Days Of Prosperity Part 2

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Days Of Prosperity Part 2

Kidz World Today - Children’s Church and Teen Growth Group
Luke 12:32 NLT
32 “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.
Confession of Faith
I am not moved by what I see or by what I feel. I am moved by what I believe. I believe the WORD of God! The victory is mine! I have it now! I can see it through the eyes of my faith!
Days Of Prosperity
In order to experience days of prosperity - you have to prepare your self!
Testify To God’s Work In Your Life
To have days of prosperity - you must speak what God is doing in your life!
In As the congregation assembled on the day of worship, they testified of God’s work in their lives. They celebrated God’s power and victory over their enemies.
When they did this And as they received a fresh anointing of God’s Spirit,
they were blessed and filled with joy.
To have Days of Prosperity requires you and me to be faithful to God and the things that are important to God
Psalm 92:10 NLT
10 But you have made me as strong as a wild ox. You have anointed me with the finest oil.
Psalm 92:11 NLT
11 My eyes have seen the downfall of my enemies; my ears have heard the defeat of my wicked opponents.
It’s Time To Flourish
Flourish Means to flower, blossom, bloom, break through, and to spread out
Enter Into a state of prosperity
Increase in wealth, favor and honor
Grow vigorously, exuberantly, enlarge and expand
Become extremely successful
Psalm 92:10–11 NLT
10 But you have made me as strong as a wild ox. You have anointed me with the finest oil. 11 My eyes have seen the downfall of my enemies; my ears have heard the defeat of my wicked opponents.
Psalm 92:12–15 NLT
12 But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. 13 For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. 14 Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. 15 They will declare, “The Lord is just! He is my rock! There is no evil in him!”
Worshiping and serving the Lord is the heart or center of our life. Everything we do flows from our devotion to God.
We all, need a fresh provision or renewing of God’s power on a regular basis.
We also need a fresh anointing of His Holy Spirit
Days of Prosperity come when God’s power gives us victory over our enemies (v. 11).
Remember, as long as we are alive and living for the Lord, we will have enemies.
Scripture says that our battles are spiritual battles and that our enemies are spiritual forces—not human
Verse 13 reminds us that being planted in God’s house—faithful in the church—is one of the most vital keys to these blessings (v. 13).
For Days of Prosperity personal worship is important. You cannot expect to be victorious, fruitful, and blessed if you do not spend time in God’s presence daily. But neither can you expect these blessings if you do not worship faithfully with God’s people, if you refuse or neglect to be faithfully involved in a local church.
When you are planted in God’s house, the testimony of the psalmist will become your testimony as well.
We will have a strong testimony to share with others, a witness of God’s wonderful work in our lives.
Get Ready To Flourish
Psalm 112:1–2 NKJV
1 Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, Who delights greatly in His commandments. 2 His descendants will be mighty on earth; The generation of the upright will be blessed.
Days of Prosperity occur when we delight in God’s commandments
The Generation of the Upright will be blessed
Proverbs 14:11 NLT
11 The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the godly will flourish.
Psalm 112:3 NKJV
3 Wealth and riches will be in his house, And his righteousness endures forever.
Trust In God!
Jeremiah 17:7–8 NKJV
7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord. 8 For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit.
Jeremiah 17:
Jeremiah 17:7–8 NLT
7 “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. 8 They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.
Jeremiah 17:7–8 The Message
7 “But blessed is the man who trusts me, God, the woman who sticks with God. 8 They’re like trees replanted in Eden, putting down roots near the rivers— Never a worry through the hottest of summers, never dropping a leaf, Serene and calm through droughts, bearing fresh fruit every season.
4 Promises when you Trust God
1. You will be blessed.
Your hope in the Lord will be rewarded (v.7).
2. You will be nourished by God and firmly rooted in life,
Like a tree planted by water that grows deep roots, enabling it to withstand any storm that sweeps across the land (v.8).
3. You will not fear when the trials of life come, but instead they will conquer them all (v.8).
You will be like a towering tree by the water that has green leaves even when the heat of the sun scorches the earth, for it has deep roots in the ground (the Lord).
4. You will never fail to produce fruit
You will be like a tree by the water that always has the nourishment it needs to produce fruit, even in a drought (v.8).
When you place your trust in the Lord you will be able to withstand all the trials, temptations, hardships, and misfortunes of life.
In Days of Prosperity - you will be victorious and know the peace, security, and protection of God.
You will experience the fullness of life and have the assurance of living eternally with Him.
You will be greatly blessed, for this is the wonderful promise of God.
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