the resurrection.
Where have we been?
If we think of the life of Christ, our text today is the climax of his time on earth.
It is a temptation for us to think that the cross is the climax, but in reality, had it not been for the resurrection,
Of course, we know it began with Mary becoming pregnant with the Christ Child and then giving birth in Bethlehem. We know the Christmas story.
Jesus then grew in wisdom and stature until at the age of 30, he left his family business and began a travelling teaching ministry.
He came and taught as one with authority, the Scriptures tells.
He taught about how the Kingdom of God was at hand.
He brought Good News - we call it the Gospel Message - that although by our very nature we are far away from God due to our sin, we can be brought back into a close fellowship with the very one who made us.
The way we do that, however, directly contradicted the teachers and religious people of his day. Rather than ritual and rules, Jesus came telling us how we can have a relationship with God Himself.
Of course, when Jesus threatened their way of doing things which meant that their control was threatened as well, the religious teachers and leaders decided he had to go.
They tried to trap him and discredit him.
And when that didn’t work, and all the more people began to follow him, they plotted to arrest him in the middle of the night and have him crucified.
This all happened, according to God’s Plan -
When we left our story after Good Friday and the crucifixion with the reminder from
Luke 23:54–56 ESV
It was the day of Preparation, and the Sabbath was beginning. The women who had come with him from Galilee followed and saw the tomb and how his body was laid. Then they returned and prepared spices and ointments. On the Sabbath they rested according to the commandment.
It is here that we find ourselves today - and I want us to see this text through the eyes of these faithful women who got up early to go and finish what they thought would be finishing the work they started on Friday.
And I want us to see this fundamental truth: that our lives can be renewed through the power of the resurrection!
EX - The women were resigned to the fact that Jesus was dead
In our text today, we see that the women went to the tomb early on Sunday morning to finish preparing Jesus’ body.
Of course, Jesus was crucified on Friday and at sundown on Friday the Sabbath began.
They could do no work until sunrise on Sunday because of the law and custom.
So, they took their spices and ointments to finish their work in preparing Jesus’ body after his death.
In other gospel accounts, we know that the women were worried about the stone and who would roll it away.
Never in their wildest dreams did they imagine that Jesus’ body wouldn’t be there.
AP - Don’t miss God’s working in the world because you are resigned that things won’t change and you miss it.
Maybe you are here today and you are resigned to the idea that life is always going to be the way it is.
Maybe you are stuck in a job you hate. Or with a spouse you can barely tolerate.
Maybe you have given up hope that your life or situation can change.
I’m here today to remind you that your life and your situation can change through the power of Jesus Christ.
These women resigned themselves to the fact that Jesus was dead and totally forgot that he not only promised he had to die but that he would return from death - and more on that in a moment.
But Pastor, you say, aren’t there things we should just accept?
Like when someone is sick and dying?
Or that the world is going to get worse and worse.
And I say no, we should never be resigned to death, or taxes or anything...
The word resigned means “having accepted something unpleasant that one cannot do anything about.”
These women were resigned that Jesus was dead and there was nothing anyone can do about it.
So, I may contract some horrible illness and I may even die - but my life will not be over because Jesus defeated death when he rose from the grave.
And one day, my body will rise incorruptible and perfect - so I will never be resigned that I will die because Jesus did something about it when he died and rose again.
Friends, the empty tomb is proof that nothing is too hard for God to accomplish. Don’t miss this truth.
EX - The women found the stone rolled away and there was no body in the tomb. And they didn’t understand.
The Scriptures tell us that when they arrived at the tomb, it wasn’t at all like they expected.
The stone was rolled away.
There was no body.
And they were perplexed about it.
Now, in fairness to these women, none of us expect to go to a funeral and be told that the body isn’t there.
I know I can go to a cemetery in rural Lucas and find the grave of my grandparents.
It was here that two angels appeared - looking like men - and asked them one of the most profound questions in
Luke 24:5 ESV
And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?
Luke 24:5 ESV
And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?
This is a rebuke from God. They had forgotten all that Jesus had taught in and
Luke 9:22 ESV
saying, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.”
Luke 9:44 ESV
“Let these words sink into your ears: The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men.”
Jesus taught them already that all this was going to happen. They just forgot. They had to be reminded.
I know that I can go to a mausoleum in Wisconsin and find the remains of my friend Dan.
And so they were, they were reminded of the words of Jesus and they left the tomb to go and tell others.
They haven’t gone anywhere
IL - Teaching the Trinity
I remember speaking with a woman while I was chaplain at Newton. One day I mentioned something about the Trinity.
She looked at me like I had just said men from Mars had landed.
I remembered coming home and venting to Julie about how I wanted to find her pastor and shake him up for not teaching this poor woman the truth and wondered what else she didn’t hear about.
And Julie, in all her wisdom, said, “Maybe her pastor wasn’t bad. Maybe she just didn’t pay attention.”
But she was right. I mean, these women had JESUS as their teacher and they still forgot what he said.
AP - When it is the darkest, don’t forget the Words of Jesus so you don’t forget to have hope!
Friends, I get that we live with burdens and there are times when things look bleak.
The resurrection proves to us that Jesus keeps his word and that because of this, we do have a hope beyond where we sit today.
Friends, every single promise of Jesus is true and trustworthy because there is not a tomb with a body of man we called Jesus.
And you may sit here today and doubt that it is true but you have to admit, that the disciples believed SOMETHING and they were willing to die for what they believed!
Someone was once asked what they thought about the resurrection of Jesus and they said, “If it is true, it changes everything!”
This is why we don’t need to be resigned that our future is bleak and unchangeable. Because Jesus changes everything!
EX - When the lightbulb went on for these women, it changed EVERYTHING!
The Bible tells us that life is short and full of trouble and it is!
As we see, these women remembered what they had heard from Jesus - they left the tomb!
It’s as if they said to one another, “He’s right! Why do we look for the living among the dead.”
They remembered his words and they left the tomb. It was as Jesus said! The Tomb was empty!
IL - When you realize that the tomb is empty - that Jesus was right about that, it validates his entire message!
I have done far too many funerals during my short time as a pastor.
We live in a day and age where we demand truth and proof.
In December of 2016, church leaders, archeologists and the media did something that hadn’t been done in almost 500 years. They removed the seal on the tomb believed to be where Jesus lay and the women gathered.
Partly, it was because I also served as a chaplain at a retirement home and was asked to serve in that role.
But the resurrection of Jesus Christ is validation that every promise is true and that we have a hope beyond our circumstances!
In there, they found marble slabs where bodies would have been laid - and a slab with an inscribed cross that they date back to the 12th Century and the Crusades.
We decry fake news and feel like we need to check everything we read to make sure it is true.
So, when
One of the archeologists said that when he went in his knees
AP - Remember the words of Jesus so they will transform you into having hope!
We know in times of struggle, Jesus promised never to leave nor forsake us - don’t forget that!
He promised that He is the way, the truth and the life - don’t forget that!
He said that He goes to prepare a place for us - don’t forget that!
He said that He is coming back to right the wrongs of this world - don’t forget that!
Friends - these women realized that the truth of Jesus Christ is validated by the fact that his tomb was empty. And it changed everything!
IL - Spring
I love the fact that Easter happens in the Spring. I don’t love it because we haven’t had time to fix the yard or touch up the paint - but more on that in a moment.
No, I love the fact that Easter happens in late March or early April because it reminds us that as the weather changes from the gloom of winter to the new life in Spring that all things are renewed.
Life is restored - we can get outside! The boys can ride their bikes! They can go to the park.
The grass is green - you can play golf, even, if you are so inclined. You can go fishing again
Life is restored. And just as Spring reminds us that the gloom of winter is over - the resurrection gives us hope that our past mistakes and failures are over - and we can be restored to what we are meant to do.
EX - Those who encounter the truth of the empty tomb are truly changed.
We will explore this truth over the next couple of weeks as we wrap up Luke’s Gospel.
For today, let’s look at the woman and let’s look at Peter.
The women went back and told the disciples that the tomb was empty.
We don’t get this because we don’t understand that in Jesus’ day, women couldn’t testify in court.
It is a way we know that the story isn’t made up. If it was, the disciples would have found the empty tomb.
Instead, it is the women - and that helps us to know it is true.
But the women left and told others about the truth - that the tomb was empty. They reclaimed their purpose which was to be heralds of the good news that God’s Kingdom is here - and the way in is through faith and repentance.
But let’s not forget Peter either.
We touched on him a couple of weeks ago when we looked at his denial of Christ prior to the trial.
But Peter too is restored. He runs to the tomb, only to be outrun by John, we read in John’s gospel.
But notice the text today - Peter went home “marveling” we read in verse 12. He was amazed at the fact that the tomb was empty because it meant that there was a chance, maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t be defined by his failure of a couple of days ago.
He too remembered the words of Christ from
Luke 22:32 ESV
but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”
Peter too remembered what Jesus said - that just because he failed, there will come a time when he needs to strengthen his fellow disciples.
Peter was reminded that his failures, just like death itself, were not the end because the resurrection changes everything.
The truth is that encountering the empty tomb renews us too through the healing power of the Gospel.
I love the fact that Easter happens in the Spring. I don’t love it because we haven’t had time to fix the yard or touch up the paint - but more on that in a moment.
No, I love the fact that Easter happens in late March or early April because it reminds us that as the weather changes from the gloom of winter to the new life in Spring that all things are renewed.
Life is restored - we can get outside! The boys can ride their bikes! They can go to the park.
The grass is green - you can play golf, even, if you are so inclined. You can go fishing again
Life is restored. And just as Spring reminds us that the gloom of winter is over - the resurrection gives us hope that our past mistakes and failures are over - and we can be restored to what we are meant to do.
AP - Jesus can renew you too.
The great news of the empty tomb is that it means that anyone who trusts in Jesus Christ can be renewed as well.
Now, the flip side of that truth is that everyone needs to be renewed by Jesus Christ.
Maybe you are far from God and you’ve never walked in relationship with him.
These women did.
Peter did.
Or maybe you’ve had a relationship with God but you’ve denied his place in your life, kinda like Peter.
The disciples who doubted did.
Or maybe you’re resigned yourself to the idea that life will never change, the die is cast and it is what it is like the women did.
Judas, Herod, Pilate - all the people in this narrative from the past few weeks.
I’m here to tell you that the resurrection gives us hope that things will not always be the way they are today.
You and me as well.
For those of us who trust in the resurrection, there is a hope that what is happening today will not define us forever.
The thing is that each one of us break God’s laws - that’s the bad news.
If you are sick today, we have hope in a Savior who heals.
The good news is that with his death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, Jesus shows us that our sins have been dealt with.
If you are you have a broken marr
When we trust Jesus to deal with our sins, he can renew us just as he did with these women, with Peter and ultimately with all the disciples.
Renew us not just to feel good about ourselves - but to accomplish the purpose that he placed us on earth to do.
Remember how we define the gospel?
Will you trust in the promise of the resurrected Christ to heal what is broken and wrong in your life?
The gospel is God’s work in Christ - that through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, God is making all things new both personally for those who repent and believe, and universally as He redeems all things from its subjection to futility.
And then, will you trust that in that renewal, he will give you a renewed purpose to glorify God by making a difference in the lives of those around you and in the world - both in working in and with the church and with those around you?
These women went from the tomb and ran back to the disciples to tell them what they saw and remembered.
Then Peter went to verify and he too left changed by what he saw and remembered.
The gospel hope found in the resurrection and the empty tomb has the power to change everything
tells us “Behold, I am making all things new.”
The renewal of lives is an ongoing work - and we see it here as well.
Conclusion - How will you respond to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I’m convinced that the resurrection of Jesus dem
We live in a world of skepticism and doubt; these lead us to feelings of bleakness and resignation.
As Bruce Hornsby once sang, “That’s just the way it is, somethings will never change.”
In our text today, there are three ways we could respond.
Do you see it? There in verse 10? They told these things to the apostles.
First, we could respond like the other disciples and view the resurrection as an idle tale.
As Bruce Hornsby once sang, “That’s just the way it is, somethings will never change.”
We resign ourselves to a hopeless life.
They remembered that Jesus calls every follower to share the hope of the gospel with those around us.
Friends, the resurrection is proof that things change. Jesus is proof that things don’t have to stay the same.
Maybe you are here today and you are here only because someone forced you to come.
Because the gospel is the hope that through God’s work in Christ - God is making all things new.
The resurrection changed these women. The resurrection changed Peter.
You think that when I say that Jesus rose again, I’m a crazy person.
Over the next couple of weeks as we wrap up our time in Luke, we’ll see how the resurrection changed even the skeptics.
“That’s just the way it is. But don’t you believe them.”
So for the believer, the hope of the resurrection is that every promise of Jesus is true.
And our next Sermon series after that in Galatians will explore how and what the resurrection changes.
And later this year, we’ll come back to Luke’s writings as we head in to the Book of Acts and see how the resurrection began to change the world.
But before we do this, you need to answer one question today - how will you respond to the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
Will you trust that what Jesus did on the cross paid for your sins and that you can find forgiveness and hope in the resurrected Christ?
Will you trust that Jesus Christ came, bled and died to atone for your sins and then rose again bringing us hope that the tomb is not the end.
For the skeptic, the hope of the gospel is that you too can be forgiven your sins.
Will you trust in the resurrection and let the hope of Jesus Christ wash over your life and change you forever? Let’s pray.
Here’s what I want to challenge you with - explore the truth about the resurrection.
And for the one who has denied Jesus, the hope is that there is no sin beyond the healing power of Jesus Christ.
No matter who you are today - the resurrection reminds us that the gospel hope is that Jesus Christ is making all things new.
I’ve touched on Peter, but he responded with hope as well, but in a different way.
Peter ran to verify and left amazed, marvelling at what he saw.
And marvelling at the thought that maybe he too could be forgiven.