Tabernacle of David1a

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Isaiah 43: 19-21

            **I believe for many people in the Body of Christ they are entering into a new season in their lives where God is calling them to leave the old behind and step into the new!


            **Things of the past that have hindered and impeded our forward motion must be left behind if we are to move upward in God’s purpose and call!


            **It truly is a time where God is stripping and removing everything that would hinder our race in Him! As we transition into the new we must understand what He is doing and what things He is requiring of us to leave behind.


            **God is breaking out of the box! We must be very careful in this next season not to pattern ourselves after models of the past, even good models.


**We must not carbon copy ourselves after patterns of ministry that worked last season. God is doing a NEW THING!


**To move into the new wineskin we must remain very pliable and sensitive to what God is doing and how He is moving! This will require a keen sensitivity to His voice and a boldness not to blend in and go with the flow!


**Some of you may be saying, Pastor Bobby that is all fine and well for you to believe that but how can we know for sure that this is truly A NEW SEASON?


**That is a great question and I have two things that I will call to your attention. First of all, I believe that IT’S A NEW SEASON because:



A.                 The WRITTEN word ASSURES it!

Isa 43: 19 Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth!



B.                 The RHEMA word AFFIRMS!

Rom 10: 17 So faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ!

LOGOS                                              RHEMA

*God’s Complete Word                       *God’s Spoken Word

*God’s Complete Truth                        *God’s Specific Truth

*God’s Complete Message                  *God’s Personal Message

*God’s Complete Scripture                  *God’s Quickening Scripture

*LOGOS produces Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding


*RHEMA produces Faith, Passion and Life

**Listen to some of the references to RHEMA:

**Mt 4:4 . . . but on every WORD that proceeds out of the mouth

**Mt 12: 36 . . . every careless WORD that people speak

**Mt 26: 75 And Peter remembered the WORD . . . had spoken

**Lk 1: 38 . . . may it be done to me according to your WORD

**Jn 6: 63 the WORDS that I have spoken to you are spirit and

**2 Cor 12: 4 . . . and heard inexpressible WORDS, which a man

**Eph 6: 17 and take the sword of the spirit which is the WORD

            **Allow me to give you an example of God’s Spoken Word becoming a Specific Word that resulted in it being a Personal Message to me.


            **The year 2004 marked the end of a brutal spiritual season for many. At first I did not discern this or the magnitude of this new Supernatural season. . . But I now believe it was and is a truly awesome, Church-wide, go-to-the-next level unprecedented supernatural shift. One supernatural season has ended and a distinctly new and better supernatural season in God has begun!

            **Literally, right now, as you read this prophetic declaration God is at work in your life vindicating you! He is busy “behind the scenes” working on your behalf. A new seven-year period of great spiritual release is upon you! Your years of persecution and suffering, “for His name’s sake” are about to pay off!

            **Unnoticed by most, the Holy Spirit began to move around mid-January, setting off a chain reaction of spiritual events for all who have “endured hardship as a soldier of Jesus Christ.” If you’ve been enduring hardship, if you’ve been wounded, especially by “friendly fire” this new season is just for you! You’re about to be healed!

            **In a word, this new season is all about vindication. It’s not about you exacting vengeance or “getting even.” Not at all. Instead, it’s about vindication from God  . . . as you have endured suffering as His faithful soldier.

            **Yes, you are about to be rewarded. The truth is about to come out, you are about to be freed from alleged charges against you! You are about to be absolved and acquitted! The Lord is about to announce over you, “Not Guilty!” Victims are about to rejoice and your accusers are about to be silenced!

**You are not being paroled, you’re being acquitted! Specifically, you have been waiting for vindication from past injustices, betrayals, and abandonments and the subsequent disillusionment it has created.


**Frankly, the root problem has been about witchcraft in the Church. The spirit of witchcraft that has decimated and dissected you is finally being exposed. You paid a great price for your integrity, your character, and your honesty. Yes, it cost you a great deal to be a true follower of Jesus Christ. You may have even “appeared” to many to be the “bad guy” when in fact you were actually the victim of a spiritual crime. Again, all of that is going to change! The Lord says to you today,

“The days of your mourning are over and your Jubilee year is now upon you. I have begun your vindication. It will come swiftly!”


I declare prophetically that a season of great vindication and long overdue justice for you . . . is upon you right now! God has already begun the necessary process of vindicating you. You have suffered betrayal, false accusation, broken promises, and abandonment long enough!

“All will be as it was suppose to be says the Lord. There will be no part of your destiny delayed, and no part of your destiny denied. Is there anything too hard for Me says the Lord?”


Now here is the hard part of this prophetic promise, the part you will really need “ears to hear.” Often a prophecy’s impact is only as good as the response to it. Whether or not this prophecy for the Church impacts you personally, depends entirely on your proper and biblical response!

No doubt you will be asked by God to participate in the healing and restoration of formerly broken relationships, especially with Christians. Please do so graciously and humbly, just as Christ would. Say yes to any and all whom are looking to be reconciled with you!

I predict that people . . .from your past will soon visit you. They will come with olive branches in their hands looking to establish peace with you. I urge you to accept their offering and participate enthusiastically in the peace process.

God’s part during this new seven year season will be to vindicate you in incredible ways. Like Joseph you are coming out of your dungeon and are about to experience God’s great favor upon your life, a true season of amazing promotion awaits you.

However, your part, and this is critical, is to NOT rejoice when your enemies fall (Proverbs 24: 17)! So, welcome to your new seven-year Jubilee season!

**I can not even begin to explain to you the kind of instant healing and closure God brought to my spirit when I read those words! God had taken a general word and by His Spirit made it a Specific Word with a Personal Message in it just for me!

**However as important as this RHEMA was and as effective as it was in increasing my FAITH, PASSION and new LIFE, it is only part of the SMALL picture associated with The DECLARATION that has been REVEALED!


**I call your attention to the fact that for a long time and for various reasons The Big Picture EXPLANATION Has Been CONCEALED!


**I want you to notice:

A.                 The REVELATION that was INCLUDED!

Amos 9: 11 In that day I will raise up the fallen tabernacle of David . . . I will also raise up its ruins And rebuild it as in the days of old!

**When Amos spoke these words he was confronting a grievous sin that was plaguing God’s people. The Absence of True worship had been replaced by ritualistic performance. As a result God’s people were not pursuing Him with their whole hearts (4:4-5; 5:4-6).


**The more things change, the more things seem to stay the same! If there was one sin that I believe the modern Church is universally guilty of it would be SPIRIT AND TRUTH WORHIP BEING REPLACED BY RITUALISTIC PERFORMANCE!


**When you read the REVELATION that GOD INCLUDED from the prophet Amos, it really is not that hard of a verse to understand.


**Let’s read it together: “In that day I will raise up the fallen tabernacle of David . . .I will also raise up its ruins And rebuild it as in the days of old!


**We can see The REVELATION that was INCLUDED but I also want you to notice:


B.                 The INTERPRETATION that was CONCLUDED!

2 Thess 2: 4 . . . so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God

   **Because the spirit of anti-Christ is already at work in the world, a lot of people have concluded that the correct interpretation of Amos 9: 11 refers to something that is going to begin to fulfilled during the Tribulation and ultimately fulfilled during the Millennial reign of Christ.

   **They say that Amos is referring (in some way, shape or fashion), to a Temple that is going to be rebuilt and sacrificial worship is going to be resurrected.


   **If this is correct then Amos would be referring to a literal Temple. However before we say Amen and Praise the Lord, I want you to notice:

C.                 The APPLICATION that was INTENDED!

Acts 3: 19 Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of REFRESHING may come from the PRESENCE of the LORD . . .

   **On the day of Pentecost when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking with dialects (tongues) that they had never spoken with before, people began to accuse the disciples of being drunk with wine.


   **Peter stood up and said these men are not drunk, as you suppose . . . but this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: And it shall be in the last days, God says, That I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see visions And your old men shall dream dreams . . .


   **When God “sent forth His Spirit” on the Day of Pentecost Peter associated it with the beginning of the “last days”.


   **In Acts 3: 19 the man who had been lame from his mother’s womb was healed by the Power of God and he began to leap and walk and PRAISE God!


   **Everyone was amazed and thinking that Peter and John were something “special”. Peter told them that they were not anything special but now was the TIME for them to REPENT and RETURN to God for the forgiveness of their sins in order that times of REFRESHING may come from the PRESENCE of the LORD!


   **According to Peter and to Amos, what was the APPLICATION that was INTENDED?

As part of God’s BIG PICTURE:

**Something is going to be:

1)                        REBUILT:

Acts 15: 16 . . . And I will rebuild the Tabernacle of David which has fallen!

God is not building two or three things. He is only building one thing and the one thing He is building is---HIS CHURCH!

Jesus said: I will build My Church (Mt 16: 18)


Paul said: You are God’s building (1 Cor 3: 9)


Peter said: you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house (1 Pet 2: 5)


Now notice the literal wording of the prophecy says, “I will raise up the fallen tabernacle of David . . . and rebuild it as in the days of old!


What was “The Tabernacle of David” and is it the same thing as The Tabernacle of MOSES? NO!

Most people do not realize that David even built a Tabernacle or utilized a Tabernacle.

   **Now with this in mind we must ask a question. Is the Church the way it is, anything like the Church that Christ is coming back to get?


**When we read about the things the early Church accomplished, even in the midst of tremendous persecution, don’t we have a longing in our hearts for a return to that kind of FAITH and POWER?

   **When we compare the Church in the book of Acts to the Church the way it is now, we must confess that God’s Present Building fits the description of David’s Tabernacle. Comparatively speaking, it  is in RUINS!

**In Ezra 3:11 we read about the day they laid the foundation of the Temple that was being rebuilt. Listen to what it says: All the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the Lord because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid!

**However there were some in Ezra’s day that did not shout and praise the Lord, but why? Because they had seen the first temple . . . and the people could not distinguish between the sound of those praising God and those who wept!


   **It is my humble opinion that part of God’s BIG Picture is that SOMETHING is being REBUILT and the thing that is being REBUILT is The CHURCH and it began on the day of Pentecost.


   **Why is God in the Process of Rebuilding His Church? God is rebuilding His Church because He know that  some thing needs to be”


2)                        RESTORED:

Amos 9: 11 In that day I will raise up the fallen Tabernacle of David . . .and rebuild it as in the days of old!

The Lord says that He is going to “raise up the fallen tabernacle of David” and He is going to “rebuild it as in the days of old”!

I wonder what it was like “in the days of old”?


David built his Tabernacle at a time when the Glory of God and the Power of His Presence had been lost!

The Ark of the Covenant which was the focal point of God’s Presence, Glory and Power in Israel, had been captured by the Philistines (type of flesh).

The Philistines returned it to Israel on “a new cart”. When David finally understood that the Presence, Glory and Power of God were not to be transported on a “Philistine cart” but rather “on the shoulders of sanctified men”, the Ark was finally returned to Mt. Zion and when it arrive there David put it in a “tent”!

When the Presence, Glory and Power of God were finally restored in Mt. Zion, the people of God entered into an entirely new ministry.

This was entirely different from the worship that took place at the Tabernacle that Moses built. This was a new order, it was a new thing and it definitely was A New Season!

Where do you think the Psalms came from? The Psalms were birthed at the Tabernacle of David!

God’s Presence, Glory and Power were transforming everyone who worshiped at David’s Tabernacle!

**So The APPLICATION that was INTENDED meant that “Something was going to be Rebuilt” (Davidic Worship) and that “Something was going to be Restored” (The Habitation of God’s Presence, Glory and Power)! And that “Something was going to be:


3)                        REVIVED:

Acts 3: 19 Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord! 20 and that He may send Jesus Christ who was appointed for you!


   **God is in the process of reviving Davidic worship. This is worship that is led by the Spirit and defined by the Truth!


   **This is worship that touches the heart, the emotions and ignites a passion that results in lives being transformed by the Power and Presence of God!


   **This is worship that is being REBUILT in the hearts and minds of a remnant of followers of Jesus. It is not a cultural thing but it is a BIBLICLA thing.


**It is a RESTORATION of the PRESENCE of GOD in the assembly of the saints!  This is worship that is Celebrative, Participative and Transforming!


**This is worship that is not interested in ritual or formalism but is only interested in the BLUE FLAME of the Fire of God!






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