Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Kingdom Is Near - Jesus teaching in parables.
Salt and Light
Jesus taught in parables to reveal Kingdom mysteries to true disciples
Jesus came, sent by the Father to break the curse and begin redeeming and restoring Creation to the Father.
How did He do that?
Yes, He died on the cross.
But He also took a stand against the work of the enemy and established His Kingdom in the hearts of people.
Turn to Luke 5 beginning at verse 27
Early in Jesus’ ministry.
Teaching by the sea and around the region of Galilee.
He called the first disciples.
Cleansed a leper, healed a paralytic, calmed a storm, called Matthew.
Jesus was doing what Jesus always did.
He was doing good.
He was teaching.
He was healing, casting out demons, eating with sinners.
The scribes and Pharisees were doing what they always did.
Followed Jesus, tried to trap Him.
Complained about everything He did.
Why did they have a problem with Jesus eating with sinners?
Religious spirit - mistaking the call to separate from sin as meaning to separate from sinners.
Righteousness based on outward action without inner transformation.
Beware the leaven of the Pharisees - the religious spirit
Eating = participation, relationship, fraternization, sharing something together, giving, accepting.
Ex. food sacrificed to gods.
As Jesus ate with tax collectors the Pharisees challenged Him on eating with sinners.
In the earliest parables Jesus reveals He is up to
Something New
Big Idea: Jesus came to establish something new.
New Purpose
Jesus used the doctor metaphor.
Not come to call righteous.
Calling sinners to repentance.
Jesus fulfilled the law.
Jesus came not with the purpose of calling the righteous, not to adhere to the law,
but to fulfill the law and establish Kingdom Law in our hearts.
Calling sinners to repentance.
Calling requires a response.
Not passive.
Not just answer.
But follow
Repentance = turning from your sin, turning to Jesus, actively following Him
Matthew got up, left his source of worldly riches, followed Jesus.
Continuing in verse 33 - “They” ask about John’s disciples
In Matthew and Mark it says John’s disciples come asking.
We fast but your disciples eat and drink
Now Jesus relates His new purpose to a
New Bride
Fasting – common practice of the religious leaders, John the Baptist and his disciples.
Seek God, listen for His voice.
In Matthew it says mourn - Not a funeral but a wedding
Wedding guests = friends of the groom serving at the wedding.
Did your wedding include a meal?
Did your guests eat and celebrate or did they cry and mourn like they would at your funeral?
Wedding and groom suggest there is a bride.
We learn later that the established Kingdom is the “bride”
Jesus and His disciples eat and celebrate while He is with them.
taken away from them = possibly violently, as in His death on the cross
Next Jesus talks about
New Cloth
In a practical sense - Luke says tearing new to patch old ruining both.
Matthew says unshrunk cloth patch on old garment.
In a spiritual sense - Garment = covering, character, righteousness of Christ rather than naked - self-righteousness, or old garment - the righteousness of following the law.
Metaphor for Grace.
Covering of grace rather than garment of law.
Jesus isn’t just patching the old garment.
He is providing Himself as a new covering.
Grace, New Life or New Character
Very likely holds with his first picture of a wedding, so this is wedding garment.
And the wedding feast with
New Wine
Practically, wine is squeezed grape juice that begins to ferment.
Wineskin is animal skin used to store new wine.
When old it is brittle and inflexible.
Old wineskins and old wine - vessels, people.
Wine represents doctrine, teaching, transformation, the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is bringing new wine and looking for those who are new wineskins to receive.
Someone who is satisfied with the old way, the old teaching, the familiar.
Even when God wants to do a new thing, they are inflexible and unwilling to receive.
How are we doing with that?
Do we want life to go back to the way it used to be? Are we looking for the era when we were young and things seemed better?
Or are we ready to face the new era, the culture as it is today?
Are we willing to accept the teaching, the Holy Spirit, the time and place where He has placed us?
Are we ready for a new outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit?
All of this together is pointing to the
New Kingdom
Jesus, establishing His Kingdom in the hearts of people who are willing to receive, willing to turn from their sin and follow Jesus.
People willing to become actively engaged in the battle to take back Creation for the King.
Rock’s past and Mt.
Rock’s future.
“The old wine is better” is a serious crime against what Jesus came to establish.
Let’s not fixate on what Mt.
Rock used to be.
Let’s celebrate our history and heritage.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9